astral travelling on a bus

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Oct 24, 2007
Maybe someone could explain to me, why is it that everytime I am astral travelling or on a journey to the beyond I seem to always be on a bus in a strange land and have visits from people passed over or I am being delivered to the door of a home or city or I am always running to get a bus back to the physical world when my job is done.

In every case a bus is involved.
Interesting Greek could be the visual your astral self needs to feel a sense of "phyiscalness" to view itself in a moving around state if that makes sense.. I know when I astral travel I use to have a hard time doing it on purpose (my pisces moon can accidently fall out of my body at the drop of a sneeze) I would feel my astral self rolling around inside my body or I would feel my back hurt as if my legs were bent backward and it would be my astral self backwards in my physical body.. I would have a hard time seperating the idea of what reality and a real body meant and the concepts of gravity ect..all the rules we play by in "real world" .. so maybe the image of a bus helps you to get your astral self moving along to where it needs to's an image it percieves as travel so it uses it to help you get over any attachments to the physical realm so you can go go go :) ? Just guessing .. hey do you see your body when you are doing that? I don't I only see out my eyes but I never see my body of any sort.. just curious :) happing traveling
Actually no I dont see my body, I see hear feel and hear my voice. Its usually strangers that look sick that i kiss goodbye and off they go. I even had a visit from steve Irwin (if you know him a famous aussie) who was on a boat but i arrived on the bus and and to run to catch the bus and i am usually always late to get the bus. Last week the bus dropped me straight to the front door of a house in my home town of a family and their two dogs (strangers of course). As in it pulled into their driveway. Cant work that one out. I think you are right though its a form of getting me back to the physical. So many dreams, so much to interprete, so easy to travel i dont even have to try.
that is interesting..yes many things to figure out there, have you ever read any of the carlos castanda books? I found them great because I had the same things happen to me while astral traveling that he spoke of. You might like them.

What does your voice sound like? When I astral travel I have strange hearing things go on.. sometimes I can only watch things with no sounds.. other times I can hear..but I never am able to speak..but since I can't see my body I have zero clue if I even have a mouth..but usually when I hear I can only hear out of my left ear..for me I fly..I assume I am flying again can't see the body.. but the motion of everything moving around me and looking down at things ..would say flying..

But yeah I wonder image wise if the bus is your gate way back and forth :)

PM anytime if you ever wanna share I love to astral travel
Thanks Venus

I have many stories to tell. I to have flown my favourit was around Rio, however that has not happened for a long while now, yet I crave it. I will have a look at the books thanks for the recommendation.

Usually I hear my voice and feell myself moving but there have been times when I try to speak but am paralysed or I have to shout really loud. I once witnessed a young man who died on a motorbyke being escourted by 4 dark small human like shadows up a set of stairs. I was screaming no no no but there was loud music and I could not stop it. I have many stories I will Pm you as the one I just shared is only part of the story that travel that night.

Sometimes I have my son with me and usually the city looks familiar but slightly disjointed buildings or unusually skies. But I have been wondering abou the bus and I think what you say makes sense. I wondering if i am crossing people over in my sleep, plus I seem to be getting lots of names but nothing makes sense or I google them and cant find anything. Each night is an adventure.

P.s I am a witch and an energy healer oh and a Taurean Ox.
I think you would really love his books! :)

Yes I would love to hear about your adventures. I have them as well and ya can't share them with everyone. Do you have any pisces or neptune strong in your chart? Wondering what causes the astral travel? I have gone to a few places..also past and future lives..but a lot of the times I am in a familiar area..once even while I was driving all of sudden I fell out of body to the back seat lol.. it was un-nerving to watch myself drive even though I had no control over that body..

I am wiccan also :) do you have scorpio? I use to be apart of a very large coven in Arizona over 200 people.. I did a lot of charts and there were a lot of scorpios :) but with the healing seems would fall in line with the virgo/pisces axis :)
Hi Venus

I have a very interesting birth chart and you can have a look if you like. I am not very versed in charts but others have told me. I am a solo wiccan, practice my own thing. Didnt even know until 4 years ago when a girl I met saw it instantly and encourage me in that direction. But things had gone on throughout my life that I just thought "what the". So here the details of me.

Born 2 May 1961, 2.30pm Hobart, Australia. (Tasmania is the state I was born where the Tasmanian Devil comes from and contrary to popular believe they do not spin around, but they do make devil noices). I am of Greek Irish decent, but really not from Earth. I would be interested in your thoughts of the chart.
