Anyone here a truther/woke person?

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What I find hilarious here is that people want so badly to believe they’re not being lied to. You don’t want to think outside the box and consider that you might be being manipulated

The very fact you’re so resistant to it means your mind is already not your own. You’re willing only to believe what’s ‘rational’ based upon standards that aren’t decided by yourself, but someone far above you who decides what you are exposed to through media and even higher education. In order to actually see the truth, you have to reclaim your mind and not let someone else control it
Just ask the question as to whether you believe you’re actually being told the truth and if you think you are, you’re very naive
The fact is, child sex trafficking and sex parties, child torture, child sacrifice... that’s not even the worst of it. I know if I said what the worst of it is, no one here would believe it. But so long as you allow your thoughts to be governed by what you’re told is true by corrupt institutions, you won’t be able to see what’s really going on despite the myriad clues and won’t be able to stop it. And believe me, the clues are there because they have to be. By putting the clues there, humanity is allowed to choose to let it keep going on, or do something. People who don’t even want to admit there’s possibly something beyond inhuman going on are letting it keep going

Wanna stop the horrors of the world? Accept that there’s more going on than you’re being told and shown

Anyway. I’m flooding the thread and I know no one can force people to wake up. All they can do is show them the truth and that’s all I’m trying to do because I care
Very rare that I ever find any woke astrologers anywhere on the internet.

You are a newbie so you've missed the prolific writings of long time member Rahu who is truly "awake" (..and which make you look like a kid playing in the sandpit :) )

Check out all his threads further down. You'll be busy for a very long time :)

Yes it is extremely rare to find astrologers who have broken out of the Hive Mind societal programming
This is due to the simple fact that people in general are too busy to think so they believe Govt is there to look after the peoples interests , and that the "News" is a trustworthy source of information to rely on..and Astrologers are no exception.

Then, its not just a matter of being awake, but HOW awake.
I can tell you that it is very traumatic indeed to be fully awake , and if you haven't experienced this then you're not there yet
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You are a newbie so you've missed the prolific writings of long time member Rahu who is truly "awake" (..and which make you look like a kid playing in the sandpit :) )

Check out all his threads further down. You'll be busy for a very long time :)

Yes it is extremely rare to find astrologers who have broken out of the Hive Mind societal programming
This is due to the simple fact that people in general are too busy to think so they believe Govt is there to look after the peoples interests , and that the "News" is a trustworthy source of information to rely on..and Astrologers are no exception.

Then, its not just a matter of being awake, but HOW awake.
I can tell you that it is very traumatic indeed to be fully awake , and if you haven't experienced this then you're not there yet

Well I've seen a few of rahu's woke posts but very few. I might give them a read if I have some spare time. Otherwise will be too busy.
I'm an anarchist and an astrologer, and I've gone out of the societal programming of this capitalist world (According to a lot of people, I'm a woke due to being an anarchist). And news aren't really trustworthy either become some news that is protected by the government isn't real news, but more like fake news, and if you want to find real news, talk to the people that witnessed the real news, not the fake journalists (Some journalists witnessed the real news, so they recorded the real one)
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I Believe very little of what the media puts out there. That's why I ditched the tv. I don't call it woke. I call it not allowing myself to be influenced by people who are being influenced.
I Believe very little of what the media puts out there. That's why I ditched the tv. I don't call it woke. I call it not allowing myself to be influenced by people who are being influenced.
Opal, you're right! I watch news though, but I adjust everything to lessen the influence of the influenced media on me, and to be an anarchist in terms of news, meaning that I'd look at news with an anarchist perspective.
Opal, you're right! I watch news though, but I adjust everything to lessen the influence of the influenced media on me, and to be an anarchist in terms of news, meaning that I'd look at news with an anarchist perspective.
Everyone sees media, we have no choice living within our societies. But, being aware, and limiting it ourselves, is responsible awareness.

I agree Humanitarian.
Most so called "conspiracy theories" are not conspiracies at all. Conspiracy is an unfortunate word deliberately chosen to label everything that is at odds with mainstream narrative.

