Age of Aquarius May Not Be So Great

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But honestly, he was a fruitcake...:wink: Sat behind a bedsheet hung outside in his back- yard with his Urim-Thuumin goggles, all kind of nutzoid stuff.

There Are Capricorn cons too.

note: He's barely in Capricorn sign for Tropical Sun - Sagittarius for Sidereal. :wink:,_Joseph

He was arrested prior to this for fraud - but finally, he found his niche.

How did the illiterate Joseph Smith translate the golden plates? He could only read a little English and he definitely didn't know any "reformed Egyptian." He also couldn't write. What's a prophet to do?

To translate, Smith said the angel Moroni gave him two transparent translation stones, Urim and Tummim, which he could use as magic glasses to read the plates. At first, Smith went through a series of scribes, who wrote down his words while he hid with the plates behind a blanket or curtain. Later, he would "translate" without even using the plates, seeing the text, via Urim and Tummim, in his "mind's eye."

Some say he simply copied from Freemasony:

And just like today, masses of people, were looking for something outside the ordinary, and this man sold it to them. Sound familiar?
His varied criminal history -
One fine morning in the middle of the Precession of the Equinoxes.... That very next morning, when there was nothing left of the Equinoxes, because the Precession had preceded according to precedent...

Rudyard Kipling
"East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet...."-{Rudyard Kipling}

But Eastern, Vedic astrology and Western, tropical astrology have their respective Aquarian Ages in the same timeframe though. A chance to finally meet, under the rulership of the Heavens?
Atlanteans had a warrior/Uranian streak which was also more negative of the sign then positive.

Yes, very creative, inventive for sure,but as with everything touching anywhere near planet earth, you have the black & white, the good, the bad in all.

An early decan Capricorn trait when the precession of ages moved into a more warring Sagittarius-Gemini age just when hypothetical Atlantis collapsed and vanished ... and the reincarnated Atlanteans are in the late decan Aquarius transition after the "bonded" age of Pisces/Virgo while the Aquarian age is also Leonine...and was Atlantis in the Capricorn age had a Cancer opposite (gender equality? in or to a certain degree.)
An early decan Capricorn trait when the precession of ages moved into a more warring Sagittarius-Gemini age just when hypothetical Atlantis collapsed and vanished ... and the reincarnated Atlanteans are in the late decan Aquarius transition after the "bonded" age of Pisces/Virgo while the Aquarian age is also Leonine...and was Atlantis in the Capricorn age had a Cancer opposite (gender equality? in or to a certain degree.)

According to Edgar Cayce who besides Plato was the one of the very few who talked about the existence of Atlantis being a "real continent", which spread from the northern/western region of the Atlantic Ocean, to the furthermost Eastern=Southern part of the Americas - (Bahamas, Mexico, Peru etc)

(I'm not good with geography so I'd need to go back to his readings for the locale. What I do recall however, is the continent broke up in different eras in pieces...The inhabitants went as far as Egypt, and as southern/eastern as South America. Meso-Americans ethnic that is why my DNA had a huge portion of Meso-American (peruvian, mexican, etc) when I was told by my living ancestors, that my father's side was Dutch,German, Welsh, English Irish, etc who flocked to the Amish country in PA. and to Colonial Maryland - (confirmed now by 30% DNA - and by my mother's side to France, Belguim, Canada, North American Indians intermarrying with French Canadians or even French. All confirmed by DNA. YET, it leaves that huge huge brown part on the map which is only explained as meso-Americans. All new to meas for inhabiting that part of the globe.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that most importantly when Edgar CAyce was asked about their descendants today of Atlantis, he said, "they descended into the Red Race"

This always stayed with me, now for 60 some years, when he said this, because my great grandparents are Indians from northern America.

NOW, I have the DNA which came in yesterday, tested and shows a remarkable map I"m still investigating. :pinched:

How old does the DNA go back anyway, when we are tested? How many thousands or multi-thousands of years can the scientists now discern root ethnicity? :unsure:
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I begin with the premise that both Vedic and tropical astrology have validity. And, that both provide a means for determining an Age-sign and therefore its rulership.

But, that the Vedic astronomy for doing that is necessarily different from the tropical astronomy.
one thing out of Trillions in a 2000 year age.

It lasts for the entire length of an Age, and increases the strength of the Age-sign rulership in the chart. It also makes for new developments in the way people live and what technology they invent and use. For the Aquarian Age, I believe it will also enhance our mental and psychic abilities.
In the tropical Age sequence, which is Direct (the Sidereal Age-sequence is Retro), the Cardinal-sign Ages are innovative, and pass the innovations on to the Fixed-sign Ages, which establish and expand upon them.

