Advice and Guidance Please

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2018

Hi everyone!

1st house Gemini - Mercury Square Midheaven
1st house Gemini - Venus Square Midheaven
7th house Capricorn - Saturn Square Midheaven
7th house Capricorn - Uranus Square Midheaven
12 house Taurus - Sun Sextile Midheaven

Thank You so much,
God Bless



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What are you doing now? What has been your education or job experience? If your dream career required you to return to school in a highly competitive field, could you manage it?

With your sun, moon, and Mercury in the 12th house, I am guessing you'd prefer to work behind the scenes, rather in the public eye. Is this correct?
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danix, do you enjoy working with your hands? I'm thinking registered massage therapist or esthetician.

sun and Jupiter in sensuous Taurus

Mercury rules the hands, domiciled in Gemini, conjunct moon

First house Venus.

I wouldn't discount being a doctor, but it's extremely tough to get into medical school and the hours aren't great. The 12th house, where your sun and moon are, rules hospitals, so you might also consider nursing, physiotherapy, or administration (if you don't care for hand-on patient care.)

Film may also be a tough field to get into professionally, but there's no reason not to try your luck with some Youtube short videos and see how you get on.

Finally, if you have a good eye for language, you might think of a field like editing or technical writing, which your domiciled Mercury and Saturn should do well at.

I don't see your chart needing to go in just one direction, but hopefully one of the above possibilities will appeal to you.
Hi everyone!

how are you? I am please looking for guidance, guidance, and advice from you. I know that this is a serious community and that they are always willing to offer a helping hand.

I really do not understand my birth chart very much, for this reason, I come to you. Currently, I have to decide on a professional career .... to give economic support to family and grow as a person.

Can you give me a hand with some advice and maybe tips about what career will be the right according to my chart? doctor? Filmmaker?

I have:

1st house Gemini - Mercury Square Midheaven
1st house Gemini - Venus Square Midheaven
7th house Capricorn - Saturn Square Midheaven
7th house Capricorn - Uranus Square Midheaven
12 house Taurus - Sun Sextile Midheaven

Thank You so much,
God Bless


I think you'd make a great life coach, therapist and filmmaker.
It looks like you are very good at being able to put yourself in another's shoes to understand different perspectives and how to proceed to get practical solutions.
The filmmaker because it looks like you would have the ability to understand the process of film making and how to make a film that others would enjoy :)
reyrpm - reposted and updated for ready ref
and feedbacks to kindly ack and care :

hope planetary inputs help adapt and integrate as relevant,
do share feedbacks how true-insightful-helpful,
traits-talents-strengths, trends-prospects,
ideas to pick and develop, etc etc :

sag-jup 7th inimical for gemini asc, stress-delays
in marriage-relationship-vocation-business;

sun-jup lord 7th taurus 11th, gains from spouse/marriage, business partners, and from
international hotel management, banking, nutrition, ENT, Advisory-teaching roles, etc
and gains from elders-teachers-gurus-consultants;
wear yellow sapphire over pendant touching heart;

sat now transit natal sat own cap 7th,
need for critical long-term decisions impacting next 30yrs,
growth-riches through public admin/mass supervision,
cap ambitious and hardworking, good at event management,

moon-venus-mer own gemini 12th, aptitudes for
psychometrics, pharma analytics, neurology, dermatology, pulmonology,
instrumental music, humor, writings, journalism, international business analyst, etc

moon-sat opp, stress in health and relationships;
fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits or as per custom;

natal ketu separative SNode virgo 3rd,
hyper-critical attitude/thinking,
good for audit-quality control-editorial roles;

rahu NNode pisces 9th, sensitive, foreign travels-pilgrimage;

mars 9th acq technical-innovative-scientific aptitudes;
spirituality through service of mankind;
mars lord 6th over 9th calling for extra efforts towards luck;
mars lord 11th for gains over 9th for luck;

ketu now 1.5yr transit mars-acq 9th, distant lands, distancing from father;
pain-injury-surgery thigh-leg-sciatica inflammatory pain;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers wed evenings at the alter at home;

jup now year ahead transit sag 6th opp moon,good for employment;
jup sag trine aries 10th supportive of career;
trine leo 2nd supportive of family-finances-education-speech;

wonder whether inclined to analytical nutrition technology and innovation;
and service to mankind through public admin and advisory roles;

wear emerald for asc lord mer over pendant for overall protection;

wishing well, kshantaram
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Thank You so much for your reply.
I never thought on Film! Will take it into consideration. :D
I think you'd make a great life coach, therapist and filmmaker.
It looks like you are very good at being able to put yourself in another's shoes to understand different perspectives and how to proceed to get practical solutions.
The filmmaker because it looks like you would have the ability to understand the process of film making and how to make a film that others would enjoy :)

Thank You so much Renaen591 - I never thought on Film. Will take it into consideration:bandit:
danix, do you enjoy working with your hands? I'm thinking registered massage therapist or esthetician.

sun and Jupiter in sensuous Taurus

Mercury rules the hands, domiciled in Gemini, conjunct moon

First house Venus.

I wouldn't discount being a doctor, but it's extremely tough to get into medical school and the hours aren't great. The 12th house, where your sun and moon are, rules hospitals, so you might also consider nursing, physiotherapy, or administration (if you don't care for hand-on patient care.)

Film may also be a tough field to get into professionally, but there's no reason not to try your luck with some Youtube short videos and see how you get on.

Finally, if you have a good eye for language, you might think of a field like editing or technical writing, which your domiciled Mercury and Saturn should do well at.

I don't see your chart needing to go in just one direction, but hopefully one of the above possibilities will appeal to you.

Hey waybread! Thank You so much for your reply.

Yes, I do enjoy working with my hands, but I enjoy more something that involves my creativity and imagination.

I really liked what you said about "I don't see your chart needing to go in one direction" and that is my main problem. I need to pick a path, stick with it and be the best.

Often I thought about Physiotherapy with Psychology & Nutrition in Sports, with all this maybe write something about Sports too.....but most of the time I can not decide on something and that is what really has me frustrated.

You also mentioned film, if it's something that I also like but I have not found the niche, YET.

What do you recommend me to do?

Re: advice

Danix, many people go through life without a clear sense of their vocation or calling in life. When this happens, you might think first about how you are going to earn and income and pay your bills. Of the careers that interest you, how practical is it for you to pursue them? How much money would you make, and starting by when?

Then consider developing some of your less lucrative interests as strong hobbies. Some people who have worked at a hobby for a long time are able to turn it into a business later on.