Algol during 2022

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Jan 8, 2022
From January to May Algol is between 3-0-3° degrees with the nodes, creating a conjunction with the North Node and an opposition with the South Node. The North Node will be in Taurus, since Algol is about 26° degrees there, and the South Node will be in Scorpio.

During March Algol reach 0° degrees with the nodes; there will be a trine on the North Node and a sextile on the South Node with Pluto, Mars and Venus too. Pluto, Mars and Venus will be in Capricorn and all of them will create a conjuction with each other too.

Jupiter will create a conjunction with the Sun and Neptune, while Saturn will create a conjuction with Mercury and the Moon, those latter will also create a conjuction with each other. Neptune, Jupiter and the Sun will be in Pisces, while the Moon, Mercury and Saturn will be in Aquarius.

Uranus will create a square with the Moon, Mercury and Saturn, while creating a sextile with the Sun and Jupiter. Uranus will be in Taurus.

Now, let's start explaining:

Algol is considered "the Demon Star" and it brings violence, catastrophes and many times during history when it had a conjunction with another astrological object it brought a tragic event of some kind.

All of those trines, conjunctions and squares within houses and planets with strong concepts can easily be interpreted as a REALLY influencing event coming up and, since it involves the nodes and planets like Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Pluto it will be pure chaos.

There will be a new moon in Pisces on March 2th too, curiously enough.
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From January to May Algol is between 3-0-3° degrees with the nodes, creating a conjunction with the North Node and an opposition with the South Node. The North Node will be in Taurus, since Algol is about 26° degrees there, and the South Node will be in Scorpio.

During March Algol reach 0° degrees with the nodes; there will be a trine on the North Node and a sextile on the South Node with Pluto, Mars and Venus too. Pluto, Mars and Venus will be in Capricorn and all of them will create a conjuction with each other too.

Jupiter will create a conjunction with the Sun and Neptune, while Saturn will create a conjuction with Mercury and the Moon, those latter will also create a conjuction with each other. Neptune, Jupiter and the Sun will be in Pisces, while the Moon, Mercury and Saturn will be in Aquarius.

Uranus will create a square with the Moon, Mercury and Saturn, while creating a sextile with the Sun and Jupiter. Uranus will be in Taurus.

Now, let's start explaining:

Algol is considered "the Demon Star" and it brings violence, catastrophes and many times during history when it had a conjunction with another astrological object it brought a tragic event of some kind.

All of those trines, conjunctions and squares within houses and planets with strong concepts can easily be interpreted as a REALLY influencing event coming up and, since it involves the nodes and planets like Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Pluto it will be pure chaos.

There will be a new moon in Pisces on March 2th too, curiously enough.

The fixed stars are said to have an orb of 1 degree. So, it shouldn't be a problem.
The fixed stars are said to have an orb of 1 degree. So, it shouldn't be a problem.
Actually, it depends on the magnitude:
Fixed stars with a magnitude of one (1) = 3 degree orb.
Fixed stars with a magnitude of two (2) = 2 degrees orb.
Fixed stars with a magnitude of three (3) = 1 degrees orb.

Exceptions are royal stars and behenian stars, which can be always considered with 3 degrees orb since they're relevant ones; Algol is one of them.

Algol is around 2.5 and can be considered 2 degrees orb, if you consider it as a behenian star it's 3 degrees orb.

Even so, during March it's literally 0 degrees orb, since the North Node literally transit on 26° in Taurus. So...yeah, it affects and A LOT.
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Interesting, thanks! What’s your source?
The magnitude is pretty subjective, it can range from 10 to 1 for a magnitude one and from 1 to 0.15 for a magnitude equal or lower to three. Since many fixed stars can't literally work with the "one degree orb-rule" some uses the "1/3-2/2-3/1 rule" I explained before.

Royal fixed stars are considered the highest orb by some because they're really influential, since they're called "guardians" or connected to the archangels. They're just four fixed stars: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut.

Behenian fixed stars are really influential too because they were considered connected with the occult and alike during medieval times. They're fifteen fixed stars: Alcyone, Aldebaran, Algol, Algorab, Alkaid, Alphecca, Antares, Arcturus, Capella, Deneb Algedi, Procyon, Regulus, Sirius, Spica And Vega.
The magnitude is pretty subjective, it can range from 10 to 1 for a magnitude one and from 1 to 0.15 for a magnitude equal or lower to three. Since many fixed stars can't literally work with the "one degree orb-rule" some uses the "1/3-2/2-3/1 rule" I explained before.

