Am I destined to be alone forever?

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I'm definitely a Gemini Ascendant, not a Taurus Ascendant... if you knew me in real life, you would be able to see that I've got "Gemini" written all over me and I already said that I identified with both my Venus in Scorpio and my Sun in the 5th house (self expression, creativity). I identify with my 6th house Venus as well, although I think our interpretations are a little bit different (my high standards aren't what I'd consider "practical" but besides that, I think we agree). I never said I didn't identify at all with my moon sign. I just don't consider it to be the #1 most important factor in my personality, which a lot of people do. I identify more with the fixed, stubborn, steady, strong-willed nature of Taurus more than I do it's earthiness and materialism, for better or for worse, and I think this is because 1. water house... I think this is the main reason 2. water dominant 3. air sun/ascendant/very airy personality 4. the aspects it makes.

That's the other thing about my sidereal chart that doesn't make sense... aside from my Ascendant in Taurus and my Descendant in Scorpio, there are no fixed signs and my understanding is that the Descendant is more about others than it is about you. Being both a fixed dominant and a water dominant makes sense to me.

I really don't want this conversation to drag on and and on and on and on though because as you can tell, I am stubborn and you seem stubborn too, which tends to make debates (whether we intended this to turn into a debate or not) like this one difficult. I just want to explain myselfff

Anyway, I did agree with what you said about my Taurus moon being passive. Something about waiting around for things rather than chasing after them. Whatever you said exactly, I don't remember but I remember it was very accurate. I also have a very strong sense of smell, which I've read was a Taurus thing, and I tend to be very sensitive to my surrounding environment. I don't consider this to be the defining part of who I am, more just something in the background, but it fits. Also, I looove food, which is also a Taurus thing, but again, if that was my defining personality trait, I'd be a very boring person. Who doesn't like food to some degree? The point is, if I'm really being brutally honest with myself, I can see that I am a slow and steady Taurus deep down, but if asked to describe what kind of person I am, "Taurus" isn't going to be the first thing to come to mind, nor will any traits associated with the sign. Personally, I think this is more due to the moon being in the 12th house rather than it being in a completely different sign. 12th house planets are often said to be hidden from us.

As for being attracted to fire signs, being attracted to something and actually being something are two different things. It's the lack of fire that draws me to fire. Plus, my Descendant is in the fiery sign of Sagittarius. I might act like a fire sign on paper (impatient, combative, etc.) but in person, I don't have that energy or that enthusiasm or that sense of self-confidence that seem to be apparent in fiery types. Yes, I do wish I had it but I don't, so naturally, I gravitate towards fiery types to balance myself out, especially being a Libra and all.

My supposed combativeness makes me think Mars in Leo (a fire sign) is a much better fit for me than Mars in the watery sign of Cancer. What gets me more angry than anything else? Being talked down to, or in this case, having someone act like they know me better than I know myself, or maybe from your point of view, being told that I'm wrong (I admit when I'm wrong when I'm wrong but I don't think I'm wrong about my chart), and these are very Leonine themes of pride and ego. Mars in the 3rd house makes sense too, since the 3rd house is communication and I seem to communicate in an aggressive Mars-like way, whether I intend to or not. The 3rd house being the ruled by my Ascendant also makes sense and my mars is square to my moon regardless of what sign it's in.

You say it's difficult for people to analyze their own birth charts, but what makes you think it's not difficult to have someone else's ideas about who you are stubbornly imposed on you? I'm sorry, it's nothing personal but I'm just really wary of anyone thinking that they know more about me than I do myself. I'm sure that's not your intent, but that's how it comes off, when I say something doesn't resonate and you keep repeating it anyway. I mean, you're one can be 100% objective about themselves...but no one is a mind reader either. Other people might better able to describe how you act, and how you communicate, but you know more about how you think and how you feel. I think this is especially true in this case. You can't know someone well enough to tell them their chart is wrong when you've never even met them once. That's difficult because even if you have met me, I act differently around different people, so differently that one would be unable to imagine how different I could be in another setting, and it's not a choice. It just happens.

To be fair, it makes sense why you'd see me as an Aries moon. It's more the other parts that don't add up, especially if we're going to be using the sidereal as my one and only "real" chart. The Gemini Ascendant, for example, fits me like a glove...except for the fact that I'm reclusive and introverted, but all that can be determined by other factors in my Western chart, like the planets in 12th house/6th house, Taurus/Scorpio axis.
Sure, I don't know you. I can only go with what you've told us about yourself and your vibe that comes across in your posts. And what you've told us about yourself and what your chart shows is not in alignment. That's all I was telling you.

