I'll guarantee there's already a thread on this, but I'm too lazy to look through all of them.
What chart aspects or placements lead to narcissism? I've become fascinated with narcissism and I've done a little research and heres what I've got.
General Narcissistic Traits--
Magical Thinking
Lack Boundaries
Shame-based personaltiy
Rejection of the Real Self in exchange for a beholded false self
Narcissistic Supply - Attention, adulation, affection, praise, etc... (Self-esteem regulation)
Heres some placement ideas for Narcissism
Narcissus (37117)
You can tell by the name..Basically if this astroid touches something personal in your chart, or something personal in another persons chart, then you'll be narcissistic.
Echo (60)
Echo represents giving yourself away to others. Your personality is "echoed" in another person. Echo shows narcissism because she is essentially rejecting her real self by craving affection and love from another person to feed her false self.
So if echo touches something personal, could also be narcissistic, but an
inverted narcissism
Zodiac Signs
I don't think zodiac signs determine if someone is narcissistic really, but it's something to think about.
Aquarius - Sun in the 11th
associated with the god complex ("I'm above all or special")
genius or intelligent - triggers the "above all"
opposite of Leo, an outward friendship rather than inner. Focusing on your outer world means you don't have to get deep or in intimacy; easy narcissistic supply, especially by doing charity or performing in large groups and organizations
Libra - Sun in the 7th
similar to echo... Libra seems to be a little fake--shaping themselves just so they can be liked or have friendships--rejecting the true self
Strong Leo Placements (for obvious reasons)
North Node conjunct Sun
North node is agressive and wants to take shortcuts
The north node is destiny and isn't achieved until later, so the person could develop narcissism I guess
This aspect seems to be the most influencial in determining narcissism. Usually narcissist aren't found unless you are in a relationship with one
Venus is about relationships of course and when aspect by pluto it triggers insecurities and or a sense of rejection either in yourself or in relationships bringing our defense mechanisms such as narcissism.
I've seen Venus Pluto and Pluto in general come up a bit
In a personal relationship where I accused someone of being a narcissist we had this as an EXACT negative aspect
And astrologers with these websites have claimed so that pluto or venus/pluto mean narcissism
These websites claim that Pluto has a huge influence regarding narcissism
Lastly as my personal opinions
Neptune-Sun Aspect and Pluto-Sun or Moon
Narcissists are extremely delusional and lack boundaries. Similar to Neptune and Sun lacking boundaries and being aware of their ego.
This aspect has a lot to do with imagination and wanting to live the grander and more glamorized life. Like a narcissist and their fantasies
Pluto-Sun, Pluto-Moon triggers a need to be powerful and manipulative or in control because of some underlying fear, especially fear of intimacy
Those are just some ideas
Tell me what you think both objectively and biased!! Tell me personal stories of narcissists you know, or think you know are narcissists, and their charts