Just a note to all that I added alternative titles, from a list found at International Astrology [I took screen shots of the entire list some time ago and I don't recall what the remainder of the website might be named, or if that is all it is so named? This addendum should have been done at the time, I apologize for my tardiness. I only got as far as to those that begin with the letter "E". So there are more listed that I have yet to go through. Thank you for your patience. It is a work that seems forever in progress.]
...and an alternate formula for the Part known as "Death of Brothers and Sisters", [Which I reluctantly add as I don't have much belief, if any at all, in the existence of Astrological Parts concerning death, and I must disapprove of the use of any even if they do exist due to my religious beliefs.] which is Asc. + 10 degrees H3 - Sun. [as to 10 degs. of H3. I assume means the 3rd House and as for the 10 degrees, I am assuming whatever the 10th degree is counting the cusp as the first of those ten].
There is also title for, what had been listed as to the formula but having "Unknown" listed as the title. Asc. + Mars - Part of Fortune; Debilitated Bodies, [which sure sounds, to me, as if it is strictly for horary and, or, predictive astrology.... as the formula falls in with those that are known as the Hermetic Lots and this given title just doesn't seem to fit in with those others. imho, of course]
These alternative titles are as follows.
Number of Bros. & Sisters: Asc. + Saturn - Merc.
Buying & Selling: Asc. + Part of Fortune - Moon [one of two, now]
Cucumbers & Melons: Asc. + Saturn - Merc. [I kid you not.Probably for the use of farmers and gardeners and surely of no natal horoscope use]
Despair, Penury, Fraud: all given for, Asc. + Pof Fortune - Pof Soul/Spirit
Disease: Defects & Time of Onset: both Asc. + Mars - Saturn [Hermes] and Asc. + Mars - Merc. [Ancients]
I also removed some suggested alternative titles for the Part of Fortune, as it surely isn't about worldly goods, money, wealth, and the like, in my experience of 37 years of study and findings and I hope that one day a more appropriate title be given that Part with a resounding consensus among astrologers. But selling suckers such dreams as becoming wealthy, or keeping their wealth, is about as old a come on as selling maps to buried treasure and the like... so that will likely take a long, long, time yet to come. I also rewrote most all of my comments that follow the listing of that Part and did give a possible suggestion for a future re-christening. As I have found it to be about "Fortuitousness" and not about a fortune regarding wealth and such, and what Degree Symbolism has proven to me as how to interpret and apply the Part, I wrote the following and I did state that this is in regard to using Degree Symbolism in conjunction with Astrological Parts, [I also made my remarks concerning Part of Soul more concise and, hopefully, clearer for understanding as to what I am trying to "get across"... I have enough trouble with writing about the mundane, the plain, and obvious, and trying to write about the abstract just daunts me.]
As to the Part of Fortune, it has been repeatedly showing itself to be literally in many cases, or virtually regarding the more abstract in description, of the symbolism of the Zodiacal degree it is found in, of that action, or mental precept, or cultural attitude, one must actively employ so as to provide the most 'Fortunate' circumstances for ones spiritual progress and evolution in this lifetime. It is what puts one on, or maintains, the 'Sagacious Path of their own Dharma', to coin a phrase. It is that which will provide the path of surety to ones' destiny.
Thanks for your interest, support, and constructive criticism. Special thanks to those that contribute their own findings and observations regarding Astrological Parts. There are still quite a number that have yet to be given appropriate titles for natal astrological use, or any evidence that their given titles are appropriate for the same.