Astrological Parts. Known and Unknown...a project

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
Greetings. I've been meaning to tackle this project for some time. I referring to what are known as the Arabic Parts/Lots, Hermetic Parts/Lots and all other 'Parts/Lots for which there is no known appellation or have yet to be recognized that are based on the Ascendant as the 'personal point' and either the Planets, the Luminaries, the Part of Fortune, or other House Cusps as the 'Significators' and the 'Triggers'. I am also going to include a few recognized [even if not well known] that have a determining formula that is aberrant from the standard of the Asc. as the 'Personal Point'...but those will come lastly.
I will list all using the Asc. as the 'Personal Point' to start. I will list them in order of their relation to the Sun...that is from Mercury to Pluto followed by the Sun and then the Moon.
I will give the formula and then any titles to these Parts/Lots that I know to be published. Those that I don't know to have no known title will remain blank. If any member has knowledge of a title for any of the blank ones or any other title to the titled ones please contribute. As the contributions appear I will edit this original list to include them.
As for those that remain blank I hoping we can get a discussion going here as to what they should be so titled. It will take some time to determine a consensus and it won't happen overnight. Once I believe we have a resounding consensus I will add that title to the list but in the colour of purple so as not to confuse them with those that are presently known of and published. For those Part/Lot's presently unknown that might possibly get a contribution from 'channeled' sources I will will add in the colour of green. For any known title that might possibly be better described by a synonym that a member thinks is more appropriate, or has reason to believe that another title of an unrelated influence altogether is correct, I will add that in the colour of red...but may remove it if there is any outcry and I'm given good reason to disregard the suggestion.
This will take some time for me to create the entire list so bear with me...if something should disrupt my membership here I ask the Mods to consider allowing another member to continue this work and have access to the editing if that is possible or have a member copy all and then continue the work....whatever's the best in their estimation.
I am posting this in the Degree Symbols forum as I am a Sabian Astrologer...and thus, as I use Sabian Symbology as a tool of rectification, I feel it is best for all that it be placed I may want to analyze any new contributions to the unknowns by applying it to well know personages and deliberating from there...but not without input and consensus from other members...especially those members versed and studied in Sabian Symbology.
As I believe, and am sure some of you will agree, that sometimes the only known existing title for a formula may be entirely erroneous and if such a question should arise I will place an asterisk by the existing name so as to refer to a footnote...and if there is a consensus or suggestion of another title I will include it in the appropriate color of purple, red or green with an asterisk and refer to a footnote.
For those of you that adhere to other degree symbol sets please refrain...or start your own thread on this subject...thanks.
So, lets get started!
Asc. + Merc. - Sun: Commerce* &, or, Communication, Caduceus, Intellect [which may be too close a word to Intelligence of which Asc. + Mars - Merc. has been est. as the Part of Intelligence &{as applied to a} Skill], Ordinary Intellect [whatever that is? I'm presently inclined towards 'Mental Endurance' or 'Vitality of the Intellect'], Vitality
Asc. + Merc. - Moon: Faith, Trust, Religion*, Modesty, Prejudice, Rumors[very dubious...Faith/Trust have been the overwhelming consensus for some time...I concur], Timidity and Hiding*, Travel[highly dubious...many other formula are given for Travel and diff. types of travel]
Asc. + Merc. - Venus: Art, Venture
Asc. + Merc. - Mars: Lawsuits, Disputes, Luck-Release[?], Innocence, Naivete
Asc. + Merc. - Jupiter: Hope, Association, Integrity, Sensitivity
Asc. + Merc. - Saturn: Danger, Violence, Debt, Aloofness, Aptness
Asc. + Merc. - Uranus: Astrology*[I concur], Eccentricity
Asc. + Merc. - Neptune: Gossip, Intrusion
Asc. + Merc. - Pluto: Popularity*, Transformation of Other Peoples' Minds
Asc. + Merc. - Part of Fortune: unknown
Asc. + Merc. - Part of Spirit/Soul: unknown
Asc. + Venus - Sun: Love*, Appreciation, Beauty, Contentment, Intercourse*[Verbal, Trade, and for ??female??], Man's Marriage*, Peace, Property Management, Trickery and Deception of Men & Women*[Highly Dubious]
Asc. + Venus - Moon: Daughters, Comfort, Condition of Females
Asc. + Venus - Merc.: Treasure, Merchants and their Work, Security
Asc. + Venus - Mars: Play, Plays[?], Rapid Change and Variety[?], Activity, Pastime [personal recreation]
Asc. + Venus - Jupiter: Praise, Praise and Acceptance, Love and Marriage*, Sentiment
Asc. + Venus - Saturn: Man's Marriage*, Fraudulent Marriage[and conditions facilitating it], Sons In Law, Success in Investment[dubious as, either, Jupiter - Merc, or, Jupiter - Neptune, or, Moon - Saturn seem to be covering this] Obligations of Love, Devotional Duty
Asc. + Venus - Uranus: Fascination, Perversion
Asc. + Venus - Neptune: Deceit, Vanity
Asc. + Venus - Pluto: Popularity*, Influence, Self Sacrifice
Asc. + Venus - Part of Fortune: unknown Compassion
Asc. + Venus - Part of Spirit: Eros [one of the seven Hermetic Lots], Part of Venus, Pars Veneris, Love & Concord
Asc. + Venus - Cusp 7th: *Divorce
Asc. + Mars - Sun: Commerce*, Business, Passion, Daring, Destruction, Lost Animal, Passion-Destructive [or] Sword,
Asc. + Mars - Moon: Trickery*, Trickery and Deception of Men & Women* Intercourse*[Verbal, Trade, and for ??female??], Woman's Marriage*, Memory, Misconduct by Women, Timidity and Hiding*, Unchastity of Women,