So, the Cardinal-sign Age of Capricorn has caused the new technology, which separates the modern world from the ancient. The innovations develop gradually, over the entire length of a Cardinal-sign Age, and culminate near its ending, which is where we are now. The Aquarian Age will inherit the contributions of this Age, then use what fits in with the Aquarian Age paradigm.
The reason the Cardinal-sign Ages take so long to evidence their final results, is resistance to change. The Fixed-sign Age is able to become effective immediately, once it starts, because there's already been enough acceptance of the Cardinal innovations, which are readily available.
According to Edgar Cayce who besides Plato was the one of the very few who talked about the existence of Atlantis being a "real continent", which spread from the northern/western region of the Atlantic Ocean, to the furthermost Eastern=Southern part of the Americas - (Bahamas, Mexico, Peru etc)

(I'm not good with geography so I'd need to go back to his readings for the locale. What I do recall however, is the continent broke up in different eras in pieces...The inhabitants went as far as Egypt, and as southern/eastern as South America. Meso-Americans ethnic that is why my DNA had a huge portion of Meso-American (peruvian, mexican, etc) when I was told by my living ancestors, that my father's side was Dutch,German, Welsh, English Irish, etc who flocked to the Amish country in PA. and to Colonial Maryland - (confirmed now by 30% DNA - and by my mother's side to France, Belguim, Canada, North American Indians intermarrying with French Canadians or even French. All confirmed by DNA. YET, it leaves that huge huge brown part on the map which is only explained as meso-Americans. All new to meas for inhabiting that part of the globe.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that most importantly when Edgar CAyce was asked about their descendants today of Atlantis, he said, "they descended into the Red Race"

This always stayed with me, now for 60 some years, when he said this, because my great grandparents are Indians from northern America.

NOW, I have the DNA which came in yesterday, tested and shows a remarkable map I"m still investigating. :pinched:

How old does the DNA go back anyway, when we are tested? How many thousands or multi-thousands of years can the scientists now discern root ethnicity? :unsure:

We don't know what race the Atlanteans are, but to link them with European and Native American (and East Asian, what if there was cross migration when the Arctic ocean wasn't frozen all year round) is sketchy at foremost. Lemurians were thought to be semi related to sub-Saharan Africans, Indians and Australoid peoples. This is pre-modern races of humanity, therefore I can't say Atlanteans were reddish-brown nor Lemurians were "black" or brown, but there were theories of "white" Hyperboreans in what's now the Middle East, Eurasia and Afrasia were some yellow-brown...theories whether are simply myth or can be proven by modern science which declared biological or anatomical or genetic races of humanity to be more, only or purely speculative social-political-cultural artificial constructs.
In the Aquarian age, the concept of race and culture is fluid when we're mixing into a majority "colorless" or "generic brown" race in the next 100-200-1000-2000 years. On a futurist South Park's post-COVID special (no spoilers) made it appear we won't have gender constructs nor labels regarding sexual orientation. And what is old, fat, poor, autistic, conservative or Libertarian, progressive or Liberal, and "human" (transhumanism) will be difficult to comprehend in the new age (or should I say how we define ourselves should be backed by evidence, Aquarians are "stereotypically" always looking into proof, even when the right to self-identify yourself is allowed, sorta).
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And the ushering of a new age (again, the power, energy and might of Aquarius) of a free open society by reduction of taboos or hard to handle topics in our everyday lives in a sick, sad world we live in. The concept of sex and procreation, how pregnancy and childbirth are viewed by personal experiences and in our society, and morals or ethics regarding sexual behavior are skewed, changed, and altered (hopefully for the better). And death: can we be cloned, our heads resurrected in new bodies or part-robotic suits, and our souls can return to them, as well in the entire world (including Judeo-Christian or globally, more secular majority countries) we're highly accepting a belief of reincarnation to new people in the next lives or backing evidence on most of us had past lives.
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I consider this to be both confirmation of Cayce's readings on the Indians (red race) and Atlanteans....

An it's amazing also to realize that "they" crossed somewhere/somehow into Druze- Israel.

I have DNA markers there too which now is explained better to me.

