All my relationship have been .... Neptunian.

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Jun 13, 2018

I have a natal Sun opposition Neptune, and my relationship ruler in the 12th, and Mars/Moon/True node in Pisces.

All my relationships have had Neptune difficult aspects.

Now I'm seeing a new guy, who is born close to my Bday so we have our Neptune oppositions to Sun in our composite too.

What can you tell me about this chart - will this focused energy of conjunctiuons in the 4th and trining Pluto/Saturn outweight the Neptune and Uranus and Mars difficulties?

I figure because of the natal predisposition towards Neptune, that this energy will always come back in relationships since they are our mirrors anyway.
Here it seems that the 4th house and Pluto/Saturn could ground all the electricity and Neptune?

Thanks X


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Hello Agnes11,

I think your composite chart is pretty strong. The Nodal axis falls in the stellium of the Moon, mercury and Jupiter and the Sun/Venus is supported by trines to Saturn and Pluto. The strength of the luminaries is a good indicator as well as the Nodes being with one of the luminaries.

It has been my experience that a difficult aspect to Neptune is not as fatal as difficult aspects to Uranus, Saturn or Pluto. Maybe that's because it helps maintain a certain amount of romantic delusion/illusion. A good example of a composite chart with a big Neptune opposition to multiple planets is the Wallis Simpson/king Edward marriage. He abdicated the throne of England because it would have meant he could not marry her. Their marriage lasted 30+ years.

Thus, I think the Uranus opposition in the composite will likely be more challenging.

The synastry is a little more troubling IMO. Your Moon, Mars N.Node squares the partner's Neptune and their Sun and Mercury. Of course, these are not insurmountable issues. Much will depend on the maturity and level of commitment of the partners. The more emotionally mature and spiritually evolved the partners, the more able they will be to overcome challenges.

Good luck,
Barb at

thanks for your reply.
I used to think the same, that Neptune is not as harsh as Uranus/Saturn/Pluto, but it is, it creates such delusions and long distance relationships where you're only waiting and fantasizing, with no real solid ground to stand on.
My recent relationship was like that, image attached. Lasted a year, very hard to break, reality was nothing like we made it in our fantasies. Very heartbreaking when you discover the truth about how you actually function together, and it's not practical or supportive in any way.

Yes the Uranus/Mars worries me, they're also exactly conjunct our opposite ascendants in Gemini and Sagittarius.
We acknowledge our differences, they do make us mad, but we're very conscious about it and try to deal with it with caution and compassion.
I try to keep in mind that Uranus brings unexpected shocks and will take it day by day.

I wonder if the Uranus on the composite MC would make us a very visible couple, for our eccentricity?


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