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No, I've tried to find the Astrological "Luck factor" over the years, noting the time and place when I've won a sizable amount, to no avail.

In my experience, the closest thing to "good luck" in astrological chart is POF. I've used it in a number of ways when I was experimenting and it almost never failed. Not necessarily in connection with money but it seems to signify favorable circumstances in general which is what good luck is by definition. For example, when I ran horary election (simplified version of election that uses horary) with the question like "When is the best time to do this?" and in the chart say L1 is about to conjunct POF in 9 degrees, after you determine the time unit in the chart, say it is days, I would do the action from the question in 9 days and it would always go absolutely smoothly, without slightest obstacle. Sometimes it would feel like magic, how the circumstances that are absolutely out of your control seem to align.

It made such impression on me, now I consider any chart without POF to be incomplete.
In my experience, the closest thing to "good luck" in astrological chart is POF. I've used it in a number of ways when I was experimenting and it almost never failed. Not necessarily in connection with money but it seems to signify favorable circumstances in general which is what good luck is by definition. For example, when I ran horary election (simplified version of election that uses horary) with the question like "When is the best time to do this?" and in the chart say L1 is about to conjunct POF in 9 degrees, after you determine the time unit in the chart, say it is days, I would do the action from the question in 9 days and it would always go absolutely smoothly, without slightest obstacle. Sometimes it would feel like magic, how the circumstances that are absolutely out of your control seem to align.

It made such impression on me, now I consider any chart without POF to be incomplete.
I don't do horary astrology. It's not that I don't believe in it, just that I haven't studied it and haven't the time to do so, especially to such a degree that I might be able to discover for myself as to where I can trust it or not.
The Part of Fortune I believe would be far more adequately titled, the Part of Fortuitous Action, or Being... "Being", probably the better of the two as I utilize Sabian Symbols in interpreting an Astrological Part in an individual's natal chart and, according to Dane Rudhyar, a Sabian Symbol can be one of three qualities: actional, emotional/cultural, or individual/mental. My Part of Fortune is in the 25th degree of Leo and it is of the emotional/cultural variety.

All degrees 1 through 5, and 16 through 20 are actional degrees. So, I am curious, is your Part of Fortune in one of the actional degrees?
Their are two Astrological Parts labeled "Luck". There's one that has as one of the associated titles that of 'Luck" and another with that of "Sudden Luck", neither of which I think are correct. Their is also the Part of Increase & Benefits, which is an appropriately titled Part.
You can find the formulae for the aforementioned Parts in the thread about Astrological Parts in the Astrological Parts sub-forum. I'd list them for you but it's been a long day here, and it's now almost...OMG... 2 a.m. here in Reno. I've been at this keyboard since 8 p.m.....
Thanks for your input and sharing your experiences.
Appreciatively, ptv
I don't do horary astrology. It's not that I don't believe in it, just that I haven't studied it and haven't the time to do so, especially to such a degree that I might be able to discover for myself as to where I can trust it or not.
The Part of Fortune I believe would be far more adequately titled, the Part of Fortuitous Action, or Being... "Being", probably the better of the two as I utilize Sabian Symbols in interpreting an Astrological Part in an individual's natal chart and, according to Dane Rudhyar, a Sabian Symbol can be one of three qualities: actional, emotional/cultural, or individual/mental. My Part of Fortune is in the 25th degree of Leo and it is of the emotional/cultural variety.

All degrees 1 through 5, and 16 through 20 are actional degrees. So, I am curious, is your Part of Fortune in one of the actional degrees?
Their are two Astrological Parts labeled "Luck". There's one that has as one of the associated titles that of 'Luck" and another with that of "Sudden Luck", neither of which I think are correct. Their is also the Part of Increase & Benefits, which is an appropriately titled Part.
You can find the formulae for the aforementioned Parts in the thread about Astrological Parts in the Astrological Parts sub-forum. I'd list them for you but it's been a long day here, and it's now almost...OMG... 2 a.m. here in Reno. I've been at this keyboard since 8 p.m.....
Thanks for your input and sharing your experiences.
Appreciatively, ptv

I've used POF in any kind of chart, horary, election, event etc. Of all astrology I do natal astrology the least. Natal is certainly one of the major branches of astrology but for practical reasons I feel that everything I need from astrology I can find out in easier way by doing other types of charts.

