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Very rare that I ever find any woke astrologers anywhere on the internet.
What's the criteria for being "woke"?
There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom, Yony.
You can have read all the books in the world. Have all the facts, data, and information. Listened to all the scholars, gurus, and commentators. Be part of every club, group, and society. Surround yourself with absolute brilliance.
Yet never actually attain any degree of actual enlightenment, internal growth, nor any type of true expansion.
I only say this, because of your blatant arrogance and immaturity. It is something that is all too common within these circles. Knowledge, or lack thereof, is not to be boasted about. It is not a badge you carry around as if you now belong in some type of an exclusive illusory group. A group where you have made zero contributions to yet somehow you are now an expert on such subjects. You have the audacity to put others down for not having access to the same information as if it's an object of pride. Ownership. Again, information given to you. That you had zero input in, zero capacity to contribute to. It is a complete and total disrespect in every aspect & degree imaginable.
In my late teens, I came to a couple of conclusions about my conspiracy forays.
Many who follow conspiracies aren't unabashed truth seekers, but are looking for someone to allay their fears that the world isn't really such a terrible place of iniquity after all. I saw this first hand when I was on a conspiracy site in my teenage years where someone only had to come with an authoritative voice screaming "hoax" for them to give up the search. This turned me off immensely.
I was drawn to the occult symbology of the so-called Illuminati and sought to investigate the origins of them without the baggage that contemporary culture has projected on them. I also sought to search the origins of the name Illuminati. I cut out the middle man, essentially.
I figure that truly sensitive information would not be so easily accessed by such a wide swath of people and that information that may seem damning are either red herrings, or so outdated as to be useless. (There's a reason why disclosure of classified material takes so long)
The complexity of geopolitics made me leery of the kind of reductionism that the conspiracy community has applied to current events.
If I was to get anything of worth information wise, I'd have to higher the stakes i.e. actively getting involved in organizations and becoming a sufficiently high enough member to be privy to certain material. A brief search on the web would be unlikely to net me the kind of dirt that could really "stick it to the man".
All conspiracy sites are said to be monitored, especially because those kinds of environments may breed international and domestic terrorists and activist movements. Those are perfect places to seed ideas into the collective airwaves of the internet, and all it takes is a person who has the requisite skill in propaganda and psychology. Easy enough for certain interests who have the money and resources to create such persons, right?
There has been some indications that some of the most recent "movements" are all artificially engineered. Any mass movement that crops up over night is suspect. And I don't see why such powers wouldn't also plant artificial information in the "truther" communities. It would serve whomever well to poison the well and to continually divide and conquer the masses against one another, if there goal is to continue acting without undue interference from outside parties.
I've been privy to activism attempts and the turnouts have been deplorable, since most people are comfortable to "show TPTB who's boss" when behind a computer and speaking anonymously. Most people don't have the strength of their convictions.
This is not to say that a lot of the conspiracies and atrocities wrought by corporate and political interests aren't without their validity. This is not what I am saying at all, so don't misunderstand me.
I'm just not that interested in being "woke" or a "truther".
I see. Those are all very valid reasons to at least dread the task of being a truther.
To answer the question in your most recent comment to me. Well, the answer is that I just so happen to have the access to the right things in order to be a truther as of now, and it's for this exact reason that I intend on making the most of the opportunity to be a truther by whatever means, not just because few have it, but because the more truther that are out there the better the world will be.
What proof do you have for these claims?
Well to prove every claim I made there, I'd need documentation, which would take a while to acquire. So I will only be proving the claims that I can prove without the need of documents.
To prove the claim that most people don't have the necessary requisites to be a truther is easy, simply look at the world around you and use that to conclude what actual position the average person is in/most people are in.
Do you do charity work?
Are you referring to me?
Better in what way? What does the truther do differently from the "non-truther"?because the more truther that are out there the better the world will be.
Now I'm curious how people in your generation discovered astrology, and how you found it personally.Most people interested in astrology from my generation at least are less susceptible to beliefs that must be held just because everybody must hold them.