Any aspects/signs that lead to vegans/vegetarians/animals activists?

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Dec 5, 2010
Hi everyone

I have checked this site out and have not found one thread on any aspects/planets etc that point to or may influence people to feel strongly about animals rights, or to become vegans. Does anyone believe astrological signs are an influence on people who may be more inclined to humanitarian impluses or more compassionate towards issues concerning animals rights and/or suffering? I can only think that signs that have more 'outward' focus (e.g Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, etc) are more prone to this?
Are you thinking about your own chart or someone elses?

I have been a vegetarian for 20 years and a vegan for 6 and yes, I do some activism for these and other environmental, human rights issues etc.

I'll attach my chart if you are interested.

My opinion: My neptune in my 1st house is a biggie for me. The injustices and suffering of the world make me angry and physically sick to the point where I have to something about them. I have Neptune conjunct to asc, sextile to my Sun and conjunct to my Moon - all aspects that points towards idealism, compassion, connection with animals. Scorpio Risings also have a special connection with animals.

I actually used to work with animals in a conservation setting and in a shelter and someone on this site told me that any sort of humanitarian/conservation/activism related issues would be Uranus' territory. I have Uranus in the 10th house in Libra. I have a few other aspects to Uranus - not how exactly they fit into this but I am not afraid to stand up for what I feel is unjust - no matter how much a weirdo I look like. :)

I have in my 6th house with Saturn (yuck) so that might be interepted as restriction with the diet (6th house Virgo issues with health). Just a guess on that one.

I will tell you one thing as far as Sun Signs go - 90% of the veg*ns I meet are water and earth signs - esp. Cancer or Cancer cusps and a few Libras. I don't ask all the veggies I know their sun signs (nor can I analyze their whole charts) but honestly I haven't met too many where I find out their sun sign is a Fire sign - maybe just a coincidence, maybe not. Of course I think to be an activist you have to have fire in you - my chart has a lot of fire but the Water in my first house really dominates.


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Hi queenfluff

Thanks for your comments. I am now a vegan myself after watching the extremely confronting documentary 'EARTHLINGS'. Yet i have just turned 25, so i ate meat before this all my life...not a lot, but still did. My two best friends are vegans and one is an Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Pisces mercury, cap rising, with Saturn, Uranus in the 12th house..she is such a 'humanitarian' type. Her wife is a cap sun, Aries moon, Aquarius Venus, mars sag, mec cap, lib rising. They are BOTH totally rebellious towards authority as well.

Overall i think the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius- and also Virgo at times.Whether they are in the moon, Mercury, Venus, mars, sun etc incline people towards outer world concerns. (esp Venus/moon in Aquarius, moon/sun in Pisces) One's mother is totally close minded and thinks animals are okay to be consumed by humans. (moon in Taurus probably makes her stubborn and 'fixed') Personally i don't know much about the influence of aspects on vegetarianism...I am a fire sun (Aries), Lib moon, Ven Aries, Mars Sag, Pisces mercury..I'd say the Pisces contributes to my love of animals..
This is interesting. What about the NN in Aquarius?

For the past 15 years I've been mostly vegetarian. I'm a Cancer Sun. My ex-husband is also a Cancer Sun and vegetarian. I looked at the charts of other veggie friends but I don't see a heavy emphasis on water, though.

Vegetarians/vegans choose this lifestyle for different reasons. Could be for reasons of a humanitarian, religious, health or environmental nature.

Activism... Sun square Uranus comes to mind. Though I have this in my chart and I don't consider myself an activist. I make my choices for myself and never try to convince anybody they should give up on eating meat, unless they express an interest.
Neptune is the main planetary factor. It relates to self-denial of a food normally ingested by omnivores (us). You'll find vegetarians and vegans of all zodiac types. It has more to do with influence of Eastern cultures in the west with attempts by many to counterbalance the excesses of American lifestyles. All kinds of people see the sense in that. Then there is the Natural Hygiene movement, which was not necessarily influenced by eastern thought directly. Again, strongly Neptune types do not digest meat as well, so it doesn't make sense for them. Fire types generally require more meat and handle it better.

