Are my coworkers being malicious?

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May 2, 2011
I started a new job within my department where an acquaintance I've known for longer also works (but they're in a separate position from my division)

Long before I got there this coworkers, "K" and my now division went through power struggle after power struggle about job duties. My division has shared with me they felt "K" got favored. We got new leadership who stated our division (this is now with me being hired) no longer needed to support K's position as they had been.

When I started I was really overwhelmed learning the job, and never stopped to say hello or catch up with this acquaintance - I have a lot to do everyday. Additionally, after my new coworkers and I got more comfortable with each other, they shared their side of the drama - which I agreed with.

We were getting along, but I noticed "K" blatantly ignoring me. I didn't play into it or ask her anything, and then one day she texted me and said I didn't have to agree with anything but they were talking about me / mocking and things I said as a joke in the room she works in. She said they were two faced.

I had thought my coworkers and I were getting along, and I'm confident none of them were going up to K specifically to say these things, but she clearly overheard things about me.

I addressed it with my coworkers and apologized if I'd offended them, and explained I was given information etc. They denied (of course) and said K had actually tried to get them to complain or talk about me on occasion, but they walked away.

I felt a little better until today when I saw a chat pop up that seemed to include everyone in our room except me. I don't know for certain, but its my guess based on the names I saw (though I couldn't see all of them.)

So I cast the chart asking if my coworkers are / were being malicious.

Mars Rx in my 1H
Moon in Virgo opposing Venus and Saturn in Pisces 10H.
6H ruler in detriment in Gemini, 12H (or turned 6H as well?)

Definitely paints a picture of worry, feeling blocked from any clarity, and confused.

Now bare with me bere, this is where my intuition scrambles things ... With the 3H ruler Mercury in the 7H in Capricorn sextiling Venus and Saturn 10H It all correlates to work, BUT Mercury is in Moon's fall, right? So if the 12H is the 6H's turned house of coworkers, does it mean my coworkers don't trust me or are judging me?

Being as I'm in the middle for no reason, it does make a lot of sense there's peppered influences of Mercury, Gemini, and Virgo.

I just hope it gets better.


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I would use the 7th for coworkers [the 6th would be your employees]. You/Moon and they/Saturn are in opposition, as you describe.
I would tend to think of Saturn as inherently malefic if it were in its detriment or fall. But with Saturn's being peregrine, it strikes me that they are more indifferent?
Also Saturn receives you/Moon by triplicity, so that is suggests some level of caring and not malice.
I would use the 7th for coworkers [the 6th would be your employees]. You/Moon and they/Saturn are in opposition, as you describe.
I would tend to think of Saturn as inherently malefic if it were in its detriment or fall. But with Saturn's being peregrine, it strikes me that they are more indifferent?
Also Saturn receives you/Moon by triplicity, so that is suggests some level of caring and not malice.
I would take indifferent! And I do perceive indifference negatively out of my fear of rejection.

If my coworkers are in my 9H - is that "the truth" at all? Or would you interpret it as a general symbolism that they are more educated about the job (true) or something else?

An unrelated question - does Mars Rx in 1H and Mars being in detriment (I think it's detriment and not fall, can't remember these days) mean the job (10H/Aries) is not a good fit for me?
I would take indifferent! And I do perceive indifference negatively out of my fear of rejection.

If my coworkers are in my 9H - is that "the truth" at all? Or would you interpret it as a general symbolism that they are more educated about the job (true) or something else?
I don't see the 9th house as having meaning for this question. But the 9th house is not about "the truth"; it is more about seeking understanding, which puts the coworkers in a better light?
An unrelated question - does Mars Rx in 1H and Mars being in detriment (I think it's detriment and not fall, can't remember these days) mean the job (10H/Aries) is not a good fit for me?
I would look at Mars in the 1st as your employer/ruler of the 10th house has an interest in you as an employee. Mars in Cancer says that by reception the employer likes you/Moon as an employee.
Looking at Mars as the job being in its fall in Cancer and also retrograde, a kind of debility, suggests to me that the job [or the employer] is not in good shape. Maybe the division is not doing well by some standard? Something like that. Or maybe the position itself is not a good job.
By reception, you as Moon are indifferent to the job/employer....
I don't see the 9th house as having meaning for this question. But the 9th house is not about "the truth"; it is more about seeking understanding, which puts the coworkers in a better light?

