“This works for me, why doesn’t it work for other people? Because it works for me because I know it does because I know this person.” :/
Why are you bothering posting for others if it’s fine *for you*? Bad logic for a forum post to put something you think you can read yet others are *quite reasonably* explaining why they can’t. Try again.
Some people use things other than whole signs, which after experience I can’t judge as an accurate form of chart dileniation unless you are looking at true planetary strength. But you’ll know what *happens* to a native with a house system such as Placidus, Regio, or Alcabitius. And isn’t that what we want to know?
The chart is the method we read the native. However, dozens of things can be inaccurate, resulting in a bad analysis. What year were they born? What day? What TIME, as accurate as you can? Furthermore, WHERE were they born? Close to the equator or far away — that stuff also affects the energies of the planets (though typically this is more important to me for diurnal/nocturnal chart delineation). And most importantly, is the information above ACCURATE?
What’s worse is you can know all this stuff and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll still mess up. You think you know your native? I doubt it, no matter what you say. Sorry. Most of the stuff you THINK is what it is, is almost likely to be incorrect due to our faulty assumptions.
And if I had to guess, it’s Tom Petty.