Astrologers Predict Obama Win over Romney

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I've been thinking about Regulus in Libra. its going to be reciprocal, aesthetic and flowing.

this election is definetly going to leave at least a deep subconscious imprint on everyone.

uranus pluto squares

regulus into virgo

neptune in pisces

i dont think its about the candidates, but a total hermetic transformation.

personally, everyone is going to watch it go to waste.
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Obama reelected! :andy: I won't bet on it, because the gay marriage debate issue may derail his campaign, a highly divisive issue for us has personally affected Mitt Romney and his tendency to 'flip-flop' may cost him dearly.

Obama's reelection is comparable to the 49-state victory to reelect Ronald Reagan to his second term in 1984 and the 47-state wins held by FDR in his four terms and 48 states aided Richard Nixon's reelection back in 1972 when the Watergate scandal broke out to force his resignation.

Sadly, the two men won't prevent WW3 from breaking out, the world goes through a dangerous phase caused by the Sun's 80-year cycle (the last time a similar scenario was the 1930s) when depression, droughts (food crop failures) & civil unrest tends to peak.
I'm having a hard time seeing Mitt's chart as being valid. It is hardly potent enough to get him as far as it has....we need a verified time to take his chart seriously, not speculation.
I like Obama over Romney due to the fact that Obama cares more about the middle class. He connects. Anyway, the fly in the soup seems to me to be the voter supression that is going on in several states. I live in Pennsylvania, one of those states. There are about a million people who don't have the required ID. The big problem is that the voter registration card doesn't match the driver's liscense as many people have their nicknames on their driver's liscenses. The other problem is that the voter regeistration lists are somewhat out dated. It hasn't kept up with those who have died. I think that it is this lack of being updated gets reinterpted as some sort of fraud. Meanwhile both Romney and Ryan are having transiting Neptune squaring their Ascendents. Romney has 1 Gemini rising.Neptune is going through his 10th while Ryan has 0 Sagittarius rising with Neptune going in his 4th. Then Obama has his Moon at 3 Gemini. I think that Neptune involved with the Moon is better than the others as both are water sign planets.Thus there are similarites. Obama will have Saturn stationing near his Neptune in February. Ryan will have Saturn going over his Jupiter in November and opposite itself. So it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Romney is a Pisces ruled by Neptune. So if you want to learn about Neptune, just watch Mitt Romney in action.
Doesn't transiting Saturn in Scorpio on Election Day give a significant advantage to Romney? With their strong tendency to be liberal/Left (and thus strongly biased toward an Obama win), I wonder if many astrologers overlook other signs which may lend itself to a more even or even more accurate reading.
I'm having a hard time seeing Mitt's chart as being valid. It is hardly potent enough to get him as far as it has....we need a verified time to take his chart seriously, not speculation.

I have his chart with 9:51 AM.

That makes (MC conjunct Par Fortuna conjunct Venus) trine Neptune trine North Node.

Uranus in 1st, which can explain his shaking up of election (different statements like 47%, and so on).

Moon conjunct Jupiter is on the cusp of 7th.

I don't remember, from where I picked this chart, but this chart seems to be OK.
from Anthony Louis

In Mitt Romney’s case there is a note from his father mentioning a 10 AM time. According to Neil Swidey and Michael Paulson of The Boston Glode:On March 13, 1947, George Romney, a rising star in the auto industry who was often described as a man in a hurry, took time out to write to the relatives and colleagues he’d missed during the previous day’s blizzard of telegrams and phone calls.”
“Dear Folks,” Romney wrote on the letterhead of the Automobile Manufacturers Association, where he served as general manager, “Well, by now most of you have heard the really big news, but for those who haven’t, Willard Mitt Romney arrived at Ten AM March 12.”"
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I'm having a hard time seeing Mitt's chart as being valid. It is hardly potent enough to get him as far as it has....we need a verified time to take his chart seriously, not speculation.

His natal chart is pretty potent, with several aspects showing that he was meant to be prominent. Romney's Venus and Part of Fortune both conjunct his Midheaven, the career cusp. His Neptune and his destiny-oriented True Node both trine his Midheaven. His Mercury is conjunct the fixed star Achernar ("success in public office"). Not to mention at least one Grand Trine in his chart. I'm not sure what else would be needed in a chart to give him the success (in business and politics) that he has had so far.
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One approach to looking at the Obama-Romney presidential contest is to look at their personal transits on election day.
Since there are more or less, depending on the value chosen for the orbs, I reduced the number to just a few by considering
only the transiting-planet/natal-planet aspects which differ by 1° or less from exact on the evening of November 6.

