Are outer planets generational or personal?

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It would be great, Ruka and Inconjunct, if you could start a thread on Uranian astrology. I don't know how to work with it, although the Astrodienst free charts pp. at allow you to input its hypothetical planets.

Actually, though, 3 of the angles have some reality. From an earth-centered perspective the ASC is the eastern horizon. If you are born at sunrise, your sun will conjunct it. The DC is the western horizon. If you are born at sunset, your sun will conjunct it. The MC is at the zenith--the highest point overhead. The IC is a little hypothetical because it is under the earth, but it is not hard to imagine it as the opposite of the MC.

We might add to your imaginary points list the Arabic parts, the vertex, and Black Moon Lilith. Then in harmonic charts, the planets' locations are also artificial.

Actually, you misunderstood me.

The arguments I got about not using the transneptunians were specifically, that they aren't actual physical bodies in space, that they aren't planets. Which, is true. But neither are the angles, the vertex, BML.... when I pointed that out, all I got was a lot of shucking and jiving in response, which I found interesting.
The only really *real* things in astrology are the planets, lets face it - but then is something *not real* because we can't see it or touch it? That brings up all sorts of philosophical nightmares LOL.

The trans-neptunians are described as "energy points" out at the far flung reaches of the solar system, and some of them were identified before astronomers discovered Pluto. Uranian astrologers use them in combination with the traditional planets, in midpoint pictures and solar arc directions.

That's about as far as my knowledge of Uranian goes at the moment, waybread, so starting a thread might not be advisable :).

...Finally, someone gets what I'm saying, here. LOL
The outer planets are both generational and personal. They are most personal when in more personal points or areas of the birth horoscope, but also when making very tight aspects to other planets. Uranus relates to peer group socially, not generation.

On the contrary, I have made clear statements all along that the outer planets are a generational influence because:

the outer planets have only recently been discovered - in fact as far as Pluto is concerned it's mostly guesswork because Pluto is just entering the opposition to its discovery degree (22 Cancer) and there are no tried and tested delineations of Pluto in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini - it's all guesswork and experimentation :smile:

Utter nonsense. First this reasoning creates no support whatsoever for Pluto and outer planets being generational (only). Secondly, we don't need to watch the action 'live' in order to understand what Pluto 'does.' Studious astrologers spend a good deal of time making use of modern computerized ephemerides to research Pluto's (or any planets') movements and the coinciding events and trends in history. This is basic good astrology.
Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are Generational Planets - Discuss

one comment has been quoted out of context so here is my post in its entirety
I think it fair to point out to the reader that I did not ask the question and I did not initiate the thread:smile:
On the contrary, I have made clear statements all along that the outer planets are a generational influence because:
the outer planets have only recently been discovered - in fact as far as Pluto is concerned it's mostly guesswork because Pluto is just entering the opposition to its discovery degree (22 Cancer) and there are no tried and tested delineations of Pluto in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini - it's all guesswork and experimentation :smile:
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto orbits of the sun are
Uranus 84 years
Neptune 168 years
Pluto 248 years
contrast these orbits with
Mercury 88 days
Venus 225 days
Mars 687 days
Jupiter 12 years
Saturn 30 years
of the entire world population, few experience a Uranus Return, none experience a Neptune Return, none experience a Pluto Return. :smile:
[I moved this discussion out of the Vertex thread, where it was going rapidly off-subject from what the OP asked, and onto a new thread devoted exclusively to outer planet discussion. - Moderator]

The outer planets are both generational and personal. They are most personal when in more personal points or areas of the birth horoscope, but also when making very tight aspects to other planets..

Having a cake and eating it too :smile:

Uranus relates to peer group socially, not generation.
Utter nonsense. First this reasoning creates no support whatsoever for Pluto and outer planets being generational (only). Secondly, we don't need to watch the action 'live' in order to understand what Pluto 'does.' Studious astrologers spend a good deal of time making use of modern computerized ephemerides to research Pluto's (or any planets') movements and the coinciding events and trends in history. This is basic good astrology.

