Are some composite aspects doomed?

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madame moon

Active member
Apr 3, 2012
I did a composite chart that has only one aspect with the sun, but it's sun conjunct venus. The moon is square uranus. Is that not good? It also has moon trine jupiter and sextile saturn, so does that help with the square?

My real concern is the mars aspects, particulary mars square saturn. I hear nothing but bad things about this aspect. There is also a mars square jupiter. There is one postitive with mars sextile mercury.

Saturn is opposite jupiter.

Any advice?
Post the chart and we can look. Sun conjunct Venus is an important aspect to have, but Sun/Moon contacts are important too. Mars square Saturn can mean you have diminished energy between the two people - you drain each other. Depends on how close the aspect is and what houses. Negative Jupiter aspects are seldom actually negative, Jupiter is the most easy-going planet. Moon square Uranus can be problematic, indicating emotional friction - setting each other off. Depends on the sign and houses also.