Asc. + Mars - Mercury: Intelligence/Skill, Wisdom*, Mind[modern], Mind/Understanding/Intelligence of Male, Reasoning and Eloquence, Rectitude, Administrators, Disease: Defects & Time of Onset [Ancients]
Asc. + Mars - Venus: Fulfillment, Disappointment*, Endings, Passion: Emotional & Affectionate, Acts Born Out of Love
Asc. + Mars - Jupiter: Debate, Daring Action, Negotiation, Arrogance
Asc. + Mars - Saturn: Sickness, Danger, Enmity*, Distress, Upset, Necessity and Wish[very dubious], Ancestors/Relations[day] Secret Enemies*, and the diurnal formulae for the Part of Substanciae or Point of Substance, and also the, Lot of Accusation, Disease: Defects & Time of Onset [Hermes][one of two, see Mars - Merc.]
Asc. + Mars - Uranus: Surprise, Homosexuality, Coincidence
Asc. + Mars - Neptune: Disappointment*, Popularity*, Personal Restraint
Asc. + Mars - Pluto: Preparation Popularity, War, War, War "War"[ as It earned all three colours in less than a week, It could also be titled, more appropriately for natal use, as ]'Blind Rage',[ or also, for both natal and mundane use, as] 'Destructive Action'.[ For mundane purposes, "War" is very appropriate.]
Asc. + Mars - Part of Fortune: Debilitated Bodies [doubtful imho]
Asc. + Mars - Part of Spirit/Soul: unknown
Asc. + Jupiter - Sun: Increase & Benefits [I have found to be unquestionably for natal use but may yet prove to be as well for other type charts] Fame, Recognition, Time for Action*, Wisdom*, Happiness, Impression*, Operations and Orders Medical Treatment* [In use since Greco-Roman times] Parents[Traditional]*, Death of Parents, Traditions and Knowledge of Customs/Affairs [unknown use as to natal or horary] "Fame", "Recognition", "Happiness" and "Increase & Benefits", e.g. $$$, do seem to go together...yet the overwhelming consensus by noted use is currently "Increase and Benefits"],
Asc. + Jupiter - Moon: Sons*, Dependence [could they mean dependents as in 'sons'?]
Asc. + Jupiter - Merc.: Benevolence, Assurance, Real Estate Investments
Asc. + Jupiter - Venus: Mothers Family, Marriage for Love or Love and Marriage*, Love*
Asc. + Jupiter - Mars: Discord, Controversy, Loneliness, Waste and Extravagance*, Discord: Lawsuits, Children ( Time, Number & Sexes of) Condition of Males
Asc. + Jupiter - Saturn: Brethren*, Death of Parents, Brothers and Sisters, Children*, Past Life/Re-incarnation
Asc. + Jupiter - Uranus: Sudden Luck, Bequest
Asc. + Jupiter - Neptune: Speculation, Behest, Suicide[for Suicide I believe in the formula: Asc + Cusp 8th - Neptune, and I've analyzed and seen many charts that support it]
Asc. + Jupiter - Pluto: Benevolence* [I surmise it to be something rather as to Destructive Philosophy, Destructive Growth, Destructive Gifts, or Contrariness. Or it could be: Elimination of Philosophy, {a purging of some beliefs for the bettering of the Soul}]
Asc. + Jupiter - Part of Fortune: Success, Triumph [According to Al-Biruni and should only be "cast at revolution of the year and at conjunctions"][ Thus strictly for horary use.]
Asc. + Jupiter - Part of Spirit: Victory [one of the seven Hermetic Lots],Part of Jupiter, Happiness, Pars Iovis
Asc. + Jupiter - Cusp 5th: Speculation
Asc. + Saturn - Sun: Fatality, Fate, Tragedy, Brethren*, Conquest [use Jupiter if Saturn is combust], Father*, Heaviness [use Jup. if Sat. is combust], Karma , [Jup. if Sat. combust], Love of Brethren, Parents[Traditional]*, Allegiance
Asc. + Saturn - Moon: Hidden Identity, Influence, Oration
Asc. + Saturn - Merc.: Brethren and Friends, Destruction Occupation, Severity[?], Faithfulness, Stability, Number of Brothers and Sisters, Cucumbers & Melons
Asc. + Saturn - Venus: Economy, Commerce, Fortune in Husbandry, Labor, Woman's Marriage*, Agriculture
Asc. + Saturn - Mars: Surgery*, Police, Army, Heavy Planet[?], Ancestors/Relations[night] and the following as to being the nocturnal formulae for the Part of Substanciae or Point of Substance, and also the, Lot of Accusation
Asc. + Saturn - Jupiter: Siblings and Family, Brethren*, Children*, Life, Re-Incarnation [I favor Re-inc. as per my exp. to date] Current Life/Re-incarnation
Asc. + Saturn - Uranus: Sudden Parting
Asc. + Saturn - Neptune: Slander, Timidity*
Asc. + Saturn - Pluto: Repression
Asc. + Saturn - Part of Fortune: unknownn
Asc. + Saturn - Part of Spirit/Soul: unknown
Asc. + Uranus - Sun: Catastrophe, Bigotry, Lightning Flash[?], Ostracism & Loss,
Asc. + Uranus - Moon: Unusual Events, Misinterpretation,
Asc. + Uranus - Merc.: Messages and Astrology*, Originality, Omens & Signs, Eccentricity
Asc. + Uranus - Venus: Wastefulness*
Asc. + Uranus - Mars: Transformation[a most doubtful title for this Part as Pluto is the Planet of Transformation], Unpreparedness, Intuitive Awareness of Higher Self
Asc. + Uranus - Jupiter: Happiness, Entertainment
Asc. + Uranus - Saturn: Exile, Catastrophe & Exile, Confidence
Asc. + Uranus - Neptune: Termination, Occultism*
Asc. + Uranus - Pluto: Change
Asc. + Uranus - Part of Fortune: unknown
Asc. + Uranus - Part of Soul/Spirit: unknown
Asc. + Neptune - Sun: Treachery, Madness, Self Entrapment, Caution
Asc. + Neptune - Moon: Duplicity, Delusion
Asc. + Neptune - Merc.: Fraud, Divination[very plausible]
Asc. + Neptune - Venus: False Love, Corruptness, Ideal Love, Idealized Love, Ideal Love, Idealized Love
Asc. + Neptune - Mars: Damage, Misunderstanding
Asc. + Neptune - Jupiter: Cancer, Malignancy, Perspicacity
Asc. + Neptune - Saturn: Obstruction, Caution
Asc. + Neptune - Uranus: Occultism*, Guidance, Inspiration
Asc. + Neptune - Pluto: Slyness
Asc. + Neptune - Part of Fortune: unknown
Asc. + Neptune - Part of Spirit/Soul: unknown
Asc. + Pluto - Sun: Organization*, Gavel[?], Miracles, Sublimation of the Ego to the Spiritual
Asc. + Pluto - Moon: Influence and Magnetism
Asc. + Pluto - Merc.: Location, Transformation of the Mind
Asc. + Pluto - Venus: Libido, Energy, Stimulation
Asc. + Pluto - Mars: Strategy
Asc. + Pluto - Jupiter: Positive and Helpful Changes,
Asc. + Pluto - Saturn: Organization*
Asc. + Pluto - Uranus: Radical Change
Asc. + Pluto - Neptune: Subtle or Hidden Changes
Asc. + Pluto - Part of Fortune: unknown
Asc. + Pluto - Part of Soul/Spirit: unknown
