Am I cursed? :D

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Sep 13, 2023
Guys, I apologize, but I have to ask this: Am I cursed? I'm laughing rught now. But I'm also crying.

So many things happening right now and prior to this: brutal fights with my husband, love turning into hatred, very possible divorce, constant financial losses, no matter how much I earn, there always something which drains the money, illnesses, sadness...

What is happening? Idk where else to post this, sorry

If we look at the 12th house as the house of misfortune and include curses there, then Moon rules the 12th and is at ease and able to express itself well in its dignity. So that doesn't say "curse" to me. Malefic Mars in its fall in the 12th? Well, maybe... ?

Looking at Moon's larger role as the activitor in a question, it last aspected malefic Saturn by trine and now translates Saturn's energies to you as Sun. Its next aspect today is an opposition with you/Sun followed very soon by a conjunction with Mars. Then Moon proceeds to meet Mars by conjunction.
So we can feel you as Sun surrounded by definitely uneasy energies: the oppositional energy of Moon Sun, the translated energies of Saturn to Sun and Sun to Mars, and the role of Moon againl as ruler of the 12th, symbolic of the question, and your co-significator in the question.
Is it a curse? Well, with Moon in dignity in Cancer, I couldn't identify it as such for sure. But the chart does suggest the very uneasy times you are going through with Mars as 4th house ruler of your homelife and Saturn as ruler of 7th/relationship with your husband. Curse or not, I am truly sorry for what you are going through, my friend.
Thank you, Ilenek. Thank you so much for being always supporting and trying to answer our, very often frivolous and silly questions, objectively and calmly. You and the others are doing here a lot of psychological work as well as we come here very often in a state of deep anxiousness and even desperation and fear. Your questions always give such a deep insight and I thank you for taking you time so patiently.

It is true, I truly dont know whats going on. Its just keep getting worse, no matter what I try. Currently I have Ju transiting my 8th house, maybe its that. But I really have so much to fight it. It just never ends. I feel like Im being under a spell. But maybe those are my ow +n negative thoughts that oull me in. On top of that, but maybe thats a blessing, another cat showed at my door, a cat that was abandoned by their previous owners and was living in the apartment where I have recently moved in. So I took him in, together with my own 2 cats :D But at least I can protect him still.
You are so welcome and I thank you for your very kind words. I hope I live up to them in some small part.
I can't help but smile that you are Moon in Cancer in the question and that you took in an abandoned cat. This kind of giving, this kind of generosity of heart has to be some kind of harmonizing antidote to the causes and conditions flowing through your life at this time.

And a final word about the current situation:
please remember, things always change.
Guys, I apologize, but I have to ask this: Am I cursed? I'm laughing rught now. But I'm also crying.

So many things happening right now and prior to this: brutal fights with my husband, love turning into hatred, very possible divorce, constant financial losses, no matter how much I earn, there always something which drains the money, illnesses, sadness...

What is happening? Idk where else to post this, sorry

I’m sorry that your life is so difficult right now.

I too have posted a year ago a question about « curses ».
Sometimes our natal potential plays out in such a way that it feels like a curse. If we could look at it when we’re not trying to survive a storm, we’d see patterns and it would all make sense.

You have prominent Pluto conjucting your Sun (in the 5th) and opposing your Moon and Mars that are in conjuction. Venus conjucting your Saturn in the 7th. Whatever patterns you were thought as a child, whatever strategies you learned, you need to understand them and realize WHY you are drawn to certain personalities and situations. Unless you do that, your next partner or life situation will be no better than your present one. And that too feels like a curse.

Having Venus conjuct Saturn is not a fun aspect and it’s in your house of relationships. It can play out in so many ways, but it always feels as if either you take on so much responsibility or someone is imposing it on you. And more often than not it’s both. This aspect is also about control or at least an attempt at. Newsflash: we cannot control so many things in our lives! Government raises taxes. Storms come. People get sick. People die…

We cannot control people either and with Sun conjunct Pluto, it’s hard not to have that compulsion. Hence, we attract people who would like to be able to control us. Manipulation is the name of the game.

With Mars opposition Pluto you are hardly stranger to going to extremes and conflicts. So it’s not about eliminating them (not possible, anyway), but learning how to be in them.

We think that we choose people in our lives (except family we’re born into), but we don’t, unless we start seeing ourselves and our lives for what they really are. If we keep around ourselves people that are draining us emotionally and financially, it IS a curse! Chronic stress and unhappiness lead to illness. One of the most common stressors is trying to make things into something that they are not. Good friends that are neither friends nor good (for us). Family members that stay in our lives just because they are “family”. Partners that we don’t have a healthy relationship with. And so on.

But it all starts with us. The moment we change, all this bad energy cannot reach us, because we won’t have any “receptors” for it. We won’t be good players for whatever play the others want to participate in.

When I say that it starts with us, I mean with our weaknesses, rationalizations, bad habits… Some people have far less agency in their lives than we do. Especially women in certain areas of the world. Use the agency you have, to heal and make better choices. That is the only “curse-lift” I know.

Everyone in my “blood” family (aunts, uncles, mom, grandparents…) were unhappy in their lives, stayed single and childless or married “harpies” and/or had spoiled children… A lot has been said about “our family curse”. But when you look at their choices you see how much they all have put themselves last and “served” others. Right word would be “enabled” them. I too had walked down that path, since I was brought up that way and was handed over a certain number of narcissists (family friends for example).

The ideas of a curse and what I have just written are not incompatible. Curses have to manifest somehow. I’m all for finding a spiritual guide who will help us on the path to liberation, but they cannot just wave their magic wand and make it all go away. It’s like therapy. We can be helped BUT we must do the work.

Set boundaries (all sorts including financial too) but also learn to respect the boundaries of others. Not everything is a war that needs to be won. Manipulation is just a false idea that we have control over others. And it’s not better than a healthy disagreement. Never accept too much responsibility (certainly not for others), nobody will give you a medal.

With your Sun-Pluto aspect therapy could be a good option, but you would need to let go and rebuild.

As I said, that’s the only anti-hex I know.
Things change. Why not try to give them a nudge in a good direction :)