Neither 'you' nor 'we' can watch events that have already occurred. One can only surmise. i.e therefore it is guesswork. :smile:

You neglected to quote me when I said that it is obvious that of the entire world population, few experience a Uranus Return, none experience a Neptune Return, none experience a Pluto Return... however many people experience Returns of the seven visible planets

You are entitled to your own opinion that my words are 'rubbish'! I have my opinion, especially regarding manners. 'Utter rubbish' is a meaningless term. You have a differing opinion therefore obviously I differ with you. Simple, no need to mention 'rubbish' whether 'utter' or no :smile:
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having a uranus or neptune or pluto return is irrelevent to using these planets.

you cannot watch events that have already occurred. You can only surmise. i.e therefore it is guesswork.
it's not guesswork at all and lots of lots of published astrologers use the modern planets to great effect. I simply think you are missing and overlooking valuable astrological material and would help in delinating charts..
Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are Generational Planets - Discuss

having a uranus or neptune or pluto return is irrelevent to using these planets. it's not guesswork at all and lots of lots of published astrologers use the modern planets to great effect. I simply think you are missing and overlooking valuable astrological material and would help in delinating charts..

Modern Astrology is entirely dependent upon Traditional/Ancient astrology upon which it is founded and without which it could not function. Whereas Traditional Astrology and Ancient Astrology are entirely independent of Modern Astrology. You are the one who is overlooking valuable astrological material that would help you in delineating charts, not I

As to whether "a Uranus, Neptune or Pluto return is irrelevant to using these planets" is easy to say because quite simply neither you nor anyone for that matter shall experience either a Neptune or a Pluto return :smile:
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Modern Astrology is entirely dependent upon Traditional/Ancient astrology upon which it is founded and without which it could not function. Whereas Traditional Astrology and Ancient Astrology are entirely independent of Modern Astrology. You are the one who is overlooking valuable astrological material that would help you in delineating charts, not I

As to whether "a Uranus, Neptune or Pluto return is irrelevant to using these planets" is easy to say because quite simply neither you nor anyone for that matter shall experience either a Neptune or a Pluto return :smile:

You're simply *missing the point*... It doesn't MATTER if uranus neptune and pluto don't have a return This does not invalidate their significance! :biggrin:
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what about squares and oppostions? to Jupiter


You said:
...whether "a Uranus, Neptune or Pluto return is irrelevant to using these planets" is easy to say because quite simply neither you nor anyone for that matter shall experience either a Neptune or a Pluto return

I may be missing the point here. If you mean (as a50 suggests in her posting) that the lack of a return in a birth chart indicates Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto are not personal or not "relevant", then I think there are other things to look at. Particularly with the outer planets, look at the squares and oppositions. When Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto square one of the four points in the chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC), there usually is a STRONG effect. This is even stronger when Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjunct a point. Also when Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto square a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) there can be a very strong personal effect.

Or maybe your comment on the outer planets not having planetary returns is making a different point?


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Originally Posted by Kannon
The outer planets are both generational and personal. They are most personal when in more personal points or areas of the birth horoscope, but also when making very tight aspects to other planets..
Having a cake and eating it too

I agree with Kannon, they are BOTH :unsure:

At *some point* trad astrologers had to take a 'leap of faith' and had to have used a certain amount of guesswork. Modern astrologers, prominent, world renown, publishes have delinated to great effect and proven their theories work and warrant acceptable!
Re: what about squares and oppostions? to Jupiter


You said:

I may be missing the point here. If you mean (as a50 suggests in her posting) that the lack of a return in a birth chart indicates Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto are not personal or not "relevant", then I think there are other things to look at. Particularly with the outer planets, look at the squares and oppositions. When Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto square one of the four points in the chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC), there usually is a STRONG effect. This is even stronger when Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjunct a point. Also when Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto square a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) there can be a very strong personal effect.

Or maybe your comment on the outer planets not having planetary returns is making a different point?



