Astrology and Sex

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Feb 26, 2011
Other than the obvious answer of simply "Scorpio,"
what kind of planets/aspects/configurations make a person have a heightened interest in sex? I don't mean a horrible obsession or a sex addiction necessarily, but more of a fixation on the idea of sex, and the propensity to sexualize a lot of things that others may say, or things that a person reads... And a desire to express themselves sexually more than the average person?

For example... would Venus conjuct Pluto in Scorpio indicate this? This is just a random example. I know other planets indicate sexuality too.

Sorry if the question seems silly, but I was just wondering! I've noticed that some people have sex on the brain a lot more than others.
For example... would Venus conjuct Pluto in Scorpio indicate this? This is just a random example. I know other planets indicate sexuality too.
Yes also moon conj pluto, but mainly planets in 8th house of sex would be my main focus..

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Mars-Jupiter hard aspects can bring what you descring.

More, More and More xD
Other than the obvious answer of simply "Scorpio,"
what kind of planets/aspects/configurations make a person have a heightened interest in sex? I don't mean a horrible obsession or a sex addiction necessarily, but more of a fixation on the idea of sex, and the propensity to sexualize a lot of things that others may say, or things that a person reads... And a desire to express themselves sexually more than the average person?

For example... would Venus conjuct Pluto in Scorpio indicate this? This is just a random example. I know other planets indicate sexuality too.

Sorry if the question seems silly, but I was just wondering! I've noticed that some people have sex on the brain a lot more than others.

people with all sorts of aspects have an interest in sex, tis the human condition, they all take an interest lol in it not sure what your question really is

people with strong close aspects between venus mars and pluto might be more aware of their sexuality, express it more or it may be an issue if it cant be expressed, still not sure what the question is
Planets in the 8th will focus their energy on intimate relationships, not necessarily sex. A person with many planets in the 8th house is likely to be very conscious about intimate relationships. People with these placements can also be conscious about sex. However that wouldn't be because of the pleasure, but because of the closeness sex implies.

I would also look at Pluto for this. Pluto shows us where we can be obsessive. Someone who has Pluto in the 8th house is likely to be obsessed with getting intimate. Not necessarily in the sense of just "getting laid", but in the sense of having a close bond with someone. Someone with Pluto in Scorpio, 8th house could perfectly not be interested in sex at all. However, what's for sure is that said person will probably be obsessed with having a very deep relationship.

When sex is rather about pleasure, i would relate that to aspects of Venus to Mars and Jupiter.
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my friend has venus square pluto and all of her relationships have had a sexual overtones. Emotional problems or power struggles relating to sex.

with the example ,I think because pluto is in it's natural sign of scorpio, AND because it is a conjunction it just intensifies it all.

other things:

-lots of planets in the 8th house.
-mars square jupiter could indicate overindulgence/sexual promisucity.
-mars in aquarius could mean you like to have a variety of sexual partners or experiences.
-i've heard mars in taurus people / taurus people in general like sex
-Mars in the 8th

thats all i can think of for now :)
I know someone with Venus conjunct Mars in the 5th who seems to be obsessed with sex.

Yep. I've met several venus conjunct mars people with the preoccupation (not even taking houses into account!) I have venus conjunct mars in the 5th and it doesn't apply to me, but mine is in pisces square a sag neptune in 1st and my "hedonistic obsession" was expressed via the drug route, pun intended :sideways:. The answer to this problem area for me is creative sublimation...

The venus/mars in fire/air can be... Woah. My ex had the conjunction in aries and mine in pisces was no match let me tell you! His mars dominated and my venus was cactus.

ETA: I find it hilarious that this thread has had 9 replies and 315 views (thus far)~!
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I have nothing in the 8th, but my mars/jup conjunction speaks volumes. I could not fathom a relationship that doesn't involve strong sexuality, but I have never been able to have a physical relationship with anyone that I wasn't in love with. I can't imagine the type of long-term relationship where the sexuality fizzles out. That would be like a foot in the grave to me. I have always equated life force with a healthy sex life.
Notwithstanding the importance of the 8th house in a person's chart, but more specifically, the 4th house does reveal the inclination of unresolved sexual issues of the mother which through the process of osmosis, DNA and planetary design, the sexual nature of the individual is somewhat reconstructed by way of having to work out certain preferred constituents...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
My take:
Planets concerned:

5th & 8th

Aries (Mars ruled)

I've found a craze of casual sex in men with Aquarius/Scorpio ascendants or Sun but not enough cases to create a theme.
Other than the obvious answer of simply "Scorpio,"
what kind of planets/aspects/configurations make a person have a heightened interest in sex? I don't mean a horrible obsession or a sex addiction necessarily, but more of a fixation on the idea of sex, and the propensity to sexualize a lot of things that others may say, or things that a person reads... And a desire to express themselves sexually more than the average person?

For example... would Venus conjuct Pluto in Scorpio indicate this? This is just a random example. I know other planets indicate sexuality too.

Sorry if the question seems silly, but I was just wondering! I've noticed that some people have sex on the brain a lot more than others.
What you say can be true and especially if connected to the 8th house.
My take:
Planets concerned:

5th & 8th

Aries (Mars ruled)

I've found a craze of casual sex in men with Aquarius/Scorpio ascendants or Sun but not enough cases to create a theme.
In the case of Uranus ruling if connected to Venus and Mars can lead to sex with friends, casual yes, maybe kinky, experimental and in some cases homosexual.

Scorpio ascendant can be magnetic and if Pluto is strong.. Casual sex is something that most men do or want to do at some time or another. It is in the genes to proliferate......We cant pigeonhole it with just chart aspects.....
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Notwithstanding the importance of the 8th house in a person's chart, but more specifically, the 4th house does reveal the inclination of unresolved sexual issues of the mother which through the process of osmosis, DNA and planetary design, the sexual nature of the individual is somewhat reconstructed by way of having to work out certain preferred constituents...MODE of Cosmic Therapy[/QUOTE

THe 8th house deals with orgasm specifically or the "little death"" of sex.
5th house is for romance and sex generally....The 4th house if it has a strong Pluto or Mars connection maybe it indicates a mother fixation such as men who like older women.. But by itself it is not an indicator of sex. It is nurturance, family and domestic conditions. our hereditary traits and our later life conditions.