Traditionally, there are several important parts in natal astrology but for my non-natal astrological purposes I have regularly used just 2 parts, POF and POS (part of spirit). In my experience, POF relates to "outer world", body, health, outer circumstances, money and possessions (but money is not really its primary signification). POS relates to "inner world". POS is useful sometimes to determine someone's state of mind, what kind of thoughts someone is experiencing. In more general terms it will describe "what kind of person someone is", together with other astrological factors.

Yes, my natal POF is at 01 VIR 40.

Thanks for your input. I don't know much about Sabian Symbols but I'll check your thread.
I've used POF in any kind of chart, horary, election, event etc. Of all astrology I do natal astrology the least. Natal is certainly one of the major branches of astrology but for practical reasons I feel that everything I need from astrology I can find out in easier way by doing other types of charts.

Traditionally, there are several important parts in natal astrology but for my non-natal astrological purposes I have regularly used just 2 parts, POF and POS (part of spirit). In my experience, POF relates to "outer world", body, health, outer circumstances, money and possessions (but money is not really its primary signification). POS relates to "inner world". POS is useful sometimes to determine someone's state of mind, what kind of thoughts someone is experiencing. In more general terms it will describe "what kind of person someone is", together with other astrological factors.

Yes, my natal POF is at 01 VIR 40.

Thanks for your input. I don't know much about Sabian Symbols but I'll check your thread.
Of all the known, and proven, techniques of Astrological analysis I have found that the derivation of Astrological Parts from a natal chart to be the most useful, most revealing, of an individuals' nature.
Being a dedicated follower, and believer, in the "clairvoyant" readings given by the late Edgar Cayce, I follow his advice, that for most people there are only from 2 to 6 planets that are of affect. There are some that have even less and some, [rare] that are affected by more. Rarest of all are those affected by all the planets. I am one of those "lucky" few. Edgar said that natal aspects are only a concern when they are activated by transiting influences and I assume that means influences that are one of the planets that also is effective upon you. Thus a natal chart is not a fully effective and constantly activated compendium of Astrological influences, 24/7, but rather an occasionally activated influence that may be benevolent, or malevolent, depending on the aspect, and what ever else is relevant at the time. But.... Cayce added, as almost as like an afterthought when he gave the above information, "And all angles to the Ascendant."
All angles to the ascendant implies all Astrological Parts that utilize the Asc. as the personal point and those that use the M.C. or any of the other House cusps [However, I recommend using only the Placidus System. This came from personal experience and testing] All such type Astrological Parts are thus "Angles to the ascendant". What I learned from producing a natal chart for the Nazarene, is that all Astrological Parts are symbolically relevant/active, given that the Sabian Symbols are those consulted.
They have also shown to be just as relevant to the nature of whatever planet in ones natal chart is found to be conjunct with.
Take, for example, that the position of Venus found in that natal chart of the Nazarene is in the 7th degree of Pisces, the Sabian Symbol for which is [ibid.]

The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen what may, stand uncompromisingly for their own truth.

Men who do not depend upon collective values, traditions or support but seek at any cost to be true to their individual self and destiny almost inevitably face some kind of crucifixion. They are sustained only by the power within them, to which a light above answers. The symbol tells us: 'Be true to thine own self, and in the midst of the outer confusion displayed by those surrounding you, you will realize what you really are as an Individual — a son of God.'

This second stage symbol presents us with a realization in polar opposition to that evoked by the preceding scene. It implies the supreme worth of a life guided by an inner voice and manifesting a high degree of SELF-ASSERTION."
The Astrological Parts found in that same chart, those that have been verified to having been correctly identified as to what their true influence is, have all shown to be undeniably symbolically relevant to what is known about the man that walked upon water. His Part of Catastrophe is in a degree with the symbolism of a man that challenges religious and political power bases. His Part of Fortune is in the 19th degree of Pisces [ibid.]

he transfer of power and knowledge which keeps the original spiritual and creative Impulse of the cycle active and undeviated."

His Part of Increase & Benefits: [ibid.]


A rewarded faith in spiritual blessings."