[Please note that I colourized the text of the formulae of these next two Parts listed, i.e. those that have the Sun and Moon as Significator, as they had become difficult to discern due to all the text that has since been in addendum. This isn't relative to the colour coding of titles mentioned in the text preceding the list of Parts]
Asc. + Sun - Moon: [one of the seven Hermetic Lots] Soul, Spirit [Day Formula], Soul, Spirit, Fortune [Night Formula], Religion*, Pars Futurorum, Part of Things to Come, Pars Solis, Part of the Sun, Abundance in the Home
Asc. + Sun - Merc.: Liberty, Liberty of Person, Temperament
Asc. + Sun - Venus: Harmony*, Boredom, Dis-interest
Asc. + Sun - Mars: Retribution, Initiative
Asc. + Sun - Jupiter: Accomplishment, Histories and Science, Fame-Wisdom
Asc. + Sun - Saturn: Father*, Advancement, "Celebrity of Rank" [similar meaning to 'Advancement'?], "Sudden Advancement"[Use Jupiter if Saturn combust.][ As to which I do not concur. As the formula Asc + Part of Fortune - Saturn is also given for Sudden Adv. and to which I do concur....though the same formula is given the title of "Nemesis" in the Hermetic Lots. Why it might be known as both "Sudden Advancement" and "Nemesis." could possibly be whether one is adhering to a 'Trad.' astrological technique of interpretation or that of, or similar to, "Esoteric Astrology" {That associated with the Theosophists}. I'm now convinced that both titles are appropriate in that it's a matter of perspective and judgement at life's end. It has been showing it self in every persons chart, of which I am familiar enough with both chart and person, proven to be a formidable task, although attainable. Whether it proves to be your "Nemesis" or, that of your, "Sudden Advancement" is up to your own efforts.] "Understanding and Wisdom"[Dubious see Mars - Merc.]
Asc. + Sun - Uranus: Individuality*, Intellectuality* Surety
Asc. + Sun - Neptune: Imprisonment and Captivity*, Genius [neither, imho. I'm current inclined towards the notion of 'Spiritual Resonance'. Or on a mundane level, 'Co-operation']
Asc. + Sun - Pluto: Interaction, Deposition of the Ego to the Spiritual
Asc. + Sun - Part of Fortune: Noble and Illustrious Acquaintances-diurnal, Powerful Friends, Those That You Deem To Be Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances. [See reverse formula below, it is those that deem you as such]
Asc. + Moon - Sun: [one of the seven Hermetic Lots] Fortune [Day Formula]Fortune, Spirit, Soul [Night Formula], Time of Marriage[I assume that is for Horary], Pars Fortunae, Part of the Moon, [4/28/2021. Degree Symbolism. The Part of Soul/Spirit has been proving to be a Part that deals with the realization of the Souls' current dharma in this life... it is a mental concept that when applied to ones own self identity it reflects back the nature, or the present situation, {predicament?} of the very Soul itself relative to its present incarnation. As to the Part of Fortune, it has been repeatedly showing itself to be literally in many cases, or virtually regarding the more abstract in description, of the symbolism of the Zodiacal degree it is found in, of that action, or mental precept, or cultural attitude, one must actively employ so as to provide the most 'Fortunate' circumstances for ones spiritual progress and evolution in this lifetime. It is what puts one on, or maintains, the 'Sagacious Path of their own Dharma', to coin a phrase. It is that which will provide the path of surety to ones' destiny.]
Asc. + Moon - Merc.: Service, Servants, Spiritual Service, Cooperation, Curiosity, Discernment and Education, Good Manners and Charm, Information, Knowledge of veracity and/or falsehood, Servants and Slaves, Slavery and Bondage[highly suspect...a product of the Dark Ages no doubt...Spiritual Service has been indicated here for every chart I've analyzed]
Asc. + Moon - Venus: Mother, Mind/Understanding/Intelligence of Female, Offspring
Asc. + Moon - Mars: Kings, Royalty, Rulers, Disassociation
Asc. + Moon - Jupiter: Luck, Sons*
Asc. + Moon - Saturn: Inheritance & Legacy, Spiritual Inheritance & Legacy- [of this I'm very convinced], Profession, Real Estate [non investment], Deep Reflection [contemplation?], Heritage, Magistery and Profession, Mastery, Possessions, Military & of Daring, Militiae et Audaciae
Asc. + Moon - Uranus: Friends, Dramatization
Asc. + Moon - Neptune: Insincerity [seems very wrong to me... as all Parts with Moon as significator are benevolent/positive it seems...see Neptune - Moon for comparison], Revelation [11/15/12 I am now convinced of Rev.]
Asc. + Moon - Pluto: Galvanization*, Race, Racial Consciousness[?][4/28/2021. This Part derived from the USA natal chart, r.e. the "Zero Hour" chart, 7/4/1776, @ 12:00:01 a.m. Philadelphia, Penn, was continuously activated for 21 months, by a transiting Pluto conjunction, out of the 60 months in total that were the entire span of the Civil War. It won't be for another apprx. 90 years until the U.S. experiences it for the second time. Whether it is more as to the matters of "Race" or "Galvanization" has been difficult to establish any proof of certainty yet to date. I do think that "gallvanization" will definitely prove itself to be the more accurate title, eventually, and I do have doubts that our Creator gave any influence to the Moon and any Planet over Race, as we are all created equally in Gods' eye. By the nature of the Significator and Trigger, i.e. emotion and transformation.]
Asc. + Moon - Pre-natal New or Full Moon [whichever was most recent]: Part of Hyleg*, Life
Asc. + Moon - Ruler Asc.: Daring, Strength, Dominion, Boldness [one of two given, also Asc. + Po Fortune - Mars] Audaciae, Fortitudinis, Dominii,
Asc. + Moon - Ruler 1st: Anareta (taker of life), Killing Planet, Boldness(doubtful. See Asc + Part of Fortune - Mars)
Asc. + Moon - Ruler Cusp12th: of Bondage, Killing Planet
Asc. + Moon - Depositor of Moon [Ruler, same thing]: Slavery & Bondage [I very much concur with this being of Bondage due to karmic indebtedness]
Asc. + Moon - Cusp 8th: Ancestral Heritage
Asc. + Other than Planets or Luminaries or - Other....