Take history / archaeology for example. Mainstream historical narrative claims first cities emerged in Mesopotamia, prior to that humans were simple nomad hunter-gatherers. And when something older is found, for example, ancient city at lake Van in modern day Turkey, at least 15,000 year old, this is simply ignored by mainstream academia. This is because people at academia have vested interest. Their whole careers were based on the premise that the oldest human cities come from Mesopotamia. You're not gonna see mainstream historian to step forward and say: "Everything I ever said, all my books, lectures, my PhD, all of it is wrong." Since they ignore hard tangible evidence and stick to their narrative, they turn what is supposed to be science based on evidence into religion based on a story they choose to believe.

And the main implication of this human vanity behavior is that the whole generations of students will be taught wrong history, because politicians in charge of education system are usually not experts, they rely on academia expert opinion. So, usually we have to wait 30-50 years for current academia elites to die and to be replaced with new generation in order to change mainstream historical narrative.

In the meantime, everyone who challenges mainstream narrative is labeled as "conspiracy theorist".
Most so called "conspiracy theories" are not conspiracies at all. Conspiracy is an unfortunate word deliberately chosen to label everything that is at odds with mainstream narrative.

Take history / archaeology for example. Mainstream historical narrative claims first cities emerged in Mesopotamia, prior to that humans were simple nomad hunter-gatherers. And when something older is found, for example, ancient city at lake Van in modern day Turkey, at least 15,000 year old, this is simply ignored by mainstream academia. This is because people at academia have vested interest. Their whole careers were based on the premise that the oldest human cities come from Mesopotamia. You're not gonna see mainstream historian to step forward and say: "Everything I ever said, all my books, lectures, my PhD, all of it is wrong." Since they ignore hard tangible evidence and stick to their narrative, they turn what is supposed to be science based on evidence into religion based on a story they choose to believe.

And the main implication of this human vanity behavior is that the whole generations of students will be taught wrong history, because politicians in charge of education system are usually not experts, they rely on academia expert opinion. So, usually we have to wait 30-50 years for current academia elites to die and to be replaced with new generation in order to change mainstream historical narrative.

In the meantime, everyone who challenges mainstream narrative is labeled as "conspiracy theorist".
In reality, you're half right, as some conspiracy theories are indeed conspiracy theories, like the moon landing hoax, flat earth, et cetera, as they're all debunked by scientists. But some "conspiracy theories" aren't really conspiracy theories, but rather real science that people don't accept, like the ancient city submerged under lake Van i.e. the oldest city in the world.
In reality, you're half right, as some conspiracy theories are indeed conspiracy theories, like the moon landing hoax, flat earth, et cetera, as they're all debunked by scientists. But some "conspiracy theories" aren't really conspiracy theories, but rather real science that people don't accept, like the ancient city submerged under lake Van i.e. the oldest city in the world.

"Flat Earth theory" originates from CIA. It was introduced deliberately. It is well known manipulative propaganda technique, in order to discredit something that is potentially true or viable hypothesis you first make connection with something that is obviously not true even though the two are not connected at all.

For example, during Covid, when many respectable scientists who were top experts in their field raised their concerns and pointed out to obvious holes in Covid narrative, usually the mainstream narrative would start with something like: "Just as we have flat earthers, we have a bunch of other crazy "conspiracy theorists" saying Covid vaccines are this or that." In that way, from the start you discredit a person as "crazy". In reality, people like Luc Montagnier, virologist, a Nobel prize winner in medicine, have nothing to do with "flat Earth".
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It's hilarious how odd westerners are.. hey I am one..

When even police back down to people like El Mencho because they will literally kill you and your entire family.

Hey astro thread, another reason not to mess with the Crab I guess ??

It's not hard to make intelligent suppositions from the basis that everyone is just a human and there is always something out there that opposes your world, bubble, mind, view.. whatever...

Sadly foolish woke people and activists have lead a whole generation not believing anything is actually real.
Most ventures by popular ones are tied to selfishness and so the spirit of truth is tainted and it leads you nowhere.

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I am so hesitant to even search for it. I’ve heard from some people who did see it and it made them sick. What’s horrible Ian they’re trying to pass the video off as fake and of course some of the willingly ignorant folk will believe that rather than pay attention to all the signs
Apparently you can find it on the dark web
With all of my heart.

That hesitation you feel... I know...
I don't block it out, I don't view it, I imagine the thing in my head but apply reality. I read stories etc, I gather information rather than directly search anything, I know it is real and I know the effect on my psyche. (Pluto in 8th house domicile maybe?)
I am one of those that had shock videos shown to them as a teenager back when the internet was not as populated and websites could host nearly anything, kids had clips of gore and all sorts on their phones... None of which knowing the harm it could cause.