I attach images showing these.

For Obama (birth date Aug. 4, 1961, 19:30 HADT) we find:
tr.Venus sextile (0° 49') n.Sun begins November 6, 2012, and ends November 8, 2012 (3 days)
tr.Mars square (0° 1') n.Mars begins November 5, 2012, and ends November 8, 2012 (4 days)
tr.Saturn quincunx (1° 0') n.Moon begins October 21, 2012, and ends November 6, 2012 (17 days)
tr.Pluto trine (0° 37') n.Pluto begins July 10, 2012, and ends November 21, 2012 (135 days)
tr.Neptune semisextile (0° 30') n.Jupiter begins August 19, 2012, and ends January 25, 2013 (160 days)

For Romney (birth date Mar. 12, 1947, 10:00 EST) we find:
tr.Venus sextile (0° 19') n.Pluto begins November 5, 2012, and ends November 7, 2012 (3 days)
tr.Jupiter square (0° 38') n.Mercury begins November 3, 2012, and ends November 20, 2012 (18 days)
tr.Pluto semisextile (0° 58') n.Venus begins November 5, 2012, and ends January 7, 2013 (64 days)

So we see that for Obama:

  • He has five nearly-exact aspects.
  • Two of Obama's aspects are formed by a transiting planet to itself (in the natal chart), namely, Mars and Pluto, both rather 'energetic' planets.
  • Obama has three 'auspicious' aspects (trine, sextile and semisextile) and only one 'hard' aspect (square).
And for Romney:

  • He has just three nearly-exact aspects.
  • Two of Romney's aspects each consist of an 'auspicious' aspect between Venus and Pluto.
  • The third is Jupiter squaring his natal Mercury.
I leave it to the astrologers here who are more knowledgeable than I am in interpreting personal transits to comment on the significance
of these observations for the likely outcome of the election. I am, however, most impressed by the fact that in Obama's chart
Mars and Pluto are both almost exactly aspecting their own natal planets.


  • obama_pt_2012-11-06.png
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  • romney_pt_2012-11-06.png
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It is interesting to see that the debate occurred on the day that Saturn changed signs. Saturn, is of course, the naturtal ruler of Democrats, and has had a great exaltation for some time now. But, no longer. As soon as Saturn changed into Scorpio the Dems went downhill and the Repubs suddenly (almost magically) are in favor (or have more favor).

Unfortunately, Saturn cannot retro back to it's exaltation in time for the election.

What is interesting is that Jupiter, the natural significator of the Repubs, is not all that great off either. But, on the day of the election, has a mutual reception with Mercury giving both Mercury and Jupiter great strength.

It does make me wonder if the forces of Mercury, the media, TV, news, etc will be supporting the Repubs to their advantage all the way to election day to the detriment of the Dems.
The Obama campaign has announced that its Election Night festivities will be held at the McCormick Place (huge convention center) in Chicago. I took the liberty of finding out when the McCormick Place officially opened, and created a chart for it. Because of no exact "birth time", I cast it for 12 noon. Here's the chart, including transits and progressions for November 6. I'm not as well-versed on transits and progressions. Could the convention center's chart provide a clue about Obama's re-election chances (e.g., whether November 6 events will be "good" or "bad" for the McCormick Place)?

The Romney campaign has announced that its Election Night festivities will be held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (another big convention center, although not as large as McCormick Place) in Boston. The convention is fairly new, but I still wasn't able to find a "birth time". I cast it for 12 noon. I'll leave it to the pros to interpret these transits and progressions...

Good old Neptune had his hands in this one as the planet is playing a role in Romeny's Ryan's and Obama's charts as is Mercury. These two planets are square each other right now and they will stay that way for a while sice Mercury will turn retrograde on election day. It will be interesting to see who best handeles it.
The Political Astrology Blog complete with a list of around the world astrologer predictions including links. It is a nice list, has a few Verdic Astrologers too.

Thanks for the link! I just posted a comment on the main article, regarding the "problems with the election" indication of some of the authors connected with the Mercury rx situation-I posted that maybe those problems will be ramifications of Hurrican Sandy on the election, and suggested this speculative connection (with the storm and Mercury) might be hinted at in the event chart (see Alice McDermott's chart and post in our Hurrican Sandy thread) with the Mercury connection to the ascending degree of that chart (partile square) and also with the rising Neptune in that chart (Neptune essentially conjunct the ascendant, and also squared by Mercury)