[keep in mind that these symbols are those seen through the consciousness/psyche of an early 20th century American woman, r.e. clairvoyant, Elsie Wheeler. Being Divine precepts that have existed since the beginning of all creation they will, of course, present themselves in symbolism that is understood to the observer. Obviously "Santa Claus" has no meaning whatsoever to a 5th century B.C.E. Egyptian or Mesopotamian, but there would have been symbolism meaning the exact same found for these symbols within their own culture. Yet, how so very relevant is this symbology to the Part of Increase & Benefits to the Nazarene. It doesn't get more "relevant" than this.]
Those are just a few of the many that have been found to be just as symbolically relevant. Just five of these significant Astrological Parts, along with the degrees found to be for the Asc. and M.C. amount to odds of over 4 quadrillion to one occurring in any natal birth chart... and there are a lot more than just five of these Astrological Parts.
In addition, as most Astrological Parts are given names relevant to horary astrology, a great many have been found to be inappropriately labeled for natal analysis. One such example is that given for the formula Asc. + Neptune - Jupiter, labeled as the Part of Malignancy, aka the Part of Cancer. As I determined that Jupiter in the role of the "Trigger" upon Neptune, as the 'Significator", should rather be an influence of expansion upon the inner vision, the mental imaging process and thus it is actually a Part of Perspicuity, and what is derived from that natal chart of the Nazarene is in the 12th degree of Virgo... check it out. [ibid.]


The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind.

In contrast to the preceding symbol we have now a scene stressing a physical action with psychological and/or spiritual overtones. In ancient cosmologies the male god often appears in three roles as son, husband and father of the woman element of nature. Nature is fulfilled by the human mind and will that overcome her; she resists only better to be subdued by the power that transcends her, and by transcending her gives her a spiritual meaning. The element of 'training' in the symbolic scene comes from the fact that there has been a marriage ritual; thus the sociocultural factor is in the background. The teacher-guru is here the priest who has performed the ritual.

At this second stage the rules are reversed, the masculine element assuming the dynamic positive part in the great play of polarity. The masculine act balances the feminine dream visualization. The Keyword is UNVEILING. There can also be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy."

You can't just make this stuff up. It's all there in that natal chart.
Thus, the Sabian Symbols have also proven to be [proven themselves to me, at least] the ultimate tool for rectification. They have helped determine what the true nature of some of the mis-labled [for natal use] Astrological Parts should be appropriately titled but also helped determine the actual birth time of a number of individuals. I've successfully used the later to determine the charts for Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, and Jim Morrison, to name a few. I also used them to determine that the most accurate birth time for the Nazarene is in fact 9 to 4 seconds earlier that I had originally had for the natal chart, I.e 5:23 p.m., as it surely must have occurred between 5:22: 51 and 5:22:56 p.m. as for the difference it makes to which degree of the Zodiac a certain Astrological Part is found to be in... as the difference between the two in symbolism is that significantly different and appropriate.

I hope this will prove to be of much usefulness to your own means and ways of analytic process.
Thank you for your own insights, knowledge, in contribution and for being of an open mind and your willingnes to study and evaluate this, quite different approach, to Astrological analysis.
May God Bless, ptv

The fellow I identify as "Mitch", in my book, whom has since acquire some property in Oroville, Calif. has offered me a room in his house for very little rent and half the utilities. He has about two acres of land, an "Inheritance gift".
"Mitch" is a "piece of work", to say the least. A believer in Gnostic Christianity, but also one that studies many areas of the occult and has even dabbled in the Black Arts... effectively too, I might add. His birth data is [get this] June 6, 1962 at 6:06 a.m. Kileen, Texas. He has Mercury combust and his Mercury is conjunct, same degree, as my natal 8th House cusp. Thus, I have learned a great deal about matters of the 8th House from the man over the 22 years I have now known him.