And if you only like replies that agree with your preconceived ideas about yourself, then you should say so in your OP.
Most of your planet are falling on the 2nd section of the chart (5th house-6th house) this section is more of an inner section in the zodiac. We are seeing a movement of planets from the fifth house to the sixth house. From the house of the self, I towards the house of the others, the house of servicing.

You are introvert since you are born during the waxing moon-the waxing moon is the introvert phase- and most of planets are below the horizon. When the energy is focused on the inner life (5th and 6th), there is a desire to fulfill the missing energy of the 11th and 12th house, you want to connect to a larger group and express yourself within the collective 11th house theme. You desire to be extrovert. Gemini is a an extrovert sign-it needs people as the case with every air signs- but with it ruling planet falls in an inner house, it energy will be an introvert. You are extrovert by signs but chosen to be an introvert having most of the energy focused inside. i see why you are a chatterbox but then an introvert. There is a good harmony with the Sun Libra and Gemini Asc. It produces a talkative person.Since air sings are the mental faculty of the zodiac, their self expression leans toward communication. But the energy of both signs is introvert in the chart.

Taurus moon is sociable contradiction to what people think. Most of the taurus people are very social and amiable unlike the other earth signs who have social anxiety. They are loving and warm. Taurus is the exaltation sign of the moon
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Most of your planet are falling on the 2nd section of the chart (5th house-6th house) this section is more of an inner section in the zodiac. We are seeing a movement of planets from the fifth house to the sixth house. From the house of the self, I towards the house of the others, the house of servicing.

You are introvert since you are born during the waxing moon-the waxing moon is the introvert phase- and most of planets are below the horizon. When the energy is focused on the inner life (5th and 6th), there is a desire to fulfill the missing energy of the 11th and 12th house, you want to connect to a larger group and express yourself within the collective 11th house theme. You desire to be extrovert. Gemini is a an extrovert sign-it needs people as the case with every air signs- but with it ruling planet falls in an inner house, it energy will be an introvert. You are extrovert by signs but chosen to be an introvert having most of the energy focused inside. i see why you are a chatterbox but then an introvert. There is a good harmony with the Sun Libra and Gemini Asc. It produces a talkative person.Since air sings are the mental faculty of the zodiac, their self expression leans toward communication. But the energy of both signs is introvert in the chart.

Interesting. It makes sense too.

Taurus moon is sociable contradiction to what people think. Most of the taurus people are very social and amiable unlike the other earth signs who have social anxiety. They are loving and warm. Taurus is the exaltation sign of the moon

Well, you can be loving and warm and still have social anxiety (which I have). Social anxiety isn't the same as being cold-hearted and hating everyone.

I feel like this is very subjective. Honestly though, I don't really have much faith in the extrovert-introvert binary to begin with, but this is a whole other topic on it's own. Someone can enjoy being around people, but still be very quiet. Someone can prefer to be alone but still be very outspoken and talkative. Like, I hate being in large groups but that doesn't mean I like to be alone all the time either... I prefer communicating with others one-on-one, which I feel is a very Libra thing.. but I mean, I don't think the whole "introvert" vs "extrovert" thing is black and white.
The thing that immediately strikes me as I read through this thread is that, as muchacho and craft94 debate which is the more salient planet for craft's relationship life - Moon or Venus - these are exactly the two planets in craft's chart that sit on the see-saw that is her nodal axis. (Am I right to assume "her?") The opposition between these two planets is on the axes of her nodes.
More, the Moon, which craft is quite adamantly insisting is the wrong place for us to focus on, is sitting on her South Node: That point in her chart which (if we accept common ideas about the nodes) she already knows all too well, karmically speaking, and is looking to move away from.
I don't think these things are coincidences...

Would love to think more about this but I actually have I run. If it's an interesting thought to anyone I could return to it later, when I'm not so busy in the non-Internet world...
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- you have an unhealthy addiction to spicy food and fear ending up with a stomach ulcer (sounds more like Moon in Aries than in Taurus)

Interestingly enough, I just found out I have a pretty close Mars-Ceres conjunction and this could apply to either chart. Isn't Ceres associated with food?