Anyone whose Sun, Moon or ASC Sign responds to parents Sun, Moon, ASC/any planet?

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Jan 16, 2008

(1) Your Moon is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon, ASC/DESC/MC/IC/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter or Saturn

(2) Your Sun is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon ASC/DESC/MC/IC/

(3) Your Ascendant is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon ASC/DESC/MC/IC

Basically - is one of more of your ASC/DESC/IC/MC/Moon/Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's ASC/DESC/MC/IC/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn signs? :smile:
My mother has her sun virgo, me, virgo asc.
Father sun taurus, my moon taurus.
Also my father has jupiter and saturn in virgo and pisces in uranus
I have pisces mars
My brother has virgo in mars in 12th H
My mother has jupiter in taurus. Aries in uranus, I have chiron in Aries
My father has venus in Aries.
My brother has Aries in jupiter.
Both have gemini in mars. My Mc is Gemini.
My brother has sun, moon, merc, and venus in Gemini.
My oldest brother has Libra sun and venus, Scorpio merc and mars, my mother has scorpio moon.
My mum has Libra merc and venus I have uranus in Libra.
My mum has Saturn in Sagg I have sun and venus.
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(1) Your Moon is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon, ASC/DESC/MC/IC/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter or Saturn

(2) Your Sun is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon ASC/DESC/MC/IC/

(3) Your Ascendant is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon ASC/DESC/MC/IC

Basically - is one of more of your ASC/DESC/IC/MC/Moon/Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's ASC/DESC/MC/IC/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn signs? :smile:

My Sun is the same sign as my father's Jupiter and my mother's Desc.

My Moon is the same sign as my mother's Sun, Mercury,Venus, Jupiter, MC.

My Ascendant is the same sign as my mother's Saturn
My rising in scorpio and my moms moon is in scorp
I don't know much of my biological father think he's a gemini, but who I consider as my dad also has scorpio moon conjunct asc & his Sagittarius asc conjunct my sag sun.
I don't know (and neither do my parents) birth times for either one. However, a transit chart of my natal with their birthdays shows something interesting. On the day I was born, my Moon conjuncted my father's Sun/cazimi Mars, and then there was an eclipse that affected both his Sun and my Moon. He has on his birthday Venus in Pisces so in my Moon sign, his Moon was in Libra (my rising/Sun/Jupiter/Mercury) his Saturn retro within a degree of my ASC ruler Venus, and his Jupiter in the same sign as my exalted Mars. Here is a chart of my birth (correct ASC) and transits for his birthday.

Also, my mother has several of the planets and points you mention in key places in my chart.

Does this help?

I can also show some pretty nifty correlations with the charts of my own daughters. :smile:


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I plan to show the clear connection between the planets/angles of one's natal chart and the natal charts of one's parents by gathering data such as that already helpfully posted.

Researching the natal charts of all family members leads to the discovery of significant correlations such as e.g. parents planets conjunct PoF and/or in same sign as PoF of one/or more of their children.

For reliable connections to ASC/DESC/MC/IC/PoF then a reliably accurate time of birth is essential. In fact, connections to these angles/areas is one of the important indicators that the time of birth is indeed valid, therefore this is a most practical and useful basic astrological exercise!

Many thanks for the data already posted and my intention is that this thread be a source of valid data for others also interested to research similarly :smile:
Both my husband and one of our daughters have the following -

Sun in Virgo
Moon in Virgo
Ascendant in Scorpio
Mercury in Leo
Venus in Virgo
Mars in Gemini

You can overlay the charts and they look practically the same.

They both love animals and have a scientific frame of mind.

To me, it's a clear indication that DNA/inherited traits are very much visible in the charts.
Thanks Sweetpea - my ninety year old professional astrological friend frequently said that as well - telling me that accurately timed natal charts show connections as clearly as DNA now can

- so I'm passing on the idea to others, as well as researching/ gathering data
My mother and I are both libra rising. We don't share any other major patterns. That said we have a very good synastry and composite chart together so we are like two peas in a pod.

My father is scorpio rising with mars conjunct the ascendent. My moon is in scorpio. Other than that we don't share any other major patterns. Our synastry and composite has a lot of activity that washes out to be both good and bad. My father and I are not close and he can't effect or phase me at all.
Hi, I just saw this interesting thread, so I would like to contribute too, with what I have available as data.

I should start with my parents and myself. They don't know their birth times, so I look only at planets.

My father and I

-His Sun is in Aquarius and so is mine.
-His Moon is in Capricorn and my IC cusp is also in Capricorn.
-His Mercury is in Aquarius and so is mine.
-His Mars and his Saturn are in Pisces and so is my Venus(ruler of my ascendant).