According to my clairvoyant friend, Clarisse, "Mitch" and I have some past life association during the time of the Crusades. There is a karmic indebtedness to me, because he cost me my home in that lifetime. It seems that the "Cosmos" may be giving him the chance to absolve that debt?
It's his Mercury combust that does get to be "too much" to be around constantly. It is impossible to watch a movie, the TV, or listen to music with Him in the room... He talks incessantly. Very interesting natal chart though. I initiated a thread on his chart many years ago at this forum. It is the chart of a "shock artist" and he has certainly proven that over the years I've known him. Very creative and always up to something.
I've tentatively agreed to moving in with him this coming month... although I'm dreading having to move everything again... and if it doesn't work out...which I figure I'll know after a couple of months, then I'll have to move again.
I did do a Sabian oracle about what the arrangement will bring [a method using a deck of playing cards. The face cards represent the 12 Signs, Kings are the Cardinal Signs, Queens the Fixed Signs, and the Jacks are the Mutable. Hearts are the Spring Signs, Diamonds that of Summer, Spades those of the Fall, and Clubs are of the Winter. The numbered cards are Hearts, 1 - 10, Diamonds 11 -20, and Spades 21 -30, One proceeds just as if one were using the I Ching.]
I forget, offhand, which degree of the Zodiac I drew but Rudhyar's keyword for that Sign and degree is "Togetherness"... so, it may work out just fine.
Sounds like an interesting dude, I wish you both a compatible future!

Sounds like the change could be very positive.

Moving can be trying, but you need this change I think.

Anything transiting your 4th?

While he talks a little bit more than you might prefer, there will be, conversations of a possibly interesting nature.

Conversations that are better than the brain jello that are on the idiot box.

You will have your room, maybe a TV in it, for times you need time for you, and vegetate on the commercials, till you want to have a intelligent discussion!

Are they a Christian organization or something? Like, is there a Bible in every hotel room or something? My first instinct would be to try and find out if the hotel chain is affiliated with a specific denomination, and if not whether the ISP they use is.

Probably all U.S. hotels (and hotels in I don't know how many other countries) have a Bible in every room, thanks to the Gideon Society. That doesn't mean the hotel is affiliated with any religion. The Gideons go around to all hotels and put Bibles in the rooms. They're not affiliated with any particular hotel or hotel chain.

Way back when I was in college, I worked at an independently owned hotel. It went through two sets of owners while I was there. None of the owners were particularly religious as far as I ever knew, and certainly none of them brought religion into their management of the hotel in any way. But when the Gideons came around, the Bibles went in the rooms, just like the phone book did when it was delivered (that was back when there were phone books delivered every year).

Blocking a website for being about alternative beliefs is weird, but it's not necessarily rooted in religion. There are non-religious reasons why an individual or a company or a bot might decide alternative beliefs are dangerous content.
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Sounds like an interesting dude, I wish you both a compatible future!

Sounds like the change could be very positive.

Moving can be trying, but you need this change I think.

Anything transiting your 4th?

While he talks a little bit more than you might prefer, there will be, conversations of a possibly interesting nature.

Conversations that are better than the brain jello that are on the idiot box.

You will have your room, maybe a TV in it, for times you need time for you, and vegetate on the commercials, till you want to have a intelligent discussion!

Thank you or the positive feedback and your words of encouragement. I cast His progressed natal chart and found it to be a validation of optimism too. The progressed Part of Fortune is near identical to the Sabian Symbolism for the degree o the Zodiac I drew the other day when I consulted the Sabians as an oracle, in the fashion of consulting the I Ching. What I drew that day symbolized fraternal togetherness. His prog. Po Fortune is in the 10th of Scorpio. [ibid.]

The overtones of human relationships based on a community of work or experiences.

This symbol pictures the essential nature of the bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity. The social feeling of communion, plus all that it engenders, arises after the act performed together. Activity is at the root of consciousness. Activity in common generates social consciousness and cultural patterns which become set in the form of institutions. A group-personality emerges, which displays characteristic features and gives birth to collective emotions and values.

This is the final stage of the forty-fourth five-fold sequence. Wherever the symbol appears, it suggests the importance of establishing or strengthening links with those with whom one has shared, or can share, living experiences. The value of COMRADESHIP is emphasized."

As to regarding his Mercury combust and the anecdotes I've shared about incessant conversation, his prog. Uranus in the the 30th deg. of Leo [the same location as Donald Trump's natal Asc. and so revealing of the president elects' personality and why he seems to like to hear himself speak!] is an indication that there likely won't be any pauses in conversation, awkward or otherwise. [ibid.]


The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men.

