Jamie Oliver is one with lot´s of air. But if I´m not mistaken he lacks water not fire.
My Ex was lots of air - and lacked earth and fire.
He was (or still is) RESTLESS! Quick in mind, streetwise, clever but no patience to study. He was a school drop-out but has had profitable business anyway. He has succeeded better than average so far, considering his educational level.
He´s gemini so he is very talkative and communicative. He finds it difficult to make real friends. Instead of friends he has made himself three kids. Earlier he made only female friends, but that was not a good solution
From what I have heard from him lately he has absolutely no real male friends. He makes friends with some mom´s at the daycare center and that is OK with his wife cause they´re married too. Go figure. He´s not interested in sex in any other ways than making babies or simply as an outlet w/o affection or erotic interests. Many think he´s a hidden homosexual. Earlier he had some bisexual male friends and his wife looks like a man. After we broke up we became good friends. It was harder for him than for me. We met when we were young and I also think he saw the tomboy in me. He did not like when I wanted to grow up.
He wants to move often, always exploring places and new job/relations opportunities. But wait no, he´s not a backpacker type! He only travels what he thinks is civilized

Mostly he likes business travels. He´s rather sporty but not a runner.
I do agree that we really don´t lack any element. I found out my air qualities a few years ago! I have a lot of earth in my chart, maybe that´s why he chose me. And his now wife is virgo. I think water and fire is what he is most unfamiliar with. You know deep things like scorpio or pisces. Whenever I talked anything like that he was just "yeah yeah but let´s not go there". Life is easy when you never think any further. He has gone far by never thinking too much. Never philosophy like a sag
He has a great ability to
see things, patterns and even outcomes. That´s what makes him successful. And those are abilities you don´t talk with other men, or businessmen. He once had a business where 95 % of the employees were female. Troubles began when a male boss came into the picture.
Now he´s more of a sole proprietor of his business. He also lacks a father figure. His father died early but he had been quite absent before his death too. He does seek father figures in elder businessmen.
He also is the one always getting into legal affairs. In my opinion sticking to earth and daily routines can be a problem to anyone. To this guy certainly just sticking to it long after the fun has gone is a way. And then when he finds some spare time and energy; looking for new horizons (very gemini) . Even now he´s married with three kids he is looking for ways to change his life. The kids having to move all the time and change schools - such things he does not give a thought. He says he´s continuosly surfing real estate sites...