Anyone here a truther/woke person?

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What proof do you have for these claims?

There is a difference between one who seeks the truth, and one who labels themselves as a "truther" (myraid of problems associated with such). As CP so poignantly expressed earlier.

Your demand for "evidence to support such claims" is evident of this. Do you believe every 'truth' that exists is found in concrete factual evidence that you can point to? Can the totality of what you find to be true of existence be compounded and reduced to a single piece of evidence, or what you call "proof"? How do you define such "proof"? What parameters are used? Under what conditions are such "proofs" acceptable as verifiable truth? Are all "proofs" for the totality of all things that exist evident at this very exact point in time?

What I said earlier, it either resonates with you or it doesn't. You may not understand it now, 6 months from now, or even 5 years from the time of writing it. When you do, if ever, then what? When it finally does, will it then be a truth? However, for all those years it was a lie?

Do you have to have a series of books, endless amounts of data, and an entire panel of commentators to "verify" a truth? Do you need such to validate your own experiences?

A problem within these circles, like everything else, is the lack of balance that has a tendency to happen. You look at "conspiracies" until you end up with a conspiratorial mind. The information is one thing. How you process it is another subject entirely. It is the minds (complexity of such) involved with the subject matters. Not the subject matters themselves.

Your demand for "proof" from a simple observation pretty much explains this.
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Better in what way? What does the truther do differently from the "non-truther"?

As a teen one boy in my class became a "truther" and tried to convert me into one. He was very good at preaching, but sneared on other more unfortunate people, saying they had it coming. Turned out he was being a "truther" because he thought he was cool and because some delusional old *** was coercing him into joining a cult.

The point is, if you are a truther and all you do is preach then you are no more enlightened than the non-truther.

Just curious if your Saturn is behind the desire to be a truther.

Out of curiosity, how is it that you find yourself on a site dedicated to astrology, and what could be perceived as "higher-minded" pursuits yet use such derogatory language such as "***" as a descriptive word to encompass the entirety of another human being?

I would also like your interpretation of what a "truther" is, what a 'less fortunate' person is?

My inquiries are out of genuine curiosity, please do not take offense to them.
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Out of curiosity, how is it that you find yourself on a site dedicated to astrology, and what could be perceived as "higher-minded" pursuits yet use such derogatory language such as "***" as a descriptive word to encompass the entirety of another human being?

I would also like your interpretation of what a "truther" is, what a 'less fortunate' person is?

My inquiries are out of genuine curiosity, please do not take offense to them.
I'm sorry, sincerely, if my language is too strong (English isn't my first language btw), but I was talking about an unpleasant memory and I didn't have any nice thing to say about that man. Long story short, he was a cult leader and he brainwashed people into lifeless, selfish hulks. I got to meet him once and he said he was to build an army of "God's greatest children", which in reality was just brainwashed people worshipping him. I was rather traumatized by my time around him and I was glad I wasn't brainwashed.

And to understand what I mean by truther and less fortunate people, I need to explain the situation back then. The cult was built around the belief that the world was run by a "Divine Entity", the cult leader was the messenger of that entity, and he simply passed on the teaching to the members. He taught that basically you were a vice being at birth, fooled by the "devils" into believing in this reality, and you had no one to blame but yourself for every misfortune in your life. The only way to become "enlightened" was to follow his teaching, which consisted of fasting, shunning certain food and medical care (the devils' products), praying to the high entity, etc... As a result the teen I was talking about came to view everyone with misfortune as vice. A person with a birth defect was a demon worshipper to him. He once told a kid whose father just died that her family had it coming because of their impure way of living. Yeah, you get the picture. Deep down, that teen was just looking for something edgy to believe to make himself feel better. There was nothing noble in his cynicism toward other people.

I have a feeling the OP's definition of "woke" is something similar to that teen, knowing cynical facts of life that the masses aren't supposed to know. So, my point was that just because you are exposed to clever-sounding things doesn't mean you are "woke", and if you don't do anything with your "woke" status then there's no point being woke. Cynicism can just be a more convincing form of delusion.
Better in what way? What does the truther do differently from the "non-truther"?

