Astrology of the Moscow Murders

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Sorry Meadow, I missed these somehow. I believe we did, but without an accurate time.
(Edit: I just searched for it, and I don’t think we did. We had Ethan’s birth information and it is somewhere back there. He is one of triplet’s.)'
University of Idaho student Ethan Chapin a triplet
was born right before his sister Maizie & brother Hunter

Ethan also had a friend named HUNTER JOHNSON
& all were attending the University of Idaho
Ethan Chapin was in the Sigma Chi fraternity
& was majoring in recreation, sport and tourism management
Chapin was " of the most incredible people you'll ever know.."
The 20-year-old "..lived his best life.." at college,

his obituary:saturn: said.

"..He loved the social:venus: life, intramurals

and tolerated the academics.." :)
"..He laughed continuously. He smiled when he woke up
and was still smiling when he went to bed.."

his obituary :saturn:said.
"..He was kind :jupiter:to all and a friend to all.."
Chapin didn't live in the house but was sleeping over
with his girlfriend, 20-year-old Xana Kernodle
who was also among the victims

The 911 caller's identity has not been released

but police :mars:said "..multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher.."

ETHAN CHAPIN - Natal - reliable Time Of Birth :)
transits when killed


Yes, we should look at everyone in the household’s natal chart. ☺️

checking eclipses :)
- 25 October 2022 SOLAR ECLIPSE
on Ethan Chapins natal SCORPIO SUN

Dylan Mortensen is a:mercury: Tik Tok :venus:star
with many thousands of fans :)
her net worth even before murders:mars: $100K - $150K
The house was known for drug use and known for drug sales.

BOTH of Kaylees parents have been to prison for drugs
or drug related crime
Drugs were a constant
or normalized for these kids,

CARA - XANA's Mom has a history of drug charges
& was on the run for two drug charge warrants
- & wanted in 2 counties

- If one or more people in the king road house were involved

in drugs could have been Cara who they got the drugs from
- have to question the motives of someone who is addicted
and also on the run.
drug trafficking could be the reason for all the partying at 1122
- people showing up there unknown to the occupants/landlord :)
because it was basically " house.." for anyone
who had heard of it's reputation.
- because of police being called often to lower the noise problem

data obtained from drug charges Warrant :)
no TOB

TRANSITS 13 NOVEMBER 2022 at timed Door Dash delivery


Cara, Xana's mother was arrested
just six days after the murders :mars:
driving with drugs on her
- may have not been driving properly so
got pulled over & drugs were found on her.
Cara is so addicted
she was still carrying drugs to sell

& because there was quite a quantity
- her focus was on getting money & getting drugs
- even though her daughter Xana had just been murdered

And because of this, it is appropriate for investigators
to seek possible links between her, the drug trade,
& the murders.:mars:

the alleged main targets - Maddie and Xana
- have the most difficult family histories.

Maddie’s parents were divorced.
Her obituary implies she wasn’t as close to her stepmother.

Maddie's stepmother was arrested on drug charges
about a week before the murders
. :mars:
- Maddie’s dad may have a drug problem also

- that heroin is a factor on both sides of this case

is disconcerting - In the addict's life, the drug comes first
& this is especially true with heroin.
It's an issue in this case, unfortunately.
past documents on all of Cara's charges
show Xana's mother was arrested, for physically abusing a minor
- Xana hadn’t had anything to do with her mother
since she was 12 years old
the mother has no capacity to be a mother in any way
all these years

In Cara’s interview she mentioned her other OLDER daughter Jasmine attends WSU.

Not sure if there was open conflict between the members living in the household.
That would be interesting to know though.

And, welcome to thread!!! And to astrology weekly!!!

Good name!!!
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Do feminine planets necessarily correspond to a female person?

In astrology, planets are often associated with gender archetypes. The Sun and Mars are considered masculine, representing willpower and assertiveness, while the Moon and Venus are considered feminine, symbolizing emotions and nurturing instincts. Mercury is dual-gendered, embodying both intellect and communication

If you have a masculine Sun sign, you probably have more of a tendency to take charge or take action when you want to accomplish things. However, if you have a feminine Sun sign, you’re more likely to let things come to you and find yourself intuitively gravitating to the right things at the right time.