But I had been scared of humans my entire life, I still am (Within reason) I managed to train my mind to see subtle things (Moon opposite Pluto, maybe?). There is no animal out there that even compares close to what we are capable of and I won't hear no one exalt human life above anything else, it's truly terrifying.

We have these clowns telling people such things as "Most would not be able to even handle a butchers job".

These same clowns have no clue what really exists, the dark web was mentioned, but you can still hop on Reddit and find gore.. it won't be the type that was explained here but it is searchable. There definition of what is terrifying is child's play compared to how sick humans can get.

You cannot say anything because ignorant people turn the tables and will label you something rather than face it head on and accept.

Human beings are hardwired to be loving, respectful, usually compassionate and intelligent.... usually.

People that commit such evil things are beyond all comprehension, they will pull at all possible nooks and crannies of your mind and shut you down from the inside, you will hurt, not because you were hurt directly, but because the wiring of your mind functions effectively for survival of human life whilst their minds are abnormal.

Want to call people in power lizard people like David Icke did? I won't stop you, I don't know anything... nothing I was ever taught prepared me for reality.. (Saturn in Capricorn).
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Princess Diana said the exact same thing herself about them. “They are not human!”

The fact he said "first time working with A five year old live" about his own boy and not "first time MY son and I have been on tv" tells you a lot. If you study statement analysis you know exactly what I mean!

3 months after filming David died?
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From Youareallbeautiful.

I revealed that I tell the truth, I don't pretend to care for things I don't care about, causes more damage.

Morals only work when they invade a person's own self-interest, often misguided by falsity of being for someone else.

Compassion ... I don't know what that is, my wife is slowly showing me it.. but I am not of this world or connected to it, my life told me I am not.

Remember I have Moon zero degree trine Neptune, Moon exalted.

Opposed by an 8th house Pluto.

Moon trine Uranus, Aquarius ascendant and North Node.

Objectivity is hard for some.

“My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

“You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me”

The whole world of mankind has fallen:

• from friendship with God into proud estrangement from Him and enmity with Him; this leaves us diseased and dying in every part of our personalities and bodies (Genesis 2:16; 3:2-19; Exodus 15:26; Deuteronomy 30:15–20)

• from our full reflection of His likeness into shattered, distorted images, suffering the results of our brokenness (Genesis 6:5; Matthew 15:19; Romans 1:14—2:16; Romans 3:9–20)

• from joyful obedience to God’s rules so as to fulfill His superlative design for our lives into lawless rebellion and constant frustration and warfare at every level of society (Genesis 3:14–16; James 4:1–10)

• from the beauty, tranquility, and vitality of godly family life into a cesspool of sexual-identify confusion, domestic strife, and aimlessness (Genesis 3:16; Romans 1:14—2:16; Galatians 5:19–21)

• from dominion as trustees of God’s world into a selfish exploitation of the land and the resulting ecological disaster (Genesis 3:17–19; Ecclesiastes 5:8–17; Haggai 1:6)

• from knowledge of God’s enlightening truth into the darkness of ignorance and the confusion of depraved minds (Genesis 2:17; Proverbs 1—31; Judges 1—21; Romans 1:28)

To live in a fallen world means we struggle with sin on a daily basis. We experience heartache and pain. We witness natural disasters and staggering loss. Injustice, inhumanity, and falsehood seem to hold sway. Discord and trouble are commonplace. None of this was God’s original plan for humanity. We fell from our original position in the Garden of Eden. We now live in a fallen world, and all creation “groans” under the consequences of our sin (Romans 8:22).


I hate this world. With everything within me...I hate this world. And there is a part of me that feels guilty about this, because I have found myself withdrawing from everyone. Whenever I try to speak Truth, I am confronted with hatred and rage. More now than ever in my 53 years... It's exhausting at times. Even those that I believe truly love Yahshua, are still soooo immersed in this worldly system, and it hurts my heart. These days, most people...friends AND family...believe I'm a crazy, tin-foil-hat wearing conspiracy theorist. I stay in a state of awe at this world, and the people on it. Very different...and difficult...times for us now.