Any techniques to predict a marriage?

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Aug 31, 2010
Hello everyone,

Can we predict a long term relationship ev. a marriage with astrology? If so, HOW?

Thank you:happy:
Hello everyone,

Can we predict a long term relationship ev. a marriage with astrology? If so, HOW?

Thank you:happy:
08-16-2010, 06:59 AM

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Re: Age of marriage shown in the Natal Chart
Originally Posted by Astrolove
I have tried doing the natal chart with added progression however I am just as lost.

Maybe you're LOST (like the tele show) and not lost.

Originally Posted by CrimsonTaurus
ok so I'm totally confused!

Taurus is actually White & Yellow (Citrine). Libra would be dark crimson.

Originally Posted by Astrolove
I would like to know if anyone can help me figure out the year or the age of marriage in my case Please.

I'll show you some neat tricks.

À 000° - 029° Ari
Á 030° - 059° Tau
 060° - 089° Gem
à 090° - 119° Can
Ä 120° - 149° Leo
Å 150° - 179° Vir
Æ 180° - 209° Lib
Ç210° - 239° Sco
È 240° - 269° Sag
É 270° - 299° Cap
Ê 300° - 329°Aqu
Ë 330° - 359° Pis

Those are the Right Ascensions aka "RA" so if I said RA Venus 94°39' then you'd know that Venus is really in at 4° Can 39' and what is the value of that? Well, sometimes astro-math is easier if you use RA instead of Signs/Degrees.

This whole thread is about a woman named Rose Murray who wrote a book about when you'll marry or something like that way back in 1996.

She is using an astrological technique that is 3,000 years old, but she doesn't explain it very well so I'll clear up some of the confusion.

Her method is based on primary direction or what we call progressions. Everything you need or want to know about your future is right there. I'll show you how to do that using this chart here:


In this chart, we see Venus at 4° Can 39' which would means that the opposite point would be 4° Cap 39' so that if we direct the Ascendant to 4° Cap 39' then the directed Ascendant would be in opposition to natal Venus.

Let's convert the Ascendant and the point opposite Venus to Right Ascension:

4° Cap 39' equals 270° + 4° Cap 39' --> 274°39'
20° Sco 43' equals 210° + 20° Sco 43' --> 230°43'

Now let's subtract the difference between the two RA points:


Convert 39' for subtraction:


Equals 43°56'

Now, we aren't really keen on minutes of arc so we'll get rid of them and we're left with:

43° and using a Naibod Table (which is not the same thing as a Naibod Arc) we find that 43° equals 43 years and 230 days.

So, in the 43rd year of the life of Professor Gumby, in the 7th Month (230 days divided by 30 days), which was July 2005, something happened, specfically to wit, Prof Gumby and his wife filed for divorce which was finalized 60 days later in September.

That is Directed Ascendant opposition natal Venus which happens to rule Professor Gumby's 9th House and this happened to be his 2nd Marriage and his wife was a foreigner and that folks, is what the 9th House means.

How about that? Now don't feel bad for Professor Gumby because I happen to know he was over the bleeding Moon about the whole thing.

But I think you guys wanted to know about marriage. Okay.

Let's direct Jupiter to the 5th House and sextile the natal Sun. In order for Jupiter to form a sextile with natal Sun at 5° Gem 13' Jupiter will have to be directed to 5° Ari 13' so let's convert those to Right Ascensions:

Sextile 5° Ari 13' equals 0° + 5°13' --> 5°13'
Jupiter 10° Pis 38' equals 330° + 10°38' --> 340°38'

Lets subtract Right Ascensions:



Houston, we have a problem.

How do we resolve this problem? Well we just add 360° and then subtract:


Convert 13' for subtraction:


Equals 24°35' and since we hate those minutes, let's get rid of them and we're left with:


From the Naibod Table (which again has absolutely nothing to do with the Naibod Arc) we find that:

24° equals 24 years 128 days.

In the 24th year of the life of Professor Gumby in the Month of April he set up house with the new Mrs. Professor Gumby in the quaint German village of Schönenberg-Kübelberg (a river runs through it).

If you want to find the time of Professor Gumby's 2nd Marriage, I'll give you a hint: Jupiter makes a certain aspect with Mercury.

Now, I can't reproduce the Naibod Table here, but you can certainly get in the ball-park just by using the degree-for-a-year thing.

A word of caution:

And a word of warning:

If you're into the "squares are scary" thing, then you're going to miss the boat.

If you look at the chart, you can plainly see that directed Venus will form a square with natal Mars. That was a good thing that happened to Professor Gumby and he didn't have to lay in a ditch with stinky putrid water for 2 hours getting shot at to have this good thing.

Directed Uranus square your natal Part of Fortune could be the day you win the lottery. So just think about that because directed Sun square Venus or directed Venus square Sun could be the love of your life.
Attached Images
Prof Gumby.jpg (39.3 KB, 108 views)
Four Modern Astrologers said Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy: "…can be very good with kids..." "...just your presence would be beneficial to other people..." "...a fairly well-rounded can offer a good role model..." "You have an instinctive awareness and your uninhibited response to life can refresh and gladden whomever you encounter."

Traditional Astrology Says: "...shows a strange mind and very wicked."

Gacy received 12 Death and 21 Life sentences for the murder of 33 boys.
08-16-2010, 10:12 PM
08-16-2010, 11:54 PM

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Re: Age of marriage shown in the Natal Chart
I forgot to mention something really important that Murray didn't explain very well in her book and a lot of others have butchered along the way. Anytime people try to reduce Astrology to the lowest common denominator you get a big FAIL.

People should consider the possibility that Venus (or Mars) is NOT the Marriage Indicator in their chart and that Venus may not even be a Marriage Indicator. How can you know what the Marriage Indicators are?

The Marriage Indicators are:

the progressed Ascendant
the natal, progressed and transiting 5th House Ruler
any planets in the natal 5th House
any planets progressed or transiting the natal 5th House
the natal, progressed and transiting 7th House Ruler
any planets in the natal 7th House
any planets progressed or transiting the natal 7th House

For a second marriage all the above plus:
the natal, progressed and transiting 9th House Ruler
any planets in the natal 9th House
any planets progressed or transiting the natal 9th House

For a third marriage same/same plus:
the natal, progressed and transiting 11th House Ruler
any planets in the natal 11th House
any planets progressed or transiting the natal 11th House

For those whose philosophy is "do it until you get it right," same/same plus:
the natal, progressed and transiting House Ruler for the appropriate marriage (ie the 5th marriage is the 3rd House)
any planets in the appropriate natal House
any planets progressed or transiting the appropriate natal House

Other Marriage Indicators would be:

The Chart Ruler (the Ascendant Ruler)
The Final Dispositor (the boss of the Ascendant Ruler -- not all charts will have a Final Dispositor)
The Almuten of the Chart

In Professor Gumby's chart, Jupiter is the Almuten of the Chart and you see progressed Jupiter moving into the 5th House and making sextiles with two Planets in the 7th House.

Originally Posted by CrimsonTaurus
I'm still confused :(

Well, it is an advanced topic.

Originally Posted by CrimsonTaurus
And I do know Libra is actually Crimson, but my best friend that passed away called me Crimson and my horoscope is Taurus, so that's how I came up with my user name.

That's cool. I think there's a thread where everyone (or some people) post the story behind their user name.
Four Modern Astrologers said Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy: "…can be very good with kids..." "...just your presence would be beneficial to other people..." "...a fairly well-rounded can offer a good role model..." "You have an instinctive awareness and your uninhibited response to life can refresh and gladden whomever you encounter."

Traditional Astrology Says: "...shows a strange mind and very wicked."

Gacy received 12 Death and 21 Life sentences for the murder of 33 boys.
08-19-2010, 02:34 AM

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Re: Age of marriage shown in the Natal Chart
Originally Posted by Kenoshamaensa
In my natal chart, my Sun and Venus are *about* 44-45 degrees apart.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Venus would be a marriage indicator for you if:

Venus is in the 5th or 7th House; or
Venus rules the 1st, 5th, 7th or 10th Houses (or the MC in an equilibrium or whole sign chart); or
Venus is the Dispositor of the 5th or 7th House Ruler or a Planet in the 5th or 7th House; or
Venus is the Dispositor of the Part of Fortune or the Part of Fortune is in the Term of Venus (or Jupiter) and the Part of Fortune is in the 2nd, 7th or 8th Houses and Venus is conjunct, sextile or trine the Part of Fortune.

If Venus does not meet any of the above conditions, then Venus is not the marriage indicator in your chart. The Planet or Planets that do meet those conditions would be the marriage indicator(s) and if there are none, then the chart does not promise marriage or the chart does not promise a 2nd (3rd, 4th or 5th etc etc) marriage.
Four Modern Astrologers said Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy: "…can be very good with kids..." "...just your presence would be beneficial to other people..." "...a fairly well-rounded can offer a good role model..." "You have an instinctive awareness and your uninhibited response to life can refresh and gladden whomever you encounter."

Traditional Astrology Says: "...shows a strange mind and very wicked."

Gacy received 12 Death and 21 Life sentences for the murder of 33 boys.
08-19-2010, 02:44 AM

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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: I hate living here; this place is death.
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Re: Age of marriage shown in the Natal Chart
Originally Posted by Veronica
Could the ruler, of the 7th house transiting the 7th or 5th indicate romance? Even if that planet is saturn or pluto?

Yes, transits in the 7th House can also indicate marriage or a change in relationships. Remember the Angular Houses signify action, beginning, something new, initiation of activity etc. So the ruler of an Angular House transiting through another house and triggering aspects will show that, ie something new, something you're just starting or beginning.

You just have to watch the 4th House Ruler because the 4th House is also a House of Endings, so the symbolism is like "the beginning of the end."

And that's where aspects come into play. The 4th House Ruler in sextile indicates opportunity to end, a trine an harmonious ending, a square a challenging ending or an opposition maybe closure or balance or a lot of conflict. The 1st House Ruler would work the same way, ie a sextile is an opportunity for something new, trine a harmonious beginning, square a challenging beginning (which could either be an obstacle or a lot of fun and action) or an opposition either conflict getting started or maybe cooperation getting things going.
Four Modern Astrologers said Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy: "…can be very good with kids..." "...just your presence would be beneficial to other people..." "...a fairly well-rounded can offer a good role model..." "You have an instinctive awareness and your uninhibited response to life can refresh and gladden whomever you encounter."

Traditional Astrology Says: "...shows a strange mind and very wicked."

Gacy received 12 Death and 21 Life sentences for the murder of 33 boys.
As well as BobZemco's detailed comments - btw where is BobZemco :smile: - there's
I have Virgo on my 7th house cusp with Mercury located there. Mercury definitely plays a prominent role in my significant relationships.

My composite chart with my x husband and our marriage of 24 years had our midheaven on the same degree as my natal Mercury. Mercury is also the final depositor of my natal chart.

HOWEVER, a very reliable astrology buddy of mine says that in MY CASE, looking at my western natal chart....I have 3 personal planets in Virgo using whole house.

The Sun, being first, was the significator of my first marriage: Lasted less than 1 year.

Jupiter, 2nd, was the significator of my 2nd marriage: lasted 24 years.

Mercury will be the significator of my 3rd. Thank God it's exalted. I'm due. lol.

I was told that because my Sun is under the rays that my first marriage wasn't meant to last. The 2nd being ruled by the greater benefic started out well but since it's in fall in Virgo, was not a good one and that's true.

I have learned it's best to be alone than to be in a bad relationship. Waiting for the right fella is oh so worth the wait. And taking a bad relationship over ANY relationship is NOT worth it. Wait out the reward.
:biggrin: Then it'll be time to celebrate. lol.
And a profection wheel is always useful :smile:
I like confirmation. I can usually pick transits and directions fairly well, but I still like to look at Profections or Solar and Lunar Returns for that additional confirmation.

That's a nice Profection Wheel.
I predicted one marriage. It was for my sister and her long term BF. At the time she was interested in three people, but one stood out with a double chiron trine aspect. Can't remember if it was chiron venus jupiter and/or neptune. Well she ended up being his gf for 10 years before he popped the question.

Needless to say, the journey of their relationship was a profound one because he lead her to go to med school, participated in humanitarian activities, and they both graduated as surgeons. In high school she was a below average student always chasing boys and getting her heart broken. Supposedly he was a player at the time, but she stuck by him and later no other woman mattered.

I think one should ask is this relationship helping you grow, rather than will he marry you. Because if you marry the wrong person because of loneliness or rushing into things, the relationship can destroy the both of you.

Second, I beg you to avoid uranus making a t-square! By the 4th time you break'll know what I mean.
This sounds super ultra interesting, now a question: would a live-in relationship be considered a marriage for these calculations' purposes?

Thank you very much for your clarifications and of course for such detailed stuff.
This sounds super ultra interesting, now a question: would a live-in relationship be considered a marriage for these calculations' purposes?

Thank you very much for your clarifications and of course for such detailed stuff.
The level of commitment is important. Some never marry 'on paper' yet their stable long term commitment outlasts many a 'legal' marriage and in fact only death 'parts' them :smile:
This sounds super ultra interesting, now a question: would a live-in relationship be considered a marriage for these calculations' purposes?

Thank you very much for your clarifications and of course for such detailed stuff.

Marriage I am talking about is a genuine union of the soul and life purpose.

Roommates can have any arrangements. Most likely, though, you'd have some 4th house aspect.

Commitment being your man or woman needs a solid Saturn connection ideally in a trines or sextiles. But too many can be a bore, and it becomes a relationship of practicality. Squares can lead to the feeling of bondage, suffocation, judgement and power trips more so when it makes a t-square or grand cross.
Last edited:
@magical, that's also what I meant, a formal couple relationship similar in all respects to a marriage but without the legal documents.

That's true, some people may rush, or marry for the wrong reasons (just want children, $ security, loneliness, etc). It does have to be a mutually ever-growing union in most, if not all, regards.
This sounds super ultra interesting, now a question: would a live-in relationship be considered a marriage for these calculations' purposes?

Thank you very much for your clarifications and of course for such detailed stuff.

Yes it would be so (in the oldtime this was called a "common law" marriage)

In addition to the complex predictive technique elaborated in this thread, above, there are other predictive tools, such as using profection to the Woman's Lot of Marriage or to the Man's Lot of Marriage; also using directions (of various measurements) to either of these points, or to the generic Lot of Marriage, directing the ascendant, sometimes Venus, sometimes Sun, or all of them-and taking an average time-estimate from these directions. Similarly the ascendant or the appropriate marriage Lot could be directed to the cusp of the 7th house as could Venus be so directed (or the Sun, or perhaps the Moon)
I predicted one marriage. It was for my sister and her long term BF. At the time she was interested in three people, but one stood out with a double chiron trine aspect. Can't remember if it was chiron venus jupiter and/or neptune. Well she ended up being his gf for 10 years before he popped the question.

Needless to say, the journey of their relationship was a profound one because he lead her to go to med school, participated in humanitarian activities, and they both graduated as surgeons. In high school she was a below average student always chasing boys and getting her heart broken. Supposedly he was a player at the time, but she stuck by him and later no other woman mattered.

I think one should ask is this relationship helping you grow, rather than will he marry you. Because if you marry the wrong person because of loneliness or rushing into things, the relationship can destroy the both of you.

Second, I beg you to avoid uranus making a t-square! By the 4th time you break'll know what I mean.

Can anyone tell me my marriage year?
I was born 06/14/1986
Female armenia, yerevan birth time 4 am