Beginning to Study Astrology

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
Philadelphia, PA, USA
With the myriad of choices the Internet presents to those who wish to begin studying astrology, things can get confusing. People who have barely even looked at a chart are suddenly zooming off to investigate hypothetical planets, thousands of asteroids, and arcane techniques.

How do we keep those interested in astrology from developing AADD (Astrology Attention Deficit Disorder)?

Simple - encourage new students to stick to the basics until they have a complete grasp of astrology’s core. Unless the student has a firm grasp of basic concepts, there is nothing to build upon.

Astrology, if it is nothing else, is a language. And what is a language? It is expression of the mind. Taking this into consideration, how does an infant (or anyone else really) learn a language? Do they immediately start constructing complex sentences out of thin air? No – they learn a few key words an build upon them. Verbs like “eat,’ “go” and “make.” Nouns like “mama,” daddy,” and “tree.” Simple thoughts can then be expressed, like “Mama go tree” – then those can be modified and strung together into more complex expressions.

This is how I teach my astrology students. Lean the basics first, because when it starts to get more complex, you have the basic tools to make sense of things.

When I get a new beginning student or class of students, I always ask them for their definitions of astrology. Usually, the answer is “Oh, it’s the signs and stuff.” Or, “Well, I’m a Cancer so it’s very emotional thing for me.”

I then tell them that I use two definitions of astrology. One is four words: “As above, so below.” The other is slightly more words, but basically the same meaning: “The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in correlation with the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.”

Then, I point out to them that there is no mention of “signs” in either of the definitions. I tell them, “It’s going to be quite a while before we talk about the nature of the signs – they are just modifiers of the most important things in astrology – the Sun, Moon and Planets. These are the language of astrology’s verbs. Then we are going to look at the Houses, which are astrology’s nouns. This will take us the better part of 11 or 12 meetings – before we really study Signs and what they are.”

The first seven meetings cover, in order Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, The Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. There is homework after each meeting. Each student is asked to come up with ten verbs for the body we are studying that meeting. It’s more difficult than it sounds at first, they usually figure out. We go over the verbs at the next meeting before we start in on the next planet in the sequence. After the first seven sessions, I do one session on Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

The next sessions concern the Houses as nouns – divided into Angular, Succedent and Cadent.

Then, finally, there are sessions on the signs – the adverbs. First taking them on as Elements, then as Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, then looking at where the Planets fit into each sign (or not) dignity wise. This usually takes three classes overall, depending on how well the students are integrating things. Aspects (Ptolemaic at this point only) as adjectives are then discussed for one class – as the stage has been set for their energies by the previous discussions.

Then, and only then, do we really begin to explore chart synthesis, after learning how to do basic chart calculations. Any other techniques are not for basic classes.

The total of beginning class sessions should take around 16 meetings. You’ll notice that fully half of those sessions concern ONLY the Sun, Moon, and Planets.

Why? Because they are the most important thing in astrology.

You can’t do any sort of astrology without them.
Frank, this is a wonderful addition to this Forum. I hope all the members here will read this as indeed, as you say:
People who have barely even looked at a chart are suddenly zooming off to investigate hypothetical planets, thousands of asteroids, and arcane techniques.
This is what exasperates me every time again. Even the other day someone was asking about a point in space I just had never even heard of!!! and I am in this business for over 30 years.

Thank you very much for the precise and "step for step" explanation on how you work. This will be a great help for any beginner. New beginners just have to learn to be patient and stop being curious about what will happen to them. I cant tell you how often I have pointed that out.

Made my day!

I would love to put this thread somewhere else, in recommendations maybe? What do you think. It is just too good for the chat department. Let me know and I will move it for you.

I agree. I've been into the basics for more than 20 years. Even more basic than you tell, as I still can't really grasp general relations between planets. I know the theory, but getting to see those aspects between planets is not simple. We need a very deep knowledge of ourselves just to see all that in our own chart. I have not gone to that level of self-understanding.

As for transits, something especial would be easy to see, but that does not happen every day.

