Astrology of the Moscow Murders

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food delivered at 4:17am.
Those times do not agree with the affidavit.
That has the food delivered at 0400 and at 0417, a neighboring camera records a thud, whimpering, and a dog barking. Also at that time, D sees the intruder in the mask.
Those times do not agree with the affidavit.
That has the food delivered at 0400 and at 0417, a neighboring camera records a thud, whimpering, and a dog barking. Also at that time, D sees the intruder in the mask.
Yes, food delivered at 4:00am, although while searching it again, the mainstream news reports have that she ordered at 4:00am and that it was delivered at 4:00am. They are all from the mainstream news, not what you call yellow. Xana’s phone unused at 4:12am she had been on tiktok.

What time do you think the fight between the David’s and Ethan happened?
The sensationalist and muck-raking tabloids 100+ years ago used to be printed on yellow-ish paper, probably because it was cheaper. Hence "yellow journalism."
You want me to speculate about the time of an event that there is no solid evidence or consensus for even happening? Based on some Internet hearsay? What does that have to do with any of the facts, or the astrology, of the case? Why do I care?
If anyone thinks that stuff is relevant, fine.
The sensationalist and muck-raking tabloids 100+ years ago used to be printed on yellow-ish paper, probably because it was cheaper. Hence "yellow journalism."
You want me to speculate about the time of an event that there is no solid evidence or consensus for even happening? Based on some Internet hearsay? What does that have to do with any of the facts, or the astrology, of the case? Why do I care?
If anyone thinks that stuff is relevant, fine.
Only you can answer those questions.

I presume it is how you think.

It is known that there was a fight between the David’s and Ethan. It’s not yellow.

I don’t think you do care, about what others think or believe about the inconsistencies in this case.

You believe that so many people were unable or too traumatized to call 911.

My mind can only question why none of the people in the home, or that were called to, or entered the blood drenched home, wreaking of the stench of death, could have the mass hysteria of being incapable of calling 911 or at all, until 11:58am.

It makes perfect sense to you I guess.

Not to me.
Wikipedia (The Ultimate Source of Internet Truth) says, quote:

"Journalism historian Frank Luther Mott used five characteristics to identify yellow journalism:[4]
  1. scare headlines in huge print, often sensationalizing minor news
  2. lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings
  3. use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudoscience, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts
  4. emphasis on full-color Sunday supplements, usually with superficial articles and comics
  5. dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system.
Another common feature was emphasizing sensationalized crime reporting to boost sales and excite public opinion.[5]"

Sound familiar?
Too bad we don't get the comics here. Sounds like the only good part.
Only you can answer those questions.

I presume it is how you think.

It is known that there was a fight between the David’s and Ethan. It’s not yellow.

I don’t think you do care, about what others think or believe about the inconsistencies in this case.

You believe that so many people were unable or too traumatized to call 911.

My mind can only question why none of the people in the home, or that were called to, or entered the blood drenched home, wreaking of the stench of death, could have the mass hysteria of being incapable of calling 911 or at all, until 11:58am.

It makes perfect sense to you I guess.

Not to me.
Kindly do me the courtesy of not presuming to tell me what I think or believe. Fair enough?
Wikipedia (The Ultimate Source of Internet Truth) says, quote:

"Journalism historian Frank Luther Mott used five characteristics to identify yellow journalism:[4]
  1. scare headlines in huge print, often sensationalizing minor news
  2. lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings
  3. use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudoscience, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts
  4. emphasis on full-color Sunday supplements, usually with superficial articles and comics
  5. dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system.
Another common feature was emphasizing sensationalized crime reporting to boost sales and excite public opinion.[5]"

Sound familiar?
Too bad we don't get the comics here. Sounds like the only good part.
Sounds like mainstream. The information I wrote about was from mainstream news sources. A lot of them actually do have a comics section.

All of your examples are also used in mainstream news reporting.

I guess the difference is if a person chooses to believe what they read and from where.

Some won’t even look at another opinion than what they want to believe, and others get angered or annoyed at an alternative to their own personal beliefs.

Still others, will read all the information available to decide for themselves.

And others will wait for a verdict before they decide what they think.
Has anyone looked at Kaylee’s parents chart for November 12/13? I just watched an interview with the parents and they did not go to Moscow when a niece or cousin called and said something happened to Kaylee. Apparently Maddie’s mother went straight there. I find that very odd that they didn’t immediately go to the house.
Those times do not agree with the affidavit.
That has the food delivered at 0400 and at 0417, a neighboring camera records a thud, whimpering, and a dog barking. Also at that time, D sees the intruder in the mask.
Is there a reason you believe what they stated in the affidavit?
Maybe you could put some astrology in there, this isn’t in the chat section.
Have you looked at Kaylees charted for the time frame she moved out of the Moscow residence? Im curious if the was conflict with roommates or if there was internal conflict relating to the heavy drug and also use in the home.
The 3:30am chart.