My mother and I

-Her Sun and Mercury are in Cancer and so is my MC.
-Her Jupiter is in Capricorn as is my IC.

My brother and my father

-His Mars is in Aquarius as are my father's Sun and Mercury.

My brother and my mother

-His Sun and Venus are in Cancer as are my mother's Sun and Mercury.
-His Mercury is in Leo as is my mother's Venus.
-His Saturn is in Gemini as are my mother's Moon and Mars.(The conjunction of Saturn and Moon is absolutely exact as well!)

(We have always been 2 by 2 in this house, me and dad, my brother and mum. With this thread, you have given me the opportunity to understand why! Thank you!)

Let's go on, though! Me and my daughter

-My Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius as is my daughter's Moon.
-Both our Marses are in Scorpio.
-Her IC is in Pisces as is my Venus.
(The cusp of my 5th is in Aquarius as is her Moon but I'm not sure that that helps you)

My husband and my daughter

-His Sun is in Saggitarius as is her Ascendant (and in close conjunction too).
-His Moon and Mercury are in Scorpio as is her Mars.
-His Jupiter is in Virgo as are her Sun and MC.

I don't have my husband's birth time either, so I don't know his angles.

I hope all this is useful to you! It sure was to me to write it out, a lot of things make sense now.
DNA shows in charts, that's for sure!
Thanks so much libraqua for clear validation data!

I have focused on planetary links with angles and underlined those, to encourage you to investigate the possibility that any one of you AND/OR your brother's planets may well be conjunct or in the same sign as one or both of your parents angles so that's a great way to play "guess the birthtime" aka Rectification of the ascendant.

Your contribution is valuable as your data clearly shows that "Astrological DNA links" are obvious from one generation to another and I'm so glad the process of writing it all out has clarified your own understanding of family connections via astrology.

ALSO it's interesting that a possible clue to your husband's time of birth is that any one of your daughter's planets could be conjunct one of your husband's angles :smile:

Hi, I just saw this interesting thread, so I would like to contribute too, with what I have available as data.

I should start with my parents and myself. They don't know their birth times, so I look only at planets.

My father and I

-His Sun is in Aquarius and so is mine.
-His Moon is in Capricorn and my IC cusp is also in Capricorn.
-His Mercury is in Aquarius and so is mine.
-His Mars and his Saturn are in Pisces and so is my Venus(ruler of my ascendant).

My mother and I

-Her Sun and Mercury are in Cancer and so is my MC.
-Her Jupiter is in Capricorn as is my IC.

My brother and my father

-His Mars is in Aquarius as are my father's Sun and Mercury.

My brother and my mother

-His Sun and Venus are in Cancer as are my mother's Sun and Mercury.
-His Mercury is in Leo as is my mother's Venus.
-His Saturn is in Gemini as are my mother's Moon and Mars.(The conjunction of Saturn and Moon is absolutely exact as well!)

(We have always been 2 by 2 in this house, me and dad, my brother and mum. With this thread, you have given me the opportunity to understand why! Thank you!)

Let's go on, though! Me and my daughter

-My Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius as is my daughter's Moon.
-Both our Marses are in Scorpio.
-Her IC is in Pisces as is my Venus.
(The cusp of my 5th is in Aquarius as is her Moon but I'm not sure that that helps you)

My husband and my daughter

-His Sun is in Sagittarius as is her Ascendant (and in close conjunction too).
-His Moon and Mercury are in Scorpio as is her Mars.
-His Jupiter is in Virgo as are her Sun and MC.

I don't have my husband's birth time either, so I don't know his angles

I hope all this is useful to you! It sure was to me to write it out, a lot of things make sense now.
DNA shows in charts, that's for sure!

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Thank you for your help. I am certainly going to play this game of rectification some time soon...I've actually started writing down important days and events last night,when I read your article in this area,giving the guidelines.
I take this opportunity though to tell you that the link you gave about the rectification method based on the wedding time isn't working-at least that's what the page wrote:no longer available...and to ask you,as a consequence,to give it again...

Forgive me but I forgot to add that my brother and I share the same ascendant,therefore and angles! So,his IC is also in Capricorn and his MC in Cancer (father and mother).

I have so many charts'rectification to work on that I'm sure I'll have my hands full for the coming winter and that I'll most probably need your help!
What I just realised by your last remark is that,according to one possible time given by my late mother-in-law, his ascendant should be in Aquarius,which is my Sun sign and my daughter's Moon sign!WOW!