I was a vegetarian for 5 years. Not a good choice for me. Never an activist. Virgo rising, Neptune opp Merc, Venus, Mars. I'm cooking chili today. Somewhere a number of cows gave up parts of themselves so that I could enjoy it. I moo a Thank You...
I wonder what question is being asked, exactly? I don't really think there are any particular aspects in the natal chart which would result in vegetarianism. I believe there are aspects which would make people health conscious, and there are aspects that would make people care about animals. Both would likely result in vegetarianism, but are probably mostly unrelated.

Drawing the horizon line of the zodiac at the Leo/Cancer cusp and Aquarius/Capricorn cusp puts Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius clumped together on the western horizon, representing others and things unlike yourself. This is the proper zodiacal formation according to Carl Payne Tobey.

I have been a vegetarian for about nine years now. When my brother was 11-12ish he came by the realization that eating animals was horrible. He basically became an activist overnight. All of his reasoning was clear as day to me, and I somehow automatically knew that I was going to follow his lead eventually. I loved animals, and I couldn't convince myself that I could love animals and eat them at the same time. There was only one thing I could do that made any sense. Even though I was a big-time meat lover it was very easy to quit. I had my reason, and the will power followed suit.

When a cow walks into my house, lays down on my floor and explodes into steaks and confetti I will believe that she gave herself up to feed me. Society has reached well beyond the point where we don't need to eat meat to survive. I think we should do what we can to give back in these disgustingly plentiful times. And if you can't give up meat entirely, please stop buying factory farms and giving heartache to those of us that can sacrifice. Sorry, I wouldn't have gone there, but something made my soul hurt.

Edit: I'd like to keep this conversation as civil as possible even though I have a hard time doing that when I'm insulted. I erased a number of scathing comments while writing my post because I don't want to attack anyone or make flames. I still will not attack anyone, which is much against my nature, and suffice to say... thank you, Neptune, for making me care. Physical bias melts away and we are all left as creatures in pain.

Note: Contrary to what it says on my brother's natal chart, we have come to believe that his Moon is in the later degrees of Aquarius, not the earlier degrees of Pisces. Other calculators agree.


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Hi queenfluff

Thanks for your comments. I am now a vegan myself after watching the extremely confronting documentary 'EARTHLINGS'. Yet i have just turned 25, so i ate meat before this all my life...not a lot, but still did.

I still can't watch Earthlings with putting my hands over my eyes or crying afterwards...:( I am 41 so I became a veggie when I 21 (teens and 20s - popular ages to do this. :) ) I ate a regular meaty American diet before that but I was never a big fan of meat - giving up cheese took longer for me only because the information wasn't available back than than. I am glad it is so much more available now. It so much easier to be vegan now than it was when I did it - I didn't know anyone who was a veggie - I pretty much went it alone. There were no videos back than. Just some gross black and white pic of factory farms and stories - but that was enough for me! I never looked back. I think the decisions definately soothes my sensitive Neptune. :) I agree Pisces influences are big.

Neptune is the main planetary factor. It relates to self-denial of a food normally ingested by omnivores (us). You'll find vegetarians and vegans of all zodiac types. It has more to do with influence of Eastern cultures in the west with attempts by many to counterbalance the excesses of American lifestyles. All kinds of people see the sense in that. Then there is the Natural Hygiene movement, which was not necessarily influenced by eastern thought directly. Again, strongly Neptune types do not digest meat as well, so it doesn't make sense for them. Fire types generally require more meat and handle it better.

Hmm, well do not agree that humans were meant to be omnivores but that is outside this thread. Eastern cultures did not influence my decision at all. Back in 1990, I was reading about enivornmental issues and found out about factory farms and that was it. I was angry, sad and pisssed that I was lied too. (cows die of old age than we eat them..yeah,right). Where I grew up, I hadn't even heard of the word vegetarian. I never even had food that was considered vegetarian. I had no idea what it was. There wasn't a big Eastern influence in food back than as there is more prominent. Not until after my discovery and going veg did I learn about Eastern cultures and vegetarianism. I didn't know about Natural Hygiene either until afterwards. I learned all that while learning about vegetarianism. I agree with on one thing - I never was big on meat so all the easier and better for me. I don't miss it at all.

