Belgian League Title

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In my opinion, Union SG is closer to win here.
But...I can be wrong. I use other observations. Not Frawley.
It is worth listening to other versions.
What observations do you use?
I apologize for the long answer. I watch the moon and its aspects, as well as the positions of POF, APOF.
According to my observations, a team in light kits (Union SG) can win today.
This is not a statement. My opinion may be wrong.
The Moon squaring Fortuna should help Antwerp win this match and the title,
hope kaneza will be pleased as most of antwerp ^^
The Moon squaring Fortuna should help Antwerp win this match and the title,
hope kaneza will be pleased as most of antwerp ^^
Gecko, Hi!
light kit win?
Antverp- red
Union SG - black (they are usually in white).
What do you think about it?
i had the darker energy stronger
thought union would wear white- i dont understand these kit-clashs ^^