Royal fixed stars are considered the highest orb by some because they're really influential, since they're called "guardians" or connected to the archangels. They're just four fixed stars: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut.

Behenian fixed stars are really influential too because they were considered connected with the occult and alike during medieval times. They're fifteen fixed stars: Alcyone, Aldebaran, Algol, Algorab, Alkaid, Alphecca, Antares, Arcturus, Capella, Deneb Algedi, Procyon, Regulus, Sirius, Spica And Vega.

I mean what are your sources. I am aware of the stars you mention, because I have books on fixed stars. Some have the ones you mentioned in one book others are of individual stars or asteroids. That’s why I want to know what you are using for a source of your orbs.

I mean what are your sources. I am aware of the stars you mention, because I have books on fixed stars. Some have the ones you mentioned in one book others are of individual stars or asteroids. That’s why I want to know what you are using for a source of your orbs.

This post is about different ideas from various astrologers in regards of what orb you should use for fixed stars:
The nodes are on a 18.6 year cycle, so to see what happened the last time Algol was conjunct the north node, I look at an ephemeris from 2003. The exact conjunction happened on July 25, 2003. I didn't find much of note happening that day. The guy who wrote "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" died.
The nodes are on a 18.6 year cycle, so to see what happened the last time Algol was conjunct the north node, I look at an ephemeris from 2003. The exact conjunction happened on July 25, 2003. I didn't find much of note happening that day. The guy who wrote "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" died.

I think you forgot it:

The actual conjunction started around April 25th, during that time many events related to such war happened.
Algol in Jan 2022 during a month of 2 new moon (one in Capricorn, the other in Aquarius) and Uranus which is the modern ruler of Aquarius and so e say, coruler of Capricorn is within the range of Taurus, adjacent to the kuiper belt objects eris in Aries and sedna in Taurus (harbingers of mass destruction, disaster of a very high magnitude and crisis of a grand scale).
Algol in Jan 2022 during a month of 2 new moon (one in Capricorn, the other in Aquarius) and Uranus which is the modern ruler of Aquarius and so e say, coruler of Capricorn is within the range of Taurus, adjacent to the kuiper belt objects eris in Aries and sedna in Taurus (harbingers of mass destruction, disaster of a very high magnitude and crisis of a grand scale).

Yeah...usually I don't use asteroids but if you consider them it's even more obvious.
Fixed stars and asteroids are a pretty cool adventure. The myth, I find to be an essential read, I like to read many versions of a myth, before looking at the astrology books, which in my somewhat humble opinion, in the end are the same thing.

The astrological books help, with signs and houses, the myth tells the story, from their innocent beginnings to their sometimes sordid ends.

Some books only consider the conjunction, to me, if the aspect or transit is tight, it matters not which aspect it is, it is.
Fixed stars and asteroids are a pretty cool adventure. The myth, I find to be an essential read, I like to read many versions of a myth, before looking at the astrology books, which in my somewhat humble opinion, in the end are the same thing.

The astrological books help, with signs and houses, the myth tells the story, from their innocent beginnings to their sometimes sordid ends.

Some books only consider the conjunction, to me, if the aspect or transit is tight, it matters not which aspect it is, it is.
I consider any aspect, it doesn't matter what kind of object it is. And yes, fixed stars and asteroids are interesting.
In Talmudic Law, Algol was Adam’s first wife Lilith. Algol stands for everything that men fear of the feminine. She is the passionate lover and professional worker. Passion, power, strong but not evil. She got a bad name, somewhat unjustly.

She represents hormones.

Is she in tight aspect in your natal? If yes to what?
Mundane, it is about what a person or peoples are passionate about. It is also the calm in the storm. Keeping ones head in a crisis🙂
On March 2, Mars, Venus and Pluto will be at 27 degrees Capricorn. Trine Algol.

With Venus victims and saviours
With Mars destruction, obsession and creativity
With Pluto the darker side of the street, distasteful subjects and assassination.

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