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Oct 24, 2015
Hello, I have the chance to participate in a Ayahuasca ceremony in a couple of weeks.
I would like to know if , according to the chart, it would be healing and beneficial for me to do it this time. Thank you!
You Saturn are in your 12th whole sign of house of disappointments, in an azimene degree also. The lot of rectitude is at 10° Taurus conjunct Uranus but is also in an azimene degree, and the moons in a pitted degree. Then you/Saturn retrograde away from the LOR and the lot ruler flows away too.

I'm not seeing this being helpful or beneficial for you at all.

When you say ...."I would like to know if , according to the chart, it would be healing and beneficial for me to do it this time" does this mean you've had this done before and it didn't give you the wanted effects?
You Saturn are in your 12th whole sign of house of disappointments, in an azimene degree also. The lot of rectitude is at 10° Taurus conjunct Uranus but is also in an azimene degree, and the moons in a pitted degree. Then you/Saturn retrograde away from the LOR and the lot ruler flows away too.

I'm not seeing this being helpful or beneficial for you at all.

When you say ...."I would like to know if , according to the chart, it would be healing and beneficial for me to do it this time" does this mean you've had this done before and it didn't give you the wanted effects?

Thank you for your reply! I tried it like 6 years ago and nothing happened. I will wait to see if it is more appropriate in another moment. Thank you:)
why do you want to do this?your purpose is healing, so you see this as a treatment (psychological/mind issues)? do you just want to experience an Ayahuasca journey? are you interested in having a "magical experience"? you have to tell us the reasons so we can understand better.
Nevertheless Ayahuasca as an experience-ceremony will be very strong and even as treatment (a strong dignified mars).Keep in mind that Ayahuasca is not meant to be pleasant and most of the times there are adverse effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea, which considered a normal part of the cleansing experience.(Typical effects include visual hallucinations, euphoria, paranoia, and vomiting. People react to Ayahuasca differently. Some experience euphoria and a feeling of enlightenment, while others go through severe anxiety and panic. It’s not uncommon for those taking Ayahuasca to experience both positive and negative effects from the brew).
You on the other hand as saturn you're in mars exaltation (so either as a ceremony or treatment will have great impact on you), in your joy, in your domicile and term, still retrograde accidentally (perhaps cause you want to repeat this experience once more, as you did i the past).Moon has dignity by face and applying loosely to antares (definitely a turning point, singifying an end or a new start)Usually people try Ayahuasca as to open their minds, heal from past traumas,since the effects of Ayahuasca on the neurological system are strong (Recent research has shown that Ayahuasca may benefit brain health, in a number of ways.) Considering that your major problem according to this chart is saturn in cap ((if you are asking for healing purposes, related to mind problems/we have an excess of melancholy) definitely the therapeutic effect of the session will be strong.***do you know enough details about the shaman guiding you through this process?i am asking cause i cannot oversee the fact that he's peregrine and cadent (weak)in jupiter's exaltation (jupiter placed in 12th next to pluto treated as a fixed star, in this context related to spirits)..you didnt sask about the shaman..and as such is not related so much ..just saying
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why do you want to do this?your purpose is healing, so you see this as a treatment (psychological/mind issues)? do you just want to experience an Ayahuasca journey? are you interested in having a "magical experience"? you have to tell us the reasons so we can understand better.
Nevertheless Ayahuasca as an experience-ceremony will be very strong and even as treatment (a strong dignified mars).Keep in mind that Ayahuasca is not meant to be pleasant and most of the times there are adverse effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea, which considered a normal part of the cleansing experience.(Typical effects include visual hallucinations, euphoria, paranoia, and vomiting. People react to Ayahuasca differently. Some experience euphoria and a feeling of enlightenment, while others go through severe anxiety and panic. It’s not uncommon for those taking Ayahuasca to experience both positive and negative effects from the brew).
You on the other hand as saturn you're in mars exaltation (so either as a ceremony or treatment will have great impact on you), in your joy, in your domicile and term, still retrograde accidentally (perhaps cause you want to repeat this experience once more, as you did i the past).Moon has dignity by face and applying loosely to antares (definitely a turning point, singifying an end or a new start)Usually people try Ayahuasca as to open their minds, heal from past traumas,since the effects of Ayahuasca on the neurological system are strong (Recent research has shown that Ayahuasca may benefit brain health, in a number of ways.) Considering that your major problem according to this chart is saturn in cap ((if you are asking for healing purposes, related to mind problems/we have an excess of melancholy) definitely the therapeutic effect of the session will be strong.***do you know enough details about the shaman guiding you through this process?i am asking cause i cannot oversee the fact that he's peregrine and cadent (weak)in jupiter's exaltation (jupiter placed in 12th next to pluto treated as a fixed star, in this context related to spirits)..you didnt sask about the shaman..and as such is not related so much ..just saying

Hello Aria and thank you once again for your thorough and detailed answers!
Ayahuasca has been in my sight for years. I tried it six years ago, I was too young. Didn't know much about myself and tried just because.
Now this time has to do with personal healing but also with a will of a "transpersonal" experience and opening. So in a way to experience beyond myself, my story my my etc...
I don't know much about the shaman and I dont know him personally. It would be in the forest nearby but this is Spain not Amazonas. He's been recommended to me by several people.

Thank you!
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So finally I didn't take ayahuasca that time. Now I know more about the shaman because some friends went to a ceremony he was guiding.
I may participate in an Ayahuasca session in December this year. Will it be good for me?
I’ll take the 9th house because you want a religious experience.

Ruler is Mars which represents the experience. Moon will sextile it but Mars ain’t having any of it.

Mercury is in that house, which rules the 8th the house of fear and anxiety. That will color the affairs of your experience.

Receptions don’t look too good either. You, Saturn, are square the 9th house ruler, Mars. Saturn also despises the sign of Aries.
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