When a cow walks into my house, lays down on my floor and explodes into steaks and confetti I will believe that she gave herself up to feed me. Society has reached well beyond the point where we don't need to eat meat to survive. I think we should do what we can to give back in these disgustingly plentiful times. And if you can't give up meat entirely, please stop buying factory farms and giving heartache to those of us that can sacrifice. Sorry, I wouldn't have gone there, but something made my soul hurt.

Edit: I'd like to keep this conversation as civil as possible even though I have a hard time doing that when I'm insulted. I erased a number of scathing comments while writing my post because I don't want to attack anyone or make flames. I still will not attack anyone, which is much against my nature, and suffice to say... thank you, Neptune, for making me care. Physical bias melts away and we are all left as creatures in pain.

Bravo Earth Sign! I like how you think! :) Yes, I am grateful to Neptune too for making me the compassionate person I am. I am quite happy with it. :) I think current Neptune in Pisces will inspire more compassion and idealism towards these least I hope so.
This is obviously a discussion that most people do not like to confront as it forces them to directly look at their own actions. Kannon - seeing as you are very knowledgeable in astrology and all its teachings i am surprised that you would make such an blatantly uneducated comment. There is NO self denial that 'neptunium' influenced people have in there un consummation of meat.

Humans are NOT omnivores they are HERBIVORES. Do your research before making uneducated comments. Humans are NOT designed in any way shape or form to consume meat or dairy products. Like fellow Herbivores, humans have straight flat teeth - designed to tear through plants, seeds, and legumes. A humans digestive system is not designed to digest meat/dairy- their intestinal length is half the size of carnivores. Animals are not mere commodities put on this planet to be abused and consumed by humans - who somehow decided that it was acceptable. The media try to demonize veganism by publicizing that it causes iron deficiencies amongst numerous other things...are people going to continue to let the media brainwash their every waking thought?

I encourage people to make the CONNECTION - between what is on their plate, to what was once a happy cow or chicken in a paddock or backyard. The problem is that no one wants to face reality - the realities of what these poor animals must endure each and every day. If a person went onto a paddock for one day to spend time with a cow (that was to be their dinner) they would realize that a cow is NO different to their dog or cat at home- it still possesses feelings and the ability to feel pain and fear. If people had to slaughter their own animals for consumption most people would not be eating meat. Where do people make the distinction between a dog or cow? EXACTLY who decided that a dog was so much more valuable? By the way humans do NOT NEED COWS MILK. The only milk a human needs in their lifespan is breast milk in infancy. The cows produce milk solely FOR THEIR BABIES!!!! - not for humans. Instead the baby calfs are stolen from their mothers straight after birth not receiving the milk that is rightfully theirs, so humans can continue drinking milk they do not even need. Where to get calcium? VITAMIN D - FROM SUNLIGHT- the only form of calcium humans need for their bones. Anyway i am just passionate about educating ignorant people who are spoon fed by the mainstream media - who know nothing, and want you to know nothing. I think astrology may influence vegetarianism -vegans are the least selfish people i have come across -they are more compassionate, educated and generally want to do something to contribute to the world, than meat eaters ever will.
Hmm. My two siblings and I were brought up as a pescatarians, but I stopped eating fish around age 19 and now mostly avoid dairy as well. So I've stuck with it and gone farther than my parents did, while both my siblings have started eating meat.

I think Neptune could have a lot to do with it as people have been saying, but also having a water influence. When it's a health based decision it's a separate issue, really. Neptune is my most elevated planet in the 9th house, and it opposes my Mercury-Mars conjunction in Cancer. I have the Moon in Taurus in the 1st house and my pescatarian mother has a Taurus Sun and Moon. We are both stubborn, but neither of us are particularly old fashioned or anything like that... Perhaps her Neptune in the 12th gives her reserves of compassion... but she is not about to cut out fish or cheese from her diet.

My best friend started the process of becoming a vegetarian at 12 which I think was probably a lot harder than it was for me, having never eaten red meat in my life. He's a Taurus with a Virgo Moon, Leo rising and a grand trine between the Sun, Moon and Neptune. We started moving towards veganism together, and he is much more strict/stronger about it than I am. He isn't even open to dating meat eaters, while I will.