There are so many is really confusing. For instance, last thing I was reading was Progressed Charts. Now my chart is not supposed to be my natal chart according to that. Well, that is perplexing to me. :unsure: :andy:
How I can relate to what you are saying. So much information and it can be confusing.

However I try to keep things simple. I use major planets and major aspects only. Plus the Nodes.

With transits and progressions we must only look to those that are echoed in the natal chart and that cuts a lot of the dross. The aspects do not have to be the same, but the connection must be there. If you have all three progressed, transitting and natal charts with aspects showing, the pertinent event according to the planets involved will come about. It is inevitable. However with just transits you can also feel the effects but perhaps not life changing. There is much information on transits and progressions to be had on the net and I would recommend Celeste Teal and anything by Liz Greene.
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Thank you so much for posting this. I have just started to investigate astrology in the last few weeks after seeing my chart on astro cafe. I was amazed, and started to do some reading on the 'net. Just today I sat down and make a list of what I wanted to start taking notes on, working towards building a notebook. (Very funny that this has always been my approach when tackling a complex task- and I have seen it in my chart "readings", in the clinical snippets and definitions that the databases have spat out!)

I am very intrigued by the use of Natal Charts to identify strengths and weaknesses in ones' character and provide focus for self improvement. If I can recognize an area that I have fought against and instead embrace it, how much more powerful can I be? The same applies in the other direction: if I can identify an area that I have stubbornly clung to as "just the way I am" as self (and other) destructive, can giving it an honest appraisal be anything other than beneficial?

To be honest, some other applications of astrology still give me pause. I have identified as a Christian by choice my entire adult life, and I am weighing what I have been taught against what the Bible actually says. I am still not telling close friends and family about my explorations until I have enough of a grasp on the material to be able to make a clear case. At this point, I just don't know what to say. From sola scriptura to astrology is a mighty big leap!

All of this to say, thank you again for your guidance, as well as to others on this forum that I am building on. I have exactly $0 to spend on this pursuit at this time, and the smargasborg of the internet can be a little overwhelming without a basic menu.

Off to start printing/highlighting/notetaking with my eyes open...
03/20/71 San Francisco, CA 03:27 AM
pisces/aries, cap, cap

PS I'm going to go and try to figure out how to link a thumnail or link to my chart for a custom signature. If it doesn't show up I'll come back and add it later.
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Frank, wonderful start and explanations. It should be noted that at the top of 'every forum' are sticky's for people to investigate what that forum is all about, before diving in with both feet.

When I teach astrology I start with sun in signs, in houses, moon in signs, in houses, mercury in signs/houses. That way they eventually 'rectify' their own chart. Again I teach Equal house system and most people come to astrology via and the default ‘house system’ used is Placidus and think that’s just the norm and all that there is……..BUT that is just the tip of the iceberg. You can change the default on in Extended Chart selection to Equal house and a few more

Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

I actually use lots of simple analogies like:-
Your natal chart is like a photograph as unique as your fingerprint, BUT the 10planets in the sky have not stayed where they were in your natal chart, they have all moved. Predictive astrology is mostly maths where those 10planets are now and the mathematical aspects they make to your natal charts ie: 180'=opposition, 90'=square, 60'=sextile and 120'=trine.

So your personality, grows, develops, changes, matures as we get older, this is reflected by your sun sign changing from it's natal position to the next sign along, so does your Asc and MC sign change. In fact from sun to mars espec are important, as the outer planets really don't move much, using a 'day for a year' secondary progressions.

Houses: angular houses 1/7 4/10 the energies of planets placed here are obvious cos it's your 'shop window' visible for everyone to see. Next the succeedent houses 2/8 & 5/11 the energies in these houses are not in shop window the are in the shop, but stood behind the counter, ready to come out when needed. Lastly, cadent houses 6/12 & 3/9 these houses/planets are not in shop window or stood behind the counter, they are in the back storeroom and only come out when 'triggered' or an emergency and much harder to recognise and access...

The houses are like the backdrop of a stage, the setting if you like, the planets are like actors and the aspects are how the planets behave in that settings/stage....