As a teen one boy in my class became a "truther" and tried to convert me into one. He was very good at preaching, but sneared on other more unfortunate people, saying they had it coming. Turned out he was being a "truther" because he thought he was cool and because some delusional old *** was coercing him into joining a cult.

The point is, if you are a truther and all you do is preach then you are no more enlightened than the non-truther.

Just curious if your Saturn is behind the desire to be a truther.

Well some truther will be ignorant enough to simply preach and some won't, everyone has different ways of doing things.

Sure, you would expect a truther to be a person whose intelligence must be greater than the "typical sheep's", however in some situations people be truthers merely due to immaturity and recklessness causing them to be unaware of what they are actually involved in.

Honestly, that teen just sounds like he was most focused on making a joke out of the whole truther ordeal itself and wasn't actually trying to use the discoveries he made in any meaningful, intelligent way.

However the vast majority out of the very few souls who've been truthers in what we know to be human history have had a firm understanding of what being a truther is and furthermore have used their discoveries the way a truther should.

So I believe you have a very strong misconception of what a truther is and looks like, at least as of today.
There is a difference between one who seeks the truth, and one who labels themselves as a "truther" (myraid of problems associated with such). As CP so poignantly expressed earlier.

Your demand for "evidence to support such claims" is evident of this. Do you believe every 'truth' that exists is found in concrete factual evidence that you can point to? Can the totality of what you find to be true of existence be compounded and reduced to a single piece of evidence, or what you call "proof"? How do you define such "proof"? What parameters are used? Under what conditions are such "proofs" acceptable as verifiable truth? Are all "proofs" for the totality of all things that exist evident at this very exact point in time?

What I said earlier, it either resonates with you or it doesn't. You may not understand it now, 6 months from now, or even 5 years from the time of writing it. When you do, if ever, then what? When it finally does, will it then be a truth? However, for all those years it was a lie?

Do you have to have a series of books, endless amounts of data, and an entire panel of commentators to "verify" a truth? Do you need such to validate your own experiences?

A problem within these circles, like everything else, is the lack of balance that has a tendency to happen. You look at "conspiracies" until you end up with a conspiratorial mind. The information is one thing. How you process it is another subject entirely. It is the minds (complexity of such) involved with the subject matters. Not the subject matters themselves.

Your demand for "proof" from a simple observation pretty much explains this.

Well are you trying to say that proof for a claim can be found in anything other than concrete data/evidence?
I'm sorry, sincerely, if my language is too strong (English isn't my first language btw), but I was talking about an unpleasant memory and I didn't have any nice thing to say about that man. Long story short, he was a cult leader and he brainwashed people into lifeless, selfish hulks. I got to meet him once and he said he was to build an army of "God's greatest children", which in reality was just brainwashed people worshipping him. I was rather traumatized by my time around him and I was glad I wasn't brainwashed.

And to understand what I mean by truther and less fortunate people, I need to explain the situation back then. The cult was built around the belief that the world was run by a "Divine Entity", the cult leader was the messenger of that entity, and he simply passed on the teaching to the members. He taught that basically you were a vice being at birth, fooled by the "devils" into believing in this reality, and you had no one to blame but yourself for every misfortune in your life. The only way to become "enlightened" was to follow his teaching, which consisted of fasting, shunning certain food and medical care (the devils' products), praying to the high entity, etc... As a result the teen I was talking about came to view everyone with misfortune as vice. A person with a birth defect was a demon worshipper to him. He once told a kid whose father just died that her family had it coming because of their impure way of living. Yeah, you get the picture. Deep down, that teen was just looking for something edgy to believe to make himself feel better. There was nothing noble in his cynicism toward other people.

I have a feeling the OP's definition of "woke" is something similar to that teen, knowing cynical facts of life that the masses aren't supposed to know. So, my point was that just because you are exposed to clever-sounding things doesn't mean you are "woke", and if you don't do anything with your "woke" status then there's no point being woke. Cynicism can just be a more convincing form of delusion.

Thank you for the clarification, it really helped put your words into context that could be better understood.

This is a perfect example where demanding evidence for such claims is appropriate.
Where the need to deeply research a subject is warranted.