This chart is the first post of this thread.

Moon Cancer is conjunct the MC. By 3:35, the moon will be in the 9th Uranus and Nodes are still in the 8th. Other people’s money. Explosive events Uranus. Groups of people Nodes.

Chiron is conjunct the DC. Aries.

And Mars is in the 9th, Gemini.

POF and Saturn are conjunct in the 4th.
Pluto is still there.

The 2nd house of personal monies is busy. Lots of aspects.

A lot of entities are personalized. Moon and Chiron.

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Pluto is strife Mann style.

Pluto/strife entered the 4th about 2am.

They are eating pizza, watching Tiktok.

There is a lot of negative energy, before the preferred time of the murders. Most of it is feminine energy.
Neptune is trine Lilith Cancer. More feminine energy. In water.

With all the feminine energies in those hours before and after, maybe because we think in the terms of men being more capable of this type of crime, we are missing out on something.

Maybe women are more involved than we are thinking. Maybe it was, women.

Dual signs, feminine signs, in a feminine grand water trine.
Neptune is trine Lilith Cancer. More feminine energy. In water.
With all the feminine energies in those hours before and after, maybe because we think in the terms of men being more capable of this type of crime, we are missing out on something.
an interesting observation
Maybe women are more involved than we are thinking. Maybe it was, women. Dual signs,
Dual signs :)
so more than one perpetrator possibility

feminine signs, in a feminine grand water trine.
Is there a reason you believe what they stated in the affidavit?
What is in the affidavit needs to be able to stand up in court; if anything the police uses can be proven to be incorrect, the whole case could be compromised. The police have to feel reasonably confident what they are putting out will pass any future scrutiny. Also, a judge needs to review the information submitted and rule it is sufficiently credible to issue an arrest warrant. Misstatements have definite consequences, legally and possibly professionally.
Compare that, first of all to mainstream media, which although it has some liability for what it reports, is after all looking to attract viewers, and second to the Wild West of Internet YouTubers, influencers, rabble-rousers and propagandists, who by and large have little concern for anything other than the number of clicks they get, and certainly have to have no professional or ethical qualifications whatsoever.
I have to believe the legal professionals have to be functioning at a higher ethical and professional level than other possible sources of information.
Is there some reason to disbelieve them, and give other media or Internet sources more credibility?
Just BTW as I've posted in this thread previously, also I think the time frame indicated in the affidavit makes sense astrologically.
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What is in the affidavit needs to be able to stand up in court; if anything the DA uses can be proven to be incorrect, the whole case could be compromised. The DA has to feel reasonably confident what he is putting out will pass any future scrutiny. Also, a judge needs to review the information submitted and rule it is sufficiently credible to issue an arrest warrant. Misstatements have definite consequences, legally and possibly professionally.
Compare that, first of all to mainstream media, which although it has some liability for what it reports, is after all looking to attract viewers, and second to the Wild West of Internet YouTubers, influencers, rabble-rousers and propagandists, who by and large have little concern for anything other than the number of clicks they get, and certainly have to have no professional or ethical qualifications whatsoever.
I have to believe the legal professionals have to be functioning at a higher ethical and professional level that other possible sources of information.
Is there some reason to disbelieve them, and give other media or Internet sources more credibility?
Just BTW as I've posted in this thread previously, also I think the time frame indicated in the affidavit makes sense astrologically.
So show the astrology.

Everything else is kind of subjective to your beliefs.


You’ve posted in this thread before?

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So far I've put up at least 44 posts with astrological content.
I was the first to post birth data for the victims (#483), the first to post a time of the crime of 0412 with Pluto on the IC (#565) when the media was saying the murders happened between 0300-0400, the first to attempt a rectification of BK's chart (#613), and post BK's progressions (#629), posted a 0412 transit chart (#1402), first to post a chart and progressions for the only timed victim's chart, "H" (#'s 1470, 1486, 1500), posted a chart for victim "V" with progressions and explanations of methodology (#1540), expressed the opinion V was the target before that information was made public (#1545), and the first, as far as I know, to post the chart of the eclipse just days before the murders (#1583) which is highly significant and seems anyone interested in mundane astrology would have done right away.
So yes, I've posted a couple.