Aspects to Ascendant: Conjunctions and Parallels

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That is correct. I don't make any assumptions, but work with the information available (and dig deep for more) to put any chart to the test until I have one that meets my standards: Birth Chart Validation Standards ... While every chart is unique, I do apply these standards to each one.
Huh. I have Venus, Neptune and Uranus near my Asc (in that order) all in 1st.

Neptune and creative talent? Are you kidding?! I write, draw AND play guitar, so yeah.

Venus & softened features, I agree. I have a very 'soft' young, pretty face, rounded, people tell me i should be a model. (But that comment gets kinda old.)

*My dad & I have same ascendant in Capricorn. But he's more angular about the face b/c Venus is farther away in Aquarius in his chart.

Uranus is 18 degrees away, don't know if that's out of orb (orbs are much debated and I read that the influence for Asc is 20 degrees either way), but you can definitely see its effects in my physical appearance. I am long, tall, and weird.

And about mental advancement, I must say I agree. Tested 4 years ago with IQ of 123. I am neither kidding nor bragging.
Aspects to Ascendant: Conjunctions and Parallels

MARS is the planet of action, energy, impetuousness and courage. There is an enjoyment of speed, athletics, competition, military, hunting, motorcycles and other things normally considered masculine. It nearly always brings accidents, injuries (especially to head or face), burns, puncture wounds, etc. There is a fighting spirit that can be applied gracefully or abrasively, depending on sign and aspects. There is often a ruddy complexion and/or reddish hair, as well as a sharp tongue or quick temper.

thats right i have red hair :) i have 4 planets in 2°orb to the asc in libra. venus mercury mars and pluto asc conjunction square mc.
my height ist 182 cm with a fly weight of 68 kg and its impossible for me to gain weight, this is a real handycap, because people think i'm sick and avoid me like i have the pest.
but having much energy for bicycle or running like when the devil is behind me or to survive in enemy territory, and have a strong temperament its easy to make me angry and really a sharp tongue like a scalpel :rightful: *lol* :D Somtimes i hurt people with my speech. Venus is then out of order.
thats me with and without beard within 1 year.
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My asc is Virgo but I've never really identified with it. Then i realized that I have Mars in my asc. What would that combination mean?
My asc is Virgo but I've never really identified with it. Then i realized that I have Mars in my asc. What would that combination mean?

Mars conjunct the Asc generally indicates a person of action who is direct, assertive, risk-taking, possibly athletic. In Virgo it tends to a more kinesthetic expression of the body-oriented Virgo personality, meaning a tendency for athletics or a fitness buff. That depends entirely on what else is going on in your chart, but Mars = action, assertiveness, risk taker; Virgo = health-oriented, practical personality that is usually perfecting in their outlook. Taken by itself it suggests the possibility of a driven, goal-oriented person who wants material accomplishments and physical fitness.
hello kannon,

i have no parallels to my asc but I do between personal planets. I use the Astro gold app for iPhone and see I have Mars parallel pluto(0A22). I assume that's 0 degrees and 22 seconds. Would this be a strong parallel? How would I define this aspect?

If that is the orb -- the distance in declination -- between Mars and Pluto in your chart, then yes, that's well within range and a pretty strong aspect. That is one of drive, great determination, energy reserves to tap into, but which you may not feel until you activate it.

Essentially it fuses Mars' impulse for action with Pluto's preservation of power and need for depth and intensity. It is very important for people with this aspect to maintain emotional balance. A person who gets even a bit off kilter into resentment and anger can truly misdirect their energies and purpose over time. For many people, this aspect (parallel or conjunction) is one in which the sex drive or the drive for power can outweigh everything else in life. Again, its all about finding emotional balance, seeing things from the different points of view within yourself, rather than falling into a groove of tunnel vision and obsession.

Strong energies. Whoever learns to tame them has accomplished a degree of personal mastery. It can take a long time, even a lifetime.
I find myself looking like a Cancer ascendant rather than a Leo ascendant mainly because of my rounded face and dark features and shyness. I do have a strong moon influence anyway with moon conjunct Jupiter and Pluto.Maybe I'll post a picture
The Venus/Ascendant describes me quite well. I've always been considered cute and attractive. I'm 33 and I still don't seem to have a wrinkle in sight. I'm also a bit on the plump side now that I'm getting older. But the thing is, I have Venus opposite ascendant.
I have a lot of planets in aspect to my ascendant, including the sun (conjunct, in aquarius), the moon (square, in taurus), jupiter (sextile in pisces), saturn (sextile in aries) and I am not sure if this counts but Pluto in sagittarius in quintile. I don't really know what this means when it comes to my appearance, there seem to be a lot of planets playing a part here!
Happy to find this thread!

I have a 3° virgo venus 12th house and 10 ° ASCENDANT will you call this aspect a conjunction.??? Never sure what to think about it.
One think that is always noticeable about a person is the planet conjunct their asc. It colors everything in their approach to the world and how they initially define themselves.

One of my mom's friends many years ago - had leo asc. and pluto leo 2degrees from her Asc. in 1st house. She had a wild schock of bright natural red hair, pale skin and the most intense deep blue eyes. Her presence was always known at every gathering or visit, yet she always managed to show up quietly, hang back and she didn't talk much to a lot of people, but when she did, she always talked about heavy stuff - like wars and famines and tragedies. Sometimes when I would listen to the stories and conversations she would tell, it would make me cry.

Pluto is amazing when conjunct ascendant. Very powerful people.
Happy to find this thread!

