Air moon signs

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Jun 10, 2010
South Carolina, USA
Has anyone noticed a pattern with Air moon signs? They seem to have a tendency to overanalyze every thing, come to false generalizations, and nitpick the faults of others. I've just come to notice these with them. Gemini moon has been the worst of all of them that I've encountered. Opinions?

I'm a cappy moon, by the way. I tend to follow how I feel in logical patterns without analyzing things to extremes.
:annoyed: Okay so like because your moon is in detriment you need to take it out on air moons via 'false generalizations'? And yes my moon is in gemini; were you burnt by one or something?
The air signs are also known as human signs their generally consider more civilized by traditional astrology, they analyse because they don’t rely on raw emotions, so their response is generally more impartial then say a cappy. :biggrin:
Has anyone noticed a pattern with Air moon signs? They seem to have a tendency to overanalyze every thing, come to false generalizations, and nitpick the faults of others. I've just come to notice these with them. Gemini moon has been the worst of all of them that I've encountered. Opinions?

I'm a cappy moon, by the way. I tend to follow how I feel in logical patterns without analyzing things to extremes.

I think Gemini Moon's get a bad rap. They are in general in my opinion, very warm and loving and actually quite funny. :happy:

I think you have to consider the aspects the Moon makes to the other natal planets too, also house placement. These things will bring out the positive and negative tendencies of all Moon placements....let's face it, they all have their good and bad sides....
I agree that the air Moon signs are prone to being unfairly judged. They're very loving, but in their own way; just as the other Moon signs are. Personally, I adore Gemini Moons most of all (among what I've encountered). They can be a bit annoying at times to my Aries Moon by being indirect, but it's their nature, and in many ways it's a pleasant frustration -- to me, at least. :w00t:
Well i do have a Moon in Gemini, it's in the 1st house conjunct both Mercury and Jupiter. I think for the most part the conjunction of jupiter keeps me from venturing off into the details too much, and mercury seems to help with the stabilizing of emotions.

I enjoy finding the humor in everything, especially social scenario's! I probably appear somewhat detatched and distant to others. I have a grand water trine involving my Sun so i do feel very deeply.. i just express it through my Gemini nature.

And yes im very indirect, sometimes cryptic in how i write and speak.. but i love the play on words.

I do get along rather well with earth moon's, they seem to provide that practicality which i lack, while im going through every possible scenario of how something could happen they've already decided on the simplest solution. Its a good balance.

i love it!!!
all the gem moon's congregating heayah...
i have gemini moon ~ in 11th
a lot of people think i'm full of air.
actually a deep thinker, though.
moon~plto square ~ both mercury ruled.
oy, if people only knew what i really thought!
air moons are good if chart is otherwise watery.
air moons don't particularly "get" earthy moons, vice versa, probably because air feels ideas and earth senses practical reality.
Yeah, it's not like I have anything against any moon signs. I'm not singling the lunar airs out, I'm just pointing out that I've noticed a pattern. I've dated two guys who were lunar Librans, have many friends and family members with Aquarius, and was recently romantically involved with a lunar Gemini. He asked me to date him, but when it came down to it, we had to analyze ever little piece of why I felt the way I felt for him. It's not a bad thing, it's just a little annoying when it gets to the point that you have to analyze emotions instead of just accepting the fact that you feel them :p
Yeah, it's not like I have anything against any moon signs. I'm not singling the lunar airs out, I'm just pointing out that I've noticed a pattern. I've dated two guys who were lunar Librans, have many friends and family members with Aquarius, and was recently romantically involved with a lunar Gemini. He asked me to date him, but when it came down to it, we had to analyze ever little piece of why I felt the way I felt for him. It's not a bad thing, it's just a little annoying when it gets to the point that you have to analyze emotions instead of just accepting the fact that you feel them :p

Mmm I guess that was a fundamental incompatibility between you two. I personally enjoy taking part in those sorts of analyses. Might you have done anything that could have been construed as distant or uncaring, in turn prompting him to initiate these "sessions"? The pragmatic/bluntened/taciturn effect implicative of the cappie moon (aspects and other chart factors aside) mightn't have instilled him with a lot of confidence.
What about moon in aquarius? :unsure:

People with moon in Aquarius are awesome. For example, me. lol jk jk XD

Anyways, getting back onto the topic. For the most part it is true that air moon signs like to analyze through things. As an Aquarius, I just have the habit of analyzing my just makes me feel more grounded I suppose. Also, knowing the reason behind my emotions help me connect with others better. Although, I do admit despite that I like people and all, I also like some personal space. I know I love people, but I love them from a distance. I guess the habit of analyzing emotions and the need for space are a couple of aspects that make me seem detached at times. Just my two cents.
For the most part it is true that air moon signs like to analyze through things. As an Aquarius, I just have the habit of analyzing my just makes me feel more grounded I suppose. Also, knowing the reason behind my emotions help me connect with others better. Although, I do admit despite that I like people and all, I also like some personal space. I know I love people, but I love them from a distance. I guess the habit of analyzing emotions and the need for space are a couple of aspects that make me seem detached at times. Just my two cents.