Thanks again!
Thank you for your help. I am certainly going to play this game of rectification some time soon...
It's great fun! As well as being most rewarding

...I've actually started writing down important days and events last night,when I read your article in this area,giving the guidelines.
That's a valuable exercise and a good idea to keep a notebook specially for the purpose

....I take this opportunity though to tell you that the link you gave about the rectification method based on the wedding time isn't working-at least that's what the page wrote:no longer available...and to ask you,as a consequence,to give it again... but in case for some reason the link won't work, then these are the brief guidelines I posted there
During a wedding, particularly at the time the vows are spoken,

(a) the Ascendant Ruler and the Ruler of Cusp Seven must connect to the Natal Horizon DESC/ASC axis because that is what a wedding is, astrologically!

(b) On the wedding day - Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars must also connect to the Natal Horizon DESC/ASC axis


Venus and Mars must connect in order to symbolise the 'Archetypal Lovers'

Sun and Moon must connect in order to symbolise the 'Domestic Couple' – now united and involved in 'house-keeping', child-bearing, child rearing

Some of the ways the ASC/DESC rulers may connect to the Natal Horizon

(1) Trine, sextile, square, opposition, conjunction

(2) Any ASC/DESC ruler conjunct the MC is considered to connect to the local horizon via the MC/IC AXIS

(3) I have noticed from my own personal observation, that the Midpoints of the transiting ASC/DESC rulers of the wedding date, frequently connect to the Natal Horizon.

A much older astrological friend (who has since died) told me they learned the technique to verify an ascendant while a student decades ago - they never asked for payment for the information: I continue to pass the method on freely to others so that anyone may test it for themselves.

If it does not work for you then check out another method – there are plenty! :smile:
...Forgive me but I forgot to add that my brother and I share the same ascendant, therefore and angles! So, his IC is also in Capricorn and his MC in Cancer (father and mother).
Thank you for those incredible validations libraqua as they are wonderful guidelines for all interested readers of this thread as well
I have so many charts'rectification to work on that I'm sure I'll have my hands full for the coming winter and that I'll most probably need your help!
What I just realised by your last remark is that, according to one possible time given by my late mother-in-law, his ascendant should be in Aquarius, which is my Sun sign and my daughter's Moon sign! WOW!
Thanks again!
Those rewarding WOW moments make all the time-consuming astrological validation work SO well worth it!!

As you gain facility with these ideas you'll find that 'astrological DNA' has many layers
Thank you so much Jupiterasc for all your comments and your help!!!
I'll check out the wedding method and let you know!

My father is Leo sun with Libra moon... and my mother Scorpio Sun, Pisces rising and scorpio moon...

I've got Libra sun, Leo Ascendant and Pisces moon in the 8th house.

My father is Jupiter in Cancer, so am i:kissing:
Thank you so much Jupiterasc for all your comments and your help!!!
I'll check out the wedding method and let you know!
Weddings are fun libraqua and I have had great results using that particular technique - however remember the crucial importance of accurate timing :smile:
I mentioned the abundance of Capricorns and Sun-Saturn aspects onmy father's side in another thread.I have a strong Saturn in the first house,one of my 2 younger brothers is Capricorn rising, the other one is Capricorn Sun with Saturn in the first house.Among my paternal uncle's children,one of them is Capricorn rising, one of them has Saturn in the first house,the other one is Capricorn sun.My capricorn paternal aunt's only child is Capricorn rising.
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(1) Your Moon is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon, ASC/DESC/MC/IC/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter or Saturn

(2) Your Sun is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon ASC/DESC/MC/IC/

(3) Your Ascendant is the same sign as one or more of your father/mother's Sun, Moon ASC/DESC/MC/IC

My Moon in Pisces, and Jupiter, is same as my mum's Sun in Pisces (and her south node in Pisces).

My Jupiter in Pisces conjuncts my mum's south node. My mum's Jupiter in Gemini conjuncts my south node.

I don't know my dads hour of birth, nothing in my chart aspects his Taurus Sun, though my IC may conjunct his Moon (going by a midday approx chart).

I think my mums ascendant conjuncts my 'child' asteroid (for those who use the asteroids ;), and for those who don't (please ignore) )
With a quick glance..

My dad has Saturn in Capricorn and so do I..

My dad has Venus in Sagittarius and so do I..

My moon is on my mother's descendant

My sister's moon is on my dad's Ascendant.

My mum has Saturn on my Ascendant.

My Jupiter is on my mum's Ascendant.

I have 5 planets (Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus) on my mum's Descendant

That's just what I've noticed right away. Definitely some strong links there!
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