I would go even further to included Jupiter -also as I've seen pluto conj saturn be effective, saturn conj neptune play out and even saturn conj uranus be effective to.
Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are Generational Planets - Discuss

At *some point* trad astrologers had to take a 'leap of faith' and had to have used a certain amount of guesswork
Post some evidence for the statement you have made
You said:
I may be missing the point here. If you mean (as a50 suggests in her posting) that the lack of a return in a birth chart indicates Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto are not personal or not "relevant", then I think there are other things to look at. Particularly with the outer planets, look at the squares and oppositions. When Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto square one of the four points in the chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC), there usually is a STRONG effect. This is even stronger when Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjunct a point. Also when Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto square a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) there can be a very strong personal effect.
Or maybe your comment on the outer planets not having planetary returns is making a different point?
Confused, Tim

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are invisible to the naked eye and require a telescope to be viewed. Traditional Astrology is concerned with the seven visible planets and therefore takes no note of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto... thus - with regard to this particular matter in any event - there is no confusion for Traditional Astrologers... :smile:
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Re: what about squares and oppostions? to Jupiter

Just because you cannot see something with the naked eye does NOT make the invalid!!
You only have to read modern astrologer books to see where they are coming from. Have you ever read any?

Yep, I could say the same thing! There is NO confusion to modern astrologers either!
Re: what about squares and oppostions? to Jupiter

I don't cling to any one system, I just go for what works. I can see some people on here are just plain fascinated with the outer planets. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people jump right into the outer planets when looking to solve a problem, completely ignoring the obvious indicators amongst the inner planets and refusing to listen to any logic developed over thousands of years.

Now I'm not a pro astrologer by any means, but like Bob, while reading the interpretations for each planet, I found I identified with the inner planets very strongly. When I started getting into the outer planets, it became more of a "I guess..." and eventually ended in "... that's just wrong."

For me, regardless of reason, the outer planets just don't work. I don't care if they can't be seen with the naked eye, I don't care if they're far away, I don't care if they're small or have weird orbits. They don't work. Period. I do acknowledge their usefulness in nation's charts. That I can't deny. But on a personal level, no, they do nothing significant for me, if anything at all. If they did do anything, it'd be something hidden and difficult to find.

I can honestly say that I tried to give the outer planets a shot. I read articles and watched videos on them, I became pretty excited about the prospect of using them to elevate my subconscious or spiritual goals and the like. But when I went back to my chart, and tried to apply what I learned, I was very disappointed.

My two cents.
agree that traditional astrologers don't use outers, to Jupiter


You said:
of the entire world population, few experience a Uranus Return, none experience a Neptune Return, none experience a Pluto Return...Traditional Astrology is concerned with the seven visible planets and therefore takes no note of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto...there is no confusion for Traditional Astrologers

I agree that Traditional astrologers don't use the outer planets. I have no confusion about that. I'm confused about what point you are making by mentioning that most people don't live long enough to have a planetary return of the outers. This has nothing to do with why traditional astrologers don't use the outer planets and doesn't disprove the usage of outer planets by modern astrologers.

Still confused about the return issue,

...Okay, it's clear that everybody thinks what they're going to think and that isn't going to change. So obviously it makes more sense to just agree to disagree and leave the whole thing be, but the thread is still active - why? :whistling:

Honestly, I think it's because a lot of people can't accept that people don't share their views on this, and that all this back-and-forth is essentially an attempt to browbeat those who don't into agree into coming over to their side and sharing their views. It's an ultimately pointless exercise, especially when both sides feel they have evidence supporting their stance, plus if anything all the arguing and hostility does is alienate people and push them further in the opposite direction, it's not going to make someone suddenly agree with you. For all the snark directed at me, I still include the outers in my charts and interpret them, so there you go. :lol:
Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are Generational Planets - Discuss

You said:
I agree that Traditional astrologers don't use the outer planets. I have no confusion about that. I'm confused about what point you are making by mentioning that most people don't live long enough to have a planetary return of the outers. This has nothing to do with why traditional astrologers don't use the outer planets and doesn't disprove the usage of outer planets by modern astrologers. Still confused about the return issue, Tim

You have said that you are confused, wilsontc. Nevertheless, the fact that you say you are confused regarding what I have written does not invalidate my statement. In addition. was it not crystal clear when I said that obviously Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can have no significance within traditional astrology for the reasons I have already mentioned:

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are invisible to the naked eye and require a telescope to be viewed. Traditional Astrology is concerned with the seven visible planets and therefore takes no note of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto... thus - with regard to this particular matter in any event - there is no confusion for Traditional Astrologers... :smile:


As to whether "a Uranus, Neptune or Pluto return is irrelevant" is easy to say because quite simply neither you nor anyone for that matter shall experience either a Neptune or a Pluto return :smile:

All I have said is that the outer planets are generational. You'll find many who disagree with my statement, as well as many who agree with my statement.