MC is our professional image and how we want to be perceived in society, career/workwise, what we are/become known for which is different from Asc or sun sign

I have Saggi MC and can behave like extrovert sagg, teach, have interests in 9th house matters, religion, law, philosophy, always enjoy learning new things. But that's not the real me either, the real me is the 'sun sign' think of the glass milk bottle analogy again, the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck. The bottle being the Asc sign and most visible to other.

Plus the Asc sign is the chemistry, lust and attraction factor when boy meets girl, it's what gets a relationship going. BUT have you never heard (even from your school days) that after a few weeks or months, that mask and persona has to drop and you have to get to know the person underneath and that's totally different to the image we 'project' outwards.

It's important for newbies not to 'overload' with information. Like any form of studying it's best done in 'small chunks' buy a few goods books. We have great 'Recommendations forum' here as well as Educ Forum.

Amongst other things, astrology is a wonderful tool for understanding yourself and others better.....enabling us to make better choices in life as we become aware of how our behaviour influences what happens to us through the law of cause and effect. Astrology does not reliably predict the future.......But it can provide an excellent insight into the psychological make-up of people, enabling us to accurately predict their behaviour and it's resultant effects

If you intend to learn about astrology, you will need to begin with a natal chart, it need not necessarily be your own, but many choose to begin this way, in an effort to better understand their own life journey, and purpose. Astrological natal charts are as individual as a persons ‘fingerprints’ depending on where (latitude & longitude) and time of birth.It is important to get your *time of your birth* as this is the most important information.

When a Sun is conjunct any of the outer weight planets it automatically becomes an honorary Saturian, Uranian, Neptunian and Plutonian, cos their influence seems to overshadow the 'light' and sun's energies...

Also using solar arcs to me is very basic stuff and encourages learners to have a little go at rectifying thier chart but predictive simple stuff to.

Astrology is not about sitting home on the couch eating nachos and waiting for the planets to make good things happen in your life. It is always your responsibility to work towards making your own dreams come true. Horoscopes simply help you to schedule your actions for the best possible outcome

There has been some interesting threads of late regarding 'cookbooks' and learning astrology...
Freewill of clients

Learning astrology via ‘cookbooks’

Perhaps you should read this thread entitled: astrology predicts meanings, not events
Etiquette and telling people their fate
10Do’s and Don’ts with astrology by Rahu

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By Astro50,

Astrology is not about sitting home on the couch eating nachos and waiting for the planets to make good things happen in your life. It is always your responsibility to work towards making your own dreams come true. Horoscopes simply help you to schedule your actions for the best possible outcome

Is there a camera in my house :biggrin:. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to transiting Jupiter in Aries conjunct Uranus in my 8th house and trine to my Jupiter in Leo 11th. Great opportunities are in store for me. Saturn will trine my M.C and I am waiting for the goodies. I am the worst astrologer ever, so evil :whistling:.

I respect all the points expressed, learning all the time :wink:
As a fellow astrology teacher you are right on!!! THe problem is that immature and inexperienced people espouse all sorts of astrology techniques when it is a science and an art that take experience and wisdom to handle responsibly.

SUre it is fine to experiment and research but it is an ancient science with basic principles that need always to be adhered to. I am not an advocate of asteroids, fixed stars or the like and it is well known here. Keep a complex subject as simple as possible is my motto. The major planets in our solar system and the nodes. I dont bother with minor aspects unless there is very little else to work with which is very rare. Chiron is possibly valid and I use it but as an adjunct and not a major player.

Good work.:happy:
Thank you so much for posting this. I have just started to investigate astrology in the last few weeks after seeing my chart on astro cafe. I was amazed, and started to do some reading on the 'net. Just today I sat down and make a list of what I wanted to start taking notes on, working towards building a notebook. (Very funny that this has always been my approach when tackling a complex task- and I have seen it in my chart "readings", in the clinical snippets and definitions that the databases have spat out!)

I am very intrigued by the use of Natal Charts to identify strengths and weaknesses in ones' character and provide focus for self improvement. If I can recognize an area that I have fought against and instead embrace it, how much more powerful can I be? The same applies in the other direction: if I can identify an area that I have stubbornly clung to as "just the way I am" as self (and other) destructive, can giving it an honest appraisal be anything other than beneficial?

