Are you highly sensitive? Or not

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I ticked all your boxes for you. I'm Pisces Asc, Sun and Mercury. Why you want to know?
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Here's the thing, I bet a high high probability of people fit into that category of people. Its not a very good test. Especially given how unnatural our current habitats/personal environments/work spaces are in this century. Virtually every human for example is sensitive to caffeine, certain loud noises etc (unless of course, you are already tolerant to it)

The only part of the question thingy I thought was good was the one) do you feel you need to retreat to a dark space two) are you very sensitive to others moods?

But then again, it really depends on how much stress I am already carrying in my life. I think all people are sensitive. (I can mark all those boxes to some degree, it would be better if it were a 1-5 scale)

But that being said, I am a virgo, have a lot of virgo, and have venus conj my accendent. I am very particular, practical and sensitive to toxins in the environment, unhealthy diets, bright lights, noises etc. Probably all are damaging to people and stressful, and I am disgusted by what gets passed as food and a healthy life these days...
Here's the thing, I bet a high high probability of people fit into that category of people. Its not a very good test. Especially given how unnatural our current habitats/personal environments/work spaces are in this century. Virtually every human for example is sensitive to caffeine, certain loud noises etc (unless of course, you are already tolerant to it)

The only part of the question thingy I thought was good was the one) do you feel you need to retreat to a dark space two) are you very sensitive to others moods?

But then again, it really depends on how much stress I am already carrying in my life. I think all people are sensitive. (I can mark all those boxes to some degree, it would be better if it were a 1-5 scale)

But that being said, I am a virgo, have a lot of virgo, and have venus conj my accendent. I am very particular, practical and sensitive to toxins in the environment, unhealthy diets, bright lights, noises etc. Probably all are damaging to people and stressful, and I am disgusted by what gets passed as food and a healthy life these days...

All good points. I just stumbled over the test and it gave me the idea really. I think some people certainly are more sensitive to all kinds of stimulation. To the point that it can impair their ability to live normally. It's a fascination of mine.

The thing with food is that, even though a poor quality diet will probably reduce an average person's lifespan in the long run, it won't really bother them much in the very short term. Not like a bonefide food sensitivity or allergy.

I really can't live like that because I get sick really easily if I don't look after my health with kid gloves. I kinda wish I could get away with living on processed junk. Well, sort of :lol:

As a kid, I was always the one complaining at things no one else could even detect, like sounds, smells, tastes, lights visual flickers, loud colours... etc. I'd always flinch at the lightest touches, while the other kids would rough house it all dinner long without batting an eyelid.
I don't have any death-by-shrimp allergies, but I have found through lab tests that I am not supposed to eat basically everything tasty there is, eggs, milk, wheat, coffee, sugar. I have a limited diet, but I can break the rules occationally. Not for long though.

My digestion is really really sensitive, if I go off my diet for a couple days, I pay for it with stomach aches. I've been this way ever since I was a kid.

I have extreeme! issues with crowds, especially in enclosed spaces, like malls, classrooms, churches an movie theatres. I don't have a problem with people themselves, but in crowds, I start to feel sick. I didn't figure this out for a long time, why I didn't like these places. I can't handle music concerts at all.

I go through phases of extreeme fear, panic attacks that are quite difficult. I simply cannot handle when a person intentionally bangs things around the workplace, even if they aren't angry. If I hear a pot or a dish clank, or a door slam intentionally, I am instantly in fight or flight mode and have lost all ability to function by the third or fourth loud noise

I will get a migrane and nausea if someone in front or even meters away from me has smoked menthol cigs, or has strong laundry scented clothing, or perfume, even exhaust fumes make me sick. Painting anything requires I must take time off to rest, otherwise I get sick from the fumes.

Otherwize, I too am very sensitive to touch, but touch of the negative kind, such as someone startling me from behind, or hugging me with tension in their bodies.

Other fight or flight mode triggers are someone attacking me physically (duh) or wagging a finger in my face (instant fight or flight) or seeing someone else being attacked including animals. (Instantly I see red) I can handle non-violent injuries though. Love to play savior. Blood is no problem.

I am extreemely sensitive to other people's negativity. It does control my life. I can't just take verbal or emotional abuse like some people. Even complaining about nothing in particular, or another person. And even the slightest feeling that I am being manipulated or attacked sends me into terror equal to physical pain for days.

I am a fast healer, and physically strong constitution..I am small but actually quite strong.

I am terribly allergic to cats and cat dander, and any home that has a lot of smoke or dust in (especially pot smoke I cannot stand for a second)

I have had to exit buildings many times due to fumes, dust or smells. I break into hives easily and my eyes turn red. It was really bad growing up. Pollen and grass I am ok tho!

Otherwise I am a fighter person, and I would say I can handle emotional sensitivity, but I repress the effects and feel tension in my body for days later. My mind and body are closely connected.

OOf don't know why attachments arent working today. Blah

Leo rising
Sun in virgo, moon in scorpio, jupiter in the sixth, saturn in the 4th
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I appear to have answered more than 14 questions and am highly sensitive.

This is very true. I am extremely sensitive to many things. Especially caffiene.


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I'm interested in finding astrological symbolism that matches high sensitivity.

I too am very sensitive. I think we can find a lot of sensitivity in the Feminine Elements - Earth, Water. When you look at the traits from these six Signs they show a more "Reactive to their environment" type of response throughout their lives. I also believe that having a Earth or Water Sign in our ASC and Moon will give us a higher sensitivity to others. IMO we Feel and react to life through the traits of our ASC and we Express ourselves through our Moon Sign traits. Those two areas seem to exhibit the strongest behaviors from us and the Signs we have in them will determine how sensitive we are to others. IMO if we have sensitive traits in Mars and Venus they will be evident but I believe the sensitive Signs of our ASC and Moon will be more prominent. How we manifested those sensitive traits was determined by the responses we had to our family and friends - the environment we grew up in. How that sensitivity was received and dealt with drove us one way or the other - we withdrew into ourselves further or we were able to express them through the arts.


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I can be sensitive. Actually, I am sensitive....

When my parents are mad at me, I go to my room and cry.
I get feelings for people very easily. I view them as friends after 5 minutes.
I get mad a lot, but so that people don't feel sad or get mad too, I don't say anything usually.


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i'm triple water, and the answer is yes. i get overwhelmed easily if i have too many things i need to do at the same time/on the same day. but what really gets me is me picking up on others' moods. i really cannot stand being surrounded by negative or depressed people.
i'm triple water, and the answer is yes. i get overwhelmed easily if i have too many things i need to do at the same time/on the same day. but what really gets me is me picking up on others' moods. i really cannot stand being surrounded by negative or depressed people.

Other people's moods really infect me, especially negative ones. I think meditation skills have helped a lot, helps it fall off the proverbial ducks back a bit easier
I did it but it wouldn't give me my score. How upsetting haha. I ticked off around 90% of the boxes.

I hate being pressured, loud noises and crowds. However i find it hard to "get" people when they don't tell me what's on their mind. My relatives think i'm immature and insensitive when it comes to people's feelings and i should try to be more gentle.

Aquarius Sun
Virgo Moon
Cancer ASC