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Well all these sites are really good, I am thinking of one more site which may have missed out. It's a very good site for free reports as well as paid consultations. The helpdesk is helpful & the replies are swift. Everybody should try this one.
Wow, thanks for taking the time to put these links up! I have been browsing for days and I still have miles to go! ^_^
Guys you must try it is giving you all your current transits and future forecast it is also on iphone , you can add notes and share transits with friends and also see friends transits very cool This website is simply amazing. It tells you the trials and tribulations you will go through your entire life (each time of your life will have its own theme) and most importantly tells you the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime. The lifepath number and all other numerology numbers were uncanny and incredibly insightful into my personality, and I feel much more connected to myself after visiting this website. I would recommend it to everybody. Click on "Free Reports" at the top to see the reports.

I just finished my analisis on Certus, and must say, this is one splendid and valuable source to complement your natal chart analisis with.

I have previous insight in my own numerological situation, but this site services have a wide humanistic understanding of numerology and offer adictional indepth material, that in sum, provided me a degree of perspective i was searching for, fex in the Sabian symbols, to ratify with more precision some aspect of my chart. I just cant stop to marvel how well they interact with eachother, four thumbs up for Certus, i warmly recomend it to all, give it a try ! :sideways:
^the horsies always give me a jolt.:annoyed:
Gsus those horses, you're so right :lol:

i'm not so sure if i understood the reading. found it kinda vague. also says i won't retire and i'll die before i get to see whatever i build. :surprised:
:surprised: You mean, the part where they intrpret your karmic debts ? Which report was it ?

I dont know, i personaly find it answering and pretty specificly to some questions my natal raised . . I hope it works for others the same good too :smile:
Now, by owerall, you have those categories which the analisis explores :

FL : Fundamental Lesson - that which you have to do in life
: Area of Manifestation - the field of activity in which the FL is learnt best
: Expression - the way you exert your talents, gifts and acquired skills to master your FL
: Intimate Self - how you are when no one is looking
IL : Inner Longing - your motivations, picture of the world and ethical code
: Secret Self - your innermost dream & desire influencing you in critical decisions
: Physical Level - money, assets, occupation, shelter, vehicles, machines
: Social Level - interactions with other beings; the emotional/mental side of relating to others
: Motivations - believes, morals, ethics, courses of identification, paradigm

You must understand those are difrent dimensions of existence and expirience of life, they dont fall in the same ( moreover, not only material ) plane. When you understand this, you can procede further.

Adictionally, you have one of those markers listed beyond added in specisic sections of the analisis, that help you determine and ratify more precisely which kind of energy is operating through which plane of your life (the listed above) :

* : a master number vibration; great achievements are possible if the call for greater efforts is met.
** : a time to reap the effects of negative deeds (karma) of the past, involving past lives.
-* : hidden master number vibration; above standard achievements are possible, if the demand for endeavors above
standard is abided by.
-** : hidden vibration of negative karma of the past; repercussion mild but still noticeable.
## : warning.

Last, you have the percentage in which the above listed chategories have the constitutional share in your life domain, you have listed them all around each analisis.

The six core energies are a sum of your numerological signature provided with additional guidelines how to harmoniously channel and integrate your personal energetic configuration within the earthly, material life expirience. In your chase :
Your need to be able to ANALYZE, DISSECT and come to an understanding of the laws of life, has to be satisfied in the first place (FL).
Your Fundamental Lession (FL) is the number 7. Meaning, when you abide to the laws of the 7 you fullify your life path purpose.

Ideally this takes place in an area in which you deal with matters like business, MONEY, property, AUTHORITY, or the MILITARY (AM).
Your Area of Manifestation (AM) is the number 8. Meaning, you'll come on therms with your FL fastest and best applying in this field of expertise, ergo manifesting your FL, yourself within it. It's simboliclly the ideal 'playground' that meets your developmental needs, again, expresed by the FL.

On par with the importance of your FL is your urge to express your ability to ANALYZE AND UNDERSTAND the principles involved in what you do (EX).
Your EXpression (EX) number vibration is 7 again. You have a strong 7 theme indeed. This is the very visible part of your persona, or that what we call temperament, the interactive part of our selfs.

After your FL and EX your next priority is to serve your disposition for being ANALYTICAL and come to an UNDERSTANDING of human nature and the principles that govern life (IS).
After, what means, holding in balance your (soul) urges and duties, on the priority list comes your relationship thoward yourself, the Intimate Self (IS). He holds the vibration of the number, if i dont err, 7 again, meaning this is the way in which you pay respect to the individual, private part of your being.

In your inner longing though, you would like to be in a position in which you are appreciated for your ability to HANDLE RESPONSIBILITY, and in which you can rectify and balance situations in which you are involved to help and serve (IL).
Inner Longing (IL) your very own moral code by which you abide, you're carring here the vibration of the number 2, essentialy the principle of sharing, of taking care, of been the one that provides support and reinforcement.

To also fulfill your secret innermost dream, this should be paralleled with the opportunity of being independent and BEING A LEADER who achieves and is acknowledged for his individual way of management (SS).
The Secret Self (SS), the very dream your own spirit holds but is often not openly displayed and aknowledged, therefor supressed in the unconscious part of the psyche. This aspect often behaves as that uneasy pebble in the shoe, that we cant get rid of throug our whole life, cose it's integral part of our sef's, but, as it's name sugests, made secret. Your SS emmits the vibration of the number 1. The western civilisation has fully elaborated the meaning of the vibration mr. nr. 1 has, so there's no point in me adding anything on his count :tongue:

Now for comparision, this is my numerological signature :

Your need to COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS in a sympathetic, detailed and often inspirational way, has to be satisfied in the first place (FL). 3

Ideally this takes place in an atmosphere of ever new MENTAL CHALLENGES, excitement, people, and where unploughed ground exists (AM).

On par with the importance of your FL is your urge to express your ability to ANALYZE AND UNDERSTAND the principles involved in what you do (EX). 7

After your FL and EX your next priority is to serve your disposition for being INVENTIVE, ENTERPRISING, ASTUTE, INVESTIGATIVE, and cherish new encounters (IS). 9

In your inner longing though, you would like to be in a position in which you are appreciated for your ability to HANDLE RESPONSIBILITY, and in which you can rectify and balance situations in which you are involved to help and serve (IL). 2

To also fulfill your secret innermost dream, this should be paralleled with the opportunity of being independent and BEING A LEADER who achieves and is acknowledged for his individual way of management (SS). 1
But, however, that's not the whole analisis :sideways:

I've donloaded the whole year and by each month forecast for 2011 and intend to pay attention to they actual acuracy. We will see :joyful:
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astrodienst or is the best for this but they've changed things so it's a little more difficult to find the free part of the site. You have follow the free signs and go to extended chart section.:biggrin: