The Ram, in your descriptions, you seem to equate good people with good looks. That is a really shallow way of looking at humanity. Secondly, you seem to infer that there is black, there is white and then there are a few little exceptions. In reality, each person is an exception and a universe unto themselves. You dont know the guy. You have not seen his chart. You do not even know how old he his. Your advice, with all due respect, is a production of a very subjective analysis with a self-fulfilling prophecy. I appreciate your openess and willingness to help. But I am a woman. I have been a hairdresser for 14 years. I have spoken to thousands of women about issues just like this one and most of them would not agree with you, particularly the higher class ones.
I do, however, have one male friend who I know from school. He has these "rules" and "theories" and rates people by looks using numbers. He always calls me for advice which he never takes and then he gets nowhere or gets himself used for his money which makes him feel like there is a future because (in his eyes) the woman must feel lucky to have him, even though she is still sleeping with her ex.
For the sake of the OP and of objectivity, lets consider a different persepective. Our emotions and feelings are there to best serve the individual for his unique path in life. Advice suggesting that one should expose themselves to something they never set out to achieve, and which may put them in to all kinds of danger, in order to errode those inner feelings which make one unique is not in the best service for the individual. I say danger because one's health is compromised in every way when you are putting it about, including that someone may lie and someone has to deal with someone's angry ex boyfriend. If Venus in Scorpio is possessive in its negative expression. It is deeply faithful in its positive expression. OP, capitalise on that. Some girls will throw a diamond away because they are silly. We cant avoid that. But dont change to suit those girls. Work on yourself and when you are ready the right girl will come along.
1. Being honest to a girl about wanting to slam, will get you the worst layer of chicks in society; you will not be the only one they are letting in; if you do something embarassing, consider that she has no obligation to keep that to herself; the list goes on. These girls are not worth the trouble.
2. As a woman, The Ram, allow me clarify your second theory. When I see/meet a man who is unbelievably attractive (in my eyes), I am not dead, ideas may run through my mind. But the chance of me ever allowing anything to come from that are next to nil (and I am not an inhibited person). For a loose woman to open her legs takes no work. For other women, it takes a very special man (OP, do not risk becoming a very common man).
3. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Personally, I adore introverted socially awkward people. I find them sexy (as long as they are intelligent). Jack the lad is a one trick pony and carries with him baggage that does not fit into a two person relationship.
4. Feeling socially awkward or deeply involved is not a sign of weakness, it is a personality trait. Personally, I would consider a man to have a weakness if he uses notches on his bedpost to justify his manhood or feels too ashamed to tell me the truth, or who thinks that a future is best built on lies.
5. The Ram, you've met women up to their late 40s who were into these silly little men? Precisely, do you think there may be a reason why at 40 things are still the same?
6. Maybe some men are attached because they cant find someone else. But maybe some just do not want anyone else. OP, Being in love with only one person, contrary to popular opinion, is perfectly healthy. However, as posters have said, you could take up a way to extinguish that controlling side. My Venus is in Libra but most of my chart is Scorpio. I know when I want something and I make sure I get it. I have had to learn that I cant do that in matters that relate to other people. I know it feels like its the last thing you want to accept. But when you do and turn away from that, the universe will reward you massively. You will see.