Any chance?

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2014
Happy New Year Forum,

Hope everyone is well.

Just wanted to know if I have any chance of developing a romantic relationship with a new guy I recently started chatting with on FB?

Thanks for your input.



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Hi Claire,

Happy new year to you as well.

Your chart is too small to read.
Maybe that's just me but if you don't get any reactions you may want to post a bigger chart.

Talking about romance, or friendship by the way?

Hi Claire,

Happy new year to you as well.

Your chart is too small to read.
Maybe that's just me but if you don't get any reactions you may want to post a bigger chart.

Talking about romance, or friendship by the way?

Thank you! I updated a larger chart and added that I’m interested in a romantic relationship. Thanks
No change in the chart display size. Take a look an you will see.

You can control how big the chart image is in The display/print size options for the the chart are nearer to the bottom the page of chart option selections.
No change in the chart display size. Take a look an you will see.

You can control how big the chart image is in The display/print size options for the the chart are nearer to the bottom the page of chart option selections.
Tried it again
Claire, is this right?
I couldn't make out the name of the place but the coords seems close.


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Well it's a full Moon, emotions are rising high, the things and people we want come in full vision.

You are signified by the Ascendant it's ruler Mars and the Moon
He, as somebody you just met, is a 7th house person ruled by Venus, as a romantic interest he get's the Sun.

Venus is placed in the 12th and that can well be a pointer towards the internet, so that adds up.
The Sun in the tenth, him meeting your out-in-the-world-persona.
Both your significators are in the 4th. It seems the emotional part is doing quite well, the other part a bit less with Mars in it's fall.

For a yes answer, ideally there are some dignified signifiers (with power), making an aspect and receiving each other.

Mars is not so dignified, actually he is in fall. You literally falling for this guy... if not then not doing to well otherwise.
The Moon is strong, the Sun less so but they do make an aspect, be it a strained opposition (the full Moon), no reception between them. Actually the Sun doesn't like the Moon that much. The opposition makes both your attractions towards each other somewhat doubtful on an emotional level, an opposition is more like fighting then getting along.
That being the only aspect without reception makes a future romance doubtful, there is a slight chance for opportunity, no real inclination to act upon it.

In my opinion the chart does show you like eachother, or better you like the way he communicates and shows up.
He seems to like your appearance, Sun exalts you is ruled by Saturn, it's on a non-emotional level having the Moon in detriment.

Given how the rulers of the 3rd houses, communication, show up, you two are having a good time talking, probably joking around.
His significators though show that he may not like this for too long, Jupiter has itself in detriment, Venus (him) has Mercury (you talking) in a bad place, the Sun dislikes the Moon and Jupiter.
You may start to feel that it's all about the looks and not much further.

So all in all, in my opinion, this chart shows mostly not a romantic future together. Very maybe something more superficial, but even that is doubtful.

I do hope however that you'll have fun talking to this guy and if you like him a lot, I hope I'm wrong.