Astrology, autism, and Internet extremism

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The Moon/Mercury/Saturm/Uranus thing, especially when linked to the MC, is also called the signature of the astrologer.....
Yuks. Does that mean I'm not? :cry:

I do have Uranus-M.C linked 'positively' to both Neptune and Pluto. Always attempting to find answers to the unfathomable. :)
I think what was meant that all four aforementioned planetary bodies being linked by close aspects /midpoint.

But there may be other astrology signatures. Astrology has many mansions....

Actually, I recently encountered an article claiming that a lot of the uncertainty around diagnosing an issue such as autism may soon become a lot easier to ascertain - through a poo test.

That's the mind/gut connection, the gut flora of the austistc gut comprising certain recognisable signatures. Long ago, acupuncturists linked metal imbalances with the lungs, connected to thinking and communication, with the gut. Now we just have to examine the hue of the poo to dodgy political persuasions.......
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So the part about the review article that got my astro-attention was that autistic people often favor:

1. Forms of communication that do not involve face-to face conversation OR that are non-audio (like sign language) OR do not involve a lot of commotion from other people; say, in a crowd. Perhaps 1/4 to 1/3 of autistic people are non-verbal. When put into situations where in-person verbal communication is expected, they can experience a lot of anxiety. I used to think "social anxiety" was simply a buzz word for "shyness", but in the case of autism, the social anxiety can be much more acute.

Communication via a computer (tablet, &c) is a preferred form of communication for some autistic people.

2 Autistic people may prefer a lot of predictability and structure, vs. unpredictable change.

3. Autistic people may mimic others' conversations to express themselves. so a venue like a forum with archived conversations gives a sense of how to communicate, even if the meaning or content is poorly understood because they often have limits to broader opportunities for learning.

With right-wing extremist chat sites (and probably extremist left-wing sites, ElenaJ) we find all 3 ingredients put together.

So I thought, OK.

1..computers are modernly ruled by Uranus, communication by Mercury. Perhaps we could add the third house of communication and the 11th house for social contacts; e.g. groups at some level below "humanity."

2. Predictability and structure sound like fixed signs.

3. Mimicry of other's conversations seems like Mercury, again.

Greta Thunburg: Capricorn-Aquarius emphasis, Uranus in Aquarius trine Saturn in Gemini.

When I have more time, I will try to come up with more charts. Your charts will be welcome, also.
I think what was meant that all four aforementioned planetary bodies being linked by close aspects /midpoint.

But there nay be other astrology signatures.

Actually, I recently encountered an article claiming that a lot of the uncertainty around diagnosing an issue such as autism may soon become a lot easier to ascertain - through a poo test.

That's the mind/gut connection, the gut flora of the austistc gut comprising certain recognisable signatures. Long ago, acupuncturists linked metal imbalances with the lungs, connected to thinking and communication, with the gut. Now we just have to examine the hue of the poo to dodgy political persuasions.......
And possibly to the moon (food, digestion, stomach,) and Scorpio/the 8th house (eliminative organs.) Virgo rules the intestines.

The moon is always an interesting connection, due to its past association with mental illness :)lunacy") and some parents of autistic children who feel the kids do better on specific diets.
The aversion to textures, smells, tastes and the desire for an unvaried diet may be lunar, but the organ linked to problems in autism is more often linked to the gut, which looks a lot more like a Virgo thing. Donna Williams, who wrote about her autism, said she was diagnosed with a leaky gut, meaning her body was getting overwhelmed with toxicities coming from her gut, alongside multiple food allergies.

