Birth Chart Puzzle: Who is this celebrity?

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Could you please explain why the chart is illegible?

I would have thought it would be better for the exercise, if
the native had less stats and astro info about him for the challenge.
It is supposed to be a mysterious figure to be revealed by the chart?

After all, he is not a joe bloc from street, without any record of fame and public popularity. He had been hugely popular during 1940-1980s.

Could you please explain which part of the chart is illegible? and I will try to clarify.
In that case a completely blank chart seems the best option :smile:
Alright, you only give glyphs and the natal wheel. This locks a lot of people who don't use whole signs. There is also a lack of angles in the chart, which doesn't help the ability to read the chart more presicely (for instance timing techniques if one wanted to pinpoint events in this celebrities life)

I get that you want to keep as much information as possible out in order to make it more challenging. Are you gaurding against people googling the celebrity once they know the place and date of birth? All you can do in a forum full of strangers is to take it on faith that persons won't go peeking and that they are more driven in applying their knowledge than in being right. What you're doing seems to be shutting out both types of persons.

hmmm... Whole Sign chart is one of the most traditional charts I would have thought.

No no, trust and faith and google search on the natives's place of birth was not in my mind at all.

It just happened to me that the natives is one of my favorite musician, and I came across his birth chart on the site. I tried to find him in, but he was not in their databank.

I studied his chart and his life, and they resonated well, so I thought it would be good for a wee exercise on Astrology. :)

I am only a newbie in Astrology, and studying his chart and life, helped improving my knowledge a lot. Really that's all. :)

Meaning, the chart is illegible
you're putting people through unnecesary hurdles
in order to actually get to chart reading.
Is it surprising that people just leave instead of expending energy
to take part in the challenge?

You have some threads on here and skyscript that make it easier
for people to take part in "mystery charts".
All the information for the chart is given in the OP
so that people who do not rely on can plug into their own
special brand of software.
If you don't have the TOB
and have to recourse to an illegible chart
and co-ordinates
so that people have to reverse engineer the natal in astro, most people
would probably say it's not worth the effort.

Why don't you use someone else who you have all the stats for?
You might get more participation if you do that.
Quite :smile:
ITT: You (the OP) are *completely* missing the points of some of the more knowledgeable posters. Like it’s to a point where this topic is a waste of time because you’re asking to guess who a native is without one of the most essential pieces to being able to draft an accurate nativity.

I chose because it’s easy and accurate — two things you would be wise to seek in a topic such as astrology.

And WHY does it HAVE HAVE HAVE to be this guy? Just pick another bleeding guitar player for crying out loud, there’s like billions to choose from. At least give people a chance at guessing through delineation. Don’t be stubborn.
The most essential part in Astrology is the chart, and we already have it from the OP.

As said in the previous posts, I found this native popular famous in the past, but has little Astrological information about him on the internet, which makes him an ideal candidate for detective work guessing who he is just by looking at the birth chart.

Not saying and never said anything about it has to be this guy, or anything like that - he is just an interesting character, and his chart resonates well with his real life.

I don't think it makes any sense to say - any other chart is better than this chart, or chart is the only chart one has to be able to read, and why use this guy's chart to guess, when there are so many other guitarists chart.

He has been chosen as my mysterious native, because I know his life very well, and the chart was interesting to study compared to his real life he had.
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hmmm strange, the chart is very much readable to me. It is a whole house chart, and shows all the planets plus it gives the positions in angles and main aspects.

What else do you need? :)

“This works for me, why doesn’t it work for other people? Because it works for me because I know it does because I know this person.” :/

Why are you bothering posting for others if it’s fine *for you*? Bad logic for a forum post to put something you think you can read yet others are *quite reasonably* explaining why they can’t. Try again.

Some people use things other than whole signs, which after experience I can’t judge as an accurate form of chart dileniation unless you are looking at true planetary strength. But you’ll know what *happens* to a native with a house system such as Placidus, Regio, or Alcabitius. And isn’t that what we want to know?

The chart is the method we read the native. However, dozens of things can be inaccurate, resulting in a bad analysis. What year were they born? What day? What TIME, as accurate as you can? Furthermore, WHERE were they born? Close to the equator or far away — that stuff also affects the energies of the planets (though typically this is more important to me for diurnal/nocturnal chart delineation). And most importantly, is the information above ACCURATE?

What’s worse is you can know all this stuff and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll still mess up. You think you know your native? I doubt it, no matter what you say. Sorry. Most of the stuff you THINK is what it is, is almost likely to be incorrect due to our faulty assumptions.

And if I had to guess, it’s Tom Petty.
“This works for me, why doesn’t it work for other people? Because it works for me because I know it does because I know this person.” :/

Why are you bothering posting for others if it’s fine *for you*? Bad logic for a forum post to put something you think you can read yet others are *quite reasonably* explaining why they can’t. Try again.

Some people use things other than whole signs, which after experience I can’t judge as an accurate form of chart dileniation unless you are looking at true planetary strength. But you’ll know what *happens* to a native with a house system such as Placidus, Regio, or Alcabitius. And isn’t that what we want to know?

