Well your south node on his Ascendant would show a past life connection. North node in the 7th means you were destined to have a relationship in this life, perhaps to fix whatever issues you had in past lives or to help him learn a lesson about relationships. His own south node is in his 12th and relatively close to his Ascendant, so he might keep falling back to his south node with an urge to be alone. Four of his planets fall into your 12th, so there's both an intense connection as well as mistrust. The planets that are falling into your 12th, he hides from you. Venus in 12th often is shown in secret affairs. And you put him on a pedestal with your Sun and Mercury in his 10th. You will often let him have his way. It's not a very romantic placement usually.
He's got a lot of water in his chart, so he can be quite moody, however very emotionally closed off with his Moon in 10th. This may cause problems in your relationship as it's sitting in your 7th. And that Mars hitting your 7th could spell frequent arguments. He really needs space in his relationships to express himself, and I'm not entirely sure you give him that with your Taurus DC loving dependability, stability and loyalty. Not to mention your Aries Venus in 5th that craves attention. He will often detach and leave you in the cold for periods of time. I feel like the second you withdraw from him, he's right back there in your face. Especially with your Moon conjunct his Pluto. Lots of push and pull and power issues happening here.
So to answer your question, was there a bond? Yeah. Are you both different? Yes. I think you enjoy interdependent partnerships, while he often needs his space.
I hope maybe that resonates a bit. If there's anything else I can answer, please let me know.
First, I want to thank you so much for reviewing the chart and taking time to reply back. It meant so much to me reading what you wrote.
Reading your description alone, I could swear that you maybe knew us.
You were spot on. He is very moody, but never really expresses his feelings until they burst out in this large wave of anger that flashes away just as soon as it came. He is very isolated and private person, always has been but i liked how simple and straightforward he was, and self discplined. It's one of the things i have always admired about him, because i am sort of the opposite and my emotions usually come out often, in high and low bites. We would argue frequently and there were tons of power issues us us butting heads. But we laughed so much too and also had many light hearted moments. i often felt our differences complimented eachother.
'I feel like the second you withdraw from him, he's right back there in your face.'
This has usually always been the case, when I would retreat he would come after me. But for one of the first times, he has not reached back out. This break up feels final and i wish it wouldn't have happened so abruptly.
Then the dreams. A week after we broke up, i had a dream that we were in a large, empty field together and there was large metal, hot-air balloon or net floating above us, all of a sudden it broke and came crashing down above us. We didn't know where it was going to land and automatically drew close to eachother to avoid it, but it fell right in between us with such force!
The other day, i had a dream we were riding bikes together in a neighborhood I grew up in, and it was lightly raining. We rode together for a while until it was time to go home.
Someone mentioned the possibility of us both going through our Saturn return as well.
Reading we possibly had lessons to teach eachother, i feel so bad because it feels like i failed. I should have been nicer, more understanding, softer.
Even if we stopped growing together I sincerely wish him only blessings going forward and for him to be happy, whether that is with me or somebody else. Or to find true love and strength within himself. Just felt like we both really had much growing up to do...