Anyone here a truther/woke person?

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Haha I’ve noticed when typing on mobile I take a lot of shortcuts, sorry..

I just mean it’s amazing and very saturnine when ritualists take the patterns present in nature, which is frankly obsessed with beauty, and boil them down to the essence like pentagons, pentagrams, and phi, and yet their rites, symbols, emotional content, behaviors, and such are just starkly fugly.

That also seems like a willful and demonic perversion of Saturn energy to me. David put it succinctly on another thread, that Saturn is overseeing the sawing off of the branch upon which we all sit.. Makes no sense for Saturn the architect.

Saturn is the greater malefic, do you even astrology?
I mean just because Saturn has reputation of Greater Malefic, does not mean it is the only feature of character. Just like Jupiter the Greater Benefic has some negative characteristics also, like inflation, expansion and so forth.
If Saturn rules bones, structures, base patterns, then is also in large part responsible for the prolific beauty that springs forth from the repetition of those patterns.

True but it still is a melefic planet overall
This was too synchronicitic not to share.

Most recent recording of Crrow777 Radio, discussing the difference between belief, knowledge, and wisdom. The fundamental principles of truth. The pursuit and attainment of such. Ironically enough, they also discuss the desensitization of our society in relation to dark matters. Amongst many other topics.

Crrow777- Episode 170
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This was too synchronicitic not to share.

Most recent recording of Crrow777 Radio, discussing the difference between belief, knowledge, and wisdom. The fundamental principles of truth. The pursuit and attainment of such. Ironically enough, they also discuss the desensitization of our society in relation to dark matters. Amongst many other topics.

Crrow777- Episode 170

The woke youtubers are few in number but now and have covered pretty much every truth hidden from us you can ever find. I suggest you subscribe to all the popular woke youtube channels, as they're the most popular because they're so much better than the unpopular one's in their content.
Is the legends that surround the deep web what deters you both from investigating leads which may reside there? Or do you not know how to get there? Are you afraid (not unjustly) of cyber traps that will compromise your devices?
Is the legends that surround the deep web what deters you both from investigating leads which may reside there? Or do you not know how to get there? Are you afraid (not unjustly) of cyber traps that will compromise your devices?

I for one know how to get there and know that there likely won't be any cyber traps, I just don't want to visit the dark web because it's too creepy for me.
Too creepy, ah. So how will you handle more graphic material and topics in your truthing efforts? Will you figuratively treat them like they are on the farther end of a 10 foot pole?
The famous Nietzsche line goes, “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

Will everything you truth on be only of the 2nd hand variety? Don't you think as you mature as a truther and wokemeister that you will eventually have to be more intimately involved in the topics that you speak about? What would you add to this community of seekers, if you are deterred by such things as creepiness etc and are only saying stuff that has been said before? Are you prepared to become a monster in the midst of fighting our monstrous overloads? Do you think the abyss will creep into you while you're not paying attention?
Too creepy, ah. So how will you handle more graphic material and topics in your truthing efforts? Will you figuratively treat them like they are on the farther end of a 10 foot pole?

Well I'll always acknowledge the existence of such material however when it comes to watching or viewing any dark web **** i won't be able to handle it.
How can you verify the existence of this video with absolute certainty if you haven't actually seen the footage yourself though? Allowing yourself to come to conclusions about things solely based on what others on the internet state, without verifying sources, leaves you open to being easily manipulated. Especially if the conclusions you are making bolster your already preformed opinion on the subject.

Have you considered that perhaps you are jumping to conclusions based on what you unconsciously (or consciously) would like to be true, rather than basing your conclusions on valid, objective evidence?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there technology out there now that can switch faces and superimpose identities over other people in videos, with pretty decent accuracy so that it actually could look legit?
How can you verify the existence of this video with absolute certainty if you haven't actually seen the footage yourself though? Allowing yourself to come to conclusions about things solely based on what others on the internet state, without verifying sources, leaves you open to being easily manipulated. Especially if the conclusions you are making bolster your already preformed opinion on the subject.

Have you considered that perhaps you are jumping to conclusions based on what you unconsciously (or consciously) would like to be true, rather than basing your conclusions on valid, objective evidence?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there technology out there now that can switch faces and superimpose identities over other people in videos, with pretty decent accuracy so that it actually could look legit?

Because it will for sure exist if the elite decide to do certain things. And they have done those certain things that ensure it must be real.
How can you verify the existence of this video with absolute certainty if you haven't actually seen the footage yourself though? Allowing yourself to come to conclusions about things solely based on what others on the internet state, without verifying sources, leaves you open to being easily manipulated. Especially if the conclusions you are making bolster your already preformed opinion on the subject.

Have you considered that perhaps you are jumping to conclusions based on what you unconsciously (or consciously) would like to be true, rather than basing your conclusions on valid, objective evidence?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there technology out there now that can switch faces and superimpose identities over other people in videos, with pretty decent accuracy so that it actually could look legit?

Oh because I know people who’ve seen it and if you’ve been paying any attention to the news, you’d know more than just that video exists

Look it up yourself. It’s there. Also, I could link you to proof of members of Hollywood being arrested for acts related to cults and child trafficking which only scratches the surface. I don’t understand why some of you are just so willingly ignorant and don’t even want to consider you might be being lied to

And you need to read those first two paragraphs and take your own words because that’s exactly what’s happening to you. There is proof. You just don’t want to consider it. And you are allowing yourself to be manipulated because you’re not using your mind
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How can you verify the existence of this video with absolute certainty if you haven't actually seen the footage yourself though? Allowing yourself to come to conclusions about things solely based on what others on the internet state, without verifying sources, leaves you open to being easily manipulated. Especially if the conclusions you are making bolster your already preformed opinion on the subject.

Have you considered that perhaps you are jumping to conclusions based on what you unconsciously (or consciously) would like to be true, rather than basing your conclusions on valid, objective evidence?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there technology out there now that can switch faces and superimpose identities over other people in videos, with pretty decent accuracy so that it actually could look legit?
Ok and as for the last paragraph, you’re basically more willing to believe someone doctored all those videos just because you don’t want to consider that perhaps members of Hollywood and politics are lying to you? Either way, someone is committing atrocious acts, but you just don’t want to believe it could possibly be Hollywood and political elite?
What I find hilarious here is that people want so badly to believe they’re not being lied to. You don’t want to think outside the box and consider that you might be being manipulated

The very fact you’re so resistant to it means your mind is already not your own. You’re willing only to believe what’s ‘rational’ based upon standards that aren’t decided by yourself, but someone far above you who decides what you are exposed to through media and even higher education. In order to actually see the truth, you have to reclaim your mind and not let someone else control it
Just ask the question as to whether you believe you’re actually being told the truth and if you think you are, you’re very naive

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