Arabic Parts I noticed in my chart.

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Jesus' Part of Sudden Advancement is in the 11th degree of Gemini, and a most appropriate Sabian Symbol it is. It validates what Edgar Cayce said concerning the "Lost Years", as Jesus/Yeshu'a allegedly traveled to many foreign lands and received advanced teachings in various subjects from different teachers. Persia and India were two of those foreign lands. He had some kind of initiating rite in the Great Pyramid. Truly, it is that which provided his "sudden Advancement", and as it took 18 years for him to complete that journey, it surely must have seemed to have be as like a "nemesis" as well.
I glanced through the list of his Parts and didn't see any natal Part of his in the 11th degree of Libra, but I might have missed it, if there is.
Ah, it looks like that one was misread...

I seem to have a weird problem where occasionally I get the right degree of a part, but occasionally get two signs mixed up, particularly if they're the same element. So I actually did make a mistake on that one.
Ah, it looks like that one was misread...

I seem to have a weird problem where occasionally I get the right degree of a part, but occasionally get two signs mixed up, particularly if they're the same element. So I actually did make a mistake on that one.
I've had my problems too... especially concerning the glyph for Pisces and that for Gemini. My penmanship can get rather sloppy when doing calculations on a notepad, and I've had trouble reading my own writing.
No harm, no foul.
Observations to the above that I should have noticed and commented on earlier.
Your Part of Gossip has a most appropriate Sabian Symbol for someone that can't help them self from spreading gossip. Take it as a admonition to hold your tongue whenever you hear any and are about to share it. That same degree is president Trump's natal Asc. and knowing that it is easy to understand why he talks incessantly most of the time. If only he were aware of this Astrological condition he has, then he might recognize that it is a personality quirk that he needs to be ever aware of.
Hmm... that might be hard for me, because I tend to have trouble knowing where the line is between gossip and what is just factual information. Let's just say sometimes I get told that I am spreading misinformation and hearsay, and then it turns out I was speaking the truth after all... and then other times people get upset with me for refusing to reveal what I know about something and think I'm denying them essential information, trying to pressure me into repeating a rumor I've heard. It seems like no matter what I do on that front, it gets me into trouble. Hopefully I learn a good balance in that area.
As to a Part of Merchandise, the only formula that I know of, that I have listed, is Asc. + Part of Fortune - Part of Soul, and I think that tile is dubious although it may be strictly for horary. The formula you gave is an unknown.

It appears that both of those Parts are listed on the site I use to calculate all this stuff, though your formula is listed as "Part of Merchandise II":


This is the reason why I'm starting to focus more attention on the formula and less on the name of the part. The same name can be used for a lot of different parts, and I'm betting the real effect is more closely associated with the points used to calculate it than with whatever they named it.

Your Part of Death being in the 7th deg. of Aries is most interesting. That is the Sign and degree of Suryakant's natal M.C. and he was the reincarnation of Sir Galahad. According to legend Sir Galahad was the only knight to find[attain?] the Holy Grail and as a reward "angels ascended Him unto Heaven without his having to experience physical death, and thus became the man of two realms." That is what an Ascended being, and Ascended Master is, one that "ascended" unto Heaven. They can manifest themselves in a physical form here on earth and return to the Heavenly realm at will.
Well, I will say this. It seems like I struggle to stay grounded in the physical world. I have a lot of strange hangups surrounding my Ascendant, and to make a long story short, sometimes it feels like I am partially "locked out" of my Ascendant, and I often find myself relying on my Vertex/Anti-Vertex as a substitute, with a backup sense of self centered around my Part of Hidden Identity that holds things together somewhat in spite of the issues. That is to say, I should have more Sagittarians in my life, but I actually don't know a ton of people with major Sagittarius placements. The rest of my associates all seem to have Scorpio placements similar to what I would expect if my Vertex were drawing them in. So whatever is going on with me, I'm very driven to spend a lot of time in a dream state, primarily interact with others through writing, struggle to make an impact on the physical world, and in general it often feels like I have to "work around" my entire 1st house more often than most other people do. Sometimes I like to joke with people that I feel like more like a living ghost with a keyboard and a caffeine addiction than an actual human being with a body. I could relate to the feeling I have one foot in this world and one in the next.
The Part of Obligations is about obligations in romance, and seemingly in artistic endeavors too. But what a marvelous Sabian Symbol for one to have in this Part. I can only interpret this to mean that you recognize it as an obligation to make them happy. That's what most every partner hopes for from their significant other, i.e. a sense of obligation to keep "happiness" in the relationship. Check your Part of Self Sacrifice [Asc. + Venus - Pluto] and as it is in the 2nd degree of Capricorn, keep that Sabian in mind as their is a point where an obligation may become as such that one has to consider that sacrificing of their self, and as Rudhyar warned what could be lost by doing so is "the principle of love and compassion. Keep the following adage in mind [in case you ever find yourself in such a situation] "Hold on tightly, let go lightly".
The 2nd degree of Capricorn is also the location of my natal Uranus. I wonder if that means anything, with both my Part of Self-Sacrifice and my natal Uranus on that degree? Incidentally, Saturn isn't far away either, with it being the 3rd degree of Capricorn.
Awesome Sabian Symbol for ones Part of Influence & Magnetism. Yet, that is an unconfirmed title being that it's yet another Part that I yet to investigate. Yeshu'a's is in the 3rd deg. of Libra. If you ever have the time and the inclination, read the Sabian Symbols in reverse order from Libra 06* to Libra 01* [and you might even try from Libra 07*, and Libra 08*, and even from Libra 09*] and think about the last days of Yeshu'a with his disciples as you read through them. It like a outline of the events that transpired during those last days, at least it seems as so to me, but I'm not as well studied in those matters as others are.
Oh yeah, the story there is definitely interesting, I think I can kind of see what you're saying there. For whatever reason, I do seem to really find all the symbols in Libra to stand out to me quite a bit as telling a story, especially the early degrees.
Going slightly off-topic as far as astrological parts, I'm noticing some connections between the Sabian Symbols for actual planets in my chart, and some of these. The Part of Innocence represents something you have no idea how to deal with, something you're clueless about...
For me, that's Leo 14:


Well, the Sabian for my natal Saturn is...


Which is very similar to the theme of Leo 14. Which likely means the difficulties/limitations/restrictions I deal with are closely related to the things I have no idea how to deal with and am clueless about. And all of those things have a theme of being a soul in a body, seeking experience and manifesting outwardly.

Adding to this, is the fact that the Ascendant, which represents the body/identity, is conjunct the Part of Peril, and is a degree off from the Part of Exile, actually sandwiched between Exile and Sudden Parting. Oh, and Chiron, which represents wounding, is also in my first house.

Overall, I've always had this feeling that anything I do that is too closely related to my ascendant in the physical world tends to work out very poorly or not at all.