Air people with no fire

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Jun 27, 2012
what theyre like? i mean few examples if u have. becuase i saw charts of famous people or people i know with dominant fire and air and they just live! u can see them like a flame with no problem to outer life. i think fire people with no air are less worst at it like opposite :annoyed:
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I'm virtually all air and have 1 fire- Sagittarius Neptune (generational).
As for your question about what are people like me like? Compared to who?
I'm virtually all air and have 1 fire- Sagittarius Neptune (generational).
As for your question about what are people like me like? Compared to who?

I'm air too,not completely of course,but air is dominant...

The preponderance of Air signs suggest a strong emphasis on thought, ideas and intellectual pursuits of one sort or another. There is a detachment and a sense of objectivity associated with such a heavy influence in the element of Air. Air signs communicate and express ideas with mental agility. Your Air signs may not, however, always get the job done, and you need to be sure ideas are grounded in reality and put to practical use. You are probably more concerned with theory than with application. Often, individuals having a heavy amounts of Air signs become the impractical dreamers, constantly thinking, but not always following through as well as others. Rational and logical, you analyze situations fully, thinking them through and planning carefully before you act. While you may ponder and vacillate, you rarely make foolish mistakes. Detached and not overly emotional, you are almost always objective and fair-minded. You are people-oriented, but more inclined toward the group than the individual. Your interests are varied, and you're apt to be a life-long student.
Well, if you want to examine someone with tons of air, look at Jennifer Jason Leigh's chart- 7 planets in Aqua, Asc in Gemini

I'm kinda similar- 3 planets in Libra, 3 in Gemini, Libra Asc
Say hello to an Air people with no Fire. :whistling: Seriously, and these are just my own thoughts, as someone with a preponderance of Air (ASC, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Libra) a grand trine in Earth (Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Taurus, and Mars in Capricorn) offset by Moon in Pisces. On the surface, it would appear that there is no fire whatsoever in my chart, but I <think> way too much emphasis is given to the number of planets in any one element, without considering the weight of those planets (are they the lights? What are their aspects? What is their "condition?" What is the condition of their ruler?...and on and on...)

The elements are only one small thing in each chart, and we can find them everywhere. The whole idea of "Earth, Air, Fire, Water" is based on Aristotelian Logic

So, let's think about this logically. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water...but...what else, other than planets, are in these signs? Points, like the four that make up the horoscope? The ASC, DSC, MC and IC? Those count for a heck of a lot. PoF? Part of Spirit? What about the planets that rule those Fire signs? How are they configured? Which houses are in the fire signs? What are their rulers doing?

My point is that, even if on the surface it appears that there is a lack of one element in the chart, that element still exists somewhere. It could be the planet that carries the energy, or it could be the sign on the cusp of the house (or the entire house if you use whole signs like I do.) If we go with this idea, there is never really a "lack" of any one element in the chart. And for me? DSC and PoF/PoS in Aries, all angles in cardinal signs (an equation to fire?) and Mars exalted. Plenty of fire there if you look for it?
I have air and lots of water!

I believe Heidi Klum has lots of air.
Catherine Zeta Jones air(stellium in libra) and fire(saturn in aries)

(Im not saying there always is) but fire and air combination could lead to a bit of an inabalance or polarised energies.

obviously as always it depends on the whole chart etc.
I like people with half air, half fire. Yes, they do combust pretty much all the time LOL but they're pretty fun and it's always entertaining around them.
Well, I have a question for people with no sextile energy to their main energy. Especially air...
what brings you down to earth? How do you do with the necessary jobs that are mundane and repititious? Cleaning your home, doing family shopping, getting to work on time and staying for overtime when you really don't want to?
How do you do with the physical limitations - when you'd rather not be tethered.

I'd have similar questions for those with mostly fire and no air. What do you notice as your shortcomings when it comes to dealing with the mundane and routine things in life? STICKING to a task when the enthusiasm is totally GONE?

I have 6 planets in air in fire. But if I didn't have Mars in Virgo (angular) I think I would be a space cadet! I do have the benefics in Cancer and that helps - but I can see how easily I could live only in my head if they were airy.
Only time and continually bringing my focus back around to grounding myself has helped!

I am a lot of hot air, lol.
I'm also a saturn/jupiter on the asc. squared Capricorn sun/merc.