Asc. + Cusp 2nd - Ruler 2nd: Movable Property, Possessions
Asc. + Cusp 3rd - Mercury: Capacity of the Mind, Short Distance Travels [another source has Captivity of Mind, which may be a typo?]
Asc. + Cusp 5th - Jupiter: Speculation
Asc. + Cusp 5th - Ruler 5th: Sexual Attraction, Desire & Sex. Attract.
Asc. + Cusp 7th - Venus: Partners, [Al-Biruni used it in horary as a Part of Marriage]
Asc. + Cusp 7th - Saturn: *Divorce
Asc. + Cusp 8th - Moon: Death & Disaster, Delays
Asc. + Ruler 8th - Saturn: Perilous & Most Dangerous Year
Asc. + Cusp 8th - Neptune: Assassination, Suicide
Asc. + Cusp 8th - Mars/Saturn Midpoint: Point of Death Axis [Not really a Part/Lot from what I can tell, more of a point of effect. evidence seen in favor]
Asc. + Cusp 8th - Mars/Uranus Midpoint: Point of Trauma [Same as above but without evidence to date]
Asc. + Cusp 9th - Mercury: Higher Education
Asc. + Cusp 9th - Uranus: Travel by Air [if Asc. + Cusp 9th - Mercury is Higher Ed. then surely Uranus would be the trigger for Higher Self Knowledge or Intuitive Understanding]Wisdom
Asc. + Cusp 9th - Ruler 9th: Long Distance Travels, Land
Asc. + Cusp 10th - Lord of Asc.: Secrets [Al Biruni horary]
Asc. + M.C. - Sun: Death of Brother
Asc. + Cusp 11th - Uranus: Imagination, Intuition
Asc. + Cusp 11th - Ruler 11th: Hopes & Wishes
Asc. + Cusp 12th - Ruler 12th: *Hermetic Lot of Secret Enemies aka Private Enemies, Enmity*
Asc. + Cusp 12th - Neptune: Assassination
Asc. + Ruler [Lord] of the 7th - Sun: Victory [the ruler of the Sign and degree that the Descendant is found to be within. This Part came with the additional instruction " This Part is cast at revolution of the year and at conjunctions. It is then used only for horary use.]
Asc. + Ruler 8th - Saturn: Peril
Asc. + Ruler 12th - Neptune: Assassination, Self Undoing [inclined to the former, see my thread on using Astrological Parts in Predictions]
Asc. + Ruler of Sign of Sun - Sun: Captivity* (Diurnal birth)[Please note that some ancient sources reverse this and the following]
Asc. + Ruler of Sign of Moon - Moon : Captivity* (Nocturnal birth)
Asc. + Ruler of Moons' House - Moon: Expected Birth
Asc. + Ruler of Saturns' House - Saturn: Captivity*
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Cusp 1st: Sorrow, Business Injury
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Ruler 1st: Sorrow (source; Winstar astr. software)
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Part of Soul: Merchandise, Buying and Selling [one of two given. See Po Fortune - Moon] Part of Base Desires/Concerns, see Part of Basis, Bad Luck, Despair, Penury & Fraud
Asc. + Part pf Fortune - Sun: Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances-nocturnal, Powerful Friends [the reverse of this formula in which the Sun and Pof switch places is also given for this Part-diurnal].Those That Will Deem You As A Noble & Illustrious Acquaintance
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Moon: Buying & Selling [one of two given. see Po Fortune - Po Soul. Horary use. as to natal, unknown]
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Mercury: Necessity [one of the seven Hermetic Lots], Part of Mercury, Pars Mercurii, Poverty & Ordinary Intellect
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Venus: unknown
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Mars: Courage [one of the seven Hermetic Lots], Daring, Part of Mars, Pars Martis
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Jupiter: unknown
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Saturn: Sudden Advancement*, Nemesis [one of the seven Hermetic Lots, read also footnote to Sudden Adv.], Part of Saturn, Pars Saturni, Escape from Captivity, Heavy
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Uranus: unknown
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Neptune: Imprisonment
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Pluto: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Sun: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Moon: Unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Mercury: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Venus: Lot of Psyche
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Mars: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Jupiter: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Saturn: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Uranus: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Neptune: Ally
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Pluto: unknown
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Part of Fortune: Basis, [day formula. rev. for nocturnal according to some]Jan. 2014, we are of the opinion at this time that the above diurnal formula produces a Part of Spiritual Aspirations and the reverse [or so called, nocturnal] a Part of Base Desires/Concerns, Constancy
Asc. + S. Node - Neptune: Addiction
Asc. + 19* Aries - Sun: Nobility & Honor [day formula]
Asc. + 03* Taurus - Moon: Nobility & Honor [night formula]
Asc. + 10* Gemini - Sun: Death of Siblings
Asc. + 15* Cancer - Saturn: Travel By Water
Asc. + 10 degrees of H3 - Sun: Death of Brothers & Sisters
:sun::moon::mercury::venus::mars::jupiter::saturn::uranus::neptune::pluto::northnode::lilth: :parsfortunae:
M.C. or any other House cusp as the Personal Point
M.C. + Sun - Moon: Destiny
M.C. + Moon - Sun: Vocation, Status,
M.C. + Part of Fortune - Moon:M.C. + Part of Fortune - Moon: Durga i.e. That which dispels the Darkness. (a newly revealed Part, that was given its interpretation from a proven and trusted channeled source)
M.C, + Part of Fortune - Sun: Aspiring Redemption
[all other House Cusps as the Personal Point]
C3rd + C9th - Mercury: Legal Affairs
C7th + Moon - Sun: Cooperation [Asc + Moon - Merc. also given for same]
C8th + Mars - Moon: Decapitation
C8th + Saturn - Moon: Death [medieval]
C9th + C3rd - Venus: Weddings
C10 + Saturn - Sun: Torture
C12th + Ruler 12th - Neptune: Bereavement
:sun::moon::mercury::venus::mars::jupiter::saturn::uranus: :neptune: :pluto:
Any Planet, or Luminary, as the Personal Point
Moon + Saturn - Jupiter: Lords & Masters [Al Biruni horary]
Moon + Cusp 4th - Ruler Asc.: Part of Find, Lost object [obviously a Part that has only been used for Horary charts]
Mercury + Saturn - Jupiter: Freedmen & Servants [Al Biruni horary]
Mars + Venus - Cusp 5th: Lovers
Mars + Saturn - M.C.: Death (point)
Mars + Neptune - Uranus: Assassination
Jupiter + Neptune - Uranus: Bankruptcy
Saturn + Jupiter - Sun: Leave Job, Separation from Occupation