Coming as it does as the end of this tenth scene and linked with the last degree of the zodiacal sign, Leo, this symbol seems at first quite puzzling; when it has been thought of as an isolated symbol, its essential meaning has not been apparent. The fact that a letter is unsealed does not imply a trust that other people will not read its contents, but rather the idea that the contents are for all men to read. The letter contains a public message in the sense that when man has reached the stage of true mental repolarization and development — which we see in the very first symbol for Leo — he has actually become a participant in the One Mind of humanity. Nothing can really be hidden, except superficially and for a brief time. What any man thinks and deeply realizes becomes the property of all men. Nothing is more senseless than possessiveness in the realm of ideas. If God speaks to a man, Man hears the word. Nothing can remain permanently 'sealed.'

As this thirtieth sequence of five symbols ends, it is made clear to us, and particularly to the inherently proud Leo type, that all that takes form within the mind of a man belongs to all men. Communication and SHARING must always prevail over the will to glorify oneself by claiming sole possession of ideas and information.

"Malakye's prog. Mercury is conj. my natal M.C., and Po Fortune, in the 25th deg. of Leo which is very encouraging especially at this time as I plan on putting a lot of effort into getting the revised edition of my book published and, also, to put public pressure upon my former employer to "make right" their vindictive and injurious actions that cheated me out of a quarter of a million dollars years ago and also resulted in my waiting over six years before I began receiving the disability pension from the Calif. public employee retirement fund, which also ended up costing me nearly $15000 in back taxes and fines to the I.R.S. It was because of my former employer providing perjured, i.e. "falsified" employment history to the medical examiners and also to the employees' retirement fund that, not only delayed me from getting my due pension, but also gave the pension fund reason to lie to me, telling me why I only received half of what was past due, to begin with, was just part of the usual routine, i.e. a "formality", and that I needed to write an appeal and that I would get the other half in six months or less.
They had hired a p.i. to prove that I had faked my injuries, despite a conclusive M.R.I. test and prognosis , and that Social Security recognized and approved a permanent physical disability award in just three months after I applied, and on the first attempt, five years prior. I didn't get the rest of what was due for another 18 months and didn't have the expected money to pay the taxes owed. The IRS wanted $2700, and they just ended up taking it, until they took over $14,000 out of my monthly S.S. checks. The State wanted back taxes too, which I refused to pay to this day, and they have no means o collecting it from me, but has caused me to remain with no other income from other than disability compensation, and as I cannot have a checking account and cannot have any credit cards, nor receive any monetary loan, so as to remain financially "untouchable", has ended up leaving me without a credit file, i.e. I don't exist as to anyone that wants to know what my "credit score" is. Leaving me in this present state of being unable to find a landlord willing to rent to me, not to mention financing anything I might need or desire to own. I've been without "wheels" for over two years now. As I only recently discovered that while the IRS has a ten year statute of limitation on back taxes owed, the State of Calif. has a twenty year statute of the same, and as this back tax issue dates to 2008 and as I am still being injured by those actions, I'm rather confident that I can still get something done about it... and this time I'm not going to bother with a lawyer, as the one I had sold me out, and set up an elaborate con to deceive me into preventing a criminal investigation of the Maintenance & Operations Dept. of the entity I had worked or, as that was the recommendation by the examining medical authorities, i.e. to establish the full amount of psychological injury I had suffered while in that employment, in addition to the 85% physical disability regarding to the required duties of my position I was being awarded, it was their opinion that I was over 50% psych. disabled regardless of whether or not the criminal allegations I had made were true or not, and that a full criminal investigation would have to be conducted to determine the full amount of that injury. They must have paid my lawyer a bundle to do me dirty.

If a minor civil service unit, such as the maintenance and operations dept. of a school district, is so ripe with graft, then imagine what goes on at the State and Federal levels. ...and I believe that is why Donald Trump suffered the attacks that he has, i.e. for threatening to "drain the swamp"... May God bless the man if he genuinely will at least attempt to do so. He will need that blessing, and all the bodyguards he can acquire the next four years and thereafter, if he actually succeeds.

So, yeah, I'm optimistic about this upcoming living arrangement, but also remaining cautiously so. I met Malakye just a couple of weeks prior to my discovery and getting the evidence of the criminal conspiracy by my former employer and my own lawyer. He is a witness to the fact since that time and knowledgeable of the events and facts prior to then, having met and gotten to know so many that were acquainted with me for many years prior to that time that have since moved away, and, or passed on. At this present point in time I've been in court before a judge often enough to know that it is the number of witnesses and the amount of documented evidence, one can produce, that is the essential key to a favorable judgement.