To be honest, some other applications of astrology still give me pause. I have identified as a Christian by choice my entire adult life, and I am weighing what I have been taught against what the Bible actually says. I am still not telling close friends and family about my explorations until I have enough of a grasp on the material to be able to make a clear case. At this point, I just don't know what to say. From sola scriptura to astrology is a mighty big leap!

All of this to say, thank you again for your guidance, as well as to others on this forum that I am building on. I have exactly $0 to spend on this pursuit at this time, and the smargasborg of the internet can be a little overwhelming without a basic menu.

Off to start printing/highlighting/notetaking with my eyes open...
03/20/71 San Francisco, CA 03:27 AM
pisces/aries, cap, cap

PS I'm going to go and try to figure out how to link a thumnail or link to my chart for a custom signature. If it doesn't show up I'll come back and add it later.

Very well put. The Church typically advised against the masses gaining too much knowledge and therefore not able to be controlled. They have typically used it themselves however for a long time. God created the Universe and we are part of it all. Keep them dumbed down and in fear has been the modus operandi of the church.

To be a genuine astrologer is to know that your beliefs only deepen when you know that there is a Godforce, whatever that may be, not a person as we know it and certainly not restricted to "He". I would suggest. We all know that the Bible has been adulterated, misinterpreted and edited to suit the prevailing authorities and their agendas.
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Very well put. The Church typically advised against the masses gaining too much knowledge and therefore not able to be controlled. They have typically used it themselves however for a long time. God created the Universe and we are part of it all. Keep them dumbed down and in fear has been their modus operandi. To be a genuine astrologer is to know that your beliefs only deepen and know that there is a Godforce behind everything. We all know that the Bible has been adulterated, misinterpreted and edited to suit the prevailing authorities.

Amen! Preach it, sister!:biggrin:

Very well put, Claire! Actually, after having endured a huge crisis of faith, much of it at the hands of "the Church" - it was watching the transits, and seeing that they never fail - that helped restore my faith in something greater than myself actually being in control of everything.

I agree. I've been into the basics for more than 20 years. Even more basic than you tell, as I still can't really grasp general relations between planets. I know the theory, but getting to see those aspects between planets is not simple. We need a very deep knowledge of ourselves just to see all that in our own chart. I have not gone to that level of self-understanding.

I have almost the same problem. I have been into the basics and slightly more beyond for 7+ years now. It is not as much time but I am still finding new things out everyday. It is hard for me to read of the bat what the major aspects, or planets in houses/signs mean. I have been studying my own chart for some time, and I am always finding non-cookbooks on the aspects, houses, etc. I am still finding new things out everyday about my chart. I love the learning experience and getting a general feel for what it all means. That is why I am so delighted to have found this forum, where I can learn and grow as an astrologer; where people are here to help/teach and give me the insight on interpreting my own chart, maybe later in the future other charts.
By Astro50,

Astrology is not about sitting home on the couch eating nachos and waiting for the planets to make good things happen in your life. It is always your responsibility to work towards making your own dreams come true. Horoscopes simply help you to schedule your actions for the best possible outcome

Is there a camera in my house :biggrin:. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to transiting Jupiter in Aries conjunct Uranus in my 8th house and trine to my Jupiter in Leo 11th. Great opportunities are in store for me. Saturn will trine my M.C and I am waiting for the goodies. I am the worst astrologer ever, so evil :whistling:.

I respect all the points expressed, learning all the time :wink:
I am presuming Jupiter contacts Uranus natally??? THe trine with Jupiter should be enlightening. Saturn is in aspect to your MC natally???
Group associations connected to matters of universal truth and philosophies in life. Also the afterlife and reincarnation etc. You may gain from being involved with humanitarian endeavours. New Age technologies and hopes for the future are view with optimism and may present opportunity. If indeed Jupiter aspects Uranus natally it is a great time learn astrology of course.
Frank wrote:
With the myriad of choices the Internet presents to those who wish to begin studying astrology, things can get confusing. People who have barely even looked at a chart are suddenly zooming off to investigate hypothetical planets, thousands of asteroids, and arcane techniques........................