Anything else as the personal point
Part of Victory + Moon - Mars: Battle [Al Biruni horary., {The Part of Victory: Asc. + Lord of the 7th House, i.e. Lord of the Sign and degree the cusp of the 7th House, i.e., the Descendant, are found to be within. Not to be confused with the Hermetic Lot of Victory } The Part of Battle and the Part of Victory came with the additional instruction; "These Parts are cast at revolution of the year and at conjunctions"]

* Astrology / both Merc. - Uranus & Uranus - Merc. are listed for Astrology
* Benevolence / for Jupiter - Pluto is the Higher Octave of Mars & as Jupiter - Mars = Discord, this seems erroneous. [It would depend on the individ. as to whether this Part is more of a destructive influence or that of one that is of a reconstructive influence.]
* Brethren / way too many listed with this title
* Captivity / three listed for this Part, Two are supposedly only used depending if birth is nocturnal or Diurnal
* Children / Both Asc + Jupiter - Saturn and Asc. + Saturn - Jupiter are given for this Part ...but I don't believe in either formula for a Part so named.
* Commerce / both Merc. - Sun and Mars - Sun are given for this but I am partial to Mars - Sun as according to Ursula Lewis
* Disappointment / two different formulae, Mars - Venus, & Mars - Neptune, As to the former it is also titled Fulfillment and I believe "Disappointment" is in error as Mars - Venus would have Venus...the Love principle and that of beauty, art, music etc. ... triggering Mars into action. I have said that it could be about obligations as Mars being obligatory in action to that triggering. Mars - Neptune could very well be a sort of disappointment as Venus - Neptune is about deceit, self deceit most likely, then Neptune could be seen as giving a false impression to Mars for which it goes into action and what will result is then "disappointment". 'Wrong Action from Self Deception' may be the most appropriate title I can presently think of.
* Divorce / There are two formulae given for divorce Asc. + Venus - Cusp 7th and Asc. + Cusp 7th - Saturn)
* Enmity / both Asc. + Mars - Saturn and Asc. + H12 - R12 given
* Father / both Sun - Saturn and Saturn - Sun are given
* Galvanization / plese see my thread Part of Race-Galvanization here, at this link:
* Impression / see "Time for Action" below
* Harmony / seems very debatable as it is the opp. formula for the Part of Love, Appreciation
* Imprisonment / 4 {or 5?} different formulae are given for this; Asc. + Sun - Neptune, [and] Asc. + Ruler Suns Sign - Sun [Day], [and] + Ruler Moons Sign - Moon [Night], [and] Asc.+ Lord House of Saturn - Saturn, [and, lastly] Asc. + Part of Fortune - Neptune, of which I have strong evidence to support: see my thread on Part of Imprisonment.
* Individuality, Intellectuality / I'm doubtful of either. As this formula is the opposite of the Part of Catastrophe I am of the opinion that it surely is about making certain one doesn't occur and hence why "Surety" has been added in red.
* Intercourse / both Venus - Sun and Mars - Moon given for this
* Love / both Venus - Sun and Jupiter - Venus given for this Part [trad. is Venus - Sun, I concur]
* Love and Marriage / both Venus - Jupiter and Jupiter - Venus given for this
* Mans Marriage / both Venus - Sun and Venus - Saturn given for this
* Occultism / both Uranus - Neptune & Neptune - Uranus are given for this
* Operations and Orders Medical Treatment / see Surgery, below.
* Organization / both Pluto - Sun & Pluto - Saturn are given this...for a few years, until very recently in 2013, I thought it to be sure that it is a Part of Organization and that the Asc. + Pluto - Sun was the one of the two, without a doubt. Now presently [Nov. '13] I'm not sure of either. ...see my post on Hillary Clinton` as her Part of Org. is conj. her M.C. in the 5th degree of Virgo and transiting Saturn was conj the 5th deg. of Virgo three times between Oct. 6, 2007 and July 6th, 2008 and this was the period of time that many were saying Her campaign lost the lead and virtually died due to her campaign organization falling apart. [Feb. '22] r.e. Pluto - Sat. Currently of opinion that it's about Reform, or Adaptation, Conformity
* Part of Hyleg / It recently was observed, and subsequently demonstrated, to propose there to be of a high percentage probability, that it is not only the New Moon or Full Moon prior to birth to be utilized but that of the post natal New Moon and the Full Moon that occurs post natally, as well. Whereas the prenatal New or Full Moon may quite well be the Astrological Part that is "the root" from which, as the name "Hyleg" does truly mean, gives life to all the other Parts in ones natal chart, as they can be perceived to be as like the "shoots" that spring from a root and as such need that root to sustain their existence. Yet the Pars Hyleg doesn't need the other Parts in order for it to exist., as the author, Robert Zoller stated in his book, "The Arabic Parts In Astrology". As astrologer, Dane Rudhyar, wrote an extensive piece on the New Moon cycle and how the Full Moon within it make the cycle a 'triad' of symbology within the entire transformational cycle of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac we are currently investigating the matter, as to how this might relate to the Part of Hyleg, and while the "traditional" definition of the Part of Hyleg may just turn out to be entirely, and exclusively, true, we are quite confident that the other two moons in the cycle produce very influential valid 'Parts', or at the least, 'Parts' that, while they are not the root, or a co-part of that root, they very much reveal precepts of influences that develop from the root, r.e. the Part of Hyleg. I recommend casting for all four of these Moons.
* Parents / [traditional] both Saturn - Sun and Jupiter - Sun are given for this [I don't concur with either]
* Popularity / there are 3 ... Merc. - Pluto & Venus - Pluto & Mars - Neptune are all titled this
* Religion / both Sun - Moon and Mercury - Moon are given for this [I don't concur with either as Religion is a man-made concept and not a Divine Precept]
* Secret Enemies / Both Asc + Mars - Saturn and Asc + C12 - R12 are given for this and, according to Bonatti, both should be used
* Sons / both Jupiter - Moon and Moon - Jupiter are given for this, but what about Mars - Moon as it seems more in line with Venus - Moon as part of Daughters?
* Surgery / Asc + Jupiter - Sun is given for "Operations and Orders Medical Treatment" and I don't know if that contests with the Part of Surgery or is of a more general implication
* Sudden Advancement [one of the seven Hermetic Lots] aka Hermetic Part of Nemesis / ...this is controversial...At present we are of the opinion that what the Part represents is a very substantial task to be accomplished that by doing so will bestow upon the individual a great progress towards completing their life dharma. As to whether it is a a Part of Sudden Advancement or a Part of Nemesis can truly only be determined at the end of the individuals life. If the task was attempted and the individual succeeded it certainly was that which provided a "Sudden Advancement". If they attempted and failed (and possibly if they never even attempted it at all) then it can then be said it was that persons' "Nemesis".
* Time for Action / As to "Time for Action" and "Impression", I say, and with a high degree of confidence, assuredly not for natal use.
* Timidity / is given for Saturn - Neptune, Mercury - Moon and Mars - Moon given for "Timidity and Hiding" [I have given this a little study and if it is any of those I have to favor the Sat./Neptune formula.]
* Trickery and Deception of /... both Venus - Sun and Mars - Moon are given for this, there is evidence that the latter formula is possibly about Trickery and Deception, yet it would seem that it is about something to do with action derived from an emotional condition.
* Waste-Wastefulness / both Jupiter - Mars [Ursula Lewis] and Uranus - Venus are given for these two near identical titles{?}
* Wisdom / As for Jupiter - Sun, it seems unlikely as Asc + Mars - Merc. has overwhelmingly been regarded over time, and repeatedly proven, as indication of this principle although it may be questioned as to whether "Intelligence & Skill" [i.e. the skillful application of intelligence], means the same as "Wisdom" in regards. Although Mars - Mercury is also given the title of "Wisdom" by some sources.
* Woman's Marriage / both Mars - Moon and Saturn - Venus are given for this

That's all of them, presently. I am continuously adding any other Parts/Lots that I encounter that use something other than the Asc. as the "Personal point" or something other than a Planet or a Luminary as the "Significator" or "Trigger", which have also been recognized and been granted a 'title'.
If anyone knows of any alternative 'titles' to any of the Parts/Lots, listed above, that I haven't included...let me know and please cite whereupon it originated from.
Any submissions which are personal opinions, personally derived conclusions ...etc...please post within this thread and allow it to be given examination and critique by the forum members. Or you can post it outside this thread in the Astrological Parts sub-forum or in the Research and Development forum but please make some note of it available to me within this thread. Thanks.
Awaitingly, ptv
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Definitely a worthwhile listing for reference purposes for our AW members. Thanks for making this effort!
Definitely a worthwhile listing for reference purposes for our AW members. Thanks for making this effort!

Thank your Dr. Farr. I'm hoping it becomes even more than a reference source for AW members but for all astrologers with access to the internet. The info on this subject is so sparse presently...both published and on the a team we may achieve something that will be long utilized and praised until a recognized definitive 'published' source that identifies all the same parts/lots as we are covering here finally comes along...and hopefully, afterwards, we will be fondly remembered.
These are some of the titles that come with the Kepler Program for arabic parts/lots. I haven't messed with them much, but at least it starts filling in a few blanks.

