Am I the only one who feels this?

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Jul 30, 2014
Hi, I met a guy about a week ago. I was able to get his birth info including birth time. I've never had so many of another person's personal planets in my 8th house before. My mind is completely consumed with thoughts of him and I'm really not liking it all. No matter what I do to try to occupy my mind with something else he creeps back into it.

What I need to know is..does he feel this too? Or is he creeped out by me? Also my pluto and jupiter falls into his 8th, how would that feel to him? I honestly can't tell if he's genuinely interested or if he's just being nice. We'll message each other and then he'll stop..then I wait a few days to see if he'll reply and then when he doesn't I'll message him again..but he always responds promptly. But like I said is he only doing that to be nice or because he wants to actually talk to me? I feel so lost right now..this is too intense even for me and I'm usually ok with pluto themed things. We met in person a few days ago and we talked a lot about our families, deaths very serious topics. I've even talk with him about astrology and informed him of some transits he was having. He seemed really intrigued by it and interested. Maybe I'm just wanting to bond with him so bad because of my moon falling into his 7th and he's running from that? He says he doesn't want a serious relationship right now, which I understand I wouldn't mind being his friend. But not under the current circumstances..I feel I'm too obsessed with him and it would probably depress me if he talked to other girls. I really hate this..

Thanks to anybody who gives me some insight.


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8th house placements are a little confusing to me tbh.

I spent the whole week with a girl where all my personal planets, (Sun, Mars, Mercury, and almost Pluto all conjuncting each other with Scorpio) all fell into her 8th house. Although she only had a 7th house placement with me.

There was a lot of deep information exchanged but I can't necessarily say there was a heavy attraction and I think that also attributes to the 5th house of fun.

Although none of my relationship houses were activated, I felt somehow like I felt it. As if having all those placements brought out a need for me to want to activate them.

From what I've heard house placements can go either way and it's kinda hard to tell via astrology whether or not someone feels the same way.
8th house placements are a little confusing to me tbh.

I spent the whole week with a girl where all my personal planets, (Sun, Mars, Mercury, and almost Pluto all conjuncting each other with Scorpio) all fell into her 8th house. Although she only had a 7th house placement with me.

There was a lot of deep information exchanged but I can't necessarily say there was a heavy attraction and I think that also attributes to the 5th house of fun.

Although none of my relationship houses were activated, I felt somehow like I felt it. As if having all those placements brought out a need for me to want to activate them.

From what I've heard house placements can go either way and it's kinda hard to tell via astrology whether or not someone feels the same way.

Thank you for taking the time to answer. Well I know initially..there was attraction. He messaged me first and then we went from there. But then I had to carry the convo and I really hate that. I felt like I was interviewing him and that always happens to me. For once I'd like to be interviewed lol Also..I should have mentioned..there IS sexual attraction. But I'm trying to decipher if it's just sexual for him or does he have the need to connect with me like I him. You're right it's very confusing indeed.

At this point the initial wow he's cute has been replaced with I want him to be MINE. I know I could easily fall for him, but I'm making sure to hold that back. But I'm finding the "obsession" over him is a lot less enjoyable without that element of mushiness and I'm finding it quite burdensome.

Maybe to get a better understanding of me and him I should post our birth charts?


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My progressed moon is just going into my house of scorpio (8th house) my natal pluto is in the 8th house. I have the most obsessive thoughts about someone I just met 3 months ago. He himself is a scorpio and has his natal sun and moon in his scorpio. I need to get out of my head trying to read positive things about scorpio traits and put them into my thoughts. :)
My progressed moon is just going into my house of scorpio (8th house) my natal pluto is in the 8th house. I have the most obsessive thoughts about someone I just met 3 months ago. He himself is a scorpio and has his natal sun and moon in his scorpio. I need to get out of my head trying to read positive things about scorpio traits and put them into my thoughts. :)

Funny, my progressed moon is @ 28 degrees Scorpio, but will be in Sag by the end of October (thank God lol). I guess this my one last big whoo-rah before it flips to a less intense sign.

Question, do you ever feel like interactions with him is like a drug? Lol I'm serious like, if you go too long without talking to them you start to fret a bit & feel a little tense. But then once you talk to them you're cool again until you need that next hit? Hahaha..I really hate that. Like today I talked to him & I'm good..but tomorrow or the next day I'll be needing another hit lol
Well, even if Lilly was known mostly for his horary work, he did do nativities and if one reads his Christian Astrology III you can see this is evident from that volume.

Everything I've studied until now, in pre-1700 sources do Not give emphasis on the 8th house matters being sexual experience or the actual animalistic act. However in Lilly's 8th house matters, as far as my understanding, what else can Scorpio mentioned mean as corresponding to the 8th house?

Lilly, Christian Astrology, page 53

"The Eighth House.

The Estate of Men deceased, Death, its quality and nature; the Wills, Legacies and Testaments of Men deceased; Dowry of the Wife, Portion of the Maid, whether much or little, easie to be obtained or with difficulty. In Duels it represents the Adversaries Second; in Lawsuits the Defendants friends. What kinde of Death a Man shall dye., it signifies fear and anguish of Minde. Who shall enjoy or be heir to the Deceased.

It rules the Privy-Parts. Of colours, the green and Black.

Of Signes it hath Scorpio for Cosignificator, and Saturn, the Hemoroids, the Stone, Strangury, Poysons, and Bladder are ruled by this house; and is a succedant House, and Feminine."

That which I have underlined above in Lilly's quote, all pertain to Scorpio and/or sexual organs!

This is what is generally going on or may eventually with the 8th house when it is a man or woman attracted to each other.