I revealed that I tell the truth, I don't pretend to care for things I don't care about, causes more damage.
Morals only work when they invade a person's own self-interest, often misguided by falsity of being for someone else.
Compassion ... I don't know what that is, my wife is slowly showing me it.. but I am not of this world or connected to it, my life told me I am not.
Remember I have Moon zero degree trine Neptune, Moon exalted.
Opposed by an 8th house Pluto.
Moon trine Uranus, Aquarius ascendant and North Node.
Objectivity is hard for some.
“My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
“You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me”
The whole world of mankind has fallen:
• from friendship with God into proud estrangement from Him and enmity with Him; this leaves us diseased and dying in every part of our personalities and bodies (
Genesis 2:16;
Exodus 15:26;
Deuteronomy 30:15–20)
• from our full reflection of His likeness into shattered, distorted images, suffering the results of our brokenness (
Genesis 6:5;
Matthew 15:19;
Romans 1:14—2:16;
Romans 3:9–20)
• from joyful obedience to God’s rules so as to fulfill His superlative design for our lives into lawless rebellion and constant frustration and warfare at every level of society (
Genesis 3:14–16;
James 4:1–10)
• from the beauty, tranquility, and vitality of godly family life into a cesspool of sexual-identify confusion, domestic strife, and aimlessness (
Genesis 3:16;
Romans 1:14—2:16;
Galatians 5:19–21)
• from dominion as trustees of God’s world into a selfish exploitation of the land and the resulting ecological disaster (
Genesis 3:17–19;
Ecclesiastes 5:8–17;
Haggai 1:6)
• from knowledge of God’s enlightening truth into the darkness of ignorance and the confusion of depraved minds (
Genesis 2:17;
Proverbs 1—31;
Judges 1—21;
Romans 1:28)
To live in a fallen world means we struggle with sin on a daily basis. We experience heartache and pain. We witness natural disasters and staggering loss. Injustice, inhumanity, and falsehood seem to hold sway. Discord and trouble are commonplace. None of this was God’s original plan for humanity. We fell from our original position in the Garden of Eden. We now live in a fallen world, and all creation “groans” under the consequences of our sin (
Romans 8:22).
I hate this world. With everything within me...I hate this world. And there is a part of me that feels guilty about this, because I have found myself withdrawing from everyone. Whenever I try to speak Truth, I am confronted with hatred and rage. More now than ever in my 53 years... It's exhausting at times. Even those that I believe truly love Yahshua, are still soooo immersed in this worldly system, and it hurts my heart. These days, most people...friends AND family...believe I'm a crazy, tin-foil-hat wearing conspiracy theorist. I stay in a state of awe at this world, and the people on it. Very different...and difficult...times for us now.