One approach to looking at the Obama-Romney presidential contest is to look at their personal transits on election day.
Since there are more or less, depending on the value chosen for the orbs, I reduced the number to just a few by considering
only the transiting-planet/natal-planet aspects which differ by 1° or less from exact on the evening of November 6.
I attach images showing these.
For Obama (birth date Aug. 4, 1961, 19:30 HADT) we find:
tr.Venus sextile (0° 49') n.Sun begins November 6, 2012, and ends November 8, 2012 (3 days)
tr.Mars square (0° 1') n.Mars begins November 5, 2012, and ends November 8, 2012 (4 days)
tr.Saturn quincunx (1° 0') n.Moon begins October 21, 2012, and ends November 6, 2012 (17 days)
tr.Pluto trine (0° 37') n.Pluto begins July 10, 2012, and ends November 21, 2012 (135 days)
tr.Neptune semisextile (0° 30') n.Jupiter begins August 19, 2012, and ends January 25, 2013 (160 days)
For Romney (birth date Mar. 12, 1947, 10:00 EST) we find:
tr.Venus sextile (0° 19') n.Pluto begins November 5, 2012, and ends November 7, 2012 (3 days)
tr.Jupiter square (0° 38') n.Mercury begins November 3, 2012, and ends November 20, 2012 (18 days)
tr.Pluto semisextile (0° 58') n.Venus begins November 5, 2012, and ends January 7, 2013 (64 days)
So we see that for Obama:
- He has five nearly-exact aspects.
- Two of Obama's aspects are formed by a transiting planet to itself (in the natal chart), namely, Mars and Pluto, both rather 'energetic' planets.
- Obama has three 'auspicious' aspects (trine, sextile and semisextile) and only one 'hard' aspect (square).
And for Romney:
- He has just three nearly-exact aspects.
- Two of Romney's aspects each consist of an 'auspicious' aspect between Venus and Pluto.
- The third is Jupiter squaring his natal Mercury.
I leave it to the astrologers here who are more knowledgeable than I am in interpreting personal transits to comment on the significance
of these observations for the likely outcome of the election. I am, however, most impressed by the fact that in Obama's chart
Mars and Pluto are both almost exactly aspecting their own natal planets.