Addiction in Son's Chart

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My understanding of Saturn is that at its best it can indicate stability, bonding and a long-lasting relationship. At its worst it indicates suppression and obstruction.
Correct. Two sides to a coin.

Saturn can provide stability, discipline and make one realistic/ pragmatic about life. On the downside, it can make one cold, rigid, mean and very dogmatic.
saturn is the lord of negativity, heaviness, coldness, isolation, death, crystals, also represents everything that lasts long time, strong structure.
strong saturn would suggest that person isn't afraid to get hands dirty when dealing with heavy situations, someone who's dealing well with isolation, negativity and who is very aware that life is limited and quite short.
but the best position for saturn is to stay solo in a sign, that it occupies in a chart. when theres any other planet in a sign together with saturn - saturn like an ill friend will starve it and weigh on it
That is quite an apt description of Saturn. However, there is a more beneficial side to Saturn also and what aspect it is in with a planet, as well as how strong this other planet is. For instance, Saturn in a trine to an exalted or dignified Venus with Venus ruling the career house, say, could mean gaining great status/ standing in career and mostly a pleasant relationship with authoritative figures. If Venus were weak in the chart and the aspect were a square, one could experience Saturn as friction with the boss/ authority or see them as obstacles in one's career path.
Moon/Saturn shows a restrictive, disciplinary mother who is sometimes seems harsh. This is show through your post that over worry and lead you to put restrains on your child who is still 4 years old and still have time to develop his personality. Addictive people had a troubling childhood, a non emotional fulfillment, absent parental figure. Providing your child with a loving, caring childhood and a moral/religious compass is the key to keep him away from bad things like drugs.

This is a good and apt reading of Saturn and quite a correct correlation of what can lead to addiction when growing up.
That is quite an apt description of Saturn. However, there is a more beneficial side to Saturn also and what aspect it is in with a planet, as well as how strong this other planet is. For instance, Saturn in a trine to an exalted or dignified Venus with Venus ruling the career house, say, could mean gaining great status/ standing in career and mostly a pleasant relationship with authoritative figures. If Venus were weak in the chart and the aspect were a square, one could experience Saturn as friction with the boss/ authority or see them as obstacles in one's career path.

There's not much beneficial stuff about saturn. Since saturn is the MALEFIC planet. it is the most malefic planet in a chart. And it is the second most malefic point in the chart after north node (the most malefic point).
But having strong saturn is of extreme value, no matter what aspects it makes.
There's not much beneficial stuff about saturn. Since saturn is the MALEFIC planet. it is the most malefic planet in a chart. And it is the second most malefic point in the chart after north node (the most malefic point).
But having strong saturn is of extreme value, no matter what aspects it makes.
As a traditionalist, you are looking at Saturn as a MALEFIC, and I don't underrate it as that either. It is in Saturn's character to be malefic because Saturn will punish you if you don't do 'the job' well because Saturn is authority and 'rules with an iron fist'. However, there are attributes that actually might not be malefic - e.g. hard work and taking responsibility seriously - other attributes of Saturn, but also punishing and failing one if one hasn't behaved responsibly, or not put in effort. That is important to keep in mind.

I understand what you are saying because I too lean towards trad. Astrology, but I do like to use my own head and experience every now and then also :wink:

No denying that hard, cold, bitter and dark are all 'qualities' of Saturn. I mean when does one associate gentleness, softness, sweetness and brightness with Saturn. However, I do not want to derail this thread and make it all about Saturn now.
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As a traditionalist, you are looking at Saturn as a MALEFIC, and I don't underrate it as that either. It is in Saturn's character to be a malefic. Also, there are attributes that actually might not be malefic - e.g. hard work and taking responsibility serious - other attributes of Saturn, but also punishing and failing one if one hasn't behaved responsibly, or not put in effort. That is important to keep in mind.

I understand what you say because I too lean towards trad. Astrology, but I do like to use my own head and experience every now and then also :wink:

No denying that hard, cold, bitter and dark are 'qualities' of Saturn. However, I do not want to derail this thread and make it all about Saturn now.

Well... im not a traditionalist or any other -ist, fascist, feminist. There are many descpritions of saturn. And i dont lean towards anything in life. I test things and come to unanimous conclusions. Im talking from my 12 years experience. I don't think you and me distinguish the malefic and benefic things in the same way. What i call benefic stuff is sweet, fun, soft, lucky, beautiful, balanced, expansion, growth, etc.; while malefic stuff is destruction, supression, limitation, hardness (be it hard work), isolation, separation (be it separation from bad friends), death (be it death of bad habits), etc.
In my view the malefic and benefic are all good. good is good and bad is good for me.

Can malefic stuff give positive outcome? Yes. It depends on the strength of that planet and ofcourse who you are as a person, and how are you capable and willing to deal with things.