Allstate Zodiac Joke

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Aug 21, 2007
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Allstate Corp. retracted a press release on Wednesday that was meant to be a joke, displaying the accident rates of drivers according to their zodiac signs.

"We recently issued a press release on zodiac signs and accident rates, which led to some confusion around whether astrological signs are part of the underwriting process," said the insurer, in its retraction. "Astrological signs have absolutely no role in how we base coverage and set rates."

Allstate (ALL, Fortune 500) also said, "We deeply apologize for any confusion this may have caused."

The insurance company's original press release claimed that Scorpios, who have a "perfectionist nature," were the safest drivers in 2010, because they were involved in only 26,833 accidents. Virgos on the other hand, which Allstate characterized as "worried and shy," were involved with 211,650 accidents, making them the worst offenders, according to the company.


I found it funny because I've been involved in quite a few accidents, and I'm a Virgo!
Gunther sacs who has tried to do statistical studies on zodiac sun signs (using tropical astrology) has got the result of virgo being the driver with the worst record. Its also interesting leo (many of who would also be tropical virgos) was also high on this list. I know a virgo (tropical) woman who is one of the worst drives I have seen (although she has never been in an accident) who has had close calls but her jupiter in sag conjunct the mc makes her one lucky b@tch.
Haha! I was just agruing with someone about this on another forum and of course, I came over to my wonderful astrology forum to see if what you guys think of this.

Of course this is supposed to be a joke but the sad apart is the person I was arguing about it with (not an astrology forum or astro-knowledgable person) takes it seriously and thinks it makes sense for people rates to be raised if they are a Virgo (obviously he must not be one!:))

I am a Virgo and I have never been in an accident that I caused- people hit me but I don't hit them. I even watch the other drivers carefully because most of the time they are too busy talking on their cells phone to pay attention to the others on the road. I have actually avoided being hit many times because I was paying attention and the other driver wasn't. How is that for being cautious? ;)

Since when are Scorpios now the perfectionists of the Zodiac - that was always Virgos domain. If they are going to do a joke like this, at least get it right. Geez. I wonder if that was a typo or done on purpose to go with the "joke" to see if anyone would catch it.

I wondered if they even took into account the fact that adding the new sign (not recognized by Western Astrology which alot of Americans follow with just Sun sign astrology) that you increase the Virgo dates and Scorpio is down to only 7 days. Well, of course, that is why the numbers are higher for Virgo! And lower for Scorpio! :) Plus with the new dates all the people born as Libras and some Scorpios are now accident prone Virgos - and I am sure the Libras will not like that. :)

I guess as a Virgo who has a great driving record, I don't find this funny because Virgos are the cautious sign of the zodiac. How could they be accident prone? If anything Aries would be the ones in accidents. And how could I also acount for the fact that I am a Virgo Sun/Scorpio Rising?? :)

Although of course, I will not be taking it seriously at all (but the Virgo in me had to pick it apart and analyze it) because I think someones Mars sign would have more to do with the way they drive. Since driving is about action and aggression. Mine is in Sagittarius - I am pretty easygoing driver - not that I don't call you nasty names, give you the bird and stick my tongue out at you when you cut me off without a turn signal. :tongue: Not that I care about you as my Moon conjunct Neptune in the 1st is too busy listening to my music at full blast but .....I disgress. :)LOL!

Either way, Allstate did it SO badly. Their rates are so high anyhow - what money-conscious Virgo would get insurance from them anyhow?:wink:

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