Above Screenshot is paper-note on Career prediction of Unknown Native without previous information in Astro-Databank.
Many astrologers feel that it is difficult to predict someone's Career with Natal Chart and Skeptical Astrologers on Natal Career prediction say that prediction Career by Natal Chart is totally impossible.
Yes, it is difficult perfectly and always to be correct in Career of Job prediction because we have free-will.
But imagine that you are born as Lion and You are in Jungle then what will be your task to survive?
Imagine that if you are smart boy and you are born in Martial place then what will be his job?
Example Chart of Certificate of Birth of X
What would you first try to see for prediction Career?
Venus, Mars and Mercury in angle houses? Phasis Planet?
William Lily's Christian Astrology Book Third Teach us how to determine what is native temperament and Manner.
What is native Temperament? it is Melancholic and its ruler is a Saturn. Then When she should opt the one Career among the many her talents then which Career track she will choose?
Yes, difficult and harsh not for seeking pleasure.
And What is her Manner in Lily's Way? Yes, Jupiter. Then what will be her first iron clad to choice job among the many career? Yes, whether it can help other or not.
Okay, I told you what you must see before career prediction in Traditional Astrology....
Have a luck in all of your studious works!