THIS link is not the one I was looking for to explain further, but its still interesting to pass on for those interested even mildly:
Bottom line is - Cayce said the Tropical Chart is our personality (in this lifetime but other lives we lived will also be seen in this chart that we are working through) .....whereas the Sidereal Chart is the soul's growth chart - at least is how I understood him to say.
The Cayce source believed that the Sidereal Zodiac was more accurate than the Tropical Zodiac used in the West. Reading 3376 - 2 states:
“Though oft they are correct, more often ye find them at variance. For most astrologers are nearly 30 degrees off in the reckoning in the present.”
In a reading Cayce gave to a woman whom he said was an astrologer in ancient Egypt, he stated:
“The Egyptian and Persian records are quite varied. If the entity would study astrology, do not put the signs in the Egyptian but rather in the Persian, for the Persian interpretations are more proficient than the Egyptian. The variations in time (due to precession) have been corrected by the Persians and not by the Egyptians. The Egyptian calculations are 30 degrees off.” (Reading 2011-3)
You'll notice in this link above - the name Ry Redd is mentioned (the late Astrologer from Virginia Beach) He wrote a wonderful little hard to get book that can still be found online used. It's called "Toward a New Astrology" which explains what I'm trying to say. The thing about Redd's work is that it was pivitol and ground breaking in the Astrological field in some ways. Ironically, he died young but he did this work first. What he did is go to Cayce organization and had access back then in the 80s? to all the files- This was before modern day home computers. So everything he did, he did by hand. He did this because a Vedic Astrologer quite famous in his own right names B.V. Raman told Ry at a NY symposium that the problem Redd explained to him about Cayce & Reincarnation in the two charts - may be solved by finding the "LOKA" in a Sidereal chart. The Loka is a term used by a certain Vedic group of astrologers to explain angelic beings on various planes of existence.
Ry Redd explained to BV Raman that Cayce was so correct all the time in these astro readings about the people yet he himself (as an Astrologer) couldn't see how he'd know about them just from a tropical n. chart. The "Loka" was the key. But without the Sidereal chart you cannot know the Loka.
Rudolph Steiner the German mystic called it "Planetary Realms" whereas Cayce did the same - Vedics call it Loka (same idea)
Thus complementary 2 charts.
Loka (
lit. 'Planet') is a concept in
Hinduism and other
Indian religions, that may be translated as a planet, the universe, a
plane, or a realm of
existence. In some philosophies, it may also be interpreted as a mental state that one can experience.
[1] A primary concept in several Indian religions is the idea that different lokas are home to various divine beings, and one takes birth in such realms based on their