I think after seeing some of the charts in this thread that there are a few types of vegans/vegetarians,The compassionate Neptune/Venus/Pisces 12 th.
The reactionary Uranus/11th house etc.The love of nature Taurus/Moon Taurus and the health conscious Virgo/6th house.
There are probably other types and expansions on the ones I have mentioned,And combinations of the above.
I have a bit of all of them,I became a vegetarian when I left home at 17 and decided that i could not accept animals suffering and dying for the sake of my taste buds,But also realised that animals raised so unnaturally and consequently ill could not possibly be healthy to eat.
I have Venus in Pisces compassion,Uranus in 11th brotherhood/sisterhood with all living creatures,Sun conjunct mercury 9th trine Virgo ascendant health/spirit. and Moon in Taurus I never fail to get a fantastic feeling from nature.For me destroying nature is anathema,Destroying humans and any living being is anathema,To harm others is to harm one self.For me there is no good reason to eat meat full stop,We would not have world starvation if people were more disciplined in what they eat and did not eat meat and cared for each other,So much land is wasted rearing animals and also destroyed as well,This land could be the refuge of endangered species,their natural environment,These species are endangered because of our greed for every last drop of blood(resources) from these environments.We live on a finite surface,if we take more than we need we deprive the needy,and that's not just our fellow human beings but every species on the planet.
I would like to think that my fellow human beings could have the same opinions,but unfortunately I believe that our decisions on behaviour are governed by the chart we are given at birth and it is very difficult for a being that does not have any of the previously mentioned configurations in their natal chart to be concerned about such issues.
I think it is more likely that the majority of humans will stop eating animals only when they cant afford to any more as rearing animals is getting more and more expensive,meanwhile the quality gets worse and worse.
Sorry Mr Moderator Wilsontc i could not help going off topic for a few paragraphs.I like to think that by explaining my reasons it will elucidate the natal configurations.Ill shut up now