I don't cling to any one system, I just go for what works. I can see some people on here are just plain fascinated with the outer planets. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people jump right into the outer planets when looking to solve a problem, completely ignoring the obvious indicators amongst the inner planets and refusing to listen to any logic developed over thousands of years.

Now I'm not a pro astrologer by any means, but like Bob, while reading the interpretations for each planet, I found I identified with the inner planets very strongly. When I started getting into the outer planets, it became more of a "I guess..." and eventually ended in "... that's just wrong."

For me, regardless of reason, the outer planets just don't work. I don't care if they can't be seen with the naked eye, I don't care if they're far away, I don't care if they're small or have weird orbits. They don't work. Period. I do acknowledge their usefulness in nation's charts. That I can't deny. But on a personal level, no, they do nothing significant for me, if anything at all. If they did do anything, it'd be something hidden and difficult to find.

I can honestly say that I tried to give the outer planets a shot. I read articles and watched videos on them, I became pretty excited about the prospect of using them to elevate my subconscious or spiritual goals and the like. But when I went back to my chart, and tried to apply what I learned, I was very disappointed.

My two cents.

Good point, well made MSO :smile:

...Okay, it's clear that everybody thinks what they're going to think and that isn't going to change. So obviously it makes more sense to just agree to disagree and leave the whole thing be, but the thread is still active - why? :whistling:

Honestly, I think it's because a lot of people can't accept that people don't share their views on this, and that all this back-and-forth is essentially an attempt to browbeat those who don't into agree into coming over to their side and sharing their views. It's an ultimately pointless exercise, especially when both sides feel they have evidence supporting their stance, plus if anything all the arguing and hostility does is alienate people and push them further in the opposite direction, it's not going to make someone suddenly agree with you. For all the snark directed at me, I still include the outers in my charts and interpret them, so there you go. :lol:

Good point, Ruka, there is room for many points of view in astrology, and it is on that basis that I declare my own point of view, whilst debating with others who wish to debate their point of view. However, regarding this particular thread it appears to be going nowhere fast and your point of view has much merit :smile:
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predictive vs. non-predictive, to MSO


You said,
I don't cling to any one system, I just go for what works. I can see some people on here are just plain fascinated with the outer planets. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people jump right into the outer planets when looking to solve a problem...I found I identified with the inner planets very strongly. When I started getting into the outer planets, it became more of a "I guess..." and eventually ended in "... that's just wrong." For me...the outer planets just don't work.

I have been thinking this over and it occurs to me that the reason why traditional astrologers tend not to use the outers while modern astrologers do is: prediction. Traditional astrologers are interested in accurately predicting what is going to happen. They want to "solve problems" in a practical, reliable, one answer per person way. And the outer planets don't work like that. So they don't fit into the idea of prediction and fated occurrences.

Which is why the modern astrologers like them. You never quite know what you will get when an outer planet crosses a sensitive point in the chart. It isn't predictable and "pin-down-able". Uranus especially is known for its rebellion against predictability. And Neptune makes things vague and hard to see and understand. While Pluto blows everything up. Each outer planet in its own way is unpredictable and unknowable. "Wait and see" is what modern astrologers tend to say when asked what the effect will be on a person. "There will be some sort of rebellion, you will be confused in some way, something will die and be reborn" are the sort of answers modern astrologers give. And there is nothing that can be accurately predicted from that.

If you are interested in predictability and accuracy in astrology, then it makes sense to avoid the outer planets, since they are anything but predictable. But if you don't believe our lives are fated, if you are interested in free will and choices, then you are most likely a modern astrologer and for you the outer planets can be fascinating.


The outer planets are generational only to the majority. However, some outer planets are assigned to rule signs or can aspect personal planets, which gives them a strong personal effect. Uranus was by far the strongest planet on my natal chart, and now all my progressed planets are making easy aspects or conjunctions to my natal Uranus. The outer planets are sort of the awesome ones, the "transcendental planets," governing not only our petty personal affairs but the ones of humanity, and ruling things like revolution, illusion, and transformation at that, but traditional astrologers don't like them and they have every right to that just as anybody else has every right to like them. There are lots of different systems, and they're all somewhat wrong and that's why we need them all, to put them together and get the wrong parts to cancel out and yield correct results.