Asc. + Merc - Jup: Hope, Association
Asc. + Merc - Sat: Danger, Violence, Debt

Asc. + Venus - Jup: Praise
Asc. + Venus - Uranus: Fascination
Asc. + Venus - Pluto: Popularity, Influence

Asc. + mars - venus: Fullfillment
Asc. + Mars - Jupiter: Debate, Daring Action
Asc. + Mars - Pluto: Preparation

Asc + Jup - Pluto: benevolence

Asc + Sat - Moon: Identity
Asc + Sat - Merc: Bretheren and Friends
Asc + Sat - Jup: Siblings and Family

Asc. + Uranus - Merc.: Messages and Astrology
Asc. + Uranus - Mars: Transformation
Asc. + Uranus - Jupiter: Happiness
Asc. + Uranus - Neptune: Termination and Occultism (It shows guidance for Neptune - Uranus)

Asc. + Neptune - Moon: Dublicity

Asc. + Pluto - Sun: Organization
Asc. + Pluto - Moon: Influence and Magnetism
Asc. + Pluto - Merc.: Location
Asc. + Pluto - Mars: Strategy
Asc. + Pluto - Jupiter: Positive and Helpful Changes
Asc. + Pluto - Neptune.: Subtle or Hidden Changes

Asc. + Sun - Merc.: Liberty
Asc. + Sun - Venus: Harmony
Asc. + Sun - Neptune: Imprisonment and Captivity
Asc. + Sun - Pluto: interaction

Asc. + Moon - Mars: Kings, Royalty
Asc. + Moon - Pluto: Galvinization

That basically fills in all the blanks with these particular titles, but I don't know what Kepler's source is for them. You mentioned before in passing about the opposite of the formula for wisdom (mars - merc) in relationship to the part of debate/innocence (merc - mars) which has made me want to compare other opposing formulas. I'm not sure the correlations mean anything necessarily, but I also wonder if the parts could be thought of as an axis, and the opposing degree symbol compared. It borders on a more meditative/oracular application I think, I'm not sure what real impact it could have on a person's chart or even necessarily an horary reading. But i'm curious to look at them.

These are some of the titles that come with the Kepler Program for arabic parts/lots. I haven't messed with them much, but at least it starts filling in a few blanks.

Asc. + Merc - Jup: Hope, Association
Asc. + Merc - Sat: Danger, Violence, Debt

Asc. + Venus - Jup: Praise
Asc. + Venus - Uranus: Fascination
Asc. + Venus - Pluto: Popularity, Influence

Asc. + mars - venus: Fullfillment
Asc. + Mars - Jupiter: Debate, Daring Action
Asc. + Mars - Pluto: Preparation

Asc + Jup - Pluto: benevolence

Asc + Sat - Moon: Identity
Asc + Sat - Merc: Bretheren and Friends
Asc + Sat - Jup: Siblings and Family

Asc. + Uranus - Merc.: Messages and Astrology
Asc. + Uranus - Mars: Transformation
Asc. + Uranus - Jupiter: Happiness
Asc. + Uranus - Neptune: Termination and Occultism (It shows guidance for Neptune - Uranus)

Asc. + Neptune - Moon: Dublicity

Asc. + Pluto - Sun: Organization
Asc. + Pluto - Moon: Influence and Magnetism
Asc. + Pluto - Merc.: Location
Asc. + Pluto - Mars: Strategy
Asc. + Pluto - Jupiter: Positive and Helpful Changes
Asc. + Pluto - Neptune.: Subtle or Hidden Changes

Asc. + Sun - Merc.: Liberty
Asc. + Sun - Venus: Harmony
Asc. + Sun - Neptune: Imprisonment and Captivity
Asc. + Sun - Pluto: interaction

Asc. + Moon - Mars: Kings, Royalty
Asc. + Moon - Pluto: Galvinization

That basically fills in all the blanks with these particular titles, but I don't know what Kepler's source is for them. You mentioned before in passing about the opposite of the formula for wisdom (mars - merc) in relationship to the part of debate/innocence (merc - mars) which has made me want to compare other opposing formulas. I'm not sure the correlations mean anything necessarily, but I also wonder if the parts could be thought of as an axis, and the opposing degree symbol compared. It borders on a more meditative/oracular application I think, I'm not sure what real impact it could have on a person's chart or even necessarily an horary reading. But i'm curious to look at them.


WOW...what a list!...and so many ...thanks for the contribution...I'll edit my list later this afternoon. Good work, Mahasvapna and thanks again!
Well, thanks again Mahasvapna...I had mistakenly put Uranus - Venus as the part of you have a title for the Uranus - Venus formula?
Also, as you have listed some with title connected by the word 'and'...I must ask, is the Part published as one Part or are you listing two different titles for the same formula? A case in point would be Uranus - Neptune, as 'Termination' and 'Occultism' are two very different would be most helpful if you can elaborate on that one in particular. to my comment about the Part of Organization what I wrote about Hillary Clinton and Her Part of Organization can be read here:

| [I can't recall where it might be in the AW forum...or if I haven't deleted it awhile back which I probably did when I was determined to leave this forum and erase everything...for reasons I won't go into.
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I will post the image with my parts here, they are not in order though, but rather arranged by degrees. But, I have the Uranus - Venus part listed as the part of Wastefulness. The formula Uranus - Neptune I have published as "Termination & Occultism" (it's at 10 pisces 51 on the list). I don't know the history of the part, although it must be relatively 'recent' as it were. This list actually includes some parts related to other personal points as well, like the part of Redemption as Sun + Moon - Asc. There are a handful of others in there, as well.

As for the difference between occultism and termination - it's going kind of out on a limb, but to consider the nature of both: occultation is the covering up or eclipsing of one object by another, and carries a tone of hiding something ('terminating' it's view) whereas by the same token Termination in relationship to Occultism might be interpreted closer to termination of lower principles, of ignorance of the occult, etc. It's a tough one.

In considering the natures of Uranus and Neptune and their interactions, here in this case with Uranus as the significator and Neptune as the trigger, a sense of Awakening initiated by Dreams or Illusions. So Perhaps termination fits less than Occult; but on the other hand, To 'awaken from the dream' might be a form of death/termination as well. Bears some meditating on.

Here's the list I have access too.

Oh, there's also a website I stumbled upon just recently, you may or may not have seen it already, but it has some other parts related to different personal points:

Hypothetically, of course, you could use every house cusp, house ruler, individual planet, the mc/ic, dc/ac, almutens, etc., in any non-repeating combination of personal point +/- significator +/- trigger, to develop a staggering list of hypothetical points that might just color every degree of the wheel in a chart. Quite a monumental task, and I'm reminded suddenly and perhaps not in any intuitive fashion of the 240-something gates of the Kabbalah. Old stuff, I haven't looked at any literature on that system in years. Hm.

I will post the image with my parts here, they are not in order though, but rather arranged by degrees. But, I have the Uranus - Venus part listed as the part of Wastefulness. The formula Uranus - Neptune I have published as "Termination & Occultism" (it's at 10 pisces 51 on the list). I don't know the history of the part, although it must be relatively 'recent' as it were. This list actually includes some parts related to other personal points as well, like the part of Redemption as Sun + Moon - Asc. There are a handful of others in there, as well.

As for the difference between occultism and termination - it's going kind of out on a limb, but to consider the nature of both: occultation is the covering up or eclipsing of one object by another, and carries a tone of hiding something ('terminating' it's view) whereas by the same token Termination in relationship to Occultism might be interpreted closer to termination of lower principles, of ignorance of the occult, etc. It's a tough one.

In considering the natures of Uranus and Neptune and their interactions, here in this case with Uranus as the significator and Neptune as the trigger, a sense of Awakening initiated by Dreams or Illusions. So Perhaps termination fits less than Occult; but on the other hand, To 'awaken from the dream' might be a form of death/termination as well. Bears some meditating on.