I agree with queenfluff that people with strong fire signs might be less inclined to vegetarianism, and some of them have that attitude of really needing to consume meat. Of course that doesn't go for all firey people, and I think compassion for animals is going to be shown in a more subtle way in a chart than elemental balance.

My brother seems to have no concern about eating animals despite the way we were raised. He's a Gemini sun, Sag Moon, Libra rising with Neptune in the 4th. My sister who might have a tiny bit more feeling about it, but still became a meat eater is an Aries with the Moon on the Taurus/Gemini Cusp and Sag rising.


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Thank you, brooke24, for that post you made yesterday. I was hoping someone would drop some facts on this thread. :smile:

queenfluff, I've sent you a friend request, I hope that's okay. We've had a number of positive encounters on this forum, and I consider you a friend. I'm just making the computer acknowledge that. :happy:

Just a note to others... I don't know if it's necessarily correct to post about how you love to eat animals on this thread. It doesn't add much to the thread and somewhat flies in the face of it. I don't know if it's just me, but I get offended when people talk about eating meat around me, as if I can relate. I don't blame anyone, but I don't like to have my thoughts and emotions hijacked by something I think and feel is horrendous. Anyway, just a thought...
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I agree with queenfluff that people with strong fire signs might be less inclined to vegetarianism, and some of them have that attitude of really needing to consume meat. Of course that doesn't go for all firey people, and I think compassion for animals is going to be shown in a more subtle way in a chart than elemental balance.

Actually I didn't say that, Kannon did. :) I said that I think that activist types probably have Firey charts. I think you would need some fire in your chart to be an activist. Or perhaps maybe a well aspected Mars? My Mars has a ton of squares too it. I am not a AFL member or anything and I no longer try to push people into my way of thinking but if some one is interested I will help them become a veg. Other than that I am big petition signer and I will often go to fur protests but I don't break into any labs. My biggest "protest" is in the changes I make in my lifestyle. A vegan saves 90 animals a year. I think that is a big "protest". :)
Thank you, brooke24, for that post you made yesterday. I was hoping someone would drop some facts on this thread. :smile:

queenfluff, I've sent you a friend request, I hope that's okay. We've had a number of positive encounters on this forum, and I consider you a friend. I'm just making the computer acknowledge that. :happy:

Just a note to others... I don't know if it's necessarily correct to post about how you love to eat animals on this thread. It doesn't add much to the thread and somewhat flies in the face of it. I don't know if it's just me, but I get offended when people talk about eating meat around me, as if I can relate. I don't blame anyone, but I don't like to have my thoughts and emotions hijacked by something I think and feel is horrendous. Anyway, just a thought...

Of course it is! Thanks, I accepted it. :)

I agree. I think people the topic makes people feel insecure about their own dietary habits so instead of just leaving it alone they have to knock it. I have come across so many people like this in my life. They just can't accept someone being different from them or taking a stand for some thing they believe in even if it means being different or challenging their lifestyle so they get defensive and knock the other person down - even if you aren't attacking what they do at all. Pretty immature if you ask me.
'Tasty cow meat'. Some people.

There will be many other animals who might be thinking "tasty human meat" - the poster better hope he doesn't run into any of those all by himself.:lol: Of course I won't go into what is REALLY in cow's meat - he wouldn't think it is tasty after that. :)
please keep on subject, to all


Please keep on subject. The issue being discussed is ASTROLOGICAL indicators of vegetarianism/began/etc. If you want to discuss vegetarianism in GENERAL, please go to the General Chat forum.