Now here is an aside to the original argument that certain kinds of political extremism online may be linked to autism: the theory, now debunked, that vaccinations cause autism. Some claimed their lived children only showed signs of autism after being vaccinated against things like measles, but then the measles showed up in their guts. However, anti vaxxers also seem to hold other extreme political beliefs. They certainly won't brook challenges to any of their arguments in online groups. I have had my own experience of that. For whatever reason, there are some forms of autism that only show up at around 18 months, when there can be a sudden regression. Are there any milestone transits or half transits that occur for all children round about that time?
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This isn't to suggest that people with autism inevitably turn to right wing political extremism. One example on the liberal end of the scale is climate activist Greta Thunberg, with Asperger's Syndrome. Here chart with a link to her extensive Wikipedia autobiography at:,_Greta
Here is the horoscope for animal scientist Temple Grandin:,_Temple
As a young woman, Grandin had difficulty relating to people but felt a deep empathy for livestock, which led to her designing humane improvements to slaughter facilities
Autism is usually detected through Saturn, Mercury, Moon and Uranus aspects with each other in a horoscope. But the Uranus ones are more important in this case, because when you have more Uranus aspects, especially with Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, or NN, you'll be more likely to be a radical leftist (like me) rather than a right extremist
The Moon/Mercury/Saturn/Uranus thing, especially when linked to the MC, is also called the signature of the astrologer.....
I have these aspects with these planets in a the so-called 4 series, that is hard aspects, with some semi squares and sesquiquadrates.
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So the part about the review article that got my astro-attention was that autistic people often favor:

1. Forms of communication that do not involve face-to face conversation OR that are non-audio (like sign language) OR do not involve a lot of commotion from other people; say, in a crowd. Perhaps 1/4 to 1/3 of autistic people are non-verbal. When put into situations where in-person verbal communication is expected, they can experience a lot of anxiety. I used to think "social anxiety" was simply a buzz word for "shyness", but in the case of autism, the social anxiety can be much more acute.

Communication via a computer (tablet, &c) is a preferred form of communication for some autistic people.

2 Autistic people may prefer a lot of predictability and structure, vs. unpredictable change.

3. Autistic people may mimic others' conversations to express themselves. so a venue like a forum with archived conversations gives a sense of how to communicate, even if the meaning or content is poorly understood because they often have limits to broader opportunities for learning.

With right-wing extremist chat sites (and probably extremist left-wing sites, ElenaJ) we find all 3 ingredients put together.

So I thought, OK.

1..computers are modernly ruled by Uranus, communication by Mercury. Perhaps we could add the third house of communication and the 11th house for social contacts; e.g. groups at some level below "humanity."

2. Predictability and structure sound like fixed signs.

3. Mimicry of other's conversations seems like Mercury, again.

Greta Thunburg: Capricorn-Aquarius emphasis, Uranus in Aquarius trine Saturn in Gemini.

When I have more time, I will try to come up with more charts. Your charts will be welcome, also.
This is very good information that gives us insight into a lot of individuals and their communications we encounter in social media and forums (like this one).
This discussion is self defeating as all parties have or are extremists and yet they think the shine on their shoe was from their own hard work when it is just applied weight and friction of the same group who are complacent because they are no longer favorable.
As a wiser person said...


The nature of a discussion forum is a dialectic and not a debate. A debate has a clearly defined point and people in the debate argue pro and con that point. A debate also has a set time frame and a judge who decides who won the debate and who lost. Discussions on a forum can come from any point of view and people who respond to the discussion can bring up any point that interests them. Forum discussions have no set time frame and are open ended, people can respond to a discussion that stopped years ago and restart a whole new discussion on the topic. There also is no judge who has a final say on who won or lost the discussion: each viewer of the post thread can read it and come to their own opinion.

So a discussion forum is about people discussing a subject from many different points of view, each adding to the discussion the points they find relevant, for others to review and come their own conclusions on, based on what they information the choose to focus on. That is a dialectic: an open-ended discussion with a goal of uncovering as much information as possible to come to as informed a conclusion as possible.

Since discussion forums are dialectics in which a subject is discussed from many points of view in order for the reader of the thread to come to their own conclusions, it’s important that people responding to the forum be allowed to discuss any given topic from whatever point of view they want to. Forbidding certain areas by labeling them as “off limits” defeats the purpose of having a discussion and makes the dialectic impossible. If the dialectic on the discussion forum is not permitted because of random rulings of what is and is not allowable to say, gradually people stop contributing to the discussion forum since the purpose of the forum, an open dialectic, is being undermined. As previously mentioned in a different thread, this will destroy the forum.