I would look at Mars in the 1st as your employer/ruler of the 10th house has an interest in you as an employee. Mars in Cancer says that by reception the employer likes you/Moon as an employee.
Looking at Mars as the job being in its fall in Cancer and also retrograde, a kind of debility, suggests to me that the job [or the employer] is not in good shape. Maybe the division is not doing well by some standard? Something like that. Or maybe the position itself is not a good job.
By reception, you as Moon are indifferent to the job/employer....
Oh okay! For the Mars RX thing - no, we're not 🤣 Two major authority figures left the exact same time I got hired. My new boss's and mine started the same day and she's new to our agency overall. Additionally, we're transitioning under a different overhead and were really looking forward to it because the previous boss was always prioritizing our sister agency's agenda over our own - but nothing has happened and it's been a few months so people are probably antsy. I guess I'm too wrapped up in my own movie to realize everyone has stuff going on, and people's behavior is not always a direct correlation to me. 💜
Oh okay! For the Mars RX thing - no, we're not 🤣 Two major authority figures left the exact same time I got hired. My new boss's and mine started the same day and she's new to our agency overall. Additionally, we're transitioning under a different overhead and were really looking forward to it because the previous boss was always prioritizing our sister agency's agenda over our own - but nothing has happened and it's been a few months so people are probably antsy. I guess I'm too wrapped up in my own movie to realize everyone has stuff going on, and people's behavior is not always a direct correlation to me. 💜
Which Mars Rx comment or comments of mine are you responding to here?
Hello Miss Aries
Let me give my opinion with some additions because from what I see you have already said enough.

The Moon (You) in the house of her joy (3rd), of communication, and of gossip, and this ruler is Mercury (the natural signifier of rumors, gossip, etc. etc.) but also your sponsor in the 6th house (work, colleagues) and in the weakness of this Moon (you).

Also, Mercury is also in the 12th and rules this Jupiter. Retrograde and in weakness.

All this tells me: that there are words (Mercury) that you are involved in (Moon) and they are hidden words (12th) in your work environment (6th) that seem to harm you (Mercury in the weakness of the Moon).

Jupiter is also ruled by this Mercury and Mercury is in the fall of this Jupiter. Jupiter is your colleagues and they do not seem trustworthy and you should be careful. It is in the 11th house and shows the group of people you are with.

Because this Mercury is your sponsor and the 12th and it harms you, that is, you yourself do something, that is, what you say and do does not benefit you.
Then I see this Saturn and the Sun that I take as superiors in your work and the Moon has taken the light of Mercury and gives it to Saturn in opposition.

Also the Sun in the weakness of the Moon (you) has already opposed this Mars that is above you (tensions, anger,).

So I would suggest that you yourself distance yourself and not get involved in any discussion because it seems that all of this will ultimately not be to your benefit.
We also have a double sign, that is, a double situation with two faces, that is, it is not what it seems.

Finally, we also have the anti-shadow of Mercury, which will catch this Jupiter in opposition. And Jupiter with anti-shadow is in the 12th house.
Be careful and do not get involved in discussions.
Moon has taken the light of Mercury and gives it to Saturn in opposition.
Actually it is from venus to saturn.

Be careful and do not get involved in discussions.
Moon in 3rd opposing saturn.
Too much gossip going on,
Mercury rules the 3rd and also your 12th of things going on behind your back.
Sunrise's advice is solid gold in this case.
Hello Miss Aries
Let me give my opinion with some additions because from what I see you have already said enough.

The Moon (You) in the house of her joy (3rd), of communication, and of gossip, and this ruler is Mercury (the natural signifier of rumors, gossip, etc. etc.) but also your sponsor in the 6th house (work, colleagues) and in the weakness of this Moon (you).

Also, Mercury is also in the 12th and rules this Jupiter. Retrograde and in weakness.

All this tells me: that there are words (Mercury) that you are involved in (Moon) and they are hidden words (12th) in your work environment (6th) that seem to harm you (Mercury in the weakness of the Moon).

Jupiter is also ruled by this Mercury and Mercury is in the fall of this Jupiter. Jupiter is your colleagues and they do not seem trustworthy and you should be careful. It is in the 11th house and shows the group of people you are with.

Because this Mercury is your sponsor and the 12th and it harms you, that is, you yourself do something, that is, what you say and do does not benefit you.
Then I see this Saturn and the Sun that I take as superiors in your work and the Moon has taken the light of Mercury and gives it to Saturn in opposition.

Also the Sun in the weakness of the Moon (you) has already opposed this Mars that is above you (tensions, anger,).

So I would suggest that you yourself distance yourself and not get involved in any discussion because it seems that all of this will ultimately not be to your benefit.
We also have a double sign, that is, a double situation with two faces, that is, it is not what it seems.

Finally, we also have the anti-shadow of Mercury, which will catch this Jupiter in opposition. And Jupiter with anti-shadow is in the 12th house.
Be careful and do not get involved in discussions.
Thank you!

Yes, I actually had a conversation w my room and apologized if I'd offended them, and let them know what I was told. I don't think everyone is talking about me in there, and the ones who are are actually two Gemini men (I think, anyway). I hoped it would get it to stop and I've been quiter since.
It should pass quite quickly, as moon moves on and sextiles mars, and trines the sun.
That's good. It's been bothering me since it happened, like affecting my self-esteem quite badly. It shouldn't, I know, but I really wanted to be accepted by my new coworkers.
affecting my self-esteem quite badly
That's the 2nd house, ruled by sun.
Notice it was opposing mars in your house (1st house) from the 7th of open enemies.
But that aspect has now passed, and sun will be in good aspect with the Moon's Nodes.
Mercury of your 3rd house of gossip will sextile venus and saturn, venus being your 11th house of friends, and saturn the 7th of open enemies.
Be kind and consistent, and you will receive kindness in return.