Here's the list I have access too.
View attachment 21379

Oh, there's also a website I stumbled upon just recently, you may or may not have seen it already, but it has some other parts related to different personal points:

Hypothetically, of course, you could use every house cusp, house ruler, individual planet, the mc/ic, dc/ac, almutens, etc., in any non-repeating combination of personal point +/- significator +/- trigger, to develop a staggering list of hypothetical points that might just color every degree of the wheel in a chart. Quite a monumental task, and I'm reminded suddenly and perhaps not in any intuitive fashion of the 240-something gates of the Kabbalah. Old stuff, I haven't looked at any literature on that system in years. Hm.

Kudos and a hearty, Thank You...for this effort!:joyful:
Great work. I'll also mention the "Dreamhouse Attic" site, which has a very large collection of Parts. Literature-wise, "Late Classical Astrology" (Greenbaum) has pretty much the complete listing of formulae used in Greco/Roman times.

Philosophically, the most complete discussion of the dynamics involved with the Parts is Zoller's "Arabic Parts" book. I myself do not agree with all Zoller writes in this book, but I do agree with much of it-it is written from a hermetic perspective, and is the most complete philosophical discussion of the Parts (mostly taken from Guido Bonatti) I have seen (in English)
Great work. I'll also mention the "Dreamhouse Attic" site, which has a very large collection of Parts. Literature-wise, "Late Classical Astrology" (Greenbaum) has pretty much the complete listing of formulae used in Greco/Roman times.

Philosophically, the most complete discussion of the dynamics involved with the Parts is Zoller's "Arabic Parts" book. I myself do not agree with all Zoller writes in this book, but I do agree with much of it-it is written from a hermetic perspective, and is the most complete philosophical discussion of the Parts (mostly taken from Guido Bonatti) I have seen (in English)

Thanks Dr. Farr, I've been utilizing the 'Dreamhouse' website and am still copying from it...I'm only up to the letter 'C' right now...also I have Zoeller's book...and like you, I don't agree with all of it, but have learned somethings from it...of particular interest was his discourse on the 'Esoteric School of Astrology's' theory about 'Involuntionary and Evolutionary' direction of the cycle of progression through the Zodiac it gave me the clue to what I've written about a possible rectification of a this practice of theirs...I mentioned it in a thread somewhere here in AW...but I did post a thread on it at the forum under the 'Esoteric Astrology' sub-forum.
I'm trying to uncover mine predestined arabic parts prediction using the Asc. (Cancer) + The Sun in 26 degree Aquarius + the Moon 20 Aquarius should specify where I'm headed into in Life.

For the part of Marriage: I did some work from 17 Cancer 33" + 7th House (17 Capricorn 33) - Venus in 2 Aries 45" Aries, or the formula 03.17.33 + 09.17.33 - 00.02.45 = or should I perform a mathematical equation of 107 + 180 = 287 - 2 = 285. My estimated answer is 285 degrees or 15 Capricorn 12", thus in solar astrology the date can be January 4th/5th.

But, another calculation is 09.15 + 285.15 - 294.33 subtract 60 = 234.30 = 7th sign 24th degree = 24 Scorpio 30". The part of marriage actually falls on the solar astrological date of November 16th/17th.

The part of Fortune on my natal chart reads 11 Cancer 26 33...about six degrees above the ascendant sign/rising point.
My day birth time is 1421 PST (2:21PM). Asc 17 Cancer+20 Aquarius-26 Aquarius is another puzzle I'm going to solve.
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I'm trying to uncover mine predestined arabic parts prediction using the Asc. (Cancer) + The Sun in 26 degree Aquarius + the Moon 20 Aquarius should specify where I'm headed into in Life.

For the part of Marriage: I did some work from 17 Cancer 33" + 7th House (17 Capricorn 33) - Venus in 2 Aries 45" Aries, or the formula 03.17.33 + 09.17.33 - 00.02.45 = or should I perform a mathematical equation of 107 + 180 = 287 - 2 = 285. My estimated answer is 285 degrees or 15 Capricorn 12", thus in solar astrology the date can be January 4th/5th.

But, another calculation is 09.15 + 285.15 - 294.33 subtract 60 = 234.30 = 7th sign 24th degree = 24 Scorpio 30". The part of marriage actually falls on the solar astrological date of November 16th/17th.

The part of Fortune on my natal chart reads 11 Cancer 26 33...about six degrees above the ascendant sign/rising point.
My day birth time is 1421 PST (2:21PM). Asc 17 Cancer+20 Aquarius-26 Aquarius is another puzzle I'm going to solve.

I'm not following what you're trying to say here...are you trying to determine the Part of Destiny or the Part of Hyleg?
Having given this some thought this eve as to the Asc. + Mars - Neptune forumla for a 'Lot/Part'. It's presently considered to be the 'Part of Disappointment' or the 'Part of Popularity' and the latter of which I have to state, 'I just don't see it'!.
If Asc. + Venus - Mars is 'Play' and by that I take it to mean 'Enjoyable Activities', 'Recreational Activities', 'Frolic' and the like [Amorous Activities ?], then surely the opposite formula, i.e. Asc. + Mars - Venus indicates a 'Lot/Part' of 'Drudgery', 'Disagreeable Obligations or Endeavors', 'Unappealing Chores, Errands or Duties".
If that be so this 'Lot' involving Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, in stead of Venus in the same basic formula, would indicate a sort of, a "Prepomenophobia"...which is a word I've more or less coined for a condition of being in fear of the future. But this would be probably more of an aversion or revulsion and only to but a portion of the future. A 'future' that is projected by the imaginative facilities of a person...most likely. [The manners, thoughts, attitudes or actions of a person that is 'Hyperpessimistic' would be an example of what I'm getting at here as to what the effect of the 'triggering' of the affect of this 'Part/Lot' would be comparable to.]
The 'tag', 'Diappointments' , almost works... If one were to refer to it as 'Imagined [anticipated, predicted, ] Disappointments'.
It's kind of, a 'Part of 'Your Worst Fears Come True'... I would describe it as.
Does anyone 'see it this way', or has anyone had any experiences with this particular 'Lot', and would like to share their observations and experiences? If so do you also have a 'Title' that would most succinctly identify this combination of a 'Lot' ,and this 'trait' I propose...or akin to the traits you perceive that you would like to suggest?
Does anyone feel that it doesn't need to be 'monkeyed with [Rectified] in any manner at all?
Does anyone conclude otherwise to any of this, or have any comments, suggestions, insights, opinions or observations to add?
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I wish to address the situation with the 'Title' of the 'Part of Transformation', Asc + Uranus - Mars ....

As, I've been thinking and writing about the outer three planets a lot this week
this 'Part' came to mind tonight.
This is how I see it...presently...I think it may be the best description I could possibly be able to come with [doesn't mean it is...]
It is something, somewhat 'Transformational' least for some people and esp. for those that are adherents of true spiritual paths. But, rather this is about intuitively becoming aware of a "Higher Self' could be called the "Part of Higher Self" fact, I think that that might be a good name for it.