Mmhm that is so like me (gemini moon opp uranus); while I absolutely love people, I do require a fairly generous dose of space, as I easily feel stifled. I have pulled away from many of my more 'high maintenance' friends in the past, disappearing in that irritatingly pisces mars manner, as if absorbed back into the aether. I am very devoted in romantic love but realize now that it's healthy to cultivate a degree of autonomy.
Analyzing, as i see it, is more merc saturn, virgo cap stuff. .air signs like ideas. they don't analyze ideas, they create them.
air signs are intellectually oriented, tell me why? tell me how?
curiousity. data banks. info gatherers. info managers..din't hate the sign for the moon. hate the moon.
it's the wild card, the ringer, the one who rolls in and out with "you got a problem with this?"
popeye is what he is, but more moonly than sunly because moon decides sun's actions for mars to carry out.
that's why i got almost ratfu*cked with moon gem mars cancer and puto merc ruled.
moon makes everything these days.
when we're most threatened, we r.tighten up like crabs in fetal position.
Comfort zones are always hardest to cross.
Moon earth and air are BRILLIANT at practical business. Mind meets Form.
It's really all about what you're in it for.
As a Gemini Moon myself, I'd have to say that you're correct, OP, that Air Moon people are analytical, but the Moon is an inward planet; the native tends to be more self-analytical. Like all traits or placements, I hope you understand, this can have both its benefits and drawbacks. Which of them weigh more in the end is largely the result of aspects. An Air Moon squared by Saturn will manifest very differently than an Air Moon trined by Jupiter.

I'd be very cautious though of asserting that Air Moons make false generalizations; that's, in a sense, like the pot calling the kettle black.
analyzing and findin faults are virgo traits (negative ones). moon in air (gemini) is chatty, restless, and very changeable (hot and cold). don't think they are emotional type, prefer to keep things light. i have virgo/gemini (sun/moon) combination and i can be quiet to talkin too much. people think im funny and so random (weird too). i even heard someone called me a chameleon...don't know what that means.
I know this old but I want to respond because I'm a lunar Gemini.
I can overanalyze things sometimes and look to deeply into it, when it comes to school work sometimes.
My mother says that I need to stop physcoanalyzing everyone.
She calls me little Dr. Phil or Dr.Phil JR.
I actually like the trait of being able to analyze every situation, why would someone not want to tap into other people's feelings, it gives me a sense of power over them, because you can know things to say to get the reaction that you want out of them, I think it's an awesome thing, maybe some people see it as a bad thing but it's cool. I have my moon in the 8th house, so I don't really know if it makes me a bad gemini moon, cause scorpio rules 8th house and is known for like manipulation and so is Gemini so that could enhance it. I like some of the earth sign moons well just Taurus in particular. I would think that Capricorn and Gemini would sort of be a work in progress in emotional styles because it is said that the Capricorn is supposed to be logical and unemotional but I don't think that they are on the level of an lunar air sign, because earth signs are PRACTICAL, and air signs are LOGICAL, more logical than earth signs, I think that sometimes people loose sight of that, I'm pretty sure lunar earth signs are more emotional than a lunar air sign, just saying.
I have a tendency to overanalyze everything myself but I'm a virgo moon so I don't think it's just the air moon signs.
I have an Aqua moon.

My best friend just so happens to have a Gemini moon, and I've found her to be ridiculously moody. Her feelings about things tend to be unpredictable, and she likes to take a very mercurial approach in dealing with her emotions.
She has a tendency to get annoyed very easily, but she gets over things just as soon. I am aware of another Gemini moon who is also very moody. You can never tell whether you'll get on their good side or their bad side. Another factor of my observation is their need to be constantly productive or preoccupied with something. They also need a flood of social stimulation, but are fairly critical about people. They do however, share the placement of Venus in Aries, so I don't know if those energies are perhaps contributing to their behaviors.

When it comes to myself, I have moon receiving mercury in Cancer. Generally a moon in Aquarius would be inclined to intellectually fixate on their emotions, understanding them out of analysis, but I tend to feel overwhelmed by them. I have great difficulty in analyzing my emotions; this could be because Aquarius can be out of touch with their emotions (as other air signs may be) or because I'm too busy feeling them. Perhaps it is a mix of both. To add to that, in the occasion of analyzing my emotions, I tend to feel very uncomfortable. I feel best just letting them be. When I think about it, a very dull depressing feeling comes over me. I feel the need to be distracted from the reality of feeling sometimes.
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Has anyone noticed a pattern with Air moon signs? They seem to have a tendency to overanalyze every thing, come to false generalizations, and nitpick the faults of others. I've just come to notice these with them. Gemini moon has been the worst of all of them that I've encountered. Opinions?

I'm a cappy moon, by the way. I tend to follow how I feel in logical patterns without analyzing things to extremes.
My Moon is Aqua.

I wouldn't call myself overly analytic. What I found is that Aqua Moons are extremely technical people. Doing research and digging up hidden gems that other people simply overlook is something else I'm great at. You can call me the archaeologist, although I think this stems from the combo of my Sun AND Moon. My tendency is to ask questions that other people don't and to look more than once.

Gemini Moons are the best at being technical, Gemini is hands down the most quick minded and hands on Air Sign imo.

I love to generalize and couldn't care any less about being politically correct. I use more analogies than your favorite rappers.

I do nitpick the faults of others, but that's more than just my Aqua Moon influence. Being brutally and decisively ruthless isn't a trait I can say I seen among Aqua types. I've been accused of lacking sympathy, SATURN MOON ftw. Other peoples' emotions isn't high on my list of interest.
i have a virgo-libra moon square uranus, i agree with those statements, i cant stand most ideology. but its also way different than that im very in to order of harmony and innovation.