Astrologically speaking which would you prefer?

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Aug 31, 2010
Between these two composites which relationship (if you were me) would you prefer astrologically speaking and why?

Thank you :kissing:


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They both look strong, but to my way of thinking the one with "Luke" looks slightly better. The Jupiter-Neptune square shows some unrealistic expectations, but the Mars-Pluto square with "Ksdj" and the Mars-moon opposition show some tendencies to get into arguments that fundamentally are about the power-dynamics of the relationship. Who gets his or her own way?

Sun conjunct Venus in both charts indicates love and affection.

The synastry will often tell a different story, so be sure also to compare your individual charts side-by-side.
They both look strong, but to my way of thinking the one with "Luke" looks slightly better. The Jupiter-Neptune square shows some unrealistic expectations, but the Mars-Pluto square with "Ksdj" and the Mars-moon opposition show some tendencies to get into arguments that fundamentally are about the power-dynamics of the relationship. Who gets his or her own way?

Sun conjunct Venus in both charts indicates love and affection.

The synastry will often tell a different story, so be sure also to compare your individual charts side-by-side.

Thank you very much I really apreciate it. I will upload the sinastry charts if you would like to take a look too :D
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Here are both sinastries... I see more potential in the first one... but maybe I'm wrong...


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I would favor the RA/KSJD synastry chart: problems with the RA/LUKE synastry chart are (from my perspective)
-mars conjunct sun
-saturn/venus conjunct pluto
-sun/neptune conjunct uranus
What do you think about these aspects in the first sinastry chart?

Sun conjunct Moon
Sun trine Venus
Moon sextil Mercury
Moon conjunct Sun
Venus trine Sun
Venus trine Mars
Venus trine moon

first one.

cause well that is a receptive kite more towards inconjunct instead of trine.

we have the classic Sun opposite Moon which is positive and Jupiter square Neptune.

the relationship is really sagittarian/scorpian which depending on both of your natals could be good.

the relationship composite is based on the 3-9 dynamic.

the second has malefic composition

mars opposite moon
mars square pluto

which leads to assertion and explosion

for synastry of luke the double whammy sun mercury squares will lead to differences

which will be sorted out in the 3-9 axis :)

well actually the Sun square Moon in synastry is even Personal Breakdown of Ego and Emotional realm
in to the 3-9 axis in composite.
with an emphasis on relativity(3rd)
and fragmentation of the consciousness

the sun square moon is extremely hard to be defeated and bridged.

yet Neptune is right on top of his sun which is a sign that it can be bridged
because of concordance with the pisces Moon.

the Sun basically runs over the Moon and it becomes unbearable for both
since Sun is a rational-father and moon is unrational-emotional.

then Jupiter expands this direction of the Sun via reception of sun to jupiter its like his buddy.

for the ksjd synastry

he has Sun square outer stellium
and you have Moon square outer stellium

yet the Sun is in reception with
your outer stellium with his
outer stellium

you have Sun conjunct Moon
as well as your Venus conjunct his Moon

ultimately in the composite
it turns out partially well in capricorn
stellium with trine to taurus
very stable and down to earth relationship

yet the Transpersonal integration
to Ego
with opposing views
Sun opposite Mercury in synastry
would eventually lead to turning on each other

its your choice. i would personally pick depending on the natals
and natal reception to composite

like if one of you is too pissed then sun square moon is impossible
or you would reach composite explosion stage fast if the other guy is pissed as well.

based on composite+synastry ultimately none within 2-3 years.
but you would keep more in touch with luke
yet feel like your consciousness is still collapsing
then you would just feel more pissed
and too bored of the other person
cause taurus and cap doesnt turn around
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first one.

cause well that is a receptive kite more towards inconjunct instead of trine.

we have the classic Sun opposite Moon which is positive and Jupiter square Neptune.

the relationship is really sagittarian/scorpian which depending on both of your natals could be good.

the relationship composite is based on the 3-9 dynamic.

the second has malefic composition

mars opposite moon
mars square pluto

which leads to assertion and explosion

for synastry of luke the double whammy sun mercury squares will lead to differences

which will be sorted out in the 3-9 axis :)

well actually the Sun square Moon in synastry is even Personal Breakdown of Ego and Emotional realm
in to the 3-9 axis in composite.
with an emphasis on relativity(3rd)
and fragmentation of the consciousness

the sun square moon is extremely hard to be defeated and bridged.

yet Neptune is right on top of his sun which is a sign that it can be bridged
because of concordance with the pisces Moon.

the Sun basically runs over the Moon and it becomes unbearable for both
since Sun is a rational-father and moon is unrational-emotional.

then Jupiter expands this direction of the Sun via reception of sun to jupiter its like his buddy.

for the ksjd synastry

he has Sun square outer stellium
and you have Moon square outer stellium

yet the Sun is in reception with
your outer stellium with his
outer stellium

you have Sun conjunct Moon
as well as your Venus conjunct his Moon

ultimately in the composite
it turns out partially well in capricorn
stellium with trine to taurus
very stable and down to earth relationship

yet the Transpersonal integration
to Ego
with opposing views
Sun opposite Mercury in synastry
would eventually lead to turning on each other

its your choice. i would personally pick depending on the natals
and natal reception to composite

like if one of you is too pissed then sun square moon is impossible
or you would reach composite explosion stage fast if the other guy is pissed as well.

based on composite+synastry ultimately none within 2-3 years.
but you would keep more in touch with luke
yet feel like your consciousness is still collapsing
then you would just feel more pissed
and too bored of the other person
cause taurus and cap doesnt turn around

Thanks :) Actually I'm living together with "Luks" for about 4 years and we are together for 6 years. The relationship is going to a crisis... And I'm not in love. The other one, is a just a friend... at least, yet...:sad:

About my relationship... we don't have goals together... And the only thing I see him interested in me is Sex. He's distant in everyday life... and I don't feel any kind of supporting atittude towards him. I feel very alone, and numb in this relationship... And I don't know what to do.
wow thats so cool.

theres a post on here about how to work it.

well. lasting relationships are like kites and grand trines or stelliums a bunch of sextiles, but not always.

im interested in the sun square moon relationship because of this but reversed. woman being sun and guy being moon. so masculine energy has to filter through the chart to balance it. i would do it if its counterable.
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