I have a 3° virgo venus 12th house and 10 ° ASCENDANT will you call this aspect a conjunction.??? Never sure what to think about it.

That is a wide conjunction at best, but no one's Asc is guaranteed accurate based on recorded birth time alone. Does your personality have pronounced Venusian qualities?

You can watch the transits of Sun, Mars, Jupiter through mutable signs to see if these set of your Asc as is at 10°. That means this last year should have been a time of growth for you in some significant ways since Jupiter has been in transit through early Virgo since summer 2015.
I remember reading somewhere that Venus square Ascendent makes one beautiful to everyone,but themselves. This statement prooved to be very true throughout my life. I've received dozens of compliments and,instead of thanking people, I would start questioning their honesty. Most of the positive remarks applied to my eyes(puppy-like, blue as the ocean, so big and dreamy...) which shouldn't come as a surprise with my Pisces Sun and Cancer rising. I've been told I have silky hair (again a pisces feature), nice legs (combo of cancer "lankiness" and piscean thickness), gorgeous breasts-funny really, my ****s have been the center of attention from their "beginning" fazes of growth when they were just an A cup haha (again typical cancer rising). And, of course, my waistline ( I am a 5th house Libra). With my Mars in Scorpio and Venus is Aries conjucting Jupiter, I have a lot of fire assets such as thick, high-arching eyebrows, reddish hair, a clearly-defined nose and full lips. There is also a lot of Neptune in me, for my moon is in my 12th house, and I have Venus sextile Neptune as well.
So-thick pisces hair and legs, cancer gives me a wide smile, profile of the man in the moon, nice ****, high cheekbones and lankgy limps, aries gives me reddish hair, sensitive skin and high arching brows and my Venus asc aspects, as well as Neptune/Jupiter connections, a curvy, yet feminine figure. I don't know how to post a pic for you to see :(
Ascendant Trine Mercury 0.83
Ascendant Trine Mars 0.04
Ascendant Sextile Uranus 4.95
Ascendant Sextile Neptune 3.00
Ascendant Trine Pluto 2.57
Ascendant Quincunx Chiron 2.42
Ascendant Square Midheaven5.35

asc pisces,mercury scorpio 8th,mars cancer 5th,uranus capricorn,neptun capricorn,pluto scorpio, chiron leo, midheaven saggitarius

what this midheaven does to ascendant?
whats does it mean quincunx?
Ascendant Trine Mercury 0.83
Ascendant Trine Mars 0.04
Ascendant Sextile Uranus 4.95
Ascendant Sextile Neptune 3.00
Ascendant Trine Pluto 2.57
Ascendant Quincunx Chiron 2.42
Ascendant Square Midheaven5.35

asc pisces,mercury scorpio 8th,mars cancer 5th,uranus capricorn,neptun capricorn,pluto scorpio, chiron leo, midheaven saggitarius

what this midheaven does to ascendant?
whats does it mean quincunx?

Everyones midheaven squares the ascendant. You would need to have a planet(s) conjunct the ascendant, or a planet(s) conjunct the midheaven for any type of analysis with that one.

Quincunx is an aspect that is more difficult than a square/opposition/or conjunction. As the planets are always at odds when involved in the quincunx. They require lots of working out throughout the life.
I do actually have more parallels if we take into account a 2 or 1.5 degrees orb as opposed to just 1 degree, would they still be considered relevant though?

Within 1 degree:
Sun, Mars, Jupiter parallel Asc.
(Sharp tongue, quick temper that i've been trying a lot to tame [successfully...], interest for sports, keeping fit... and for the spiritual side of life, all checked. At this point it feels like my 12th House Sun is messing everything up, even if I prefer, for the sake of my own need for truth, the insights I have. Sagittarius Jupiter there however has been my guide ^^ Mars in Capricorn in the 1st)

Mercury, Venus parallel Asc.

Neptune and Uranus parallel Asc.

So basically almost everything... I am indeed a mash of so many different things, yet wondering how should I interpret the parallelism. Also because of my Bundle type chart most of my important midpoints are occupied, and I have 2 (first one wider) stelliums.
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I do actually have more parallels if we take into account a 2 or 1.5 degrees orb as opposed to just 1 degree, would they still be considered relevant though?

2° orb is too wide for parallels or contra-parallels, except possibly Luminaries in aspect to each other.

Within 1 degree:
Sun, Mars, Jupiter parallel Asc.
(Sharp tongue, quick temper that i've been trying a lot to tame [successfully...], interest for sports, keeping fit... and for the spiritual side of life, all checked. At this point it feels like my 12th House Sun is messing everything up, even if I prefer, for the sake of my own need for truth, the insights I have. Sagittarius Jupiter there however has been my guide ^^ Mars in Capricorn in the 1st)

Sun-Mars-Jupiter parallels alone are enough to give strong personal energy, vitality, ego, and a very active life!

Mercury, Venus parallel Asc.

Too wide.

Neptune and Uranus parallel Asc.

Too wide, but it really depends on exactly where your Asc is. Quite often the Asc is inaccurate even when cast according to recorded birth time. Three degrees in longitude usually changes the Asc by 1° or so in declination (when not in Gem/Cancer or Sag/Cap)

So basically almost everything... I am indeed a mash of so many different things, yet wondering how should I interpret the parallelism. Also because of my Bundle type chart most of my important midpoints are occupied, and I have 2 (first one wider) stelliums.[/QUOTE]

Parallels are conjunctions of declination. Interpret them just as you would conjunctions of longitude.