Astrology of the Moscow Murders

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R. E. Bills The Rulership Book
Colleges, Universities: 9th House, Jupiter, Sagittarius (sometimes 5th house, Leo)
Fraternities: 11th house, Venus
Sororities: Venus, 11th house
Not all books, state the same things.

But, thank you!

I have always considered the 9th for universities, but, I have been looking at Vedic sites they have some different associations.
You’re making a point that I am going to give you though.

Vedic, is sidereal, and I am mixing sidereal and Western.

Probably a reason why I shouldn’t mix them.😊

But you make the point of sometimes 5th, and Leo, for universities.

At 1:00am, Uranus is in the 9th and Pluto in the 5th. And Leo is on the 12th’s cusp.
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The DoorDash driver might've been off 5 minutes more or less in his estimate of time of delivery, but I doubt 17 minutes. Note the times quoted are from the affidavit, the legal document. If the food was delivered about 0400 instead of 0417 the whole time argument falls apart.
Yes, and the white car appeared first at 3:29, correct ?
Yes, and the white car appeared first at 3:29, correct ?
According to Fox News and other sources, from the affidavit:
White Elantra on video en route from Pullman WA toward Moscow ID11/13/220253
White Elantra on video in victims neighborhood11/13/220329
Doordash delivery11/13/220400
Elantra in neighborhood 4th time on video, parks across street from crime scene11/13/220404
According to Fox News and other sources, from the affidavit:
White Elantra on video en route from Pullman WA toward Moscow ID11/13/220253
White Elantra on video in victims neighborhood11/13/220329
Doordash delivery11/13/220400
Elantra in neighborhood 4th time on video, parks across street from crime scene11/13/220404
So in theory IF Bryan is the murderer, we could time the beginning of the massacres at 3:30?
So in theory IF Bryan is the murderer, we could time the beginning of the massacres at 3:30?
Whether or not the Elantra was the vehicle of the perpetrator, it was only parked at the scene from 0404 to 0420.
Between 0329 and 0404 it was driving around the neighborhood, passing the scene four times.
I’m still preferring the 2:00am on the 13th for the murders.
And more than one person doing it.
If 02:00am
then Bethany Funke whereabouts require clarification

Bethany Funke was at Sigma Chi Fraternity party
until at least 01:45am :)

killings occurring fifteen or less minutes later

If 02:00am
then Bethany Funke whereabouts require clarification

Bethany Funke was at Sigma Chi Fraternity party
until at least 01:45am :)

killings occurring fifteen or less minutes later

If, this has to do with the fight, we do not know anything.

We have been lead to believe that Maddie and Kaylee were the main targets.

How do we know, that Bethany was anywhere? She may have information about it before it happened. She may not have been there, she may have.

If we can’t believe the witnesses, and I can’t, 2 people in different parts of the house didn’t call 911, and called lookie lou’s Instead.

I don’t trust anything that has been reported.

She may have been there or not. Being at the party she knew the talk afterwards. Maybe she was involved?
If, this has to do with the fight, we do not know anything.

We have been lead to believe that Maddie and Kaylee were the main targets.

How do we know, that Bethany was anywhere? She may have information about it before it happened. She may not have been there, she may have.

If we can’t believe the witnesses, and I can’t, 2 people in different parts of the house didn’t call 911, and called lookie lou’s Instead.

I don’t trust anything that has been reported.

She may have been there or not. Being at the party she knew the talk afterwards. Maybe she was involved?
Mind boggling.
No credible proof re: identity of driver of white car
Poster needs to read up about circumstantial evidence and preponderance of facts.
But I am not asserting who the driver is, except he is very likely the perpetrator based on the majority of the evidence.
Anyone paying attention will see I have been very careful about using the terms suspect, accused and perpetrator. The terms are not interchangeable as many here seem to think they are.
Poster needs to read up about circumstantial evidence and preponderance of facts.
But I am not asserting who the driver is, except he is very likely the perpetrator based on the majority of the evidence.
Anyone paying attention will see I have been very careful about using the terms suspect, accused and perpetrator. The terms are not interchangeable as many here seem to think they are.
Actually, those here that don't believe that BK is definitively the murderer, have regularly used those terms. We have used perpetrator as the guilty. Others, throughout the thread have stated exactly whom they believe is guilty, and made it difficult for others to observe other options.

Technically, it is supposed to be presumed innocent until found guilty.

That has not been the case here at all. Even with all the irregularities.

And there are so very many of them.
Another little thing. When the friends came over, and observed the extremely bloody scene, not one of THEM, called 911 either.

They had to be doing something.

But, it wasn’t as we know, to call the authorities.

That is not normal, is it?

For “criminal negligence” charges, the criteria is to compare it to what a normal person would do in like circumstances.

Do you think all of them were acting like “normal” people would do in like similar circumstances?

Or anyone was?

The elements of a negligence claim include duty, breach, causation, and damages. Negligence occurs when one person fails to exercise the care we expect of an ordinary or reasonable person in that situation. This includes protecting others from reasonable and foreseeable harm.
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From 10:00pm on November 12, notice that first Neptune followed by Jupiter then Chiron are in the 8th house. The house of other peoples money.

Chiron Aries is tightly square Moon Cancer in the 11th of friends.

The wounded healer square the Moon. Also aspecting the Nodes(groups of people).
Which at 11:30pm, were in the 3rd and the 9th. Education and communication and short and long distance travel houses.
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At the bottom of page 87 are charts for November 12th from 9:30pm to 11:59pm in half hour increments.

For the fight between the David's and Ethan I like the Aries MC. Which is in the 9:30 and the 10:00 charts.

At about 9:20pm Chiron would be conjunct the MC. I would choose Chiron conjunct the MC in the 9th for the time of the fight. Mars Gemini would be in the 11th of friends.

Also it is curious to note that that day is predominated by feminine signs, and the Moon is in Cancer. Maybe, the fight concerns a woman or women, or maybe the monies owed are to a woman.

Neptune would be in the 8th at 10:00 though. Other people's money.

What time would you pick and why?
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So, who ordered the pizza that arrived at 1:00am on the 13th.

Then Xana's phone placed a phone order for food delivered at 4:17am.

Did Xana and Ethan place both orders?

Also, what food was ordered for the 4:17am delivery?
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