The chart is the method we read the native. However, dozens of things can be inaccurate, resulting in a bad analysis. What year were they born? What day? What TIME, as accurate as you can? Furthermore, WHERE were they born? Close to the equator or far away — that stuff also affects the energies of the planets (though typically this is more important to me for diurnal/nocturnal chart delineation). And most importantly, is the information above ACCURATE?

What’s worse is you can know all this stuff and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll still mess up. You think you know your native? I doubt it, no matter what you say. Sorry. Most of the stuff you THINK is what it is, is almost likely to be incorrect due to our faulty assumptions.

And if I had to guess, it’s Tom Petty.

The person has been dead for over 30 years
My guess is Julia child
“This works for me, why doesn’t it work for other people? Because it works for me because I know it does because I know this person.” :/

Why are you bothering posting for others if it’s fine *for you*? Bad logic for a forum post to put something you think you can read yet others are *quite reasonably* explaining why they can’t. Try again.

Some people use things other than whole signs, which after experience I can’t judge as an accurate form of chart dileniation unless you are looking at true planetary strength. But you’ll know what *happens* to a native with a house system such as Placidus, Regio, or Alcabitius. And isn’t that what we want to know?

The chart is the method we read the native. However, dozens of things can be inaccurate, resulting in a bad analysis. What year were they born? What day? What TIME, as accurate as you can? Furthermore, WHERE were they born? Close to the equator or far away — that stuff also affects the energies of the planets (though typically this is more important to me for diurnal/nocturnal chart delineation). And most importantly, is the information above ACCURATE?

What’s worse is you can know all this stuff and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll still mess up. You think you know your native? I doubt it, no matter what you say. Sorry. Most of the stuff you THINK is what it is, is almost likely to be incorrect due to our faulty assumptions.

And if I had to guess, it’s Tom Petty.

This clearly makes me conclude that you have not even read the previous main posts in this thread, and not even looked at the birth chart and other information given out for the puzzle.

Thank you for your guess - but incorrect.
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Please look at the chart. Please look at his 8th house and 12th house and 6th house. What would have been the cause for his death?

8th house is Aquarius, and has Moon, Venus and Uranus in it.
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Please look at the chart. Please look at his 8th house and 12th house and 6th house. What would have been the cause for his death?

8th house is Aquarius, and has Moon, Venus and Uranus in it.

Marvin Gaye? Ok he is an Aries but that is still my guess.
Marvin Gaye? Ok he is an Aries but that is still my guess.


8th House Aquarius with Venus and Moon placed in there?

The native had been drinking (Aquarius) heavily (Venus) from early age (Moon). = cause of death.

So we know he had been a successful and popular guitarist and singer who died in early 1980s.
He had been indulging in drinking from his early age, which caused his terminal illness and contributed to his death.
We also know he was very rich due to success of his career.
He had never been married, or his marital status unknown.
He had many romantic relations with his close friends of opposite sex.
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He gets diagnosed as Esophagus cancer (Pluto in 12th house, squaring with SUN).

Pluto is also conjunction with Mars (Terminal illness).

hmmm strange, the chart is very much readable to me.
It is a whole house chart, and shows all the planets
plus it gives the positions in angles and main aspects.

What else do you need? :)
Strangely, you continually ignore requests for a time of birth mon ami :smile:

And since you don't seem to get it,

I'll explain (referring to your first post on this thread).

You CAN'T guess the person' profession without a reliable time of birth.

You CAN'T guess when the person will get married
and what the spouse will be like
without a reliable time of birth.

You CAN'T determine if the person's career path will be successful or not
without a reliable time of birth.

You CAN'T find out how and when the native will die
without a reliable time of birth.

There is no point in trying to do any of this
without a reliable time of birth.
Strangely, you continually ignore requests for a time of birth mon ami :smile:

As I have repeated umpteen times in previous posts, I don't have his TOB, but I am going by the web sites chart, and seems working great.

But if you really insist, it is 1:50pm, and that's the time that I guesstimated from the chart, and with his DOB, reproduced chart seems very similar with the web site's chart.

I am just impressed how his birth chart resonates well with his real life. :)
As I have repeated umpteen times in previous posts, I don't have his TOB, but
I am going by the web sites chart, and seems working great.

But if you really insist, it is 1:50pm, and that's the time
that I guesstimated from the chart, and with his DOB, reproduced chart
seems very similar with the web site's chart.

I am just impressed how his birth chart
resonates well with his real life.
ok well when you have a bona fide time of birth do post it :smile:
ok well when you have a bona fide time of birth do post it :smile:

I am not sure if you need dead accurate birth time of natives for delineation.
Would you say thousands and hundred years ago, they were all recording their birth times of people as accurate as minutes?

I would rather doubt about that actually. Their clocks were based on Sun dial stuff long time ago, and then what type of clocks and watches had they been using? I am not sure, but not that accurate ones, I would imagine.

Really it is a bit too naive to imagine that they were cutting birth times of people to minutes and seconds.

Even people who were born in recent times don't seem to have accurate birth times.

And really, you don't need that accurate birth time to make astrological delineation. Even if you did, depending on what house system you use, planets will change their positions in the houses. :)