Well-known member
I started a new job within my department where an acquaintance I've known for longer also works (but they're in a separate position from my division)
Long before I got there this coworkers, "K" and my now division went through power struggle after power struggle about job duties. My division has shared with me they felt "K" got favored. We got new leadership who stated our division (this is now with me being hired) no longer needed to support K's position as they had been.
When I started I was really overwhelmed learning the job, and never stopped to say hello or catch up with this acquaintance - I have a lot to do everyday. Additionally, after my new coworkers and I got more comfortable with each other, they shared their side of the drama - which I agreed with.
We were getting along, but I noticed "K" blatantly ignoring me. I didn't play into it or ask her anything, and then one day she texted me and said I didn't have to agree with anything but they were talking about me / mocking and things I said as a joke in the room she works in. She said they were two faced.
I had thought my coworkers and I were getting along, and I'm confident none of them were going up to K specifically to say these things, but she clearly overheard things about me.
I addressed it with my coworkers and apologized if I'd offended them, and explained I was given information etc. They denied (of course) and said K had actually tried to get them to complain or talk about me on occasion, but they walked away.
I felt a little better until today when I saw a chat pop up that seemed to include everyone in our room except me. I don't know for certain, but its my guess based on the names I saw (though I couldn't see all of them.)
So I cast the chart asking if my coworkers are / were being malicious.
Mars Rx in my 1H
Moon in Virgo opposing Venus and Saturn in Pisces 10H.
6H ruler in detriment in Gemini, 12H (or turned 6H as well?)
Definitely paints a picture of worry, feeling blocked from any clarity, and confused.
Now bare with me bere, this is where my intuition scrambles things ... With the 3H ruler Mercury in the 7H in Capricorn sextiling Venus and Saturn 10H It all correlates to work, BUT Mercury is in Moon's fall, right? So if the 12H is the 6H's turned house of coworkers, does it mean my coworkers don't trust me or are judging me?
Being as I'm in the middle for no reason, it does make a lot of sense there's peppered influences of Mercury, Gemini, and Virgo.
I just hope it gets better.
Long before I got there this coworkers, "K" and my now division went through power struggle after power struggle about job duties. My division has shared with me they felt "K" got favored. We got new leadership who stated our division (this is now with me being hired) no longer needed to support K's position as they had been.
When I started I was really overwhelmed learning the job, and never stopped to say hello or catch up with this acquaintance - I have a lot to do everyday. Additionally, after my new coworkers and I got more comfortable with each other, they shared their side of the drama - which I agreed with.
We were getting along, but I noticed "K" blatantly ignoring me. I didn't play into it or ask her anything, and then one day she texted me and said I didn't have to agree with anything but they were talking about me / mocking and things I said as a joke in the room she works in. She said they were two faced.
I had thought my coworkers and I were getting along, and I'm confident none of them were going up to K specifically to say these things, but she clearly overheard things about me.
I addressed it with my coworkers and apologized if I'd offended them, and explained I was given information etc. They denied (of course) and said K had actually tried to get them to complain or talk about me on occasion, but they walked away.
I felt a little better until today when I saw a chat pop up that seemed to include everyone in our room except me. I don't know for certain, but its my guess based on the names I saw (though I couldn't see all of them.)
So I cast the chart asking if my coworkers are / were being malicious.
Mars Rx in my 1H
Moon in Virgo opposing Venus and Saturn in Pisces 10H.
6H ruler in detriment in Gemini, 12H (or turned 6H as well?)
Definitely paints a picture of worry, feeling blocked from any clarity, and confused.
Now bare with me bere, this is where my intuition scrambles things ... With the 3H ruler Mercury in the 7H in Capricorn sextiling Venus and Saturn 10H It all correlates to work, BUT Mercury is in Moon's fall, right? So if the 12H is the 6H's turned house of coworkers, does it mean my coworkers don't trust me or are judging me?
Being as I'm in the middle for no reason, it does make a lot of sense there's peppered influences of Mercury, Gemini, and Virgo.
I just hope it gets better.