Any "movement", community of "like-minded" individuals runs the risk of becoming a cult / being compromised by it's very nature. Whether intentional or not. It comes down to the minds involved.

When it comes to the "truth movement" or being a "truther" there is often times a noticeable contrast between those who are actively doing the research / compiling the information / investing their energy / who are fully integrated / engaging with the material & those who are merely on the receiving end.

I think many people within these communitues may find themselves to be ill-equipped to actually handle the material. To work with it.

It may be due to latent conditioning, stage of psychological development, their level of consciousness, lack of experiences- rites of passages, iniations, etc.

Personally, I feel it comes down to the mind of the individual. The workings of their mind. How they are actively engaging with the material.
This is going over my head 😂 lol

So much more to astrology than I thought until I came on here.
I’m glad I’m here though
Most conspiracy theories are completely bogus, propagated by people who checked their critical thinking faculties at the door. The real conspiracies actually come out in daylight eventually, like Watergate.

So far as the government goes, you know the old saying:

"Never attribute to a conspiracy what you can attribute to sheer incompetence."
Most conspiracy theories are completely bogus, propagated by people who checked their critical thinking faculties at the door. The real conspiracies actually come out in daylight eventually, like Watergate.

So far as the government goes, you know the old saying:

"Never attribute to a conspiracy what you can attribute to sheer incompetence."
Most conspiracy theories actually have more truth than people are comfortable enough to admit. People don’t want to believe the grim truths. The rest are purposely orchestrated to make people who try to reveal the truths look ridiculous

People don’t want to believe there may be far darker things going on in reality because it’s deeply unsettling. But in order for humanity to actually progress, people have to be willing to see the truths

Let’s see... human, child sacrifice is one of them. There’s a video that was released recently showing a VERY important figure taunting a child whose face had been ripped off, wearing their face on their own face to further torture them. That’s just a single, minuscule example in the scope of all that’s going on

Willing ignorance won’t change it

The very term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was invented by the government to discredit people trying to reveal what’s really going on. And what’s going on is far deeper than child sex trafficking and torture

If you really believe you’re being told the truth, that’s just ignorance. Critical thinking would lead one to know they’re not being told the truth and should use their own judgment, not listen like good little sheep to whatever the powers that be say
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Just ask yourselves if there’s really any chance you’re not being lied to. That’s critical thinking. Be willingly ignorant if you want, but that’s not critical thinking. It’s believing everything you’re told to believe and not thinking outside the box
That video exists, but I don’t urge people to watch it as it has made high up military generals have to seek therapy. But look it up enough to know it exists and then ask yourselves what else you’re not being told
That video exists, but I don’t urge people to watch it as it has made high up military generals have to seek therapy. But look it up enough to know it exists and then ask yourselves what else you’re not being told

I've haven't been following the recent trends. Got a lead I can follow? I haven't looked at gore in a while.
I've haven't been following the recent trends. Got a lead I can follow? I haven't looked at gore in a while.
I am so hesitant to even search for it. I’ve heard from some people who did see it and it made them sick. What’s horrible Ian they’re trying to pass the video off as fake and of course some of the willingly ignorant folk will believe that rather than pay attention to all the signs

Apparently you can find it on the dark web
I heard from a source a month ago that Samsung will come out with tech that can turn pics to videos and it’ll be used to discredit the videos of horrible acts of inhumanity. So we’ll see if that happens
I am so hesitant to even search for it. I’ve heard from some people who did see it and it made them sick. What’s horrible Ian they’re trying to pass the video off as fake and of course some of the willingly ignorant folk will believe that rather than pay attention to all the signs

Apparently you can find it on the dark web

Cool, I'll follow up on this when I'm free tomorrow. Thanks Lykanized.
That is so much uglier than pentagrams spray painted in saturnine fabrics. Who do you suppose made up these rites?

Oddly, Saturn is a symbol I’ve heard pop up ceaselessly in the past 2 days. I want to start talking about what’s going on behind all of the child sex trafficking and torture and all, but I’ll keep quiet on that for now. Saturn may be involved tho
Must be. I am not understanding this leaden, miserable part of astrological magic at all. It seems far removed from the whole of the numerous patterns in the nature.

Can you expound? I’m afraid to admit I don’t understand 😬