Any way to lessen the effect of Venus in Scorpio?

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Oct 10, 2013
Hi all,

My jealousy is always through-the-roof on anything love-related. I never knew why I felt this way until I realized I have Venus in Scorpio.

My sun is in Sag so I'm pretty relax about many other things but my Venus is killing me.

I always mess up my relationships because I tend to pull away and act aloof from the person I like whenever she gives attention to others including platonic ones.

As result, I'm super moody. I don't express this outwardly. Instead, I just shut-down and ignore the person. This feeling doesn't seem to go away as I age and mature.

Is there any way I could do to lessen this effect? Does Bach Flower Essence work?
As a Venus in Scorpio type myself, I'd rather be involved with those I feel deeply for and make a mess of it...

[deleted response to possibly trolling posts - Moderator]
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Mine as well... not sure why this forum is censoring a normal discussion?

Back to the topic. I also have Venus Square Ascendant and Moon Square Venus...

Do these placements amplify this effect?
Venus in the 12th in Gemini (big flirt!) conjunct Ascendant. I still feel jealous quite a lot.

It does. Though obviously I can't say it'd work for everyone with Venus in the 8th or Scorpio.

It's in mans nature to want to spread his seed in as many attractive young women as possible. Biologically speaking it's quite normal for a man, women see it this way as well. Infact women respect men with higher numbers generally. To most women lower numbers indicate sexual insecurity and or a simple inability to acquire a variety of partners.

The most attractive girls tend to settle down with men who were "players", some of these women settled down with men who still are players lol. For a man having a lot of partners shows social value to a woman, it also shows he's attractive to other women. Which means their offspring will be attractive to the opposite sex as well, which is certainly helpful in evolutionary terms.

Venus in the 8th or Scorps is a hard placement. Choosing the right partner without letting your emotions cloud your logic is key. For most of us we want someone who we really know and can trust, which means we want to know their previous history. The problem here is that a lot of women (and ppl in general) are dishonest about their past and have become quite good at concealing it. When you have intamacy with a greater variety of women you'll be able to spot red flags and warning signs that went over your head or you glossed over in previous situations.

So true! We're you a student of PUA ever in the past?
Hi all,

My jealousy is always through-the-roof on anything love-related. I never knew why I felt this way until I realized I have Venus in Scorpio.

My sun is in Sag so I'm pretty relax about many other things but my Venus is killing me.

I always mess up my relationships because I tend to pull away and act aloof from the person I like whenever she gives attention to others including platonic ones.

As result, I'm super moody. I don't express this outwardly. Instead, I just shut-down and ignore the person. This feeling doesn't seem to go away as I age and mature.

Is there any way I could do to lessen this effect? Does Bach Flower Essence work?

I'm sure the Bach flower essences could help you if you choose the right one(s).

Venus in Scorpio needs some type of creative dispersal of the sensual energies and the object-possessive tendency. When you create something it is your own, however, when this work of art is only display in some way it is also shared. That is the key. Ownership is positive for Venus in Scorpio, but not possession of others.

Its something you have to outgrow. If you don't you'll make yourself miserable.

By outgrow, I mean heal. Become more whole. Find a way to what it feels like to not respond that way.

I'm a Taurus with Venus in Taurus. I was possessive and insecure in my younger years. At 43 I'm not possessive at all. But it was something I had to see as ugly and unbecoming and outgrow it.
If I may interrupt some of the earlier conversation with the guys, I sincerely do not think that the advice to be promiscuous is the answer to what you face. Girls catch feelings easily and more often than not will be sexual with someone only if they really like that person. You using them in this way is just going to create bad karma for yourself by upsetting them. In any event, that will not be a solution to your problem, it will just become a (poor) coping strategy.

If you want a practical suggestion which will assist you maturely, I would say that you should tell the girl you like how you feel: shy/shut-down and that you want to break out of it. If she is worth anything, that will not be the reason she dumps you. A girl will feel special if a guy tells her that they are willing to break out of something in order to be with them.

Be honest about it, bring it out in to the open and you will realease its power and its hold over you. Start making steps to your futrue. If you do not want the future of a player, do not make steps in that direction. Life is really not that long. A girl may want a player but women prefer real men, including those who would rather just choose the honest route.

Best Wishes!
I am also a Sag Sun, with Pluto conjunct Venus in Scoprio opposite my Moon.

Obsessions, jealousy, possession and control all exert a massive influence over me. I aswell withdraw and tend to become broody - drowning in my own venom so to speak.

What I have learned however that it is to embrace the emotions, and to learn to let things be. The old saying "If you love it let it go, if it comes back..." has taken on a new meaning to me. The desire to 'make you love me' is strong, yet that is not a true relationship.

Granted, I know there are people out there who flourish under the intensity we excused towards them. It's just a matter of embrace that part of you - knowing that it is a very positive aswell, just your perspective that could do with a change.... atleast that's my fellow opinion :)
Venus in the 12th in Gemini (big flirt!) conjunct Ascendant. I still feel jealous quite a lot.