In astrology, planets are often associated with gender archetypes. The Sun and Mars are considered masculine, representing willpower and assertiveness, while the Moon and Venus are considered feminine, symbolizing emotions and nurturing instincts. Mercury is dual-gendered, embodying both intellect and communication

If you have a masculine Sun sign, you probably have more of a tendency to take charge or take action when you want to accomplish things. However, if you have a feminine Sun sign, you’re more likely to let things come to you and find yourself intuitively gravitating to the right things at the right time.
Thanks Leomoon!

So the rules on this are the same for natal, horary and mundane? are Sun,its Dark Mother feminine archetype).

“The male planets are Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; Mercury and Uranus are neuter; Moon, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto are female (though Pluto is related to Mars despite its Dark Mother feminine archetype).”

This is a different article, related to music and the masculine and feminine planets.

This is his music, on the planets.

Clearly having feminine planets in the chart
does not therefore mean the perpetrator is a male :)

The Feminine Moon, Venus, Neptune and Pluto are all in feminine signs.

Gender Neutral Mercury and Uranus, are both in feminine signs.

The masculine signs Sun and Jupiter are in feminine signs and Saturn and Mars are the only planets in masculine signs.

While acknowledging that this does not ensure a female perpetrator, it also does not ensure a male perpetrator either.

Women are seven times as likely as men to choose poison as their murder weapon. As I said before, there are nine male killers for every one woman killer. So, in raw numbers, more men kill with poison than women do. But among men murderers, poison is used in just over one-third of one percent of killings.

As men do account for most murders by far, it is interesting to separate and notice that our choices for preferred weaponry is different.

Yes, women prefer guns, poison, and knives.

Yet, men use them more because they quite simply kill much more.
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Opal, the references to feminine or masculine planets, or signs, in astrology does not refer to gender, it refers to the type of energy they emit.
It isn't a person, we can't derive that a majority of feminine signs indicates a female person.
Opal, the references to feminine or masculine planets, or signs, in astrology does not refer to gender, it refers to the type of energy they emit.
IF that's the case
then explain Astrological Pregnancy/Baby Gender Prediction :)
Baby Gender Predictor:
- If the Moon resides in male Zodiac Sign during conception

there is a higher probability for birth of a boy.
- If the Moon resides in female Zodiac Sign during conception
there is a higher probability for birth of a girl

It isn't a person, we can't derive that a majority of feminine signs indicates a female person.
The Feminine Moon, Venus, Neptune and Pluto are all in feminine signs.
Gender Neutral Mercury and Uranus, are both in feminine signs.
The masculine signs Sun and Jupiter are in feminine signs
and Saturn and Mars are the only planets in masculine signs.
While acknowledging that this does not ensure a female perpetrator, it also does not ensure a male perpetrator either.

Okay, this time I am looking at both charts. The time I prefer and the time given by the authorities.

The 7th house and the 12th.
They are the houses of perpetrators.
7th the perpetrator's and 12th hidden perpetrator’s.

The cusp of the 2:00am chart at this time has Pisces on the cusp of the 7th with Jupiter in the 7th conjunct the cusp. Uranus and North Node in the 8th other people’s money. It also has Virgo on the cusp of the 12th. Chiron is in the 7th. Venus and Mercury in the 3rd of a communication. Mercury’s home. DC in a dial sign Pisces. Singular Virgo on ascending. Mars conjunct MC.

The cusp of the 4:15am chart at this time has Aries on the cusp of the 7th with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus in the 7th. It has Virgo on the cusp of the 12th. Chiron is in the 6th.
Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 2nd of personal money. DC in singular sign Aries. Libra dual sign AC. Mars and Moon in the 9th.

Neither chart at these times has any planets in the 12th. Both have Virgo on the cusp of the 12th house.

Does anyone know what time “friends” were called to the house, or what time they arrived?

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