Am I ready to date, if not when?

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Well you're certainly made a lot of progress!
Interesting that this chart is similar to the other chart, have you noticed?
For one thing, the asc/des is exactly flipped. In the first one you are 7 gemini, in this one you are 8 sagittarius.
In spite of this, your ruler remains retrograde in the 2nd house of self esteem!
So you are still working on this, and approaching a sextile with intuitive Neptune in the 3rd house of thoughts, so about to have some important break throughs in your way of thinking.
In the first chart, 12th house took up an enormous amount of space, and now it is back to a normal size, in proportion with the other houses. So the work has been done on the subconscious, emphasis is no longer needed in this sphere, ready to move on!
Ruler of the 12th (just like the first chart), is mars, now located on Chiron and straddling the 4th house cusp, house of endings!
Moon is the question, and it approaches a conjunction with mercury in the 7th. Should we assume this is the man in the first chart?
Just for convenience, I'm posting the first chart here.
Notice that Venus has changed positions from being conjunct ascendent to now being located in the 7th. Has she now become a rival for his affections? Venus is also ruler of his 5th house. Beware!
Mercury is moving towards a square with mars, ruler of the 4th.
But moon will make the conjunction first.
Keep an eye on mars, it is square the cusp of your 2nd house; it could make you come tumbling down like a deck of cards.


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"Isn't Venus the ruler of my 5th? Mars rules his 5th? "

Yes, sorry. I mistook the aspect line with sun as a cusp!

Which is better for you. Venus is his hopes, wishes and fears.

Is he afraid of emotional ties?
Moon is appropriately in the 3rd house, given the question about communication.
Venus and mars do not aspect each other, Venus is chasing mars but doesn't arrive to make an aspect before changing sign, and forming a square.
Moon separates from both Venus and mars, and there is no translation of light.
Moon is very strong here by sign, and its next aspect will be a trine with Neptune sitting on the cusp of the 12th house, house of things going on behind the curtains, as well as self undoing.
After aspecting Neptune, moon will oppose Jupiter, co-ruler of the 12th.
So more emphasis on the energy of 12th house.
Descendent is mars, also in 12th house.
Meanwhile, Venus approaches a square with Neptune on the 12th cusp.
A lot of secrets going on.
Is he by chance married, and this 12th house activity is all an expression of infidelity, in the house of hidden bed pleasures?
His sign is intercepted in the 12th, so not able to come out.
Any idea what this is all about?
In any case, last aspect moon makes is an opposition to cold restrictive Saturn.
Not looking very promising overall, is it?

So, on Monday (Venus square Neptune!) I contacted him again. We had, or so I thought, ceased dating with the view of being friends. Today he politely declined my friendship and oddly, in doing so I realised that I do not want to be friends with him. He had been rather short with me and rude during one of our meetings when I was lost and late that made me feel terrible. Prior to meeting my car had made a very loud noise as I had set off from my house, I couldn't see any damage but still pushed myself to meet him as I had cancelled the week prior. It turns out my front suspension coil had snapped and was visible last week. I had my car repaired this week and I was informed that I was very lucky to have not been involved in a serious accident. Hearing that made it dawn on me that the man was uncaring towards me.

Very much a lesson in boundaries! I will not speak to this man again :)

well your original question was "AM i ready to date?" not "will i meet someone and etc or this specific dude?"
ask what's on your mind not zigzagging questions

Am i ready to date is all about asce, asce's ruler, planets in the house, strengths + moon ...
well your original question was "AM i ready to date?" not "will i meet someone and etc or this specific dude?"
ask what's on your mind not zigzagging questions

Am i ready to date is all about asce, asce's ruler, planets in the house, strengths + moon ...

Tikana, you're right in that this has been a long winding thread, with referral to three charts, but she did write, at one point towards the end, "So, I've asked whether I should make contact with the man I presume the chart is about, and if so, when."

Among the comments on the last chart was that it ends with a cold Saturn aspect, which is what happened.
Now that she's hopefully thrown this devil off her back, venusinfurs can move on and let's wish she can enter a satisfying relationship with someone new.
Tikana, you're right in that this has been a long winding thread, with referral to three charts, but she did write, at one point towards the end, "So, I've asked whether I should make contact with the man I presume the chart is about, and if so, when."

Among the comments on the last chart was that it ends with a cold Saturn aspect, which is what happened.
Now that she's hopefully thrown this devil off her back, venusinfurs can move on and let's wish she can enter a satisfying relationship with someone new.

yeah okay but horary is not brazilian soap opera and horary is not psychotherapy.
she picked this quesiton from the question I posted.
I know what the querent was asking because it was in a context of being ready. You can meet someone and not be ready, chance is gone or whatever. It wasnt Will i meet someone? it is completely different question.
""So, I've asked whether I should make contact with the man I presume the chart is about, and if so, when." yeah you are right, she throws a question "am i ready to date" then this comes up. so what are we looking at ? a true quesiton "will he and i be in a relationship?" Who cares who is calling whom and how the meeting occurs, relationships are not built on questions "will he call me?" "will he like my instagram posts" and etc... Just ask what the hell is in your head.
"Will relationship develop between xxxxx and I?"
everything else is in the chart.
or "am i ready for a relationship? if not when?"