So true! We're you a student of PUA ever in the past?
Nah, I've heard of it though. I'm just an observer of human nature. In life in general I find that there are 2 different views on things: the way they actually are and the way that most ppl want them to be. In general I have found these 2 realities (the reality ppl want and the reality that is): are generally quite separate and very different from each other, this subject certainly being no exception.
If I may interrupt some of the earlier conversation with the guys, I sincerely do not think that the advice to be promiscuous is the answer to what you face. Girls catch feelings easily and more often than not will be sexual with someone only if they really like that person. You using them in this way is just going to create bad karma for yourself by upsetting them. In any event, that will not be a solution to your problem, it will just become a (poor) coping strategy.

If you want a practical suggestion which will assist you maturely, I would say that you should tell the girl you like how you feel: shy/shut-down and that you want to break out of it. If she is worth anything, that will not be the reason she dumps you. A girl will feel special if a guy tells her that they are willing to break out of something in order to be with them.

Be honest about it, bring it out in to the open and you will realease its power and its hold over you. Start making steps to your futrue. If you do not want the future of a player, do not make steps in that direction. Life is really not that long. A girl may want a player but women prefer real men, including those who would rather just choose the honest route.

Best Wishes!

Hello. I'd just like to say that I did advise the threadstarter to go for girls into that lifestyle and advised him to be honest with his intentions and not go around breaking hearts. For whatever reason that post was deleted however.

I'd say that in regards to sex women in general will know whether theyll have sex with a man in seconds and its based on physical parametres moreso than any mental ones. Within seconds of first seeing a man theyll generally look his body over then finally look at the face. If she likes you shell smile and youll see the glow in her eyes, her pupuls will be quite dilated.From there ya a dude can mess it up, but as long as hes not too socially awkward he can bed her pretty easily.

Nowadays the average woman tends to have a higher number than the average man as well so these types of relationships arent exactly uncommon to the average female either.

Personally Id advise against showing or telling weakness to a woman you care about. Much like in nature itself its best not for others to see you as weak. Though it will be effective for some women, for most it wont be imo.

Also I've met women up to their late 40s who were into these men, Ive met women of all ages who were. In the eyes of a lot of females a real man is someone capable of finding many partners while they see men who cant as lesser. Different ppl do have different values.

This brings me to another point. Men who are really posessive and attached to a relationship are generally that way because they dont think they can do any better. So having the ability to find an attractive partner easily makes you more secure in a relationship, if she messes up or whatever happens its not the end of the world. You can find someone as good or better. Women generally do take less liberties in relationships ive found when they know they can be replaced. This is why the men who get cheated on the most are ones who arent very good at picking up women or simply just aren't good at attracting them to begin with.

Though again I'm just talking about ppl in general here, there are always exceptions. You being one of those exceptions does not surprise me. We're on an astrology forum afterall and most of us are influenced by Uranus, which strays from the norm.
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The Ram, in your descriptions, you seem to equate good people with good looks. That is a really shallow way of looking at humanity. Secondly, you seem to infer that there is black, there is white and then there are a few little exceptions. In reality, each person is an exception and a universe unto themselves. You dont know the guy. You have not seen his chart. You do not even know how old he his. Your advice, with all due respect, is a production of a very subjective analysis with a self-fulfilling prophecy. I appreciate your openess and willingness to help. But I am a woman. I have been a hairdresser for 14 years. I have spoken to thousands of women about issues just like this one and most of them would not agree with you, particularly the higher class ones.

I do, however, have one male friend who I know from school. He has these "rules" and "theories" and rates people by looks using numbers. He always calls me for advice which he never takes and then he gets nowhere or gets himself used for his money which makes him feel like there is a future because (in his eyes) the woman must feel lucky to have him, even though she is still sleeping with her ex.

For the sake of the OP and of objectivity, lets consider a different persepective. Our emotions and feelings are there to best serve the individual for his unique path in life. Advice suggesting that one should expose themselves to something they never set out to achieve, and which may put them in to all kinds of danger, in order to errode those inner feelings which make one unique is not in the best service for the individual. I say danger because one's health is compromised in every way when you are putting it about, including that someone may lie and someone has to deal with someone's angry ex boyfriend. If Venus in Scorpio is possessive in its negative expression. It is deeply faithful in its positive expression. OP, capitalise on that. Some girls will throw a diamond away because they are silly. We cant avoid that. But dont change to suit those girls. Work on yourself and when you are ready the right girl will come along.

1. Being honest to a girl about wanting to slam, will get you the worst layer of chicks in society; you will not be the only one they are letting in; if you do something embarassing, consider that she has no obligation to keep that to herself; the list goes on. These girls are not worth the trouble.

2. As a woman, The Ram, allow me clarify your second theory. When I see/meet a man who is unbelievably attractive (in my eyes), I am not dead, ideas may run through my mind. But the chance of me ever allowing anything to come from that are next to nil (and I am not an inhibited person). For a loose woman to open her legs takes no work. For other women, it takes a very special man (OP, do not risk becoming a very common man).

3. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Personally, I adore introverted socially awkward people. I find them sexy (as long as they are intelligent). Jack the lad is a one trick pony and carries with him baggage that does not fit into a two person relationship.