I'm probably putting my head on the chopping block here, yet I think the major problem with those who start 'to study' astrology is that most of them aren't actually interested in learning the craft and its techniques for itself, rather than fulfilling a Mercurial curiousity in a general knowledge of what it can tell them in the way of predicting/answering personal life events..... and then as quickly as possible.

According to the statistics, this forum boasts over 9000 members who have made themselves known at some time or another, of which less than 10% is ' currently active'. Of that total or percentage, how many are, or remain, questioners who are not really interested in offering insights to others as a result of their love for (Venus) and actively working (Mars) towards gaining knowledge(Jupiter) in mastering (Saturn) a subject beyond their personal self (Uranus)? IMHO there has to be more than plain interst and curiousity to study any subject in depth.....of which astrology is but one of many.

A student of astrology.:joyful:
I have almost the same problem. I have been into the basics and slightly more beyond for 7+ years now. It is not as much time but I am still finding new things out everyday. It is hard for me to read of the bat what the major aspects, or planets in houses/signs mean. I have been studying my own chart for some time, and I am always finding non-cookbooks on the aspects, houses, etc. I am still finding new things out everyday about my chart. I love the learning experience and getting a general feel for what it all means. That is why I am so delighted to have found this forum, where I can learn and grow as an astrologer; where people are here to help/teach and give me the insight on interpreting my own chart, maybe later in the future other charts.

Well, when you are looking at your own chart, it will be the most difficult to interprete it by yourself. Astrology in my opinion is a research which complete your knowledge of yourself - but that is something what us occupy the whole life! We are too much nearby to ourselves, that makes us blind :sick:. For me I found it always easier to interprete charts of people who are unknown to me. Even the charts of my relatives are not so easy for me, and I don't know, why it is so. I suppose that astrology as an insight in our inner world is a similar mannor with an analysis. There also it isn't easy to do it alone yourself.

The Church typically advised against the masses gaining too much knowledge and therefore not able to be controlled.
Oh! I wouldn't say it so radically because it looks just as the same sentence of this beardet which is, that the religion is like an opium for the peoples.:cool:
The church isn't only your own church where you are going for the sunday preache. The church is that institution where many knowledge and scientific has be done, too. I think only at St. Thomas for whom the soul is identical with wisdom.
Now, the power of the church - and that is the problem with every religion, not only with the christianisme - better, the power in every thing likes to be unique and use sometimes methods which are not so legitime as they want to be....

With all my peacefull thoughts
I am presuming Jupiter contacts Uranus natally??? THe trine with Jupiter should be enlightening. Saturn is in aspect to your MC natally???
Group associations connected to matters of universal truth and philosophies in life. Also the afterlife and reincarnation etc. You may gain from being involved with humanitarian endeavours. New Age technologies and hopes for the future are view with optimism and may present opportunity. If indeed Jupiter aspects Uranus natally it is a great time learn astrology of course.

A very wide trine of Jupiter trine Uranus, I have always fared well under Jupiter transits it rules my three planets in Pisces. Jupiter is in Uranus' house natally (11th), and I expect this trine to indeed enlarge my philosophical and maybe astrological scope too. More opportunities for me to learn and broaden my astrology. A similar aspect has usually resulted in new astrological software computers etc, Uranus aspects always affects my mental perceptions (natal 3rd). My Saturn rises natally on the Asc and opposes my Sun, no aspect to M.C. This aspect could be as minor as working towards aspirations, it doesn't always mean a concrete opportunity, perhaps psychologically I feel more focused on learning skills (Saturn in Virgo) to advance my career (M.C). I am currently considering a way to make money with astrology. At the moment Saturn in presenting more difficult times in achieving what I want with it opposing my Moon/Mercury conjunction in 7th and it is square to my 4th house Neptune. My brother is having his wedding under my afflictions :whistling:, siblings/family are chained for life, or to put it nicely making a "solid committment". I have to work hard under these transits and hopefully rewards will be felt during my trining season. For Christmas I have Saturn opposed Moon :crying: what a depressing christmas. Maybe my partner forgets to buy me a present :biggrin:. I will see how these transits unfold and what develops. :smile:

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