Auspicious date for an arts & healing business?

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Jan 25, 2010
Hello everyone!

I am happy to be learning astrology. However, I am wondering if this is the chart to be launched for business.

Feb 9, 2:15PM
Brooklyn NY

About the business:
We are a powerhouse of 3 humans & 2 cats. The humans, 2 are artists and 1 a journalist. We specialize in Photography & Design, and in healing arts such as reiki. We also have a space that we hold for events such as art openings and workshops on Feng Shui, Astrology, Psychic Protection, etc. The underlying goal is to serve, share, and teach.


So, we would like to open this as soon as possible. I picked Feb 9th 2011 because the moon is in Taurus - excellent for business/fruitation. The moon is the heart of business and also the publicity of it.

The ruler of the chart is cancer; the moon is in Taurus, so score!
What's amazing is that the ascendant is conjunct Sirius. I like Sirius since I am a Starseed, but that will be another topic. anyway. Sirius is a great fixed star,
"Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signalled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar. More on Sirius."

The moon is the 11th house. Team work, friendliness, groups gathering, social change, yes. However, it is also the radix 2nd house of the 10th house - meaning the income of the business. This surely will be a good sign?

The moon is also applying aspects to Pluto conjunct Venus. Surely, this is more power/empowerment/occult issue with pluto and art with venus. It seems right. Just another thing: the moon also forms a quintile with the Sun. That is a great sign!

The MC is ruled by Pisces (how appropriate: art & healing), and its ruler and co-ruler are Jupiter and Uranus, in the 10th house itself. Neptune is also its modern ruler, in the 9th house conjunct Chiron. Good for learning how to heal, from the workshops.

The conjunction of the sun and Mars, and Mercury in Aquarius in the 8th house is interesting. Ideally I'd like them near the MC but as I tried, the moon would be in the 12th (not so favorable). But anyway, the 8th house yes gets a lot of bad press for death but it's also for exchanging energy and gaining power. AND OCCULT. Also, the customers is ruled by the 7th, and the 8th is the customer's money, so we'll be seeing a lot of those... right?
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Forgive me, but the Dragon's Tail is still in Cancer (will be until March 3rd) and-although I might be called fanatic for the importance I give to the SN-I would consider this fly-in-the-ointment Node rising, to be one of the worst moments in choosing to do anything beneficial! Won't Sirius modify it, acting through the ascending degree? It could, but (for me at least) I wouln't want to bet the future of my plans on it doisng so...Everything else seems good with the electional chart/time except this (I believe) VERY important SN factor; an hour and a half or so later would get rid of it...

Best wishes in your new undertaking-sounds like a great plan!
Thank you very much :)

I think that is a GOOOOOOOOD indication!

From the natal perspective, the sn is something you are "comfortable" with in the past, and the nn is an "uncomfort zone" that makes you grow.

In electional, I have a feeling it will be... backtracking?
I did a little more investigation at the SN. It is considered a malfic. However, it is in the 12th house, not conjunct the Ascendant at all. Would this weakens it?

Does the SN in the same sign as the asc but made weaker by a cadent house still have the same affect? (I assume you say yes, but I wonder why).

Also, an hour or so later, this is my chart, rising in Leo...


The sun is in its fall in Aquarius...
I know it is not horary, and the sun is just a unique expression
I shouldn't worry, right? Just as an Aquarian wouldn't give a **** about having a sun in Aquarius.

This would change the chart in so many ways:

the asc is no longer Cancer - the nurturing business. It is a Leo asc - shining, bright, demands attention.
It is in the 7th house........ partnership, business affairs, customers...

The income now would be ruled by Mercury: Virgo on the 2nd house cusp and Gemini on the 11th house cusp (the 2nd house radix from the 10th, the income of the business).

Annoyingly, Mercury just separated from Jupiter, and now applying a square to the moon. This is just bananas.
The Tail being in a cadent house would mitigate its effects. However we now get into a house system format discussion: for me, since I use whole sign format exclsuively the Tail is in the anular first house and so at "full" influence. So that part of it depends upon what one accepts regarding the house system used (in your first reference chart the Tail is in the cadent 12th house)
I'll add here that IF you are convinced of the accuracy of the house method you used to erect the first chart, then yes, the first electional chart is quite good.
I myself, however, am convinced of the accuracy of whole sign (over all other house formats) but I shall not try to convince anyone about this...( a 1 PM time-in whole sign format looks interesting)

Regardless of the ascendant question, your original chart (as well as the Leo ascendant and also the 1 PM chart) have the Moon placed in very benefic Manzil (moving Arabic Mansion) and Vedic nakshastra: both indicate benefit for beginning business ventures, and this indication (the Lunar placement) might well be more important than the ascendant/SN question.

Your new business sounds quite interesting and I wish you very much success with it!
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Hello Dr. Farr!

Time has passed and we've launched it on the 9th with a Leo ascendant. The sabian symbol?

"Into Every Receptive A Ear, Seeking to Manifest"

“The human soul awaiting opportunity for expression” Original Sabian symbol M. E. Jones, 1925.
"In the form of a cherub, whispering soft coaxing in words into every receptive ear, a human soul seeks expression". M.E. Jones Mimeograph version, approx. 1933.

“A human soul seeking opportunities for outward expression” Dane Rudhyar. 1973

“Cherub-like, a human soul whispers into every receptive ear, seeking to manifest” Lynda Hill.

Yup, that's what we went for. !

Regardless - I think we will be very popular indeed.

Thank you very much for all of your help. I'm not so familiar with Vedic, but I am very happy to hear about the moon placement!

We at Temple of GAD kindly thank you,

The chart with the Leo ascendant, plus the Moon placements, and elimination of the SN from the ascendant, looks very auspicious. Best wishes for the Temple of GAD-you will do well, and will help many people!