4. Feeling socially awkward or deeply involved is not a sign of weakness, it is a personality trait. Personally, I would consider a man to have a weakness if he uses notches on his bedpost to justify his manhood or feels too ashamed to tell me the truth, or who thinks that a future is best built on lies.

5. The Ram, you've met women up to their late 40s who were into these silly little men? Precisely, do you think there may be a reason why at 40 things are still the same?

6. Maybe some men are attached because they cant find someone else. But maybe some just do not want anyone else. OP, Being in love with only one person, contrary to popular opinion, is perfectly healthy. However, as posters have said, you could take up a way to extinguish that controlling side. My Venus is in Libra but most of my chart is Scorpio. I know when I want something and I make sure I get it. I have had to learn that I cant do that in matters that relate to other people. I know it feels like its the last thing you want to accept. But when you do and turn away from that, the universe will reward you massively. You will see.
How would someone with a psycho Venus stop acting psycho? Haven't a clue.
I don't think there's anyway to lessen the bad effects of Scorpio Venus other than time to grow up and learn to not be so insecure and vindictive. That's really what all planets in Scorpio (except the outers) must learn to do. I'm friends some Scorpio Venus people (gay and straight) and they really like playing these weird push and pull games which is not only unnecessary, but psychotic. I can tell them they're acting weird and creepy and they'll even admit to me that they are, but they can't help themselves. I think over time, maybe some of Scorpio Venus people will eventually grow out of being that way.

My dad has Scorpio Venus conjunct Sun, Saturn, Mercury. He has a tight stellium and it's in his 7th house. Anyway, from what I've known he's NEVER pushed anyone he loved away... except my mom by divorcing her out of the blue after 28 years of marriage (to prove some ridiculous point). He was expecting my mother to bow down to him like she did throughout their marriage, but instead, she let the divorce proceedings continue. She got tired of catering to him (she's Virgo Venus on the AC) and she didn't contest anything. As a result, my father continued to stalk her, hound her, berate her, yell at her, etc. It's super awful the way he's been so insecure and mean towards her. I don't butt in, it's not my place but I've told my dad directly several times that he's f*cked up super bad and he does that all the time in his personal life so "why should mom ever want to come back to you? Hound her to the ends of the earth and try to stalk her through eternity but you're the one who set her free and all she did was accept that offer even though you thought it would punish her." which seems to stop him in his tracks as he knows I'm 100% correct. The messed up part to the equation is he's remarried and so has my mom. He even sued her new husband (over what I don't know) to get a rise out of my mother. He'll drag up old dirt of how my mother hurt him and so forth and for someone like me who has Gemini Venus in a stellium, I have no patience for those who hold grudges.

It seems that no matter what, Scorpio Venus will be angry if someone loves them or is indifferent to them. There's no pleasing them and they love starting problems in relationships. Unless you stop being suspicious and let go of some control, I don't see any other way.
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Paula, you sound like you're proud of being a Scorpio but this is about Scorpio Venus. The OP is a Sagittarius Sun with Scorpio Venus. I talked about my father who is both Scorpio Sun and Scorpio Venus.
[deleted attacking comments - Moderator] It is an incorrect train of thought that whatever planets in 8th house would mean those planets turn into Scorpio or have a Scorpio effect. That's totally false. Whatever sign is in your 8th house stays that sign along with the planets in that sign.

I have Taurus Mars in 8th house. My Mars does NOT turn into Scorpio, nor do I even act like a Scorpio Mars. I may not act like a Taurus Mars, but that's because of aspects and such. Same with your Libra Venus in 8th- it stays Libra Venus.
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[deleted off-topic comments - Moderator] You can cross reference literature and quote anything you want but that doesn't invalidate what I said about the misconception of Scorpio being interchangeable with the 8th house. Just because you have Venus in 8th doesn't mean the 8th house will have Scorpionic influences on your Venus. 8th house may hide or bury some of your Libra Venus tendencies and may make it a little more difficult to access, but it doesn't transform it to Scorpio Venus.
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The first step in "lessening the effects" of Venus in Scorpio is to

Stop looking outside yourself for the cause and the cure for your foolish jealousy.

You don't just go down to the shop and tell the mechanic to take off your Venus in Scorpio and put on a sporty Venus in Gemini instead.

If you want to change your behavior, change it.
Get some one-on-one counseling to help you change your attitudes.
Your problem is not astrological, it is spiritual.

Take responsibility for yourself.

To blame Venus or put your hope in flower essences...well, that's not taking responsibility for yourself.

Did someone say that insanity is continuing to do the same thing while expecting different results? To change your life, change your behavior. To change your behavior, change your attitudes.

Do you really expect someone to love you if you put them in chains? Selfish need and love do not walk hand in hand. Instead of trying to monopolize love for yourself, try giving some love away...selfless love. The stuff is amazing -- the more you give away, the more you seem to have; you never run out.
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I'm actuaiiy glad because of this topic..
Because I know someone with Venus in Scorpio, but it's focal point of small talent triangle with sextile to Jupiter Cancer and sextile to Saturn.

What is the effect of positive aspects from benefics to a planet in detriment, especially Venus Scorpio?