The family of languages to which the Potawatomi, Ottawa, and Ojibwa languages belong is intimately related to the Afro-Asiatic family of languages.i Interestingly enough, these same populations share a genetic relationship, as well. The greatest frequency of one particular genetic trait, mitochondrial haplogroup X2 (hereafter mt hap X2), among North American Indians occurs in the Ojibwa Indians (25%). And the greatest occurrence of mt hap X2 in Eurasia is among the Druze of southern Lebanon and northern Israel (11%). The purest expression of mt hap X2 in North America occurs in one particular Ojibwa subject, whose closest genetic relatives according to this marker are members of Mediterranean populations, rather than any other Indian subject found in North America! This is true in spite of the thousands of years and thousands of miles that separate them.ii

(note: This (underlined) is fascinating to me, because the same thing is in my DNA! Also I have no ancestry I am aware of that can claim meso-american except for very very other times.

The American mt hap X2 data reveal several other very important facts: two separate waves of populations bearing the genetic marker migrated to North America. The first wave of immigration occurred before or around the last glacial maximum, with a coalescence time of 23,000–36,000 years before present; and the second wave with a coalescence time of 12,000–17,000 years before present.iii

My note: There were TWO separate major climatic occurrences that broke up Atlantis for good.....Accdg. to Cayce, about 6,000 yrs in between the two separate distinct breakups of the continent.

At least one Ojibwa subject belongs to the first migration to America of mt hap X2 populations. By inference, other Algonquian speaking Indians do, as well. The readings confirm the coalescence date revealed by the geneticists:
…the entity was in Atlantis when there was the second period of disturbance – which would be some twenty-two thousand, five hundred (22,500) before the periods of the Egyptian activity covered by the Exodus; or it was some twenty-eight thousand (28,000) before Christ, see? (470–22)
The readings also state the Eastern Seaboard was among the lowlands of Atlantis. (364–13) The Atlanteans would only have had to relocate to the coastal areas to arrive at their new home when the rest of the continent went under.

(Atlantic coastal areas and Pacific coastal areas) (South American or meso-americans


Atlantic coastal areas....

Pacific Coast Areas .....
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This is pre-modern races of humanity, therefore I can't say Atlanteans were reddish-brown nor Lemurians were "black" or brown, but there were theories of "white" Hyperboreans in what's now the Middle East, Eurasia and Afrasia were some yellow-brown...theories whether are simply myth or can be proven by modern science which declared biological or anatomical or genetic races of humanity to be more, only or purely speculative social-political-cultural artificial constructs

I hear you, but I'm looking at the DNA of a Red descended woman, (my own), and seeing countries in which my ancestors never stepped foot in EXCEPT in perhaps very ancient times. That is why I asked, "just how long ago do they measure the DNA in normal DNA tests like or Heritage or all do??)

Eons, to the dinosaur, WHERE does it stop?:pouty:
The creator of a Bitcoin Etherium, is very focused, reminding me of one who is on the spectrum of Autism:

A large lot of planets in Aquarius -

With his Jupiter square the Sun

His Pluto square Mercury.

I always envisioned the future Age of Aquarius would be far more socialist (not communist), but more "one for all all - for one mentality" and move away from Capitalism.

Perhaps as Lennon wrote, "I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one".

Will this young man fit the bill for the future? He seems rather disgusted by those same capitalists who have wrecked the reputation somewhat for "unsavory-ness" in piling up wealth in Bitcoin to avoid taxes and launder money.
Remember this is only the beginning of the Age and the transition from Pisces to Aquarius is occurring, like birth. Note how the planets are clustered around Pisces and Aquarius in this chart of the war:

Well, neither Pisces nor Aquarius are warlike Signs. Putin's Mars is in Sagittarius, which in his particular case, is making him feel that war is his only option.

So, VERY fortunate that the stellium is in compassionate Signs. Notice that nearly everyone, world-round, is feeling compassionate about the devastation in the Ukraine, and is blaming Putin.
Well, neither Pisces nor Aquarius are warlike Signs. Putin's Mars is in Sagittarius, which in his particular case, is making him feel that war is his only option.

So, VERY fortunate that the stellium is in compassionate Signs. Notice that nearly everyone, world-round, is feeling compassionate about the devastation in the Ukraine, and is blaming Putin.

Those darn semi-squares are always worse end results then the square aspect, and in his natal, Mars is semi-square Venus in Scorpio!

The surprise? - His Mars is conjunct the GC (Galactic Center) It's therefore thought to be in effect affecting the entirety of the collective, and indeed he is.
Those darn semi-squares are always worse end results then the square aspect, and in his natal, Mars is semi-square Venus in Scorpio!

The surprise? - His Mars is conjunct the GC (Galactic Center) It's therefore thought to be in effect affecting the entirety of the collective, and indeed he is.

As far as it impacting the entire world, I attribute that to Pluto currently being conjunct the cutting edge of the tropical Age Window.

In Elena's chart for Putin, Pluto appears to be at the heart of the matter.
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