I'm going to use the one I get for that chart I propose is that of Jesus/Yeshua for your discernment.
I get 19* Cancer 59'...and as to exactness of the location I use for birth data [stating 'Bethlehem, to the computer...but Bethlehem didn't really exist by that name for some centuries afterwards I'm told. The name of the birth location in those times was something other than that. It is known that it was very near Nazareth and the Long. and Lat. of present day Bethlehem is very close to Nazareth] and as to any adjustment in the time even of mere seconds will put this in the next degree thus I am rectifying this to the 21st degree of Cancer.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree and would represent the intuitive knowing about his self and how it appears in reflection...not in a 'Walter Mitty' sense, but rather how it should be honestly seen...sort of a "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." sort of thing.

{From Rudhyar's book, "An Astrological Mandalla"}


KEYNOTE: The emotional reward accompanying cultural excellence.
... The operatic prima donna is not merely a lonely performer, like the piano virtuoso (Gemini 13°); he or she is the star in a collective effort. The opera is not only music, but a story, a mythos, which embodies some of the most basic images and emotions characterizing the culture that gave it birth....[in this series of degree which are the]...cyclic phases we find the drive toward individualization by means of concrete forms of cultural activity glorified in social and financial success. In its deepest sense the symbol refers to THE PRICE OF SUCCESS — for the individual, as well for as the collectivity acclaiming him or her. What is success really worth? A question few people ask."

I can see it...ptv
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...and my own Part of Transformation ...or Part of Intuitive Knowing Higher Self...or whatever it should be called ...Part of Mirror Mirror, possibly.

Mine is 28* Sag. 24' [Galactic Center...lucky me...]...and it was conj Pluto not too long ago and was an event well noticed and concluded as to Pluto definitely being of affect.
29th of Sag.

KEYNOTE: The need to attend to everyday tasks which both ensure social worth or respectability, and benefit one's constitution.
...A well-attended front lawn is a symbol of the homeowner's concern for his social position, and of his desire to give beautiful form to the growth of natural forces, thus revealing his appreciation of order and esthetic values. ...suggests that constructive working habits are needed to compensate for amenities of social living... It reveals another phase in the cycle relationship between the individual and the community, and the need to maintain SOCIAL RESPECTABILITY."

...well, I am starting to put on a little weight, I was 32 in waist just a few years ago..up to a 34 right at the moment...Holidays, you know.

This is interesting as because ten twelve years ago when I was in a relationship with the woman I call Miss X in my book I did a composite chart and calc. the composite Parts. [A technique that works. it is a representation of who you and another entity become.] In a composite chart of a couple in an intimate relationship the ethereal substance of that composite entity that the two of you have become does get to be more and more of that which is affected by the stars. The Parts. I found were an excellent example of this. Some of you might attune to a particular planetary composite between you. For her and I it was Venus as our composite Venus was the 14* of Aries. This is the degree I get for Jesus/Yeshua's Part of Spirit...The same degree that of which I'm convinced that Mary's natal Lilith was conj.. Miss X's natal Lilith @ 24* Aquarius 03' is exactly...I mean EXACTLY conj. my Moon @ 24* Aquarius 03'. Do you see the 'Cosmic wiring that was done in these?

Miss X and I both have natal Mercury on the 28th degree of Aries. She and I have a composite M.C. of 08* Cancer 10'. It is just a bit advanced from the 8th degree of Cancer but of enough effect to the 8th degree, and possibly a bit more as to any rectification of time or location...possibly even an conjunction to that degree. The M.C. is the "HOW" of the chart axis in a spiritually oriented person, or composite persons's, chart.
The symbol there is according to Rudhyar: "KEYNOTE: The tendency in all forms of life to imitate higher forms as a stimulus to growth.
This rather strange symbol points to what is essential in all first attempts at developing consciousness and furthering and furthering one’s growth through association with those who have already reached a superior evolutionary or mental level. Every seeker looks for an 'Exemplar.' The religious mystic speaks of 'the Imitation of Christ.' "

Our composite I.C. [The "WHY" of our composite chart] is the 9th of Capricorn:
KEYNOTE: The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation.

.... 'heaven is within us.' All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole. ...surrender[ing] to the will of God.
... The technique [that is implied] is that of ATTUNEMENT."

The composite Part of Sudden Advancement [which I get a 'hoot' out of as it was during this time that i became acutely aware of the Sabians and the rest of Astrology too for that matter...I'd say my understanding and knowledge started to grow exponentially from that time forward and she had the first home pc astrology program that I ever got to fool around with, in 1999.
KEYNOTE: The power of basic spiritual values which refer to man's common humanity and to all enduring archetypes.

I tell you this as to emphasize that I did conceive of the two of us becoming a permanent item. She and I could have been an exemplary couple for the ties... had we had more time and a much more conducive environment that would have allowed that to almost did. [my clairvoyant was a bit taken aback that it didn't, matter of fact.]
...I could go on with a number more of similar tenor symbols she and I shared in the composite. I do want to get back to the ref. as to my own Part of Intuitive Mirroring [or whatever we end up calling it] She and I have a composite Part of Nobility & Honor of 26* Virgo 49" and that symbol is [ibid.]
"A GROUP OF ARISTOCRATIC LADIES MEET CEREMONIALLY AT A COURT'S FUNCTION.KEYNOTE: The ability to carry on a revered tradition in order to perpetuate cultural standards of excellence."

The point being that all the symbols I'm emphasizing are about imitating and or emulating, affecting and or projecting certain veneers, exemplar like, of cultural excellence, of spiritual values and of an advanced civil and cultural attinment... very British in a way, I've often thought [...Keeping up appearances, as those of us of English blood/ancestry know quite she and I share only English in common as to our racial backgrounds other than Native American, She is part Cherokee and I Powhaton.]
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I'm not following what you're trying to say here...are you trying to determine the Part of Destiny or the Part of Hyleg?

The parts representing my parts of destiny in marriage or fortune, unless I'm doing it wrong. :pinched: (ugh...I want to find out). Will someone else redo it and come up with my astrological data to find the correct answer? I'm not a math expert, since I'm more into sciences and the paranormal. :lol:
The parts representing my parts of destiny in marriage or fortune, unless I'm doing it wrong. :pinched: (ugh...I want to find out). Will someone else redo it and come up with my astrological data to find the correct answer? I'm not a math expert, since I'm more into sciences and the paranormal. :lol:

In the first post above, do you see the 'Part' listed that you are trying to ascertain?
I have a thread somewhere on the Part of Hyleg. It shows symbolically what the root symbolism is for your self...most especially as to all the other parts as they call it that which can exist apart from the others but from which all other parts derive. It is Asc. + Natal Moon - Last New or Full Moon Prior to Birth.
The Part of Destiny is that destiny that you will come to realize [hopefully, realize] that is the 'essential you' , of what you mean to the world...what your 'worth' to the world was at the finish of your all estimation...that is if you follow the true path of your being.
That is derived from the M.C. as the personal point and it is M.C. + Sun - Moon

ps. [the next day] As I see you avow sidereal belief, I don't know why you would be stirring about in this sub-forum. As you don't reply to my requests for clarification, I'm going to assume that this is some joke to you and inform you that I won't acknowledge any more posts by you.
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