I haven't gotten it all together just yet, but am much closer than I was even a few months ago.

Concurrent with my jupiter/saturn trine going on now, I am finally secure in the direction that I would like to head and am making my teeny tiny baby steps that direction.

I also have Saturn conjunct natal Pluto and Pluto squaring natal Saturn/Jupiter at the moment, so trying for much more than baby steps is asking a bit too much anyway. Still, I feel the conscious focus switching to actually DOING as opposed to thinking.
You will very often find that if a person lacks a planetary or angle activation of an element, that element is prominent in the duad charts. You can read more about duad charts at

In addition, the house cusps that contain that element are often very important in the chart - and life- of the person.

Frequently a planet connected to that element is angular, in the case of fire this would be Mars, Sun or Jupiter.

No one really lacks any element, its just that they don't have a planet activating that element so almost always the person seeks out people who have that element activated in abundance and forms an important relationship with them. This relationship enables continuous activation of that element.

Interestingly, the Four Pillar and/or Tzu Wei chart in Chinese astrology often has that element strongly featured, so one form of astrology compensates for the other.

Wouldn't say it's much better to have a fire dominant chart and zilch air. There's a lot of energy and ideas, but no way to express it easily - at least that's how I feel. Kinda smolders the flame if you know what I mean...
I am libra sun and I have no fire in my chart... It's funny cause I am energetic and dynamic :tongue: The absence of fire in a chart can be exceeded by a strong mars or a very good position. My mars is conjunting asc with 0 orb - that's why i am energetic. The sun-mars square also helps.
No one really lacks any element, its just that they don't have a planet activating that element so almost always the person seeks out people who have that element activated in abundance and forms an important relationship with them. This relationship enables continuous activation of that element.

I have no fire in chart.
This is true for me. very attracted to fire signs as friends and partners(aries and sagi not leo though!)
Also chinese astrology Im born in the year of fire goat!
Jamie Oliver is one with lot´s of air. But if I´m not mistaken he lacks water not fire.

My Ex was lots of air - and lacked earth and fire.

He was (or still is) RESTLESS! Quick in mind, streetwise, clever but no patience to study. He was a school drop-out but has had profitable business anyway. He has succeeded better than average so far, considering his educational level.

He´s gemini so he is very talkative and communicative. He finds it difficult to make real friends. Instead of friends he has made himself three kids. Earlier he made only female friends, but that was not a good solution :confused:

From what I have heard from him lately he has absolutely no real male friends. He makes friends with some mom´s at the daycare center and that is OK with his wife cause they´re married too. Go figure. He´s not interested in sex in any other ways than making babies or simply as an outlet w/o affection or erotic interests. Many think he´s a hidden homosexual. Earlier he had some bisexual male friends and his wife looks like a man. After we broke up we became good friends. It was harder for him than for me. We met when we were young and I also think he saw the tomboy in me. He did not like when I wanted to grow up.

He wants to move often, always exploring places and new job/relations opportunities. But wait no, he´s not a backpacker type! He only travels what he thinks is civilized:joyful: Mostly he likes business travels. He´s rather sporty but not a runner.

I do agree that we really don´t lack any element. I found out my air qualities a few years ago! I have a lot of earth in my chart, maybe that´s why he chose me. And his now wife is virgo. I think water and fire is what he is most unfamiliar with. You know deep things like scorpio or pisces. Whenever I talked anything like that he was just "yeah yeah but let´s not go there". Life is easy when you never think any further. He has gone far by never thinking too much. Never philosophy like a sag:lol:

He has a great ability to see things, patterns and even outcomes. That´s what makes him successful. And those are abilities you don´t talk with other men, or businessmen. He once had a business where 95 % of the employees were female. Troubles began when a male boss came into the picture.

Now he´s more of a sole proprietor of his business. He also lacks a father figure. His father died early but he had been quite absent before his death too. He does seek father figures in elder businessmen.

He also is the one always getting into legal affairs. In my opinion sticking to earth and daily routines can be a problem to anyone. To this guy certainly just sticking to it long after the fun has gone is a way. And then when he finds some spare time and energy; looking for new horizons (very gemini) . Even now he´s married with three kids he is looking for ways to change his life. The kids having to move all the time and change schools - such things he does not give a thought. He says he´s continuosly surfing real estate sites...