I have a natal Sun opposition Neptune, and my relationship ruler in the 12th, and Mars/Moon/True node in Pisces.
All my relationships have had Neptune difficult aspects.
Now I'm seeing a new guy, who is born close to my Bday so we have our Neptune oppositions to Sun in our composite too.
What can you tell me about this chart - will this focused energy of conjunctiuons in the 4th and trining Pluto/Saturn outweight the Neptune and Uranus and Mars difficulties?
I figure because of the natal predisposition towards Neptune, that this energy will always come back in relationships since they are our mirrors anyway.
Here it seems that the 4th house and Pluto/Saturn could ground all the electricity and Neptune?
Thanks X
I have a natal Sun opposition Neptune, and my relationship ruler in the 12th, and Mars/Moon/True node in Pisces.
All my relationships have had Neptune difficult aspects.
Now I'm seeing a new guy, who is born close to my Bday so we have our Neptune oppositions to Sun in our composite too.
What can you tell me about this chart - will this focused energy of conjunctiuons in the 4th and trining Pluto/Saturn outweight the Neptune and Uranus and Mars difficulties?
I figure because of the natal predisposition towards Neptune, that this energy will always come back in relationships since they are our mirrors anyway.
Here it seems that the 4th house and Pluto/Saturn could ground all the electricity and Neptune?
Thanks X