So my role as Moderator is to encourage the dialectical discussion by interfering in it as little as possible, and in deferring as much as possible to the free-wheeling style of discussion, even if one side or both sides get heated their discussion. There are a few “out of bounds” areas (e.g., personal attacks and p*rnography) but, for the most part, people can talk about the subject and make whatever points seem to them compelling to support their own point of view. That’s what I’ve attempted to do since I started Moderating the forum a long time ago, and what I will continue to do.

About Dialectics,


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**no memes or over-sized graphics.**

Sensitivity is requested. Let's think about neuro-diversity vs. a disorder.

The astrology board requires posts to have some astrological content. Just to it doesn't morph into a chat session.

Autistic people famous for their achievements include:
animal scientist Temple Grandin, climate actvist Greta Thunberg

Periodically a question comes up about whether autism can be detected in a horoscope. My personal belief is that autism operates across such a wide spectrum that no, probably not. Asperger's syndrome on the high -functioning end of the spectrum includes many extremely bright and successful people. Other people with autism will need care their entire lives. However, these articles are by astrologers who have seriously examined the question:
One book review that recently brought this issue to my attention is a July 12 WaPo review of Elle Reeve, Black Pill: How I witnessed the Darkest Corners of the Internet Come to Life, Poison Society, and Capture American Politics. The "black pill" is an illusion to the "red pill" in the film, The Matrix. Someone who swallows the red pill sees political reality-as-given as deceptive, and designed to fool ordinary people into docility. By extension, the "black pill" convinces people who take it that the world is master-minded by corrupt elites, and that social collapse is immanent. Conspiratorial social media content and its forums tend to become more extreme and "darker" over time, and increasingly crosses the boundaries from fringe to mainstream media.

What hit me between the eyes was an expert telling Reeves that, "autistic people can be especially vulnerable to extremist on-line communities" for three reasons:

1. An on-line community, whether mellow or extremist, allows autistic people to socialize without the social anxiety of actual human contact.

2. The extremist worldview tends to be rigid and predictable, which makes it easier for an autistic person to follow a model of how the world works (independently of its correctness of fallacies.)

3. Autistic people on extremist forums can peruse their archives, so people with difficulty in articulating their own ideas "can go back in time and read [archived posts] to understand how users talked to each other and then mimic those interactions."

I would add a 4th one here: that extremist political positions show a lack of feeling for human misery, such as for refugees, war victims, or the poor. Some people with autism feel overwhelmed by other people's emotions or have difficulty feeling empathy.

It occurred to me that the qualities described above (social anxiety, preference for predictability, mimicry of others' expressions vs. spontaneously creating one's own,) should have astrological signatures.

This isn't to say that extremist media set out to recruit or exploit autistic people, but that they are a susceptible population for reasons that have to do with the nature of autism.

If you are a person with autism or a familiar with this condition I hope you will reply to this OP.
Another chart well worth considering would surely have to be that of Elon Musk, who has claimed to be in the spectrum. And he might well have swallowed a black pill somewhere, when he isn't talking about founding dome cities on Mars. I think his chart will be easy enough to track down.....
Thank you Waybread. The almost exact Mercury/Ascendant square Uranus has been noted. He has a natal Moon/Saturn, but it seems wide to me, it doesn't make any midpoints. Jupiter conjunct Neptune natally is said to be a pipe dreamer chasing fool's gold and opposing Saturn, this might normally have painted the picture of a Mikawber figure, gambler, or worse, but in fact he seems to be at good actualising things, possibly by dint of sheer hard work.

That Mercury position could otherwise Indictate someone who likes the sound of his own voice, arguably not so far from the truth! He's been opining enough about the current UK riots! I would be curious to know how busy his Mercury/Uranus and Uranus/Pluto midpoints are.
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