Back on subject,

I think after seeing some of the charts in this thread that there are a few types of vegans/vegetarians,The compassionate Neptune/Venus/Pisces 12 th.
The reactionary Uranus/11th house etc.The love of nature Taurus/Moon Taurus and the health conscious Virgo/6th house.
There are probably other types and expansions on the ones I have mentioned,And combinations of the above.
I have a bit of all of them,I became a vegetarian when I left home at 17 and decided that i could not accept animals suffering and dying for the sake of my taste buds,But also realised that animals raised so unnaturally and consequently ill could not possibly be healthy to eat.
I have Venus in Pisces compassion,Uranus in 11th brotherhood/sisterhood with all living creatures,Sun conjunct mercury 9th trine Virgo ascendant health/spirit. and Moon in Taurus I never fail to get a fantastic feeling from nature.For me destroying nature is anathema,Destroying humans and any living being is anathema,To harm others is to harm one self.For me there is no good reason to eat meat full stop,We would not have world starvation if people were more disciplined in what they eat and did not eat meat and cared for each other,So much land is wasted rearing animals and also destroyed as well,This land could be the refuge of endangered species,their natural environment,These species are endangered because of our greed for every last drop of blood(resources) from these environments.We live on a finite surface,if we take more than we need we deprive the needy,and that's not just our fellow human beings but every species on the planet.
I would like to think that my fellow human beings could have the same opinions,but unfortunately I believe that our decisions on behaviour are governed by the chart we are given at birth and it is very difficult for a being that does not have any of the previously mentioned configurations in their natal chart to be concerned about such issues.
I think it is more likely that the majority of humans will stop eating animals only when they cant afford to any more as rearing animals is getting more and more expensive,meanwhile the quality gets worse and worse.
Sorry Mr Moderator Wilsontc i could not help going off topic for a few paragraphs.I like to think that by explaining my reasons it will elucidate the natal configurations.Ill shut up now :)
I would say that it's a combination of things :smile:

One can feel caring and responsible of ones enviroment, people and the animals even if ones diet includes meat. Most of the time there can be many reasons why we choose to go with a certain diet. Overall, many vegetarians I know closely choose their diet to match with their values and views. They feel responsible of the world around and it reflects with what they eat.

I've also noticed that many vegetarians/vegan charts seem to have a :venus:- :saturn:aspect. It makes sense as Venus is about values and Saturn about responsibility among many others. Few famous vegetarians/vegans with such aspects include:

Bryan Adams
Natalie Portman
Michael Jackson
Ashley Judd
Sinead O'Connor
Jared Leto
Lenny Kravitz
Fiona Apple

(I also used to be vegetarian, now more of a semi-vegetarian that sometimes includes fish and chicken. I have a wide opposition between 9th house Venus and 3rd house Saturn as well.)
Hi Lime !
Thanks for your great feedback! what an interesting observation...Venus-Saturn aspects. I have Venus semi square Saturn (i think a very wide orb) and i have been vegan since April. My sibling however is a slightly stricter vegan than me ...lots of Virgo planets, with moon in Sagittarius, Leo rising.

I have no Aquarius planets (does Aquarius rising in Libra decan in sidereal count lol) ? but I've seen lots of friends with heavy Aquarius that are vegan/vegetarian. e.g my two closest friends..ones moon in Aquarius, the other Venus in Aquarius.

I do not agree with your views entirely ptolomy - whilst you are correct in stating that there are certain signs in ones birth chart that may give them more focus/concern/compassion for animals/the planet - I believe ALL humans (regardless of birth planets) are capable of a true awakening..humanity can change for the better ..and signs have nothing to do with that. After all we are ALL energy and ALL born with love and compassion for our fellow man ..yet it is often drummed out of us as we grow older in various ways - e.g. contempt, religion, separation from other members of society, abuse, neglect, and even the day to day realities of society can make many very selfish, even indifferent to suffering.
Interesting conversation - I can honestly say this is an astro-related question I've never seen before.

I have absolutely no idea what can indicate an inclination toward veganism or anything similar, astrologically. I just know that animals are supposed to be the sixth and twelfth houses, right? Sixth, small animals, household pets....twelfth livestock, horses, all larger animals.

As far as my personal views on eating meat, I do so and do it with absolutely no sense of shame and have no plans to stop eating meat anytime soon. I don't see anything particularly immoral about the practice, especially when animals attack and eat one another in the wild anyway. It's an unpleasant thought, but that's the food chain and how life works essentially - living things kill and eat other living things.

What I do have a problem with, is animals being killed in an inhumane manner that drags out the process and causes them a lot of unnecessary physical pain. I also have a problem with the idea of animals being brought up in total darkness and/or not being able to move around freely and being fed things that aren't really their natural diet - all of which I saw discussed in the documentary "Food Inc.".